HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-12-21, Page 8Si ! nal Star • Wednesda , December 21 2011 7
to the editor
art Meters affect
writer asks?
d Health Canada. Smart
this is what I read.
t $3.92 a month or approxi -
per year. This money goes
One account.
hat we get for our $50.
w -level radiation all
e house 24 hours a day,
-a-week. Health Canada
e and well below the limits
to avoid is the room next
meter, because the closer
it the stronger the level of
an body is not meant to
a continuous bombardment
It is referred to as rapid
e human body. Also, it is
erous as second-hand
e per cent of the popula-
are ringing in the ear,
ntration, headaches and
easily agitated. To find out
t Srnart Meters google
ada smart meters.
Art Bell
to grow"
"We are on the
threshold of a new
era in cancer rear('
We're really confident.
'at we will beat cancer."
Robot Pleas
Inter -
canadien ne
du cancer
or information about cancer,
r‘,)( -es or to make a donatoon
Residents demonstrate the true spirit of humanity at its best
To the editor,
The Christmas bureau didn't really know
what to expect this year in the wake of the
Aug. 21 tornado. It was uncharted water.
Would there be a lot more families needing
the boost of the Bureau this Christmas? And,
if so, could/would the community be able to
meet thedemand?
We were well aware how much everyone
has given since august - given of their time
and talents, given emotionally, and given
financially, over and over again.
We've all been feeling drained and fund -
raised* right out.
What we at the Christmas Bureau have
had the once-in-a-lifetime privilege of wit-
nessing is a will, a heart and an indomitable
spirit that just can't be shut down. Individu-
als,, companies and merchants alike all dug
deep enough to give some more and still
came to donate. Some of them still have no
livelihood at this point, but they still came.
Some are having difficulty with their
insurance company, restoration is painfully
slow and they are worried. But, they still
Some know that Christmas will be much
leaner for themselves and their families this
year, but they still came.
Some were inspired to help other bureaus
in Huron too. Some individuals and groups
from well outside our community and
county were inspired to help this year.a
There are not adequate words to express
NDP leader to carry forward. Jack Layton's vision
7b the editor,
It is rare in Canadian political
life for us to have a direct say on
the future of the country. Yet you
have an opportunity to be a part
of directly electing the next leader
of the opposition and someone
who may very well become the
Prune Minister of this country
after the next election. Due to -the
sad and untimely death of lack
Layton the NDP is in the midst of
a leadership race. I have had the
chance to meet and talk with a
number of the candidates for the
leadership of the NDP. They are
all bright, capable and under. -
stand the day-to-day issues fac-
ing Canadians. The team jack
Layton assembled is strong and
the values that drove Jack con=
tinue to be shared by all of us in
the NDP.
The leadership election will be
what is called one member -one
vote. That means anyone who
becomes a member of the NDP
will have a direct say on who
becomes the Leader of the Oppo-
sition and a candidate for Prime
Minister. Since all memberswill
be voting directly this will be an
open and transparent process
that breaks with the kind of bro-
kered conventions of the past,
such as the one that brought
Brian Mulroney to power and
without the backroom deals that
=saw Stephen Harper and Michael
Ignatieff become the leaders of
their parties.
I would encourage anyone
who supported Jack Layton's
vision of a Canada where we do a
better Job of looking after each
other and where everyday people
were the ones that government
worked for, not insiders and cro-
nies, to get involved, Join the
NDP and vote in the leadership
race. You can also contact me
directly at grant@bmts.com anal I
CounCH closed door policy disappointing
To the editor,
This letter is in reference to the
announcement of the Goderich Town
Council motion to approve a list of peo-
ple on the newly created downtown core
master plan and courthouse park land-
scape design project.
This is nota good beginning for a con-
sultation that is supposedly all about
public dialogue. I' am disappointed; not
with the individuals "chosen" butwith
the Process used to choose them. A
majorityof the elected members of our
Council have chosen to support a secre-
tiveand closed -door policy of choosing
the "public" members of the committee.
Hopefully the lack of public input will
our gratitude for the selflessness of su many.
That gratitude is extended also to the many
volunteers who work cheerfully and tire-
lessly - for without them there would be no
Christmas Bureau. All of you together have
ensured that there is a Christmas in
Goderich this year for everyone. Perhaps
even more importantly, you have demon-
strated the true spirit, not just of Christmas,
or of community, but of humanity at its best.
Goderich is alive and well!
Thank you, bless you and we hope you
enjoy one of your best, most memorable
Christmases ever.
Goderich Christmas Bureau Managers
will help you through the process.
You can also find out more at
http: //leadership2o 12.ndp.ca/
There are profiles on all of the
candidates and more
No one in the NDP wanted to
be in a leadership, contest at this
point. But that is not the hand
life has dealt us I know jack
would have wanted and expected
us to pick up the torch and carry
on with the job we all shared in
building the Canada of the future
we need and want. I have been
deeply impressed by those lead-
ership candidates I have talked
with. Collectively they share
compelling life stories; they hold
deep values and a love of this
country, a respect for our tradi-
tions and•values and a desire to
be the Canada Jack knew we
could be.
The task is clear. We are already
seeing that the promises of
not damage the credibility of the plan-
ning effort completely. It depends on
how things develop from this point
I applaud Councillors Crawford and
Morrison on their commitment to using
a democratic and inclusive process. 'I h i s
"committee" will deal with rebuilding the
fundamental fabric of our town.
I certainly hope that the Planning Part-
nership consultants recognize the poten-
tial disharmony that this type of decision
making.will produce and that they will
move immediately to establish some
Dean Whalen
etoi■ ins www.goderichsignslstarcom
1Nws: Dominique Milburn
Mat Uowesnet.COM
Community news: Dominique Milburn
Ih Q snet.
Stephen Harper were hollow.
Despite what they said in the
election, what they really believe
in is a Canada where the rich get
richer and protected by govern-
ment and leave the rest of us with
the bill. They have run out of
excuses for not addressing the
real concerns of Canadians. They
have their majority government
and yet they still are not address-
ing the real concerns of real
Canadians that live in places like
Huron -Bruce. In four years time
Canadians will be looking for a
real alternative, a fresh and new
alternative to the divisive politics
of the past. You can be a part of
that process by getting involved
in the NDP leadership race and
playing a direct role in carrying
forward the vision and passion
for Canada's future prosperity
that Tack Layton, you and I
Grant Robertson, Paisley, ON
Dear Good Sarnaritan:
at Zehrs
Thank you for helping airy mom out at Zehrs a few
months ago. You saved her that day.
We cannot thank you enough. Even though we
cannot figure out your name we now know angels do
exist It is the season for giving thanks and we Cer-
tainly thank you.
omever you are we wish you all the best for the
holiday season and a happy new year.
With gratitude and thanks,
Dopy Kine4kmas
Thanks for the chimes
To the editor,
1 want to thank whoever was responsible for fixing the
clock and bells in the Square In time for Christmas. It's
great to know the time of day again!
Catherine Macleod