HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-08-31, Page 8DISTRICT ITEMS Page 8 THE WINGHAM TIMES August 31th, 1916 MEN WANTED Steady Employment G uaranted,. Apply to Western Foundry Co. LIMITED WINGI3AM, ONTARIO ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. WANTED -Live Poultry. Highest prices paid. tf W. J. ARMOUR. TRUNKS AND VALISES: -Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. To RENT -Seven -roomed house to rent. Apply to Wm. Gannett. Fox SALE -Two micows, one Durham, one thc>lro)ighbred Jersey. Apply at TIMES offs WANTED -A girl to learn typesetting. One who has passed Entrance pre- ferred. Apply at TIMES Nice. LosT-On Tuesday a ening between Wingham and Currie' school in East Wawanosh, a lady s nk waist. Finder kindly leave at Ti ES office. LOST -In Wingham, on Thursday last, a bill fold pocket book containing a considerable sum of money and re- ceipts for money paid. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at TIMES Office. Fox: SALE -Good quiet driving horse, also buggy. Apply Mrs. J. 0. Mc- Gregor, Lower Wingham. 1-2, LOST -Between the Exchange hotel and 1st line of Morris, a fall robe. Finder please leave at TIMES office. WANTED -A good boy to learn the baking business. A splendid chance for a good boy. Apply at Nicholls' bakery. CHURCH NOTES. At aspecial meeting of the Presbytery of Huron, the call to Rey. Mr Me- Dermid, to become pastor of Knox Church at Goderich, was sustained. Anniversary servises will be beld in Calvin Church, East Wawanosh. on Sunday, September 10th, The servises will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Duncan, of Lucknow. Further particulars will be given in our next issue. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Regular communion service will be held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church at the morning service on Sun- day September 10th. Further arnounce- ment will be made in our next issue. METHODIST CHURCH. Regular services will be held next Lord's Day in the Methodist Church at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Pastor, Rev. J. W. Hibbert, who has just returned from his vacation, will occupy the pulpit and preach at both services. All will be made welcome. Good music. Come. HOUSE FOR SALE -Good comfortable seven roomed house on Centre street. Good stable; quarter acre lot. Hen yard. Apply to Wm. Gould. FOUND - On Josephine street on Saturday nignt, a purse containing a small sum of money. Owner can have same by proving property at TIMES office. G. Fryatt Mountford, us. L. C.M., organist of Knox Pres terian Church, Kincardine, author cantata, "The Hymn of St. Patr•c ," is now forming weekly classes in ipley, Lucknow and Wingham in violin, piano, voice and theory. Twenty-seven exam. successes at London (Eng.) College of Music. Address Box 41, Kincardine, Ont. 2-2 SEED WHEAT FOR SALE I have for sale a limited quantity of American Banner White Winter Wheat, 1916 crop. Price $1.50 per bushel. H. T. Thomson, Wingham. First Class Farm in Morris For Sale Cheap The undersigned is prepared to sell the north half of lot number 13, in the first concession of the Township of Morris, cheap and on easy terms. 87 acres cleared and 13 acres in bush. House, good frame on stone foundation, 1,34 storey, 20x30; kitchen 15x20. Barn stone stabling 60x40 and 55x35, concrete floors in stable. Soil, good and clesn wii.h two acres of orchard. Farm falls away from buildings and has consider- able tile drainage. Fences, wire and cedar rails in good condition. Nater, has three wells and spring creek near rear of farm. Roads, good, one mile from Bluevale G. T. R. station. Pos- session at end of year. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. F, S. SCOTT, 17-10 Brussels, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of John Willits, deceased, who died on or about the Twenty-ninth day of March, A. D., 1916, at the Village of Fergus, in the County of Wellington, in the Province of Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to Il. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the Eleventh day of September, A. D., 1916, their names and addresses, with full particulars of their claims in writ - mg, ng, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by statutory declaration. AND further take notice that after the said Eleventh day of September, 191G, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the Executors among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the estate dill not be liable for any claims not fled at the time of theseiddiatribution. day DATED I gat tWingham A gi a Xphia Fourteenth 16, R, W ngham,NE, Ont. 6.4 Solicitor for the Executors. Patriotic Cheques. Town Clerk Groves has received the monthly cheques from the patriotic fund for the wives of the soldiers. Cheques can be had by calling at the Town Clerk's office. Last month's cheques belonging to Mrs. Arthur E. Clark and Mrs. John F. Smith have not yet been claimed. Working on New Dam. The Electric Light Committee has had the work started on the building of the new dam in Lower Wingham. The work will be done by day labor and will be under the supervision of Mr. R. Vint. The building of the new dam will mean the saving of considerable water and will thus save the cost of fuel in the operation of the electric light plant. Cut His Throat With Razor. George Lees, proprietor of the Luck - now Woollen Mill, was found about noon on Thursday last in a bush on the outskirts of the town with his throat cut by a razor, apparently a case of suicide. Mr. Lees had been missing from the previous morning and a search was instituted for him with the above result. Mr. Lees was an unmarried man and had lived in Lucknow practically all his life, making his home with his two sisters, the Misses Lees. Toronto Exhibition Rates. The Grand Trunk Railway System will issue tickets at special rates to Toronto and return on account of the National Exhibition. Fare of $4.90, going any day between Aug. 26th and Sept. 7th, valid to return up to Sept. 13th; fare of $3.65 going any day be- tween August 26th and Sept. 9th, limited to return in five days from date of sale. Special fare of $2.70, going any train Aug. 30th and a. m. trains on Aug. 31st, good to return up to Sept. lst; also going any train Sept. 6th and a. m. trains Sept. 7th, good to return up to Sept. 8th, war tax of 5 cents extra on all tickets. Buy your tickets and get information from H. B. Elliott, All of the hotels in South Bruce have applied for a standard license with the exception of the hotel at Elmwood and one at Eden Grove. Mr. Robt, Earl has purchased lot 12 on the 4th concession of Howick from Mr. Thos. Lovell. It is a good farm and contains 100 acres. The Town Council of Walkerton at their last meeting passed a grant of $300 towards the fund to assist those burned out in the recent fire in New Ontario. The marriage of Willa M. Ford, B. A. daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Ford, Goderich, to Robert D. P. David- son, B. A. of Cobourg, took place quietly at the home of the bride's parents on Wednesday, Angust 23. Wm. Wheatley, a prominent farmer and contrator of Huron street, Clinton died Sunday night from heart -failure, He was in apparently good health on Sunday, and entertained some friends at his home, but expired a few minutes after he had retired for the night. John Lanxon, a retired farmer, who has been an invalid at his home on Albert street, Clinton, for the past five years, died Monday in his 79th year. He came to this country from Enaland in 1886 and is survived by his wife, one son and four daughters. It is with deepest regret we chron- icle this week, the passing away, at Teeswater, on Saturday, August 12th, of Bruce John, only and much loved son of Mr. and Mrs. John Grenache, aged 3 years, 2 months and 10 days. Born in Teeswater, little Bruce, or "Buster", as he was frequently called, was a very bright and lovable wee laddie. He was only sick a week. The fields of grain which were enter- ed for the Howick Agricultnral So- ciety's Standing Field Crop Competition were judged and the prizes were awarded as follows. The crop was oats:-lst, Rich. Wilkin, Minto; 2nd, Ed. Krohn, Howick; 3rd, Alex. Mc- Laughlin, Howick; 4th, Jos. Davidson, Howick; 5th, W. H. Brown, Howick; 6th, Harvey Sperling, Howick; 7th, J. A. Edgar, Grey. The judge was W. J. Lennox, of Toronto. Sober Unexaggerated Truth The Stratford Beacon says the edi- tors of this country, "are working for the public, not for profit." Editors are so much given to making their lot a matter of pleasantry that per- haps people generally take that sort of statement as a joke. But it is the literal truth. Doctors, lawyers, mer- chants. farmers and people of practic- cally every other calling have a chance to make something more than a liv- ing, but the newspaper publisher, par- ticularly the country publisher, has not, There is no money in the busi- ness. When you ni',u a newspaper man who has been able to lay by a few thousands, you will almost invar- iably find that the money has been made through some fortunate invest- ment outside his regular business. It is also true that to no enterprise is any town so much indebted for its progress and prosperity as to its news- papers. So the Beacon's statement ie the sober, unexaggerated truth. Editor9 are working for the public, not for themselves, and precious little thanks, as a rule they get for it,--Or- illia Packet. Samuel McKenzie, of Port Stanley, a fisherman. fell asleep on the rail of a tug, tumbled into the lake, and was drowned. George Render of klolmesville, a well- known farmer of Goderich Township, died at his his home Sunday in his 78rd year. He is survived by bis wife and daughter, Mrs. James Ferguson of Goderich Township. The death occurred on Saturday of Frank Walker at Los Angeles, aged 74 years. Mr Walker was a brother-in-law of Mayor Miller of Kinardine. He left Kincardine over a quaxter of a century ago, but had paid numerous brief visits to the town. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTORIA BORN HUBAND-In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Tuesday, August 29th, to Capt. and Mrs. Huband, a son. REID-At Knock Hill Farm, Culross, on August 14th to Mr. and Mrs Guthrie Reid; a daughter. McLEoD-In Kinloss, on August 4th to Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLeod, a son. MCQUILLIN-In West Wawanosh, on August 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Quillin, a daughter. MARRIED JACKSON -BARROWS- At the home of G. W. and Mrs. Jackson, Wiwa Hill, Sask., on July 29th, by Rev. Mr. Warden, Mr. Thos. Henry Jackson, of Wiwa Hill, to Miss Mable Victoria Barrows, Walton, Ont. DIED. ABRAHAM -In Morris, on August 27th, Annie B. Abraham, aged 36 years and 8 months. DAVIDSON-In Wroxeter, an August 25th, Anna May Davidson, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davidson, of Morris, in her 18th year. MAXWELL - In Leamington, on Aug. 25th, Jean Scott, beloved wife of Robert Maxwell, sr., formerly of the Bluevale road, aged 82 years: OLIVER-In West Wawanosh. on August 23. Wellington Oliver, aged 56 years and 5 months. BRECKENRIDGE-At Fergus Hospital, on August 20th, Sarah Anne, daughter of David and Martha Breckenridge, aged 19 years, 7 months and 13 days. SANDERSON-In Wroxeter, on Aug. 21st, Mary McKercher, wife of Matthew Sanderson, aged 62 years, 1 month. and. 2fi days. SEASIDE EXCURSIONS'• VIA CANADIAN PACIFIC I 1 Special Sale of BOYS' SCHOOL CLOTHES From Now UnIiI Sebool. Starts I Start the boys off to school with new cloths. Now is your opportunity to buy at a great saving, We are offering some very special values that will enable you to secure him his new outfit at much less than regular price. Boy's Bloomer Suits $3.95 Suits of all wool good wear- ing tweeds in neat heather mixtures in shades of greys and browns, in sizes for boys from 8 to 16 years. Boys' Khaki Knickers 59c. 5 dozen boys' khaki knickers in fast color khaki drill that will give extra long wear and satisfaction, in sizes from 6 to 15 years. Boys' Negligee Shirts 45c. Special collection of boys' Shirts taken from our regular stock, in fast color materials, some have soft collars and double cuffs, in sizes 12 to 14. Extra Heavy Cotton Rib- bed Hose 25c per pair Boys' heavy rib and girls' fine ribbed hose in all sizes. Boys' and Girls' All Wool Sweater Coats 79c. Broken lines in Sweater Coats, all sizes, suitable for school wear. 1 Produce Wanted Agents for Standard Patterns KING BROS. 'Phone 71 An,exceptional Vacation Trip is of- fered by the Canadian Pacific Seaside Excursions. Tickets on sale, To Lower St, Lawrence, Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland Resorts: Good going August 18, 19th, 20th, and 21st; good returning until September 6th, 1916. To Maine Coast Resorts: -Good going August 25th, 26th, and 27th; good re- turning until September 11th, 1916. Very special fares. Full information from any Canadian Pacific Ticket agent, or W. B. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, DATES OF FALL FAIRS Wingham Sept. 28, 29 Atwood .... ' 19, 20 Blyth ... ..,Oct. 3, 4 Brussels.... " 5, 6 Dungannon. .. " 5. 6 ExeterSept.18, 19 Fordwich Oct. 7 Goderich .. Sept. 27, 29 Kincardine " 21, 22 Lucknow " 28, 29 Mount Forest " 20, 21 Paimeraton " 14, 15 Ripley " 26, 27 Seaforth " 21, 22 Teeswater Oct. 2. 3 Tiverton v . " 3 Walkerton........Sept.. 12, 13 Zurich 20, 21. LINDSAY'S 1 0 Visit our store • for Bargains in Dry Goods Men's and Boys' Wear Boots and Shoes Groceries, etc. Queen uality Shoes Retain their shape and beauty until worn out. That is one of the most valued features of Queen Quality shoes. Any Queen Quality shoe looks well on the foot until the last day itis worn, and they are comfortable from the first day. "ASK THE WOMAN WHO WEARS THEM" W. H. WILLIS Sole. Agents iteeek save for Ladies and Derby Shoes for Men } 1 LIVE POULTRY WANTED Nommirmommortrawsmosms HIGHEST PRICES PAID EGGS WANTED In Large or Small Quantities W. J. AF/VIOUR Centre Street, Wingham SPECIAL VALUES IN School Supplies and Needs For the Children to wear to school The opening days are near. Will your children be BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH HIGHEST PRICES PAID R. M. LINDSAY Brokerage Stand 0 ,.yle,..,..h ...... -. .... ready when the bell rings? -low are a . few specials which w be on sale SATU Boys' Blouses 50c value for 25c. Ribbed Cotton Hose, all sizes,at 15c. per pair. . Pencils, Scribblers, School Bags and School 13ooks, ofF every description at the usual low prices. Y NEXT 100 pairs boys' Pants and Bloomers, striped and khaki, made of good serviceable Ma- terials, values worth up to $1.00. Your choice 39c. Extra Special -500 lbs fresh Candies just arrived at 20c, per lb. WINGHAM BAZAAR, The Home. of Good Things