HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2017-02-15, Page 1818 Signal Star • Wednesday, February 15, 2017 Coming Events Coming Events FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH LUNCHEON Saturday February 25, 11:30 a.m. - 1'.30 p.m. Beef stew, chicken stew, biscuits, dessert and beverage. $10 per person. Montreal Street. Wheelchair accessible. GODERICH District Horticultural Society is holding their monthly meeting, Tuesday, February 21, MacKay Centre, 7 p.m. Topic: Using Herbs in Baking. Everyone welcome. MACKAY CENTRE FOR SENIORS 2017 membership $10 - MacKay Centre of- fers programs that promote active living - meet new friends, come out for lunch, for more information call 519-524-6660 or check out our website at www.mackaycentreforseniors.com MACKAY CENTRE FOR SENIORS Tuesday Meal Deal - 12 noon, delicious 3 course meal _ $10.00 (member) $12.00 (non-members) Pick up a newsletter from MacKay Centre or check out our website at www.mackaycentreforseniors to see the menus. MACKAY CENTRE WEEKLY CARDS Bid Euchre every Thursday at 1 p.m. New players always welcome. OPP launches sex -assault review The force will look again at 4,000 investigation reports deemed "unfounded" over five years Jennifer Bieman Postmedia Network The OPP, which polices much of rural Southwestern Ontario, is launching a review of about 4,000 sexual assault investiga- tion reports that were desig- nated as "unfounded" in recent years. Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Vince Iiawkes said the review will cover allega- tions made between 2010 and 2014. The move comes in the fallout of a Toronto newspaper report that exposed deep flaws in the way investigators treat Tickets available in person at the Centre In The Square Box Office = IN ME SQUARE Kitchener. Call 519-578-1570 (1-800-265-8977) or online at wwweinthesquaine.com SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE & SAUSAGE SUPPER Berea -by -the -Water Lutheran Church 326 Gibbons St., Goderich February 28, 2017 Time: 5.7 p.m. • $8 per person $20 per family AFFORDABLE, PROFESSIONAL I- 1.1KARE. GUARANTIED ° Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-6 HWY#8, HURON ROAD 524-1673 sexual assault allegations in Canada. A harsh spotlight was particularly trained on the Lon- don police for dismissing as unfounded nearly one-third of sexual assault allegations over a five-year period. That compares with national fig- ures itidicatilig one in five such alle- gations, or 20 per cent, were classified as baseless by investigators. Federal Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale is urging police across the country to reassess how they manage sex assault complaints. Hawkes says the OPP takes all reports of sexual assault and vio- lence seriously and "uses all resources necessary to conduct complete, thorough and profes- sional investigations." He says the force will examine the cases over the next several weeks and release a statement at the conclusion of the review, which will include a summary of to of PPORTUNITY SHOP •••••••••••••• YELLOW TAG SALE *50% off all Yellow Tag items SALE FEBRUARY 28 -MARCH 1110-3 PM. 202 ANGLESEA ST GODERICH PROCEEDS SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY Benmiller Inn & Spa rBuild Up Your Team? :44 ,.._trztei&s. Full Service Meeting Rooms Strategic planning, teambuilding, serious brain storming sessions or team retreats. The ideal venue for your meetings, retreats or conferences. Casual Fine Dining Open Daily for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Sunday Brunch Buffet 9:00 am- 1:00 pm EVERY SUNDAY lose to Home, Farfrom Orcanan Benmiller Inn & Spa R 1 1'3 licnmillcr !.inc. (.(rdcrich 519.524.2191 W%%w.bcnmillcr.ca Sla the analysis. "We have policies and pro- cedures in place, mandatory training for investigators, and layers of supervision and review for these types of investiga- tions," Ilawkes said in a news release Wednesday. "We are strongly committed to continu- ously seek improvement in order to earn and maintain the public's confidence and trust." Hawkes said if it's determined that any sexual assault report was not properly investigated by the OPP, the investigation will be re -opened. London police and York Regional Police have already announced they'll review how they handle such cases. Goodale is urging police forces to review not only past cases, but also their operating procedures. "The Minister of Public Safety has raised this with the RCMP Commissioner directly and has called on other police forces in Canada to examine this as well," Goodale's office wrote in an emailed statement. "No victim should fear that their case won't be taken seri- ously by police." At the OPP's Orillia headquar- ters, Sgt. Peter Leon said the review of how the OPP investi- gates sexual assaults in all 163 of its detachments has already Goderich Columbus Convention Centre & Banquet Hall 390 Parsons Court (off Suncoast Drive) Phone: 519-524-1832 email: kofc5420@hurontel.on.ca Website: kofcgoderich.com Meeting Room plus Hall Rental for functions of all sizes! Receptions, Weddings, Meetings, Fully Licensed - up to 600 people Tons of free parking and Wheelchair Accessible! Office Manager in Mon -Fri from 9am-1 pm Knights of Columbus Council 5420 13gM@CA Every Thursday evgning! Canteen Open at 5:30 pm. ` New Menu Every Week Early Bird Bingo at 6:50 pm. Hot the Wealth - Estimated Towle Pot $1200 All proceeds to Community Projects._ Serving Goderich now for 50 Years! begun. "We're going to go back and look at each and every occur- rence and the investigation and the outcomes so that we can be comfortable when we do make a formal statement," he said. The OPP audit, and the push for a national investigation, struck a chord with a London academic involved in the fight against domestic violence. "It is very welcome news. I'm going to say that this is a break- through. We're starting to pay attention to how difficult it is for survivors in the criminal justice system." said Barb MacQuarrie, of Western University's Centre for Research and Education on Vio- lence Against Women and Children. Hawkes said "it will take some time" for the OPP to complete its review, but "if warranted, we will expand the review." The OPP also encouraged vic- tims to continue to come forward and report crimes. "I want all victims of sexual assault or any crime to have confi- dence in the OPP and our ability to investigate crimes and bring those responsible to justice," Hawkes said. MacQuarrie said it's encourag- ing the issue is being pushed into the spotlight, and said she hopes the various police reviews will produce meaningful change. "This is just unprecedented, the attention that the issue is finally - getting," she said. "It's a real sign that we're taking survivors seri- ously and that we're willing to understand more about the survi- vor's perspective in this." Reffienleara 03hep Make Your own Beer, Wine, Coolers and Fruit Wine (derar haw a 1114/0,0 84 Kingston St, GODERICH 524-2323 AW Arena Bingo every Wednesday night 6.55pm Early Bird 3 SPECIALS Jackpot Special Goderich Arena, McDonald St. uc4 M717467 TV BINGO Monday Night 7:pm Hurontel Channel 1 Tuckersmith Channel 48 Eastlink Channel 10