HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-12-28, Page 33chith Mcltwain
1 had a
birthday party
bowling lanes
ttrid. Mom
me & Jason)
love the years
by 'I'm
blast playing
I' even got to
the Strattonri
S Happy
Hi Hudson Ireland
here, on January 1st 1
tum 3 years old. I am.
having a swirtlmirg:
• _party with my friends
and family. It`s. a Light-
eningg Mcqueen theme
and 1.°asked kir a Chick
Hicks Cake. ` I can't
waft for more snow to
come so 1: can. lioOrn 10
toboggan and' skate
this winter. Happy New
Year everyone, • love
For changes to the
Church Directory
phone 524-2614
fax 524-9175
or email
focu8 .ads@bownet . c o m
by Friday at NOON
Big sisters Sophia and Amelia were excited
to welcome their baby brother Hudson
Derrick• Greydanus, born November 1st at
Stratford General Hospital, weighing Bibs,
1 oz. Proud parents are Derrick and
Michelle Greydanus of Londesborough,..
spoiling privileges go grandparents Tom
*and Sharron Moore of Goderich. and Jerry
and Gladys Greydanus of Clinton. Big.
brother Desmond kept.. watch from above
making sure mommy and baby were safe
and sound.
321 Bayfield Rd , Goderich
. 519-5248506
Senior PastorMev i3ryan Warnar
Youth Paster: Curtis Moore
Sufsday 10:30 a.m. Service Time .
Sunday achoot Agos 3-12 during Service
6 p.m Evening Service
Tues., Youth Gr 0-12 7CIO prn
Woo.. Jr High ( 6-8 Too p rrt
39 Montreal St., Goderich
. .519-524-9049
Pastor: Pod Gauthier
Dire+ tar Eunice Basset
Worship 11:00 am
Tamponmy Location •
Knox Presbyterian Church Gymnasium
You elf` t reorno iv coma & ►+orst n us':
A friendly church teaching Bide truth9
A place to Believe
A place to Belong
A place to Become
&:ty I will be,
.; on January
ve hada busy
h=erring the
how to
ing to Geri -
care, and
I am
10 swi- rig •.
arxt learning to
roti next year
Hi my name : is Leah
Layer and I turn the
big -ONE on Dec. 30th.
Mommy and Daddy
are throwing ` me a
monkey themed party:
I can't waitfor my first
cake, -I want towish
my Grandma and
Grandpa Smith a sate
trip to Florida, I will
miss you!! Until next
year. Leah.
Trinity Christi
Reformed Church
121 .;s;ncoa ,t Dr E
, . nitycfc@huront&t.9rl.ed
ilk Pastor Stephen lamming
unday Service 10:00 am
Fishes,& Loaves Tuesday, January 17th at 0:30 pm
Life Cate.will resumeTues. Jan 24,-.9:30 am
and Wed. Feb.1. 7:30 pm
Men's Life, Jan. 7. at 7.00 am
Visit our website -Www,triftWiactionterich&cact
Cable 12 r ee...1st Sunday at 4 prn
The Salvation Army
Suncoast Citadel
Captain,{-: Bram $ Amt.: Pearr-e
Services held at
303 Suncoast Drive
Worship Service
10:30 a.m.
For Obituaries call:
Fax: 1-866-485-8461
obituaries a yvuriftemornentf.ca
Big brother. Remi and parents Angie and
Dan are proud to announce the arrival of
Cooper Glenn Wilkinson, bom at Stratford
General Hospital on October 30, 2011 at
11:42 p.m., weighing 7 pounds, 15 .1/5
ounces. Spoiling privileges go to grandpar-
ents Glenn and Leslie Green and Maurice
Wilkinson. Proudly watching from above
Grandrna Joanne Wilkinson
Aec J The Venerable Man L tone
Jrrr ;.h� of music ENzatx tf► TotCtuir(
Sunday, January. 1St, 2012
The Naming of Jesus
10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
uarie' In Memoriant Thinks
Births Celebration% More
rife and Patrick are proud to an -
the birth of their son Joseph Keith
on Oct. 28, 2011, weighing 8 lbs. 12
tie brother for Christe. Proud grand -
are Terry and Anne Dalton and
d Marsha Christie.
Comer of East & Victoria Streets
www. pc cweb. ca/k n o x -g od er i c h
Ministers: Rev 8 Vanderstett 8 MJ Bisset
100 Kingston St., Godench, ON N7A 3K4
(Lower Level, 5 Point Financial Centre),
Don Denomme - Manager
BM 524-8457 RES: 524-6621
. (Call for an appointment anytime )
Rev. Gwen Nicol - Macdonald
Rev'Ri j Nicol - Macdonald
nga ng worship) Midweek group:
Outstanding music.
'S6 North Street, (ioatiencry 119-1.2.44-2101,
%WNW flOrth St Met .C..1
"It - broadcast duringJuiy 6. August
Children's activities at both services
Cable 12 telecast Sundays at 2:30 pm