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Goderich Signal Star, 2017-02-22, Page 9
Wednesday, February 22, 2017 • Signal Star 9 CL -CH Heartwarming Luncheon continues to improve with age About 800 patrons enjoy lunch in support of Community Living projects Dave Sykes Special to the Signal Star Many of life's pleasures improve with age, a time- worn adage asserts. As Com- munity Living -Central Huron's Heartwarming Luncheon approaches 30 years, it wears its age well. The 29th edition of the Heartwarming Luncheon, held at the Goderich Legion on Friday, Feb. 10, was again an unqualified success as hundreds of lunches were assembled, served and delivered by a well -orches- trated volunteer effort. And the community support, which helps raise needed funds for the agency's ongoing mandate to provide. quality of life services and programs for individuals and families in the central por- tion of I luron County, is crit- ical to the process. The community responded in great numbers last Friday, as about 800 meals were served and deliv- ered, helping to generate the funds needed to support over 300 individuals with physical and developmental disabilities, lead productive lives that contribute to the quality of life in their own communities. The generous support of the community means that Community Living -Central Huron can continue. to meet, the needs of families anc * their efforts to provide meaningful life experiences for adults living with devel- opmental and physical challenges. "Monies raised from the Ileartwarming Luncheon are used to assist individual supported," Community Living -Central Huron Exec- utive Director Rosemary Foran said. "The types of supports vary depending on need, for example, funds may be used to assist peo- ple to purchase mobility aids, specialized equip- ment, winter coats and boots, caarnp registration fees and one-to-one sup- port for camp, over -night respite support, etc. Indi- viduals supported live on a fixed income, so there is not always money to • Dave Sykes/Special to the Signal Star A well orchestrated volunteer effort helps assemble, serve and deliver over 800 lunches at the CL - CH Heartwarming Luncheon. Ruby Hasnoot, Lisa Smith, Carol Rean, Kate Adams and Donna Martin diligently prepare the beef and turkey lunches in the Kitchen. goderichsignalstar.com purchase necessities, let alone money for additional items.' This year, the agency's annual fundraising lunch- eon expanded to include the Dave Mounsey Memorial Fund Awards, presented at the conclusion of the day's lunch program. 'l'he Memorial Fund was created in 2009 to honour the dedication that OPP Constable Dave Mounsey had to his community and to donate life-saving defibrilla- tors to public -access buildings. In 2012, Fund founder, OPP Constable Patrick Armstrong, created the Order of Good Samaratin Awards to thank countless community volunteers who give of their time and talents to improve their respective communities. The awards were presented at the con- clusion of the Heartwarming Luncheon. R51W Land Exchange Ltd. Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated 32 West Street, Goderich 519-524-1900 Check Out Our New Website "FOR MOST LOCAL AND ONTARIO LISTINGS" Mark McDougall Sales Representative CeII: 519-955-2522 Renate Sieber - Schlegel Broker of Record CeII: 519-531-1177 RemaxLand Exchange.ca Amanda McClenaghan Sales Representative Cell: 519-525-8600 OPEN HOUSE. , 904265 1ALBOT imlt‹. 62A Elgin is Ave ©fie E., OPEN HOUSE "_-_ ,__ 925742 SAT. FEB. 25T/111 A.M. TO 1 P.M. 220 BRIM$COMBIc CRES., GODERICH STREET APPEAL! $459,900. #24 Goderich, N7A 1K2 Brokerage 519-524-4473 •Aventure'"' •Rea97 ta Member of WWW.talbOtreatty.COrTI Network SUNDAY FEB. 26TH 1 P.M. TO 3 P.M. ELGIN AVE. E., GODERICH CLASSIC 2 STOREY GEM! 5299,900.#20 inrIlirriOPEN HOUSE�' i J i' IDEAL RETIREMENT 2 + 1 berm. Quiet street furnace (2017) Finished LL -Must - ij 1 ' + HOME! 2 bath west end home. Fenced yard. HE gas Steel Roof (2012) see! S242,900. #3 ; : ' 218822 OPEN CONCEPT! Bungalow w/2 car garage. Extensively renovated 2016. New kitchen w/island. Main fl laundry. 3 baths. 2 bdrms. LL Fam rm. & Oen. S274,900. #53 ll II 1, g - 143903 s L 'II YESTERYEAR CHARM! 3 bdrm. 2 li storey red brick wleamort. An abundance of natural woodwork & hardwood firs. Gas fireplace. Finished . tower level. Workshop. $269,000. #19 SAT. FEB. 25TH 10 A.M. TO 12 NOON 6 BENNETT ST. E., GODERICH FAMILY HOME! $289,900. #11 •t v LAKE AREA ESTATE! 6 + bdrms, 5 + fireplaces. Indoor pool. Separate apartment. Tons of living space. Ideal Bed & Breakfast 5875.000. #58 126505 MARLANO RIVER NEW! 3.6 acre lot 3 + 2 bdrm home. 2 -car garage. Finished lower level. In -grand pod. $539,900. #35 _-`-- 845740 .V..-. ' 179911 - - • EXECUTIVE STYLE & CLASS! Custom designed. 2 -car garage. Impressive features. Grainy Sinn -tame office potential. A MUST SEE! 5439,900. #48 IDEAL STARTER OR INVESTMENT! 3 bdrm home. Maintenance -free exterior. Large lot. 2 Pc ensuite. Hardwood floors. Quiet west end street 5159,900. #43 411441111 -lc I ' 1J ROOM TO ROAM - 4. t • 4. • ES! Your opportu"" .. r in E.4.2 Spac r i llt VT 1 • to wirl r 14. r�� ted aluminum shop 43x60'. $280.000. #10 tilittliillak ` 'n 101111r - 814947 , r , -`=", 994707 SPECTACULAR LAKEVIEW! Immaculately maintained 3 season 2 bedroom mobile home overlooking Lake Huron. Only 536,000. #42 TAKE A LOOK Comfortable & affordable year-round living along Lake Huron. Newly renovated modular home w/addition. Leased land. S59,900. #38 HOBBYISTS TAKE NOTE! acres. . Paved road. 20' X 60' shop. 3+1 BR home. Main fl laundry. Steel Roof. Updated hydro. Propane furnace & woodstove. 5245,500.415 447048 LOTS OF 310513 108611 �- 1 - ` `- 674388 LOTS! 196' x 110' Seaforth $159,000 #65 32 acres Wingham $279,000 #41 43 acres Wingham 99,000 #40. 246' deep Goderich $74,900 #45 73' X 107' Goderich $99,700 #5 Goderich Core Area Commercial $79,Q00 #71 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Blyth. Over 2,000 sq. ft. commercial space. Impressive living quarters. 3 bay garage. Workshop. Must be seen! 5349,000. #46 FOR SALE OR LEASE! Great Hwy. 21 exposure. 205' frontage. C3 toning. Numerous buildings for multi -use or re -development. 5779,000. #18 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! Well established easy 10 manage Business + home w/pool. Updated windows, steel roof & kitchen. 5299,000. #7 s Your Home ? :� , .. • ` `1 iiiiisgip, _- ' . 566960 COUNTRY CHARM -12A ACRES! Home + severance development possibilities. 4 bdrm sided home519 w/main level family room. $419,900. #8 ", ```` B®T BROKERAGE ;' ' BUY INM1 CONFIDENCE! Call for 5244473 •NOT a Free www.talbotrealty.com INTENOEO TO 67A Ergia Avenue East Goderifi. ON N7A I K2 SELL WITH EXPERIENCE! Home Evaluation! SOOUT ►ROIERTIES ALREADY FOR SAIF R51W Land Exchange Ltd. Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated 32 West Street, Goderich 519-524-1900 Check Out Our New Website "FOR MOST LOCAL AND ONTARIO LISTINGS" Mark McDougall Sales Representative CeII: 519-955-2522 Renate Sieber - Schlegel Broker of Record CeII: 519-531-1177 RemaxLand Exchange.ca Amanda McClenaghan Sales Representative Cell: 519-525-8600