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Thursday, August zq.th 1916
(1) Trail to Yoho Valley. (2) C.P.R. Station and Hotel at Glacier.
CANADA. is a land of trails.
Trails over mountains and hills,
across prairies and through
forests, by the banks of rivers be-
yond number and across country to-
ward a distant sky line. Trails made
Eby red men, by white men, and by
But the mountain trails are the
most alluring of them all, and hitting
trails is the rarest of sport in Rock-
ies or.: Selkirks, all the way from the
ILananaskasis Pass on the east to the
Yale gateway on the west.
The trail traveller feels the charm
of the trail as soon as it is hit. It
keeps you guessing where it is a hit-
or-miss highway, where you require
the keenness of an Indian to tell the
way by the slighest of signs—a few
twigs broken here, the mould of a
horses' foot there, a blazed tree yen -
der, and then there will bo a skip
of a few yards that will throw you off
the scent if you don't look out. Some-
times the trail is the way of a moun-
tain stream, but just where you should
emerge on the other side is a mystery
unless you are in charge of guide
or outfitter. A bog, too, will play
tricks on you, for it carries few
traces of other trailers.
Hundreds of miles of excellent
trails have been made in the Canadian
mountain ranges try the Canadian
Pacific Railway and the National
Parks department of the Canadian
Government. Most of them are made
for pony use, and mounted on one of
these sure-footed little beasties of the
west, you can be an explorer •of the
wilds and revel In the experience.
Every mile of the devious way is a
way of varying charm, every turn of
the trail reveals new wonders.
Many t:ail trips are now made in
(3) The Trail to the Iileoillewaet Glacier. (4)
loops. There is the one from Glacier
station up the Cougar Valley to the
caves and back by a loop route and
over a pass that brings to view some
of the sublimest scenery in the Sel-
kirk's. The literal ups and downs of
this unique scenic route, as the rail-
ways would say, add to the interest,
now in the bed of the valley, closed
in by trees and huge plants like the
Devil's Club, now climbing a thou-
sand feet from which superb views
are had of the kingly peaks like Sir
The trail traveller will find another
region of infinite variety and attrac-
tiveness ha the series of trails radiat-
ing from Field and leading up the
Yoho Valley to the Yoho Glacier field
at its upper end. One may go north-
ward by the valley route, passing the
Takkakaw, the Twin and the Laugh-
ing Falls, and return by the upper
A Mountain Trail.
trail, bordering a charming lake ot1
two, the nose of the Vice -President'
glacier, Summit Lake and then the
steep down -hill bit to Emerald Lake
and the tree -bordered avenue that will
bring one back to Field. Shelter
huts or tents make ft possible to
spend some days on this marvellous
trail way, amid alpine region of sur-
passing beauty.
Lake Louise will also provide de-
lectable trail paths, especially that
leading to Paradise Valley and its
circle of giant summits, and Sentinel
Pass, leading to the valley of the
Ten Peaks, while in the Rocky
Mountain Park and Banff, the routes
are multiplying year by year.
Yes, trail hitting is rare sport, I
repeat, and no country in the world
affords greater facilities for its
joyment than our Own
Every one who has used a silo has
observed that at times the silage be-
comes hot. This is generally noticed
on the surface during mild weather, as
when the silage is being fed in rather
small quantities. Many have supposed
that the entire mass of silage becomes
veru hot and that a certain amount of
heat is necessary to preserve it.
Agents of various types of silos have
also taken advantage of the lack of
general Information on this subject to
make claims for or against certain
types of silo on the ground that the
temperature of the silage is influenced
by the particular construction.
The Missouri Experiment Station
decided two years ago to get the facts.
Electric thermofneters were placed in
silos to tate the temperature. A ;bib
was placed in the silo during fiiliog at
any point where it was desirable to
take the temperature. This bulb had
wires leading to the outside of the silo,
so tie temperature could he taken with
an electrical device at any time, Tem-
perature readings were taken near the
centre ' f tbt: silage mass and at tae
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
Improved Blower, Heals the ulcers,
clears the air passages, stops drop.
Fings in the throat and permanent -
T cures Catarrh and Hay Fever.
' 6c. a box ; blower free. Accept no
substitutes. All dealers or Edmaneon,
sates & Co.. Limited. Toronto.
wall at frequent intervals during two
seasons in from 8 to 10 silos, including
stave, iron, tile and concreti.
It was found that the temperature in
the depth of the silage is never high
as is so often thought. After filling,
the temperature rises from 5 to 10 de-
grees the first few days, and then
slowly declines during the fall and win-
ter until it reaches the lowest point,
about 40 degrees, in March. In good
silage, the temperature seldom goes
if any, above
10!) F , and may not be above 00. The
only high temperatures found are at
the surface, when the air comes in con-
tact with silage. Furthermore, a tem-
p.rature much above 100 means loss
of silage, as some of the material is
being actually burned to make the
heat. Mould will raise the tempera-
ture some. Corn put in the silo in a
mature condition develops more heat
than that put in green. No relation
was found between the material used
in the construction of the silo and the
temperature of the silage. Practically
no difference in the freezing of the
silage on the wall was observed with
the different kinds of silos.
Could Not Steep
Miss Gertrude Pratt. Wolsley St.,
Barrie, Ont., writes: "I was very
much run down and could not sleep
either day or night and my arms and
legs ached so that life was very miser-
able. After using six boxes of Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food I feel well and
strong again."
more than a few degrees
Back Was Lame andAched
could Do Very Lamle Work
eyed Much From !Chine; Disease for Yeats, but tune
Came Witt' the Use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pests.
e this m
mom had tried. to carr au
hat *Red to got at the cause of
eponble, prabair keoauee they relied
da treetildtaket whteh got on the kid-
s.. . bpi, %cu. strobe Texture *j out
to1�afksls dnaywLir'irf DIM is their
taaed genion an liven, kidtreys and
bs. TO Maar of thses cans the
e io oro c . plicarked 'that Ordln-
it3tdney nieitoiairs fari1 to be of
lnefit. '17ader sueh conditions
lxaae'tsae5,y-Ltvet Dias totuafy
tench tete spot and eileat a care.
Dad they been only moderately baec-
deboful Dr. Chose would aerie tak.'re
t eteeted them tor world -*Me distri-
bution. .As it *at, the
those pills r>eirultelt
their u'uperlor aie+ltt.
iadihiilyt Olio is AO 'Mkt + +1F+' tOt+eua In
lame gttkktttltlies.
. Ittr, Rttneon SSbieloff., Birelrbrook
Orchards, Birchbtlink, B.C. writes:
"Par several am I sattered
isreatit tr.m tease, t was
weak and could do i lune aasit,
My ba.ek 'Rims Ian and mrohed am! 11
auteered much tram hthrdec2rea. Trfed
doctors and hokfte.t1 no regret. Dr.
Chase's It1AnP -L ydr Pillai Were te.
comnheaded 1►3,' a framed, s d after
Laking four boxes I t►la:1C T con *Kr
that I are cured, for 1 feet as wen
as 1 aha • did."
*tent is
Y. 1'.. stat st-
'"1' r fe to at:a kty t1 slswu-
silllq' iiisustnitai with Mr. lllleveon: Shiei-
Iv. i Islr In. ..
1+x$ 'ser pt3is
•and f:orsoi "
Those wishing to redress old furniture
often find it hard and tedious work to
remove the old varnish. The slow and
tiresome use of sandpaper may be
avoided by mixing a third of a cup of
common baking soda in a pint of warm
water and applying this with a stiff
( brush. Then rinse and allow the sur-
f face to dry thoroughly before applying
the new coat.
It takes only a few minutes to cut
the legs of old stockings into squares
the size of holders and stitch abou
three gethicknesses together. Make
several at a time, then throw worn or
soiled ones away.f, dNothing saves the
patience of the cook more than a supply
of clean holders:thick enough to prevent
burns, and in the right sizes and right
)rt* Lemons are/possessed elf almost un-
toldimedieirial virtues. -$Lemon-juice
mitred with sugar until quite thick is a
splendid remedy for a cough. A slice
of lemon bound over a corn—and re-
newed every morning 6andllnight—will
SOOn cure it;
A postcard to which coins can be
fastened and mailed has been patented
by a Texas inventor.
Practically inexhaustible deposits of
asphalt, discovered in the Philippines
two years ago, will be developed com-
The normal daily eonsuinption of
milk in Paris and its suburbs exceeds
1,000,000 quarts.
(Ottawa Journal)
During the month of July less than
8,000 Canadians were enlisted for
overseas service.
Canada has still to provide 146,000
men in order to fulfil Sir Robert Bor-
den's New Year pledge of half a mil-
At the July rate of enlistment they
would not be secured a year and a
half from now, and many of them
would not be trained for service until
There seems to be something wrong
It is not enough to say that the July
falling off in recruits was due to har-
vesting; the figures for June were not
much better.
If the country is going to keep its
pledge it had better bestir itself.
Letting things go in the haphazard
fashion of the present is certainly far
from being creditable,
A Necessity in the House
Most of the common ills of life arise
from a torpid, sluggish condition of the
liver, kidneys Or bowels, and, because
they act on each of these organa in a
direct and specifie way, Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills overcome serious
and painful diseases over which
ordinary medicines have no control.
Said the river to the forest,
"I would go away somewhere,
And would like the same to borrow
If you have a trunk to spare."
Said the forest: "At your service
Are my trunks. I oft have said,
When you go upon your journey,
May I lie upon your bed?"
Said the river: 4'1 am sorry,
But my springs Are out of whack.
I allow to get some new ones
Just as soon as I come back.
As it is, ,your welcome to it,
And I think 'mould be a lark,
When the lobsters try to bite you,
If you'd Scare them with your bark,"
Said the river: "I must travel
As becomes my wealth and rank,
And should I run out of money
I can draw upon my bank."
And his mouth began to water,
Thinking on what he would get,
So he started on his journey,
And I hear he's going yet,
--Worlds Chronicle
Unable To Sleep
Or Do Any Work.
Mrs. Thomas Harris, 8 Corrigan St.,
Kingston, Ont., writes: "I lead been a
constant sufferer, for many years, with
my nerves, and was unable to sleep at
night, or do any work through the day.
I at last decided to consult a doctor and
find out what was really the trouble
The first one told me I would have to go
under an operation before I would be
well, but I would not consent to this. One
day I took a fit of crying, and it seemed
that if anyone spoke to me 1 would have
to order than out of the house. I must
have been crying two hours when my
insurance agent carne in. He advised me
to try a box of Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills, and I at once sent to the
drug store and got two boxes, and before
I had them taken I felt like a different
person. I have told others about there.
and they have told the they would not
be without thetn, I van very thankful I
started to take Milburn's Ilcart and
Nerve Pills."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.2.55, at
all dealers or mailed direct on receipt
of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Why Wet Land Is Cold.
C. G. Hopkins, soil expert, says that
five times as much beat is required to
evaporate water from the surface of
a soil as would be needed to raise the
temperature of the same amount of
water from the freezing to the boiling
point, says Farm and Fireside. This
explains why wet and poorly drained
soils are cold.
Tile drainage removes the excess
of water. Then the beat of the sun is
able to make some headway in warm-
ing the soil. But if the soil is con-
tinually saturated with water the con-
stant evaporation keeps the tempera-
ture down in spite of the sun's warmth.
When Your Eyes "Snap,''
When you read in books and things
that So-and-so's eyes "snapped" with
excitement or anger you are not to
suppose that his (or her) orbs made a
snapping sound as they glanced about
the room. We have it on no less an
authority than the Journal of the
American Medical Association that the
eyes of man "can move accurately,
noiselessly, with the greatest precision
to any object in any part of the field
of vision."
"Lend me $10, old man. I pledge you
my word of honor I'll pay it back next
"Sorry, but I loaned you fifteen on
that security a month ago. I'll have to
ask you to put up something more tan-
gible this time." ,a
In Motor Circles.
"Nov, ma," cautioned pa, "don't
force too much on your guests at din-
"What then?" sniffed ma.
"Make it n sociability run and not
an endurance contest."
For Rough Weather.
"1 think I've got a winner in ladles'
"What is it?"
"I'm working en a enema to put
,:bison around the tole of overshoe."
Children Cry
C A B T O 1=2 I A
Empire Federation
1`�Ya Spectacle IRA
1,200 Performers; 10 Massed
Bands; Chorus of 60 Voices
Glorious Pageant symbolising Im-
perial Solidarity and Power
Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of
the British &ousel of Parlia-
ni.ent, Westminster Abbey
and the War Office.
Scenes tits tae thrilled the Bni-
pire Re-eina.Cted by Overseas
Shells in Process of Manufacture
Immense Munitions Exhibit
Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand
Grenade and •Bornb 'Throwing, De-
structiion of Warships by Hidden
Mines, Bayonet Fip g, Federation
''ear Fireworks, Complete New
Midway. ,r
ah I I I U I �'Nosia �s
Gbvetntinel'd i:xhibits, Superb Shooting
Of Live 'Stock and Agricultural
Products, Acres of Mana-
Yorontof Aug,26 to Sept. 11
on the
GWr E ` T LA ri. E
Five clays of rest amid the islands of Georgian Bay, the green
banks of the St. Mary's River and the expanse of Old Superior.
Breezes to brace you up and the perfect appointments and
cuisine of the Clyde -built
CANS ; : 14 P CW O
Greyhounds. Express Steamers "Keewatin" and "Assiniboia"
leave Port McNicoll every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
for Fort William and Port Arthur. Round trip
five days,
Tickets, information and reservations from
Local Agent, or W. B. Howard, District
Passenger Agent. Toronto, Ont,
FARE $322
Biu, , ' JJ91)�J u,tu;u •`-" . ',i
;, e -' The Great Ship "SEEANDBEE"
The largest and most costly steamer on any inland water of the world, Sleeping accommoda
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EUFFA LD-Daily9 May est to Nov. 15111 -CLEVELAND i
Leave Buffalo- 9:00 P.M. Leave Cleveland - - 9:00 P. Al. '
Arrive Cleveland • . 7;80 A. M. Arrive Buffalo • - - 7:3D A. M.
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Connections at Cleveland for Cedar Point, Put -in -gay, Toledo, Detroit and all points West and iJ
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on our steamers. Ask your ticket agent for tickets via C. & B. Line.
Beautifully colored sectional puzzle chart showing both exterior and interior of Tho Great
Ship "SELANDBEE" Beaton receipt of live cents to cover postage and mailing. Also ask
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Maazioes, Newspaoers, Novels
All theleading Magazines and Newspapers
on sale.I A large stock of famous S. & S.
Novels at the popular prices ioc and Isc
Times Stationery Store