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Goderich Signal Star, 2017-01-11, Page 17
18 Signal Star • Wednesday, January 11, 2017 Paintings by reptiles on display at CoOp Gallery Judy Barker The Goderich CoOp Gallery At one point in our lives we've all heard at least one person say "snakes are slimy" or "the only good snake is a dead snake." How- ever, 6 per cent of drivers will go out of their way to run over a snake or turtle crossing a road. Now it's time to learn why these miscon- ceptions are wrong and are even harmful to the balance of nature. The Goderich CoOp Gallery is cur- rently hosting adisplay of REPTILE ART until mid February, and no, I don't mean paintings of snakes and turtles, I mean paintings by snakes and turtles. Who knew that these ani- mals could create art? The people at Scales Rescue Park found out and have provided their resident reptile artists with canvas and paint and opportunity. It is fascinating to learn how this is done. Apparently, turtles, being more food motivated, are will- ing to paint if rewarded by a straw- berry or raspberry. The snakes, which feed less frequently and rest for weeks after a meal, not so much. But the snakes, when they can be persuaded to paint, leave beautiful pictures of their scale patterns on the canvases. The Huron Stewardship Council is sponsoring this exhibit, where you can see examples of the art, a video, plus handouts explaining just how each of us can help preserve these animals. There are eight species of native turtles in Ontario, and cur- rently seven of those are on the endangered list. We can't afford to CLINTON RADARS 2016-2017 HOME GAMES FRIDAY • JANUARY 13, 2017 • 8:30 P.M. SHALLOWLAKE CRUSHERS CLINTON RADARS SPONSORED BY: DYKSTRA CONSTRUCTION OFFICE: 519-482-9082 CELL: 519-525-8675 . ,ti `�our. • FLK INSTITUTE TAOIST TAI CHI Open House & Free Class Friday, January 13"x, 2017 9 a.m.- 11 a.m. Lakeshore United Church Fellowship Hall 56 North St. Goderich Contact Anne at 519.529.3050 Classes - Mondays and\or Fridays 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Registered charity #1189634371 RR0001 AFFORDABLE, PROIFSSSIONAL HAIRCARE. OYARANTUD! Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-6 HWY#8, HURON ROAD 524-1673 DSO OUR PLEASE RECYCLE. 1 allow species predation at such a rate, or soon, our children will see only pictures of long gone animals that mankind failed to protect. An adult snapping turtle must live and lay eggs for over 60 years just to replace itself, which means that in 60 years of reproduction only one turtle has lived to adulthood. 'I he rest have been lost to predation by animals or humans. Unlike birds, which also lay eggs, baby reptiles emerge very capable of looking after themselves, but all young hatchings are seen as tasty morsels for predators. Turtles are in fact, living dinosaurs, still exist- ing in much the same fashion that they did during the dinosaur age -- how cool is that? Reptiles are not slimy! Their skin is, in fact, dry, but their heat regulating system is differ- ent than ours, and so they are called "cold blooded." This doesn't mean they are heartless and mean, it sim- ply tells us that they use outside sources, like sunshine, to maintain body heat as opposed to mammals like us, who regulate body heat through our own metabolism. Arena Bingo every Wednesday night 6:55pm Early Bird 3 SPECIALS Jackpot Special Goderich Arena, McDonald St. Lic# M717467 TV BINGO Monday Night 7:pm Hurontel Channel 1 Tuckersmith Channel 48 Eastlink Channel 10 Benmiller nn & Spa ri'se t~ {or YOU! inter Wonderland idweek Special ackages starting at $137! Add a second night for $129!.'! Casual Fine Dining Open Dail) • for Brealdast, Lunch & Dinner Sunday Brunch Buffet 9:00 am- 1:00 pm EVERY SUNDAY Cfose to Home, Far- from Ord3rlary Benmiller Inn & Spa R I 1-5 Bcnmillcr Linc. Goderich 519.524.2191 ww w.ben miller.ca Come in to check out this interest- ing exhibit; you will not meet any live reptiles, but you can enjoy their paintings, see an informative video, pick up a card explaining how to help an injured animal if it has been hit by a car. And when you leave, you will be better informed about rep- tiles, and how to help save them from extinction. Their artwork is available for purchase, with the pro- ceeds of a sale going to support pro- grams to rescue and maintain, as well as study at risk populations of the area turtles and snakes. Whether or not you can "relate" to such ani- mals, they hold an important role in our ecosystem, and deserve our pro- tection. Plus, you can be in the 94 per cent of people who will not go out of their way to run over a snake or a tur- tle crossing the road. The snake is just enjoying some warm sunshine, and the turtle might be looking for a good safe place to lay her eggs. To learn more about the Huron Stewardship Council, join its Face - book page or visit its website (hsc. huronstewardship.ca). The Council and the Goderich Co-op Gallery want to thank the Scales Nature Park for their contributions to this project. Visit www.scalesnaturepark.ca for more information about at risk ani- mals in our area of SW Ontario. The Goderich CoOp Gallery is now operating on a winter sched- ule, we are open from 10 a.m., to 4 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday. Goderich Columbus Convention Centre & Banquet Hall 390 Parsons Court (off Suncoast Drive) Phone: 519-524-1832 email: kofc5420@hurontel.on.ca Website: kofcgoderich.com Meeting Room plus Hall Rental for functions of all sizes! Receptions, Weddings, Meetings, Fully Licensed - up t� 600 people Tons of free parking and Wheelchair Accessible! Office Manager in Mon -Fri from 9am-1 pm Knights of Columbus Coundl 5420 cc@©n Every Thursday evening! Canteen Open at 5:30 pm. New Menu Every Week Early Bird Bingo at 6:50 pm. Hot Balis -Sham the Weailh- Toome Pot - Regular Jackpot Al 1proceerLs to Community Projects... Serving Gadretich now for 50 Years! • Coming Events • Coming Events JANUARY BLOWOUT THE GARAGE HOME DECOR 4 CORNERS BELMORE 519-392-675) 25 - 60% off stofewide (excluding arrangements & makeup) until end of January OPEN FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS Only in January Closed Feb. - Mar., Reopen April. Hurray in for best selection! MACKAY CENTRE FOR SENIORS LUNCH & CARDS Wednesday, January 11th. Lunch 12:30 p.m. Euchre & bid Euchre 1 p.m. No partner required. Lunch, cards, prizes, admission $5.00. Everyone welcome. MACKAY CENTRE FOR SENIORS SUNDAY TEA DANCES Starting Sunday, January 15th, 2 — 4 p.m. Join Bonnie Walter for an afternoon of music and dance. No partner necessary and if you don't know any dance steps a quick lesson each week will beoffered, or just enjoy the good music and fellowship. MACKAY CENTRE FOR SENIORS Tuesday Meal Deal - 12 noon, delicious 3 course meal - $10.00 (member) $12.00 (non-members) Pick up a newsletter from MacKay Centre or check out our website at www. mackaycentreforseniors to see the menus. MACKAY CENTRE WEEKLY CARDS Bid Euchre every Thursday at 1 p.m. New players always welcome._ THE 4TH GODERICH SCOUTS are requesting your help in a bottle drive on Saturday, January 14th in the town of Goderich. Have your bottles outside by 9 am. Proceeds to support the Scouts trip to the Jamboree in Nova Scotia in July 2017. If you require more information, please call 519-612-1207. TUESDAY TUNES old time fiddle music and dancing at Seaforth Community Centres every Tuesday afternoon starting January 24/17 to May 2/17, 1-3:30 p.m. Goderich Bra t• FOR RENT All bookings for... weddigs, banquets, birthdays, receptions, dances„ social functions, call George 519-5249282 To aN dubs, unions, etc., space is available for rent, Legion bottom floc Call Mor} -Fri 8 am — noon CALENDAR OF EVENTS Jan 14 - Don Harvey Jan 21 - The Irish Cowboys Music from 4-8pm TUESDAY: SOCIAL DARTS 7 PM TUESDAY: MIXED EUCHRE 7:30 PM WEDNESDAY: JAMMERS 7 PM THURSDAY: 75c WINGS ALL DAY PEPPER 1 PM (EVERY SECOND THURSDAY) FRIDAY: MIXED CRIBBAGE 1:30 PM MEAT DRAWS EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY 6 PM SUNDAY AFTERNOON BINGO 1:25 PM Hours: Mon: 11 am to 7 pm, Tues - Sat 11 am to 11 pm