HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2017-01-18, Page 66 Signal Star • Wednesday, January 18, 2017 opinion www.godericti '=. i- 4, Goderich Signal -Star VOL. 26 – ISSUE 10 PUBLISHED WEEKLY — EST. 1860 Signal Star Publishing 120 Huckins St. Goderich ON N7A 3X8 519-524-2614 www.goderichsignalstar.com POSTMEDIA JOHN BAUMAN Group Manager, Media Sales jbauman@postmedia.com ext. 232 JANET SHRIER Office Manager jashrier@postmedia.com ext. 220 DARRYL COOTE Editor dcoote@postmedia.com ext. 211 SUSAN MCINTOSH Sales gss.ads@sunmedia.ca ext. 228 TARA CORRAN Sales goderich.ads@sunmedia.ca STACEY SCOTT Inside Sales focus.ads@sunmedia.ca ext. 229 RHONDA BUTT Accounting rhbutt@postmedia.com MARY JOHNSTON Accounts Receivable majohnston@postmedia.com CURTIS ARMSTRONG Group Director of Media Sales 519 376-2250 ext. 514301 or 510 364-2001 ext. 531024 Editorial Deadline - Friday 2 p.m. Advertising booking deadline - Friday 1:30 p.m. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVANCE: Regular $50.00 includes GST (12 months) Seniors $50.00 indudes GST (14 months) US $249.00 plus GST Foreign $416.40 plus GST Single Copy $1.50 indudes GST Publications Mail Agreement No. 40064683 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 120 Huckins St, Goderich ON N7A 3X8 For any non -deliveries or delivery concems: 519-524-2614 Goderich Signal Star is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent ethical organization established to deal with editorial concerns. For more information or to file a complaint go to www.mediacouncil.ca or call toll tree 1-844-877-1163. The Goderich Signal Star shall not be liable for failure to publish an ad for typographical errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of that portion of the ad in which the error occurred. The Goderich Signal -Star reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement. The Goderich Signal -Star is a proud member of the Canadian Community Newspapers Association (CCNA) and The Ontario Community Newspapers Association (OCNA). Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association and the Canadian Community Newspaper Association. We acknowledge the financial support of the Govemment of Canada. ocna uanaua" will be taking Goderich with me 0 n the facing page the esti- mable David Yates chron- icles the feud between - two Goderich newspaper editors. It's a compelling story, one that must have taken Mr. Yates some time to research and write and one that has stayed with me since I first read it a week ago. It's mostly about James Mitchell, the editor of The Signal Star, a man my age who once made this news- paper that I make now. However, he did it 134 years ago. And what has stayed with me is that despite the distance of time his impact on Goderich is something now worthy of Mr. Yates' pen.. And it's a daunting privilege to hold this chair and to know that a mistake, a libelous letter, a cutting column, a drunken night or a poignant article could become a letters to the editor To the Editor: Editor Darryl Coote chapter, a line, a footnote, a subor- dinate clause in Goderich's history. And to know that my name, how- ever miniscule it may end up being, is now ingrained in Goderich through chronicling its contempo- rary history is, at times, heart stopping. But it is a privileged. And one that I do not take for granted. Which is why my decision to resign was difficult to make and harder to voice. To be a journalist is to be a public servant in constant, albeit a mostly one-sided, conversation with the readers to ensure they have the information they need to navigate through life. It's not a job, it's a relationship. And one does not simply leave it behind. And though I have only been here five months, Goderich, as the cities, towns and countries I have covered before, is now a part of who I am. And where I go, Goder- ich will forever go with me. For it is also ingrained in me. Come March I will be in a class- room on an island most have never heard of at a university with the same name studying Korean, a lan- guage I should already know from my first six-year sojourn there. And to Jeju Island, South Korea, I will bring Goderich with me. My wife is there now, has been since I moved here. And I will be returning to grad school there to finish my master's thesis and delve back into the world of freelancing. It's sort of a going home for me, journalistically. Almost 10 years ago I started this career there as a cocky vagabond. Now I will be returning much more even keeled than when I left and with a far more profound understanding of what my role as a journalist is. And much credit must be given to my short time here for that. Call me dramatic (though I'd rather you'd say poetic), but Goder- ich is coming with me. And for permitting me to your stories and allowing me to take them, too, thank you. Once again, the staff at our wonderful Huron County Public Library in Goderich has raised the bar for innovative and high- quality programming with mul- tiple presentations on Saturday, Jan. 7 at the mobile To the Editor: We are blessed to live in a com- munity where local businesses and residents are so willing to support the work and events held by The Dungannon Agricultural Society. This past year there were many dart and card tournaments, dances, community suppers, a baseball tournament, a Farmers Christmas Party, the Super Pull and of course our annual Family & Fun Fair Days in August. These are only some of the events, which were held at the hall and grounds. There were also many work bees: building repairs, cleaning, gardening,. grass cut- ting, meetings, meal planning, shopping, food prep, etc. The list goes on and on of all the work that needs to be done to be able to host these community events and to keep the hall and grounds maintained. Our local busi- nesses, farming community, the municipality and many locals have always been financially gen- planetarium. We had never seen such a thing! Space explorers of all ages made their way into the dark- ened half -dome of the inflata- ble planetarium, then travelled weightlessly across the solar system from Mercury to Pluto, checking out the rings of Saturn erous to help out when they can. Volunteers are said to be as the back -bone of our communities. These people are constantly ready and willing to contribute their own personal time, talents and energy just to help make a successful project or event, or get some much needed work done. Some of these people are always present, some help with a spe- cific event and some just jump right in if they are at an event and see a job that needs to be done. A simple thank you is never enough for the never ending sup- port we receive time and time again. If you have donated finan- cially or volunteered with us this past year, please know your kind- ness is always appreciated. If you have attended our events, please know that your presence is always appreciated. Without you all, we would not be. Sincerely, The Dungannon Agricultural Society and the 60 or so moons of Jupi- ter along the way. Who knew there was so much water spread out across the solar system - and beyond? After a look into a black hole ferociously gobbling up matter and even light itself, and a special exploration of the constellations people can see in the Earth's southern hemi- sphere, our pilot brought us to a safe landing back in Goderich. Well done, Goderich library staff, for making that amazing space journey accessible to us all. John Meyers and Barbara Kane Goderich WHY WON'T THIS STUPID PIMPLE JUST CLEAR UP? JUPITER GETTING REAOY IN THE MORNING LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Signal Star welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must include the writer's full name, address, daytime phone number and signature (for verification). Anonymous letters will not be published. We reserve the right to edit all editorial submissions including letters for clarification, style and length. Letters must be signed and be in good taste and follow the laws of libel and slander.