HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-09-14, Page 4i P £I R 3 THE WI NGHAM TIMES September, r4 1916 YOUNG MEN Young men or others wbo are unable to loin for oversea ser- vice. can serve their King and Country by helping on Munition work. Every man should be doing hi. Or. Steady work to good men. Apply to The Root, Bell Engine & Thresher Co. Ld. SEAFor2'rH, ONT. Western Fair LONDON, ONT. SEPT. 8th to 16th Return tickets at reduced fares to London. Ont., from stations in Ontario, fielvitle, Scotia let., and south Pr west thereof. Special train service and low rate excur- sions from principal points on cer- tain dates. For full particulars, regarding train service, fares, tickets, etc., consult Grand Trunk Railway Agts. Tickets and full information from E. B Ei,l.l.)rr town Passenger and Ticket Agent. Ph me 4. W. F. 8UB4. ALAN, Station Agent, Phan 't1. MOP AUCTIONEERS McConnell & Vandrick Auetionee.s tor the Counties of Heron ani Bruce, are prepared to take all kinds of . ale$. We are certain we can please You can have either one or both. :boat extra charge. Orders can be 14: with F. McConnell. or with t . F. Vanarick at the Merchants' B-ok. r ag :`o,'e Store, Wingham, Chary:er moderate. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Our new samples are here 11 f and we ask your inspection before buying either your Fall Suit or 111 es we have some of the Overcoat newest and best clothes on the market today. Our color- ings in these are the very best that can be obtained and our prices are about the same a5 they were a year ago. Our fall Neckwear, Hats, Caps, Shirts, underwear etc have arrived, so give us a call. The only exclusive Gent's Furnishing store in tow. Frank McLean { t" Successor to W. A. Campbell t►ssss 44 4 s+ COAL Best D. L. & W Scran- ton Coal. Every advantage is with the consumer in buy- ing his coal early, better service, less cost, none of the disagreeable features of winter delivery, and the t added satisfaction of hav- ing your coal in your owns bins. Place your order by the 20th inst. for delivery at June prices Dressed and nnndressd turn- her, lath, shingles and wood. —... ---- �i A. McLEAN DTAr.EF: INLD,1V BER, COAL, WOOD AND SHINGLES. Pn;ovcs : * esidence 55, Mae 64:1 lkIill Gob 444004101.11411011048•10644A414164 1114.411011 !"-MMIMUMMEOUNIMMENNEMINIMMIIIMMIIMMUNOWIIIIIIIMMIMMINIMMIHIMINHIMMINORMIPMMIITE Issue of $100,000,000 5% Bonds Maturing 1st October, 1931. OIMMI Woman OrMftin WYE emoda VONNOM IMEMO MOREY rlimPOM MaYmn mama MOiMMI WIMM IONIM MIMVOr Minme VOMMO ORB VION IMEM SMOYM WORM MMOIN MOMS MOIIMMO MOMS IMMO AMMER IMMO moo olmno ommo .rte. WAR LOAN DOMINION OF CANADA PAYABLE AT PAR AT OTTAWA, HALIFAX, ST. JOHN, CHARLOTTETOWN, MONTREAL, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, REGINA, CALGARY, VICTORIA. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY, 1st APRIL, 1st OCTOBER. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. ISSUE PRICE 971 A FULL HALF -YEAR'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON lst APRIL, 1917. THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers herewith, on behalf of the Government, the above named Bonds for subscription at 97, payable as follows: - 10 per cent on application; 30 " " 16th October, 1916; 30 " " 15th November, 1916; 27 " " 15th December, 1916. The total allotment of bonds of this issue will be limited to one hundred million dollars exclusive of the amount (if any) paid for by the surrender of bonds as the equiva- lent of cash under the terms of the War Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 1915. The instalments 'nay be paid in full on the 16th day of October, 1916, or on any instalment due date thereafter, under discount at the rate of four per cent per annum. All payments are to be made to a chartered bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment when due will render previous payments liable to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. Subscriptions, accompanied by a deposit of ten per cent of the amount subscribed, must be forwarded through the medium of a chartered bank. Any branch in Canada of any chartered bank will receive subscriptions ar.d issue provisional receipts. This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest will be a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Forms of application may be obtained from any branch in Canada of any chartered bank and at the office of any Assistant Receiver General in Canada. Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. In case of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be applied towards payment of the amount due on the October instalment. Scrip certificates, non-negotiable or payable to bearer in accordance with the choice of the applicant for registered or bearer bonds, will be issued, after allotment, in exchange for the provisional receipts, When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the money, they may be exchanged for bonds, when prepared, with coupons attached, payable to bearer or registered as to principal, or for fully registered bonds, when prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the application. Delivery of scrip certificates and of bonds will be made through the chartered banks. The issue will be exempt from taxes—including any income tax—imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. The bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations of 8100, 8500, 81,000. Fully registered bonds without coupons will be issued in denominations of 81,000, 85,000 or any authorized multiple of $5,000. The bonds will be paid at maturity at par at the office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, or Victoria. The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. Both cheques and coupons will be payable free of exchange at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. Subject to the payment of twenty-five cents for each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds of the denomination of 8,1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds of authorised denominations without coupons at any time on application to the Minister of Finance. The books of the loan will be kept at the Departinent of Finance, Ottawa. Application will be made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchange,. Recognized bond and stock brokers will be allowed a commission of one-quarter of one per cent on allotments made in respect of applications bearing their stamp, provided, however, that no commission will be allowed in respect of the amount of any allotment paid for by the surrender of bonds issued under the War Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 1915. No commission will be allowed in respect of applications an forms which have not been printed by the King's Printer. Subscription Lists will close on or before 23rd September, 1916. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, September 12th, 1916. MEMO Ambame Mama MAIM mrimow Noma mime mmmot ammo ammo emalf Ammo IMMEN ftwilm NiMmt somym Immo Pom Ambma ardmis ammo MiNOM MYMM WeaMo Ori amomm mmoo mymog boom IMIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111Ii111111111111l1111AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAIIINIM111111111IA11111A11llIlIl111II1111111111I1111111A11111111AtIAAI I IINIM r astAi3LtRESD 1811 The Wingham Times R.B. ELLIOTT. rT. i'tBLZSRER ARD PROPtitroa TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1916 Ford Profits For One Year. What is considered the most remark- able showing ever made by any corpor- ation in history is that of the Ford Motor Car Company for the fiscal. year just ended. The annual report shows that the company trade a net profit for the yearof .119,941,118 or over $1,000,- ICOO per week and paid its workmen the highest wages known in the industrial Iworld. No one receives less than $5 per day, and 74 per cent. of the 49,570 • employees of the Ford Company, work- ing eight hours a day, shared ib the great profits which they helped to snake and left this enormous balance with the company. The company turned out 609,6O0 automobiles. There Were 472050 cars soul daring the year. „ENO= C11.1191 Sy and i imisie *e its.wistir se66xn:e"s demand are grinner than is i airtare We, "Thin is shows is io xray {pate tanto, lass ii'eed'ieea, isnaeot ostler+, avert Inti at neriNtNis. rci, al.s *id' tdebirel t 911[ ,r with tosinistrairible weed , tot noel A tkAr. it ]AofteWks in concentrated florin the very V food desserts k, enrich their Motel. It i CiWittgiti Isla cnet* in. strength: k nolo, Chem *body and strong and noise. Scott illvhMa, !,ler. ants Sabacriptieares for YIELDING PRACTICALLY W LOAN 5.35 'e/. e DOMINION OF CANADA As with the previous Loan, we predicta treat success for this issue. During this period of stress our Government needs our help and counts upon our patriotism. But a chance is riven investors of placing their money in securities of the highest grade, upon terms the liberality of which will', perhaps, not be fully realized lentil the return of normo times. If Mir Loan were issued ter yield 4i%, instead of about 5.35 %, the p: ,'e would be 105.41, instead of 97.50. A 4% yield (the basis on zi •ich Dominion Gaaernrnent bands sold so recently as 1914) would mean er price of 111 for the present issue. We will forward your appplication, procure your allotment and! render .Mer services free of charge to yoct. To ensure allotment appliestion should k "mule at Ofla A. E.AMMES% 00. 53 KING STREET WEST Toronto, Canada ftteestment Bankers Established teas tr..r«id t, «r .w +icrr•.a sig.., !.k a te.t.r. V milk* form c..k.e «. be+rsg.l L omuitiots of Catcall Lola Due 1911 M.SS1tS. A. IL ARES & CO., 4S Kix, 31. West, 'lerda1e, C sa4ts. Doke .stilus,„ ZJ*eby axtF:oriie yodel to caster sly substripti isfsr #... .w,, ew.„. .. w„ ........, Dominion et Comae Lean in aceordoiscir wig OA Girona eJ t * 0111•4i1Prespeetita. Mr.. gm. i* gull Yrs. dr Arida/ fiats.....�...-�..........a.....i!`It Street tfddrsis for F. CJ lk9e).,mp= w.sl+....wi,.. .a .............:.... «........ /��•r+:�S•.r+•r-rr•.r'��r•�r•�+•,..Z':...�,..+4` � •fir L'+��'+�`' ,ro,s . iii Diaiiimond Rings, ft iii Engagement Rings, rn I.0 Wedding Rings ft f FOR THE JUNE $RIDE q`t, Silverware of All Kinds :i it "Community", "Rogers" and "Pearl Handled" .�l Ifi Fancy Clocks, Cut Glass, Jewelry �t1 OF ALL KINDS tt l�1 Fine Watch Repairing a specialty. All work f� guaranteed. int n0 1$ rpt .�,......r .� •.• •...,,oar %or ` 111 Phone 65 A. M. KNOX Jeweller and Optician Eyes Tested Free �I. • •r..f.,.•�.r....••..•...r.r. r•r•✓.r. r• r0.r+. r.i►,_ •/.,"''•.✓•00•r•r's•r•r•.r•r•r` ...r.•.�•&M`•...,..•..•�•�y•�• r/ 1� PURE BRED 1m 10 re l.0 it e ROOSTERS it That Will Improve Your Flock. �0 it !1 j One hundred and fifty Barred Rocks and f1. Rhode Island Reds 1.0 It! FOR SALE ft it ft ft ff>t See our special prize list and come to our de- j• 0 monstration of fertilizer and produce. We will fe poultry at ins am FallFair. show you hatch house feed kill and caponize fjt !fit It Wingham 0 9' /0 A. H. WILFORD n Phones:—Office 174, Residence 108 ainProduce Dealer Winghatn Ontario .*jl, Clean-up of Summer Lines During the next few days we will sort over our Summer Goods and put a price on them that will clean up all odd lines and ends for the season. NlusIins, 6inAhains, Voiles, Mulls, Gropes, etc. will be sold with one object in view only, namely, to clean up: every yard for the season. This will be a chance to fill your late summer needs at less than old prices. D. & A. Corsets Why buy the cheapest Corset you can get? Why not get hold of some- thing genuinely good in quality and satisfaction and stick to it. Economy in Corsets doesn't mean paying out the least money. It means getting the most in style, comfort and wear for the money you do pay out. We have customers who insist on D. & A. Corsets at $250 and $3.00 in prefer- ence to less expensive lines. They last longer as a matter of course and are correspondingly finer in work- manship and finish. Try the plan of paying a little more and getting a little better. Corsets ate like shoes. The best are the cheapest in the end. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Millis PRONE 89. i 'XNGE AlVI, ONT