HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-09-28, Page 8r4 Page 8 THE WINGHAM TIMES September, 28, 1916 MSN UNT[D Steady Employment Guaranted. Apply to Western foundry Co. LIMITED WINGHAM, ONTARIO ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. Had Successful Season." Mr. John Kerr is completing a very DISTRICTITEMSsuccessful season at the gardening and, p h w poultry business and w111 soon have is , b t ork completed for the fall. The change of work has been beneficial and George Bedford, merchant of Eexter has exchanged his store for the 150 acre farin of Mr. Tower, in the town- ship of Aldborough. Mr. Bedford bought the business from Carling Bros. a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Dods, Alton, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Muriel Eda, to Dr. Hugh G. MacDonnell, Goderich, the marriage to take place early in Octoher A cablegram was received by the friends of Capt. "Bob" Pearson, at Ethel, on Thursday, stating that he had been wounded in the chest. Capt. Pearson was in charge of a Calgary battalion. His mother resided in Grey Township. A deputation from the Goderieh Board of Trade interviewed Col. L. W. Shannon at London militia headquarters Saturday with a view to seeing what could be done with regard to wintering a certain number of troops in the Huron town this winter. Mr. Kerr has fully regained his health. His time will not be taken up with his business and he is open to take a position for the winter months. Battalion Inspected At the general inspection of the Batt- alion held at Camp Borden on Monday last, which inspection is very thorough and exactirg every officer, non-comm- issioned officer and man is examined and the inspection is conducted ny L. T. Co. Campbell, assistant G. S. 0. At the conclusion of the inspection he made these observation: I am pleased with what I have seen to -day. Yea have a fine soldierly body of men, with only three exceptions, they were in splendid condition. Your officers are a splendid body of men and know their work well. Your non-commissioned offi- cers are exceptionally bright and eff- icient and you are to be congratulated on having such a creditable battalion. WANTED —Live prices paid. tf Poultry. Highest W. J. ARMOUR, TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big stock of select from at lowest prriicce . GREER. To RENT—Seven-roomed odtthouse to rent. Apply to BOY WANTED—A good boyto learn the printing business. App y at TIMES office. Fon, SALE —Yearlin eifer calf, also a twin plow.— s. R. N. DUFF, Bluevale. MEN WANTED—Men wanted to work on lower dam. Good wages. Apply to John Brooks or R. Vint. FOR SALE—Two milch cows, one Durham, one thoroughbred Jersey. Apply at TIMES office. FOUND—A leather case containing music books. Owner can have same by calling at the TIMES office. FOR SALE—I o er my pump business in the Tow o ingham for sale. A good husin at a right pri -. E. J PATTISON offices of Dr. o will be closed afternoon during 6-2 PLEASE NOTE — T Irwin and Dr. every Wednesd the year. Two Justices of the Peace at Strat- ford held that beer cannot legally be provided at barn -raisings in Canada temperance act territory. The judg- ment will be appealed as a test case. IMPROVE YOUR BREEDING STOCK OF FOUTTRY--I am now offering pure bred, early hatched White Wyandotte Cockerels, big handsome birds for $2.00 to $3.00 each. These birds are from a genuine bred -to -lay strain. I am open to buy early hatched White Wyandotte pullets in any number. iNO. KERR COURT OF REVISION BURN STEVENS—In Wingham, on September 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Stevens; a son. MuNDY —In Wingham, on September 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mundy; a daughter. PATTISON—In East Wawanosh, on September 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan V. Pattison; a son. MARRIED HAWKINS — HINGSTON — At St. Andrew's Manse, on September 20th, by Rev. D. Perrie, Mr. Edward Haw- kins, of Preston, to Miss Cora Hingston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hingston, of Wingham. WADE—SIMPSON—At the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. G. J. Kerr, on Wednesday. Sept. 20th, Sara Lydia, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simpson, Orange Hill, to Mr. R. W Norman Wade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade, of the 13th con. DIED. ti COLE—In East Wawanash, on Sept. 25th, Mary Lillian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Cole, aged 5 months and 20 days. NOTICE is hereby given that a Cour will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Township Hall, Bluevale, on the 6th day of October, 1916, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon, to hear and determine com- plaintsof errors and ommissions in the Voters'List of the Municipality of Turnberry for 1916. Dated this 18th day of September, A. D. 1916. PAUL POWELL, Clerk of Turnberry. COURT OF REVISION. The Bell Telephone Company has a gang of 25 men in Clinton making im- provements to the local system. Many of the wires and considerable of the cable is being placed under ground. This has meant a great deal of work, as the streets are havily macadmaized. Mr. 0. A. Carey, of Goderich, was notified Monday that his fifth son, Lieut. Conrad Carey, had been killed in action. Lieut. Carey enlisted last winter in the 43rd Battalion, Moosejaw, and went to the front in the spring. About two months ago he obtained his commission as lieutenant. Word was received by Mrs, Horace Horton of Goderich that her son-in-law. Lieut. Claude S. Pote, had been severely wounded by a sharpnel in the arm and breast. Lieut. Pote was well known in Goderich when he was acting manager of the Standard Loan Company before it was taken over by the Union Bank. COLLINS—In Shreveport, Louisianna on Sept. '7th, Thomas Collins, brother of Mr. Hugh Collins, ninth con. Howick, aged about 75 years. ZIMMERMAN—In Howick, on Sept.1 7 th James H. Zimmerinan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman, 8th con., aged 23 years, 3 months and 25 days. LOCKMAN—In Preston, on September 23rd, Beatrice Lillian Lockman. young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Z. Lock- man, formerly of Wingham, aged 8 months and 16 days. NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario's Voters' Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Town Hall, Wingham, on the 5th day of October, 1916, at two o'clock in the afternoon to hear and determine complaints of errors and ommissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Wingham for 1916. Dated this 14th day of September, 4.. D., 1916. JOHN F. GROVES, 5-2 Clerk of Wingham. James Snell & Sons, Hullett Town- ship, sheep raisers, have brought great honor to Huron County, They made a clean-up at the state fair held at Syra- cuse, N. Y., with a flock of eight sheep. They wor, the grand champion prize for the best flock of Leicesters, champion prize for ewe and champion prize for ram. They also took first for flock, best ewe lamb, two-year-old ewe, shearling ewe lamb, aged ram, ram lambs and other prize. There were four competi- tors. A happy event took place at "Oak - grove Farm," the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferris, of Hullett, when their eldest daughter, Ida Glascodine, be came the bride of Mr. William Bell. Miss Alice Bell, sister of the groom, played the wedding music, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Aprey. pastor of Knox Church, Londes- boro in the presence of invited guests of the contracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. Bell will be at home to their friends at "Idlewyld" after `October 15. PP:RDI.E—In East Wawanosh, on September 23rd, Sarah Jane Deacon, relict of the late James Perdue, in her 79th year. CHARTERS—In Kinloss, on Sept. 24th, Eliza McBurney, relict of the late John Charters, in her 85th year. First Class Farm in Morris For Sale Cheap The undersigned is prepared to sell the north half of lot number 13, in the first concession of the Township of Morris, cheap and on easy terms. 87 acres cleared and 13 acres in bush. House, good frame on stone foundation, 114 storey, 20x30; kitchen 15x20. Barn stone stabling 60x40 and 55x35, concrete floors in stable. Soil, good and clesn with two acres of orchard. Farm falls away from buildings and has consider- able tile drainage. Fences, wire and Cedar rails in good condition. Water, has three wells and spring creek near 66 rear of farm. Roads, good, one mile from Bluevale G. T, R. station. Pos- session at end of year. For further particulars apply to the undersigird, F, S. SCOTT, 17-10 Brussels, Ont. COURT OF REVISION Re. Sidewalk on Albert and Water, William and Charles Streets. A sitting of the Court of Revison will be held on Monday, October 2nd, 1916, at nine o'clock P. M. for the purpose of hearing and deciding any appeals against frontage assessment on the a- bove sidewalks and any other matters cognizable by the Court. JOHN F. GROVES, Clerk, Town of Wingham. PUBLIC NOTIC FAIR WEEK1 Special Showing of New Fall Goods LADIES' MANTLES The latest styles and materials in Winter Coats made by The Northway Co. at popular prices $12.50 to $25.00. LADIES' FURS AND FUR COATS Furs of guaranteed quality in Muffs, Stoles and Sets in Canadian Mink, Persian Lamb, Fox, Wolf and Alaska Sable. Fur Coats in Canadian Spring Muskrat and Hudson Seal. SWEATER COATS Made from the finest all wool yarn in the latest weaves and color combinations for men, women and children. RAIN COATS Genuine English Raincoats for men and women in the latest styles, made froin the best water proofed materials in paramatta cloth and fancy tweed effects. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Fall and Winter weights in all wool, union and Fleece lined Underwear for men, women and children in the best makes, Stanfield's, Wolsley, Penman's and Turnbull's. MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, OVERCOATS Special prices in all lines of Clothing for men and boys in tweeds, serges etc. MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS ON FAIR DAY. Produce Wanted Agents for Standard Patterns KING BROS 0 'Phone 71 1 i e Joe Boehmer, of the Queen's Hotel, Listowel, was fined $75 and $30 costs by Magistrate Terhune, on Friday, for keeping liquor for sale in contravention of the provisions of the Canada Temper- ance Act. The case was the outcome of a raid on the hotel September 0, by four county constables, Willard Ingram, Mitchell; W. L. Pellow, Goderieh; R. T. McMillan, Seaforth; and Herbert Taylor, Listowel, in company with Rev. E. G. Powell, field secretary for the temperance forces of Huron and Perth counties. Mr. Wm. MacKinnon, after a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacKinnon, Kinloss left last week for Europe, where he has been the past two years. Mr. MacKinnon is an expert accountant and is engaged with a London, Eng., firm which has representatives in all the large business centres throughont the world. They are about to open a branch office in Paris, France, and of this office young MacKinnon will have charge. He visit- ed the offices in Toronto, Montreal and New York on his present trip. Being unable to procure .roper help I have decided to disconti e horse shoeing after September 3 Will be pleased to take care of yowants as far as I am able, in general iron repairing and wood work. J. W. DODD Successor to J, G. Stewart Fire, Life, Accident and Health INSURANCE P. 0. Box 306 'Phone 198 WINGHAM ONTARIO WM. HOLMES SEED WHEAT FOR SALE I have for sale a limited quantity of American Banner White Winter Wheat, 1916 crop. Price $1.50 per bushel, H. T. Thomson, Wingham. STRAY HEIFER There strayed from friy lifefnises, lot 36, con. 12, East WawShos , about the end of August, a red two-year-old heifer. Any person giving information that will lead to her recovery will be rewarded. JAS. 4.3 A. LEAVER, Wingham, Ont. NOTICE 41110.0.11 BIG SALE OF I Ooods ;FaILI I PPERHAPS never before was there a better oportunity for you to save money on all Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes and II Clothing. The great advance in cost of most all lines is right here. This will be your last chance to buy at these prices, Probably the largset seizure of liquor ever made in western Ontario was made in Seaforth by Messers. Powell and Pellow, officers of the Huron County Temperance Alliance. The lot consists of twelve barrels of rye whiskey, and is said to be worth about twelve hund- red dollars. Although the liquor waft, found %t3 a private hoi)le, the officers 'believe it was being stored for other than personal use. They eftperience3 considerable difficulty in getting the large barrels out of the Cellar, the ship. meet weighing over two tons, but final- ly succeeded in taking the lot to In- spector Torrance's cold -strange plant at Clinton, where it will remain until the cases comes up for trial, Having decided to retire from the Grocery Business in Wingham I have sold my stock to Mr. Alex Mowbray of town who will take possession of same first week in October. I would esteem, it a favor if all those indebted to me'_ would kindly settle their accounts before October 1st and save hie the inconvenience of collecting after Ian) out of the store. H. T, '1'HOMSON. DATES OF PALL FAIRS Wingham Blyth Brussels Dungannon Fordwich Goderieh Lucknow Teeswater Tiverton Sept. 28, 29 Oct. 3, 4 It 5, 6 ,.,. "5, 6 Sept. 27, 29 28, 29 .Oct. '3. t 1.8 $2.00 Dress Goods $1.00 per yard. We have most all shades in all wool "old dye" Dress Goods better than the $2.00 quality today, sale per yd $1.00 II$2.50 Dress Goods, .yd.... $1.25 75e Velvets, per yd. 48c II $1.0t) Velvets, per yd,... 75c II Shoe Values I Men's good heavy work Shoes, extra value. $2,98 Ladies' Shoes only $198, .....2.50, 2.98, and 3.19 It Groceries 6 Itis Quaker tolled Oats...25c4 3 bottles Extract........... 25c 2 lbs best Raisins 25c Good Green Tea only 29c 3 pkgs Corn Starch.,.. 25e 3 pkgs Corn Flakes, ...... 25e Comfort Soap •.4c 0 Mill Ends Mill Ends Toweling Mill Ends Flannelette Mill Ends Wrapperette Mill Ends Table Linen BUY THESE NOW It Will Pay You to Buy at This Store Ladies' Hosiery 19c, 25c, 35c, 50c Children's heavy fleece lined hose, per pair. ....25c Ladies' heavy Vests only...29c Ladies' $5.00 all wool Skirt only $2.98 25e fancy Velours for 19c Sample Shoes on Sale We have a big assortment of children's, ladies' and men's shoes all at....Sale Prices ALL SUMMER GOODS AT. COST BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH HIGHEST PRICES PAID R. M. LINDSAY Brokerage Stand WINHOAM FALL FAIR Thursday and Friday of This WeeK AIME You are invited to make our 'store your headquarters. Leave your wraps and parcels and meet your friends here. W. II. WILLIS Sole Agents 0,1/f*%NOES Tor Ladies and Derby Shoes Tor Men LIVE POULTRY WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID EGGS WANTED In Large or Small Quantities lA • J. ARL ♦ )\OUR Centre Street, • Wingham Bargains for Fair Visitors AT THE WINOHAM BAZAAR Fall and Winter Hat Shapes, all the latest styles, special price, each 15c Allarge collection of Millinery Trimmings includ- ing Feathers, Quills, Velvet Roses, and lots of other suitable for trimming, special prices, each 15c SEE OUR WINDOWS Boudoir Caps, special, each 10c Overall Aprons, special, each • 10c Fall and Winter Underwear for women and children, pot. garment . • 15c, 20c and 25c It will pay you to look these over at these low prices. Chair:Seats at a big saving. 3 layers of perforated wood, ;1Will make your old chairs' look like new. Special price Fair Day, each . 10c EXTRA SPECIAL just arrived, 500 copies of the latest music in- chiding a lot of new patriotic, best ever pub- lished. Come in and look them over whether you buy or not. Special price per copy . 15c WINGHAM BAZAAR The Home of Good Things