HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2017-01-25, Page 2828 Signal Star • Wednesday, January 25, 2017
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Obituaries : In Memoriam : Thanks . Births Celebrations More
Cards of Thanks
Cards of Thanks
We have had another successful year for
the growing project thanks to the support of
many individuals, organizations and agri-
businesses. I would like to begin by
thanking Neil and Judy MacKenzie for pro-
viding the 10 acres for the wheat crop and
their donation of the custom work. The pro-
ceeds from the sale of the crop along with
the donations received allowed us to send
$21,285.37 to the Canadian Foodgrains
Bank. These funds have the potential of be-
ing matched 4:1 by CIDA resulting in
$ 106,426.85 generated to help end global
We were well supported throughout the
community as we received donations from
the ecumenical services held at the Straw-
berry Festival, the Kingsbridge Centre and
the Lucknow Fall Fair. A special thank you
to Sharon Nivins for organizing the Swiss
Chalet Murder Mystery Dinner held in Dun-
gannon from which we received a portion of
the proceeds.
We are very thankful for the donations re-
ceived from the members of St. Peter's
Catholic Church, Trinity and Dungannon
United Churches as well as Ashfield and Ri-
pley Presbyterian Churches. We also wish
to thank Bridget Van Osch for promoting
our project this past year. The following ag-
ribusinesses have continued to support our
project as well this year ; Lucknow Co-op,
P & H Amberley, Snobelen Farms, Thomp-
sons Port Albert, Edward Fuels, Connect
Farm Equipment, BASF, and Pioneer Hi
Bred Dealers Fred Durnin and Mike and
Tina Metske.
The members of the Community Harvest
committee hosted the Fall Information
Meeting at the Dungannon United Church
in November. David Epp, the regional coor-
dinator along with Ruth Manyao, a food
security representative from Kenya, gave
an informative update on how the funds
generated by growing projects are being
used to help globally. There were represen-
tatives from approximately eight area
growing projects in attendance and each
had an opportunity to report on their project.
On behalf of the Community Harvest Pro-
ject committee, I would like to thank
everyone for their support of this project
and its effort to help end global hunger and
hope that you will continue to help us with
future growing projects.
Colleen Zinn,
Project Treasurer
My heartfelt thanks goes out to my family,
friends, neighbours, co-workers and every-
one who attended the "Celebration of Life"
for my husband & best friend, Mike. Your
kindness and generosity will not be
forgotten. The many cards, emails, texts,
flowers, food and gifts received while Mike
was a patient in hospital and after his
passing was very overwhelming but greatly
appreciated. A special thank you to my
family for being there for me, Kim for being
by my side throughout our ordeal, Frank &
Carol for being my rock, Pam & Wayne &
family for all their support and Lee, Steve &
Karen for taking care of things at home.
Thank you also to our friends who spoke for
his `Memories: I want to thank Dr. Selay
Lam, Dr. Jane Sham, 7th Floor Oncology
nurses and staff at LHSC Victoria Hospital
for the wonderful care Mike received from
the beginning of all of this. Thank you to
CCAC and St. Elizabeth's nurses for care
given to Mike when he was home. Thank
you for the caring support everyorke has
shown. 'Mary Ann
DAVIS, Shirley Jean -
Shirley Jean Davis, daughter of the late Dr. Joseph and Susan
Freeman of Goderich passed away peacefully on 8 January 2017 in
Kingston. She leaves to mourn her daughter, Nancy Olivia Davis
(Michel Maillet), two cherished granddaughters, Kara Leigh Miles
(Steve Miles) and Stephanie Anne Maillet (Steve Van Volkenburgh)
and her adored great-grandson, Bennett Miles., all of Ottawa areaf
Having lead the way for her are her siblings; Tom, Anne (Clarence),
Bess (Gordon), Art (Maude), Ben (Irene), Jack (Wanda) and
Stanley (Marjorie). She leaves behind her dear friend Marilyn
Martin, loved nieces and nephews and their -families. As Shirley's
heart remained in Gode,rich throughout her life in Ottawa and
Kingston, she will be laid to rest near to her parents at Colborne
Cemetery. A private family service will be held at a later date.
GORDON, John Donald -
Passed away peacefully at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital
in Goderich, Ontario, Tuesday, January 17 at the age of 82.
Husband for 31 years of Irene Gordon, father of Beth Gordon, Rob
Gordon (Tracy Walsh) and Cam Gordon. Step -father of Clifford
Darroch (Melanie) and Alex Darroch (Shari Hunter) and the late
Roy Darroch. Grandfather of Alexander Darroch, Emily and John
Dyer, Mitchell and Liam Darroch, Jacob and Jessica Darroch. Born
in Stratford Feb 1, 1934 to Jean and Quarry Gordon, John was the
brother of Rob Gordon (Oriana), and Jane Leney (Jim). John
graduated from Western, and in September he organized the 60th
reunion for his classmates from Business Class of '56. He retired
after working for Canada Revenue Agency in Toronto, and moved
to Goderich in 2000. In his retirement he was active as Church
Warden of St. George's Church, Treasurer of the Rotary Club,
Rotary Beach Hut and Cove, Treasurer of the Canadian Addison
Society, Treasurer of Skate Park, Goderich and Treasurer of
Goderich and District Community Charitable Foundation (Port to
Point Trail Association). He loved Huron County, having spent
holidays at the family cottage near Bayfield since 1946. He
maintained a small cabin in the woods which he continued to visit
until his hospitalization less than two weeks ago. Only this year he
sold his small sailboat which he had kept in Goderich harbour.
Family and friends will remember John affectionately for his gentle
nature and his quiet wit. He was always cheerful and ready to lend
a helping hand. He will be deeply missed. Cremation has taken
place. The family will receive friends at the MCCALLUM & PALLA
FUNERAL HOME, Cambria Rd. at East St. Goderich, on
Wednesday January 25, 2017 from 2-4 & 7-9 PM. Memorial
Service will be held at St. George's Anglican Church, 87 North
Street, Goderich, on Thursday January 26, 2017 at 11:OOAM.
Donations to the Canadian Addison Society, Goderich Rotary
Foundation or St. George's Anglican Church gratefully
acknowledged. Friends may sign the book of condolences at
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