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Goderich Signal Star, 2011-12-21, Page 7
real Star • Wednesda , December ?1, 2011 h nal Star x HED WEEKLY --- EST. 1800 al Star Publishing Huckins St rich ON N7A 3X8 -524-2614 .goderichsignalstaccom gaGisIMEDIA A +C eb ecor Media Company ES ;r W `ng Manaw uta OWES Subscripions BUTT ng at Manager ECZNY ELAND MCIVOR y Sales �' ! i :+ ' ..com rts©bowesnet.com (bowesnetcorn c.tkadsObowesnetcom a deadline Friday at 2 pm. cr py RATES ADVANCE: S42 plus GST S39plus GST $218.80 plus GST 1395 60 plus GST Si 25 including GST s MsHPpreernent 14683 uNDEUVERAKE CANADIAN ADUHESSES: ON DEPARTMENT ,kirk, St . Goderlch ON N7A 3X8 *Mliveties or delivery concerns 4 ?fit 4 F MAIL starsaiesebowesn et com h Signal Star shall riot be liable for faire ad for graphIc al errors in publication extent of the cost of that portion of the ad error occurred The Goderch Signal Star right to refect or edit any advertisement h Signal -Star is a pmol member of the Ca- untty Newspapers Association (C,CNA) and (.0mmrmtty Newspapers AmindAtlon (OCNA) 'Madge the• financial support of the ent of Canada throu j'the Canadian Muni(Q1P)forour publishing activities. Canada Member d the Coram Conwrviniry tiamiraper Amoebae end the Ontario rr editorial Community spirit will shine through Christmas hristinas is such a special time.. There is a certain ethereal and magi cal quality to the season and no doubt, this year it will evoke even more special meaning, memories and spirit. The community and those from afar who have supported us so willingly and gener- ously, know that season will be on e of cele- bration of what we have and what is possible. 'This year should be a celebration of spirit. We have endured and shared so much as a community. Losses as a result of the tornado were devastating and profound. The events were life changing and the face of this coin- munity will be changed forever. But .in many respects, the change has been and will be, positive. Out of the hardship, heartache and the frus- tration has come a new sense of community. and caring. The events of the year will beindelibly etched in our mind and collective psyche but hopefully we have evolved into a new Spirit of understanding, tolerance and compassion. Throughout this year, people have had to endure so much and yet set aside their own misfortune to help friends and neighbours in need. The response to the pleas of local food banks and charitable organizations .and the unfailing commitment. to the Christmas Bureau, to provide for families at Christmas, is fitting testimony to the selfless generosity and caring spirt of the community. It was that simple spirit that pervaded at the first Christmas but is sometimes hardto repli- cate in today's world. The simple things in life, like sharing time with family and friends, often provide the foundation for warm and lasting memories. Take time to cherish those family moments and time spent together. Life has been difficult for many and for those displaced by the storm, it will seem entirely unfair as they struggle to make Christmas special for their family. We need to reflect on what we have and not dwell on the negative aspects of what life has done to us. That's words are easy to say hut certainly more difficult to live. This is a testing time for many in the com- munity and area. But through it all, here's hoping you find the spirit that has been much in evidence in. everyone.. Our wish for all of you is that Christmas can be a time of peace and joy and a time of warm and lasting memories for you and your family. Merry Christmas to everyone. DS • tgs,6rlA, • • FMH 1HE 149+41)1a� .goderichsignaistarcan ON1'ARiO D►SAS T R RELIEF AS5IS ANGE PRO6RAN1 letters to the editor Council hires consultants for trivial decisions T b the editor, I would like to congratulate you on adding comics to the Signal. At first they seemed to be located in an odd place, in the minutes of the latest Huron County Council session but when one comes to the reference of the multi- ple hirings of consultants authorized by the council, it becomes Immediately clear why you placed the comics there. One always enjoys various displays of the absurd, especially when we are familiar with the clowns wh I are putting on the County Dumbo-Dumbo show and to have comic charactersfrom one's own community is refreshing indeed and fills one with civic pride. Apparently county taxpayers are again being set up by the County council for another fleecing by a swarm of consultants because the County apparatus, are layered with a nest of flailing incompetents, blind to any defi- dencies in the running of the County. Measured by the County Council's actions the administration, for whom the council rushes to pay higher salaries are part of the problem and the council wants to blast another $100,000 into the stratosphere to detect exactly where the dry rot lies. One would also have thought, naively as it turns out, that the cluster of exceptional brains, bare as it turns out, that sit on County Council would have over their years of sup- ping at the public trough become familiar with the workings of the County and conse- quently have continually served up a menu of improvements for County efficiency. But again one would have been wrong. Apparently this collectionof brilliant County coaincil minds have been picnicking in Saratoga Swamp obliviousto anything going on related to County business while the Administration have been playing pin the tail on the inflation rate and laying in the bushes waiting for another salary increase and another new free county car. One Council worthy from an interior juris- diction suggested on the nostalgic pattern of the old time Warden's banquet, that the idea of a review was so enticing that operations should be reviewed every full term. More astute minds would put forth that reviews should be a continuous process every hour of every day by all County personnel, adminis- trative and elected, not as an obsession but as the cultivation of a professional trait. • Why don't all involved try this rather simple solution before they launch a frantic cry for help to a veracious consultant and thereby make Huron taxpayers collateral casualties in the process. The people who really need consultants are the general public who need. to find out why they keep electing weak people, who shrink from performing the most minor duties and making the most trivial of decisions, without hiring a consultant on the public purse, when they, the politicians, were elected to make the very decisions that they, once elected, cower from in panic Sincerely, Peter Sttedy LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Signal Star welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must include the writer's full name, address, daytime phone number and signature (for verification). Anonymous letters will not be published. We reserve the right to edit all editorial submissions including letters for clarification, style and length. betters must be sighed and be in good taste and follow the laws of libel and slander.