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Goderich Signal Star, 2011-12-21, Page 15
lgnal Star • Wednesday, December 21, 2011 SIRIUS!ls tATtLtITI IAOIO t. 2.1 E } Yw ra�x�gl.. 0"'.4 -.: r ,., 41iAw!A;* �' ;' f 1s 1. Ik dist !4- :/tt r t,.k �tt , i -..4+,1 7 i;;iti; f:-tii.-,!)1 kt4.$0*..., „A 4, ' i .:::. W r t kit mi IT iX .q ilk •` 1 k 1 1 CHOE. isY01lRS Ck6/IA0'.1.1AIE RESTRICT/1tt4•APIiV OSS NOT AV4M AEIi-E AT THE SAME TIM Dir 1640 CHOOSE cns % w Nit 31/14 MCII* 1a NOW MORE CHOICE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. DECEMBER 31 JANUARY 15 CHOOSE $9,500 MANUFACTURER I W Di ► "iii i OM (Tisch no* 2133tar1Ai013 mow* 2011 f=160 lfr• & 1<+^ou * VI/1W" 2011 F-150 Super Cab XLT 4X4 5.OL OWN FOR ONLY r--SBUILT TOUGH FINANCED al -WEEK IN FOR 60 MONTHS WITH SO DOWN PAYMENT: Ofre V E 7 .)0E'S 'AXIS v*LIO FROM DECEMDE A 16 30 2011 10.5L/1OOkrn 27MPG HWV 15.OLnOowm 19MPG CITY° ROOM.* CUSTOMERS CAN IMMO AN ACOtYIONA. 61.000 COSTCO ORKIN"rve MAO S2.500 IN RECYCLE YOUR 410E INCE/OP/6S 4' • ^� " " •. �:R a s:=t`z-Y�r�7nzeiat-a*i�c ECIORLE CUSTOMERS CAN WSW AN A001 1E L 61.000 COS tip odctti yvt A14161,000 IN At/CYCLE vOuP RIDE NCENTWES A CANACIANS 2012 ESCAPE 14 XLT AUTO cc we--- OWN t1� I - $fl•© A% ONLY . FINANCED BI -WEEKLY FOR 60 MONTHS WITH $0 DOWN PAYMENT INCWDES s750" WINTER SAFETY PACKAGE CASH ALTERNATIVE OFFER E'CLUOPS TAXIS VALID FROM DECE/ASIR 16-.30, 2011 7.1L/Iookm 40MPG wy 10.0L✓lookm 28MPGcrrr- 2012 EDGE GE T0 PURCHASE FINANCING FOR APR/ UP TO 3 6 ON SI & E S O>l1SitECTNEW 2012 MOE MOMS --- AND GET ------ $75O" WINTER SAFETY PACKAGE CASH ALTERNATIVE OfFf EYC,.uOES TA ALS vA►10FROMDECEL411(R16 30 7011 7.81./rookm 36MPG HW r - 11,1l1,�1oOM,n 2,44MMPG e1T Y • . CAN PNIGE N I AN AOCKT[)aitl 61.000 TCO NCl/PONS M0 $1.00011f i•1; YU1/R 810E A+r iM?1�3 bd WtE14d Pe -.111. Hi' hafi •F+Kt!4 A ' • Aad MIAOW' 41.1roo 11ttrl•'IWft :4.r 1 pwa. 1..r1.>+1 •Ms. -.• f •r, • .. 1 • ' •NI.*# 1J `tf) £twit Ontrl.r•.° IS', 1:) 11m AM PrIf4Iv11;re+ f lr. •1 ..- 1/ Ns Swat $4.4 4 - 1 i 9 Ni. 10W PaIR1 vows tvll 3 wr01 1+ lt1vit 64 COSMO • PAIIIMINuts WSW p MINIM 7taft AND 2012 POND VIDOICUML VISIT Hurry in and get the vehicle and offer you've been thinking about. Only at your Ontario Ford Store. r51,";(1 Delveone. Ont,irin$or 1 Rural economy boosted by Futures program HBDC delivers programs to local rural area A government program_ was praised for its success and cel- ebrated for its longevity on Parliament Hill recently when members of parliament and cabinet ministers met with members of Community Futures Network of Canada. The Community Futures Program was established in 1986.. as a means for the federal government to boost Canada's Rural economy. When first announced, the program was touted as better able to "understand, anticipate and respond to the impact of social and technological change in commu- nities." The announcement also stated that the program would address "pressing` needs of communities by becoming involved:in initiatives proposed from within the community itself" Twenty-five years later, and the Community Futures Program has done just that, says David Harris, Chairperson of the Community Futures Network of Canada. "Community Futures is the largest, most well-established national community economic development movement in Canada. Community Futures organizations continue to the driving force for economic growth,and renewal by support- ing local economic development. They assist in the creation of diverse, competitive local economies in rural communities across Canada,' Harrissaid. Community Futures organizations, also known as Com- munity Business Development Corporations, are managed by a volunteer board of directors that live in the community and make decisions based on what's best for their area. There are about 3,500 volunteers across Canada guiding efforts of 1,600 staff members. Community Futures organizations offer loans to new an existing small businesses, provide business information and counseling as well as entrepreneurial training,. support for community economic development projects and assist with strategic economic development planning. The Huron Business Development Corporation located in Seaforth delivers the Community Futures prograi in the area In its 25 years, community futures has injected $3.6 billion into the rural economy and helped in the creation of 450,000 jobs. For information on the Community Futures Program locally, contact Paul Nichol or 1im Niesen at the Huron Busi- ness Development Corporation at 519-527-0305. Aric Bos receives Pride Seeds scholarship Outstanding graduate students from OAC, the Ontario Agricultural College at the University of Guelph, were recognized for their achievements on Nov. 29 at a Fall Awards Celebration at the OAC Centennial Arboretum Centre, University of Guelph. Aric Bos of Goderich was among the students hon- oured at the event, receiving the PSB Seeds Scholar- ship, awarded to a student in the Department of Plant Agriculture conducting research in corn production or corn breeding. OAC Is a global leader In bmovative life sdences edu- cation and research for the environment, agriculture, food and rural communities. Established in 1874, the college provides world-class education, research and innovation.