HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2017-01-25, Page 27your moments.ca For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 Fax: 1-866-485-8461 • e-mail: obituaries a yourlifemoments.ca Obituaries Memoriam ' Thanks Births Celebrations ; More Births Births liOAUP ICH ST: 55.00 QJ Maximum 55 words. r portion o(the- proceed, to d,ldrrn; rJwu:n LINE: Friday at 2 p.m. for Wed. Publication HOLIDAY DEADLINE THURSDAY AT 2 NOBLE Donald and Nicola Noble are excited to announce the safe arrival of their baby boy, Daniel Roger Noble. Born January 2nd at Stratford General Hospital just after midnight; weighing 7 lbs. 3 oz. and 19 in. long. Spoiled by Great Grandparents Ken and Ann Jessop, and Ila Pollock; Grand- parents Mike and Amanda Sudyk; Lynn Noble and Steve Allen. Aunt Catherine and Uncle Kenny Costello, and cousins Hunter and Benjamin Costello; Uncle Christopher MacAdam, and Aunt Tina Noble as well as many other Family & Friends. We are grateful to be surrounded by such love. REDDINGTON Mark, Monique and Nathan are happy to announce the birth of Sophie Grace Reddington. Sophie was born October 16, 2016 and weighed 7 lbs. Many thanks to Dr. Gratton, Dr. Schmidt, Anna, and Olga at LHSC. Sophie -welcome to the world, precious little girl. You are already so loved and we are enjoying watching you grow. Nathan adores you and always wants to kiss and hug you; he even wants to share his treasured dinky cars with you! Love Mommy, Daddy and Nathan Announce births... on your' momentsca Hailey Klaver here!! I will be turning 7 on January 29th. My Mom and Dad can't believe how fast I am growing up. This year I started gymnastics and abso- lutely love it. I will be having a Shopkins par- ty on the 28th with a few of my friends, and can't wait for the fun to begin. See ya next year!! In Memoriams ARE YOU Cdebriting A SIGNIFICANT MILESTONE OR ANNIVERSARY grand Ope>reimg Or c SPeeial .MANY SIZES.TO CHOOSE FROM We Car. Help You Celebrateprint and online! Gocerih 1.1Mar 519-524-2614 In Memoriams GRAHAM In loving memory of a dear husband and dad, Jim who passed away January 2.1, 2009. Memories are like threads of gold. They never tarnish or grow old. Time slips by and life goes on, But from our hearts you are never gone. Sadly missed by Eleanor, Robert, Wayne and Sharon, and Karen. WHITE, Kip - January 15th, 1992 Gone but not forgotten - Bill, & Family - Remember with a donation 1-888-939-3333 toN free • 24 hours a day / 7 days a week www.cancer.ca • Canadian Societe Cancer canadienne Society it 1.2.du cancer Wednesday, January 25, 2017 • Signal Star 27 CHURCH SERVIC For changes to the Church Directory phone 519-524-2614 or fax 519-524-9175 or email aschoemaker@postmedia.com by Thursday at noon. BAHA'l FAITH www.bahai.org Know ye why We created you all from the same dust? That no one should exalt himself over the other. Baha'u'llah Goderich Baha'i Community 519-440-9323 321 Bayfield Rd. Goderich 519-524-8506 www,realchu rch.ca PENTECOSTAL ASSESA Senior Pastor: Rev. Bryan Warnar Assistant Pastor: Gary Adduono Sunday 10:30 am Service Time Sunday School: Ages 3-12 During Service Mondays - Guys -Ball Hockey(grades 9 & up) at 7:00 pm Tuesdays - Ladies Bible Study at 10 am Tuesdays - Youth Gr. 9-12 at 7:00 pm Wednesdays - Kid's Night Out & Jr. High at 7 pm O FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 39 Montreal St., Goderich 519-524-9049 Pastor: Rod Gauthier Music Director Eunice Bisset to Sunday Moming Worship 10:30 am Nursery during service *LI are welcome to come & worship with us! A friendty church teaching Bible truths 'A place to Believe A place to Belong A place to Become ss ti:• LA sKE HERR United Church Sunday Worship L.U.C.K. Club and Nursery Activities Broadcast on Hurontel Ch. 1 and Eastlink Ch. 10 at 1 p.m. Service Time 10:30 am Sunday, Jan. 29 Communion Service Wednesdays from 6:30 - 7:00 p.m. Rev. Kevin Steeper, - Rev Kate Ballagh-Steeper 56 NORTH STREET, GODERICH 519-524-2103 www.lakeshoreuc.org 4616-1 EVERYONE WELCOME 245 Mill Road, Goderich �Tri n it 519-524-8003 «� trinitycrc c hurontel.on.ca CHURCH tri itychurchgoderich.ca Pastor Stephen Tamming Worship Service Time Sunday at 10:00 am �- livestream.com/trinitygoderich Office Hours: Tues. -Fri. 9:00 am -1:00 pm The Salvation Army Suncoast Citadel Lieutenants David & Laura Hickman Services held at 303 Suncoast Drive 524-8822 Worship Service 10:30 a.m. ALL ARE WELCOME! St. George's Anglican Church (Corner of North &Nelson St.) (�1 Rector: The Rev. Canon Kim Van Allen Director of Music: En1 Gero ` Choir Practice Thurs. 4 p.m. for winter Ike us on FaceBook Office: 519-524-2274 Ageolgesgoderichots Midweek Communion in the Chapel Wednesdays at 9:3o a.m. Sunday, January 29 World Leprosy Sunday 8:0o a.m. BCP Communion, Traditional Worship 11 a.m. Contemporary Morning Prayer and Children's Program followed by Annual Vestry Meeting (soup for lunch). 9:3o a.m. Holy Communion, Christ Church, Port Albert Everyone is welcome to worship at any of our services! 11 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9 Victoria St. N., Goderich Minister: Rev. Bill Vanderstelt Minister -in -Association: Rev. Theresa McDonald -Lee Director of Music: Cedric Abday Sunday, January 29, 2017 Worship Service at 9:30 am, Gym Worship Service at 11 am, Sanctuary 'Cain & Abel — What Are We Meant to Learn?' Children's activities at both services Cable telecasts Sundays at 2:30 pm Wheelchair Accessible