HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2017-01-25, Page 19Mayor of Bluewater asks Huron East to jump
on board in a regional recreational study
Shaun Gregory
Huron Expositor
Bluewater mayor Tyler
Hessel told his neighbouring
municipality that the first
step for the region to shore
up its recreation budget is to
fund a joint study.
In a Huron East council
meeting Dec. 20, I lessel said
a recreational study for
Huron East, Bluewater and
Central Huron is an ideal
method to understand their
collective and individual
capital investment and
maintenance positions con-
cerning recreation.
He estimated the cost of
the study at between $10,000
and $15,000 per borough.
The communities need to
put its recreation money
where it will be best used, he
said, and a study would,
without bias, highlight over
served and underserved
"We need to come out
with an analysis of what the
communities' needs are," he
told council. "[Let's] hire a
consultant to do an analysis
of the area."
He added that there is also
funding available for the
study at a district level.
Hessel urged council to
jump on board because hav-
ing knowledge of the entire
region's recreational
necessities will help each
municipality better direct
where they allocate money.
His reason for combining
the three municipalities
together is that citizens
throughout Bluewater,
Huron East and Central
Huron often utilize recrea-
tion facilities and programs
throughout the region.
However, Huron East
council seemed unrespon-
sive to his request as it is cur-
rently doing its own study,
funded by the Ontario Min-
istry of Agriculture, Food
and Rural Affairs (OMFRA)
relating to their three recrea-
tion facilities.
Leaning towards sports activ-
ctioities throughout his speech,
Hessel said a lie part of finan-
cial losses is a result of the ever-
vergrowing popularity of summer
sports compared to those held
in thewintet
Summer activities are
growing in popularity, espe
cially soccer, he said, citing
Sports Canada statistics.
Hessel said as an example
that his hometown of Bayfield
only had 29 children regis-
tered for hockey three years
ago compared to 104 who
were signed up for soccer.
"I'm not saying we get rid
of arenas, but I think we
should start looking at what
we are doing with the future
of them, he said.
Hessel admitted that he
gets no joy from the decrease
in hockey enrolment as in
his youth he was a "rink rat"
and that he still coaches the
game, but these are the facts.
"It's tough for me to say that
and it's tough for me to even
suggest that hockey is getting
harder for people Ito afford]:"
His son plays AAA hockey
and it's about S3,000 a year
and "it's not getting cheaper
to play, it's getting more
"[It's] the reason why you
have 104 kids signed up for
soccer is because it costs $40."
As for Seaforth Minor
Hockey, Hessel has heard of
the difficulties there are with
talks and tales around town
of "pulling in children" from
other communities just to
continue the program.
He then said while serving
as a councillor for Bluewater,
he would receive letters from
ratepayers requesting funds
for the pool in Vanastra as
his residents also used the
If Huron East ever expects
funding from Bluewater
from the facility, they'll need
the numbers to back up the
"Arguably, we don't have
the data to prove that and
that's one of the reasons
you'll never get money from
us," Hessel said. "Bayfield
Lucknow 2018 Reunion Committee
chooses local's logo design
The Lucknow 2018
Reunion committee has
selected a logo for the June
29 to July 2, 2018 event.
Following a logo contest
in early winter 2016, the
committee chose a design
by Lucknow's own Robin
McDonagh and would like
to recognize everyone who
participated in the contest.
The round bordered logo
boldly states Lucknow
across the top followed by
16Q years underneath with
the reunion date stated at
the bottom June 29 - July 2,
Centered across the logo
in a red ribbon is the new
reunion slogan "Be Seen In
Twenty Eighteen".
Since the 2018 celebra-
tion falls on the Canada
Day long -weekend, the
committee chose the col-
ours red and white, along
with grey.
Kaytlyn DeBruyn had
recreated the logo based
on McDonagh's hand -
drawn design.
DeBruyn has incorpo-
rated the reunion colours
into the design as well as
the same font used for the
Lucknow branding.
The reunion committee
has been working hard,
planning for the 2018 cele-
bration. Recently, the sub
committees prepared their
budgets and will be looking
for municipal and provin-
cial support.
Fundraising events are
being planned in prepara-
tion for the homecoming
as well. In the spring, the
committee hopes to
The Lucknow 2018 Reunion
has a new logo. Reunion Co -
Chairs Glen Gibson (left) and
Luke Smith (right) revealed
the logo design with Robin
McDonagh, the winner of the
logo contest.
launch the reunion souve-
nir sales.
Watch for information
on Facebook, Twitter and
our website www.lucknow-
reunion2018.ca, donated
by HuronTel.
residents keep asking about
a pool, well we have a big
'one right beside us on the
west side. But if we said we
are helping with a commu-
nity neighbouring to us, we
advise you to [get] here
because we help fund it."
Tuckersmith Coun. Larry
McGrath said given that
Huron East has a population
of about 10,000, how many
people would it take to
maintain a facility?
He asked if 40,000 could
sustain it.
Hessel said it might take
about 40,000 people without
losing a substantial amount
of money.
"You wouldn't see a super
grocery store built in down-
town Seaforth to serve 2,000
people," stated McGrath.
"You can throw all the
sports in all you want --
hockey, whatever -- but if
you don't have the
Wednesday, January 25, 2017 • Signal Star 19
Shaun Gregory
The Mayor of Bluewater, Tyler Hessel came to Huron East council
December 20 to ask the table of politicians to jump on board in
an initiative to understand recreation. He believes a recreational
study must be conducted to better understand the financial woes.
population to sustain that
facility you're going to strug-
gle as the facility ages."
Not much else was discussed
on the matter during council
concerning the mattet
Brad Knight, CAO of Huron
East, told the Expositor fol-
lowing the meeting that coun-
cil did not give staff any direc-
tion of where they stand on
Hessel's delegation.
"I think part of that is, we
are doing our strategic
planning process for our
three recreational facilities
now and we are likely half
way through that process,"
said Knight.
"Maybe the reason council
didn't say a whole lot is that
they'll give his comments some
consideration when they are
doing the strategic plan."
He ended with saying
Huron East would rather
"wrap that up" before mak-
ing any other decisions.
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