HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-08-24, Page 3August 24th x916 THE WINGHAM TIMES Violin and 'Cello Music All the whimsical witch- ery - haunting restless- ness-d-eamful exaltation of the world's finest violin and 'ceilc music caught Ase,, for you wit.n an exquisite ' sense of reality in COLUMBIA DoubloeDisc RECORDS Aathbees Have your dealer play these for you; Parlor, Kathleen Parlow--A5412-$1.50 Humoreske (Dvorak) orchestRa accompany. went. Melodie (Tschaikowsky) orchestra accom, continent. Pablo Caeals-A5649-$1,5Q Largo (Handel), with orchestra. Melody in P (Rubinstein), with orchestra. Jules Falk -A1110-850. . Ave Maria (Schubert) with Traumerei (Schumann). Charles D'Almaiae-A1712-85c. White Cockade; Jigs and Reels Medley with Harrigan's Reel (Prince's Orchestra), Eugene Ysaye-365525-$1.50 Caprice Viennois, Op. 2 (Kreisler), Eugene Ysnyo-36524-$1.50 Hungarian Dance in G (No. 5) (Brahms). Columthousands of Columbigladly rec ordsawithout thought and of obligation. Complete Record List from dealers or mailed by us. Graphaphone Company Canadian Factory ez Headquarters Toronto, Ont. 14 H. B. ELLIOTT Sole Agent Wingham, Ontario PRI NTING AND STATION I3RY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply , your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETEIIES, -WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers` and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK 'ingham, r Ont. The Ounee of Prevention. Supply the poultzee with a hopper of bran where they can Help them- selves at will; else supply them Vrith ehereoal and grit. In short, do yottr best to keep them in good health. There Is a good deal more sense in preventing a chicken from getting sick time in curing it atter it gets i11.. France Losing Giround, In the first six months of last year the number of cattle in France de- creased by 381,394, sheep by 11580. 172, and hogs by 435,495, I Ch iilenge, Name a case R here it paid to raise the daughter of a scrub bull. Drives Him to Drink. "I'm so sorry about it, but my hus- band actually hates music," "Efow strange)" "Isn't it? His prejudice is so strong that he has to jump up and leave the theater whenever the orchestra is play. ing an entr'acte," Rust, Nothing can rust unless it has iron In ft Rust is made by iron touching lnoist air, The oxygen in the moist air sets on the iron and forms what we call "oxide of iron," or rust. which Ixmnbles away and spoils the iron Chaperon. The word "chaperon" comes from the name o! a mantle worn by Spanish duennas, with which they are suppos- ed to cover and shield the young girls under their care. In the laboratory. "What are you making there?' "That final analysis you've hearts so much, about," answered the chemist. Blight not what's near through One lug at what's far. -Euripides. More people live to be centenarians in warm countries than in cold ones. A single Angora goat has been known to yield 30 pounds of wool at a shearing. The total cost of the war to France up to August 1 was 39,000,000,000 francs, China is said to be the only country besides America in which the alligator can be found. Nigeria has been added to the lands in which valuable deposits of coal have been discovered in recent years. The total receipts of the theatres in Paris in 1914 were 41,000,000 francs, as compared with 68,450,000 francs in 1913. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS i O R A Efforts are being made to produce textiles from the strong fibre of the silk grass that grows wild throughout Honduras. According to archaeologists elevators were used in the imperial palace ,in Rome 2,000 years ago, probably operated by slave power. Robbers broke into the safe of the city treasurer of North Vancouver and secured $10,800, of which $6,000 was municipal bond's and $4,800 currency. Last year (1915-16) Canada paid out in steamship subsides $2,962,900.66. This year there is a $700 increase which brings it up to $2,963,600.66. Of this a considerable part is paid to local shipping companies for local services. though $1,844,166.06 is paid for Atlantic subsidies, and $487,133.34 for Pacific. MISERABLEFROM STOMACH TROUBLE Felt Wretched Until Re Started To Take "Fruit•a-tires° 594 CiIA]IPLAIN .S''1`., \ZONTRssee. "For two years, I was a miserable sufferer from Rheumatism atism aif Stomach .:!'rouble. I had frequent Dizzy Shells, and wizen I took food, felt wretched and sleepy. I suffered from Rheu- matism dreadfully, with pains in my back and joints, and my hands swollen. A friend advised °')'suit -a -tines" and from the outset, they did me good. .elfter the first box, felt 1 was gelling well and, I can truthfully say that "Fruit -a -tines" is the only medicine thathelpedme". .LOUIS LA13RIE. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid. by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. THE ATMOSPHERE ENVELOPE In a recent contribution to the Year- book of the Department of Agricul- ture, Mr, Roscoe Nunn, of the United States Weather Bureau, compares the thickness of the atmosphere envelope that surrounds the earth with the diameter of the earth itself. It is esti. mated that the extreme limit of the earth's atmosphere above the surface of the earth is 180 miles. The diameter of the earth is approximately 8,000 miles. But the density of the atmosphere decreases rapidly as alti- tude increases, so that three-quarters of the mass of the atmosphere lies be- low the seven -mile level. Thus, the solid earth has but a thin coating of air -at most only about one -fortieth as thick as the diameter of the earth; or, if we consider only its really appre- ciable extent, which is about 40 miles above the earth, only one two -hun- dredth as thick as the diameter of the earth. It is therefore a mere coating, not thicker, relatively speak- ing, than the skin on an apple of ordinary size. When we consider the facts that storms operate only in that part of the atmosphere which lies within about 7 miles of the earth, and chiefly within 3 miles, it is truly won- derful what mighty forces they gen- erate and what vast energy they ex- pend within that film of gas. A storm condition may cover one-third of Canada. The disturbance may be 1,000 to 1.500 miles• in diameter, but less than 7 miles thick. In other words, the body of air in which those tremendous forces work is of about the same proportions as a post card. flow's This? We offer Or,e Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, 0. H all's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- menials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- stipation. I SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR THE DOMINION WAR LOAN TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE MtPR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. DEPARTMENT OF FINAE'k OTTAWA. V/ Farm and Garden 1-1,14++.1-144 eeleielele le + '+-l-l-:»99 PROFITABLE CROP ROTATION. Central Aim Should Be to Leave Fields le a Better Condition. The most profitable crop rotation does not consist merely In changing the crops around from year toeyear regardless of the relation of the crops to each other. The central aim in all crop rotation systems should be to leave each field in a better state of cultivation, better physical condition, and reasonably free from pests at the end of each rotation cycle. No hard and fast rotation system can be laid down for any community, but the most profitable system must be worked out for each farm and In- deed for each field. There are certain general principles, however, that should be borne in mind in this con- nection in order to accomplish the most satisfactory results. For soil improvement there should be at least one leguminous crop in each rotation cycle. To this class of plants belong the clovers, alfalfa, peas, beans, etc. There should be also a sufficient quantity of live stock, especially milk cows, o.1 each farm to utilize the roughage and to supply the de- sired quantity of stable manure, which in addition to green crops plowed under will furnish the neces- sary amount of humus to the soil. The conditions resulting from this treatment if the soil is properly han- dled will make the succeeding crops more vigorous and capable of offset- ting in some measure at least the effects of any pests that may appear. Again, the successive crops in any rotation should be so selected and ar- ranged that no two upon which the same pest may thrive will be grown in succession. The principles of disease control by means of crop rotation are based upon the fact that certain pests can thrive only on cer- tain kinds of plants. Therefore when the crops are changed and the food supply thereby cut off the pests must perish or be greatly reduced in number. A Familiar Enemy. Just now the chinch bug is lying dormant in the winter quarters chos- en in early fall. Along the fences, in grass patches, under the fallen leaves of the woods pastures and in a thou- sand other hiding places the bug waits the coming of spring. Fire set in such places will destroy armies of them. The most effective way of fighting the chinch bug is to fight with fire during the winter, for every one burned in the grass and fence rows there will be a thousand less to cross from wheatfeld to cornfield next summer. -Farm Progress. Ifo- to Make a Rag Doll. The early frost last year caught much of the seed corn, and it must be picked out ear by ear to make sure it is not dead. A simple but accurate seed corn tester is easily made as follows Take a strip of muslin about nine inches wide and eighteen inches long for testing five ears, twenty-eight inches long for ten ears and about forty-eight inches long for twenty ears. Mark on it as many two-ineb and three-inch divisions as there are ears of corn to be handled in the tester. Number the divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Make a wick about an inch wide and a foot long of any old cot- ton cloth. Number the ears to correspond to the divisions, placing five kernels from ear 1 in space 1, etc. The rag doll should be dampened before plac- ing the seed corn in it. When all the spaces have been filled, carefully roll the rag doll tip, starting from the left hand end, making sure that the seeds are not mixed by careless rolling; then, when the last row of seed has been rolled in, place the wick in the rag doll, letting about eight inches of it hang out, and finish rolling to the end. Itshoule' then be dipped in wa- ter, rolled in a wet towel, and the crick placed in a glass of water. Several rag dolls, testing fifty to one hundred ears, may thus be plac- ed in the same towel. Feel of the towel every day, and if it is not moist dip it in a bucket of water and cor- rect the condition that caused it to dry. In about six days the test is ready to count, and all ears showing Weak, dead, or moldy kernels should be thrown into the feed box. Canada's Itennet Supply. Prof. Dean of the 0. A. C. says there is no longer any danger of a shortage to the rennet supply for Canadian • cheesemakers. A manufac. tater has assured hthz of readiness to establish a branch factory in Can- ada for the purpose of making the material if necessary. At the satao One Cheesomakers are advised to conserve all re rusts In their locals-- taies; it is not at deed that the hoate- made be used: hi preference to the iooinuaercial attract, but this is better than home. Calves' ston1aetts ars Worth 12 cents each, and it is urged that all these be saved. Trost Likes Vit. Jack Frost io fond of fat. Leave the cow or steer uiiprotecteit and prove it. Page 3 'The. Gold Dust ?'wins', Philosophy THE floors and doors appear to wait until the dust germs con- gregate; the housewife hails each dawning day with grim and harrowing dismay. Says she : "My work will NEVER end; o'er dusty stretches I must bend, until, with aching back and hands I finish what the day demands," Then. Mrs. Jones, one afternoon, drop- ped in, at time most opportune. An optimist, she knew the wiles of house- hold work --its sighs and smiles. She told of how she polished floors and wood. work and the endless doors, until when► Nubby saw them too, reflections said: "Why, howdy -do!" ' "The Gold Dust Twins," said she, "I find, help leave the woes of dust behind. Each mark of sticky hands on doors, each tread of �- -.-- muddy feet on floors, all fade before The "Noor -and -Door -a" or.Sg" Girl the slightest touch of Gold Dust, and the work is such that, when the woodwork has been done, I field said work was only fun." This line of reasoning must show that those who've tried it OUGHT to know. If you, in one day's duties, find that there's a Grouch in ev'ry Grind, invite the Gold Dust Twins to share such tasks as tire and fret and wear. From kitchen floor to bedroom suite, these tireless little chaps make neat, and best of all, the sum expense is measured up in meager cents. They put both dust and dirt to rout and run the last old microbe out. Get`SMohreMollaey" for yonirSkunk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foces,SVhite Weasel, Fisher and other Fur bearers collected in your section SnIP TOUR FURS DIRECT to "<r1TU uratT" the largest house in the World dealing exclusively in NO2T11 d&Sari :.N RAW F018 areliable-responsible-safe Fur Hon;,, with en u^:A^,nishedrep- utation existing for "more than a third of a century," a long sue- cessfulrecord ofsending Fur Shippers pi, .n:• .5A't`tRP.iCTC?RY AND PROFITABLE returns. Wr to i:,r "it1;e Sini(rt the only reliable, accurate market report an,1pri:•e1sti a sled. Write for it -NOW -it's $'IirE A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. Dept.C` 14CHICA a,tlJ 5 A. x )414 D 2oo8m®oo•••se@'t•• +40.44 )4, B904004' . )444eo¢91944 0" 'The Times 4'• v • 4. d a • • • • • ,> ClubbingLind • • • c Times •and Saturday Globe 2 40 i • Times and Dalry Globe ........... ...... 4 25 • o Times and Daily World 3.60 oTimes and Family herald and Weekly star.... 2 85• •• Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 2.25 • Times and Toronto Dail•y Star... 3 :s0• ,, • Times and Toronto Daily News,, 14•0, , , 3 30 • Times •and Daily Mail and Empire. 4.23 • • Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 2.10 • o Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.85 • • Times •and Canadian Countryman 2.1 0 •• b Times and Farm and Dairy 9.30 • • • Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press, 2.10 • • Times and Daily Advertiser (morning) ... 3 35 • •• • Times and Daily Advertiser (e%ening) 3,85 o • Times and London Daily free Press Morning• • Edition 4.00 •• • •Evening Edition • •.• 3.40 • • Times and Montreal Weekly Witness 2.35 • o• ° Times and World Wide 2.75 • • Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg...,. 2.10 a • • Times and Presbyterian 2.75 • • Times and Westminster 2.75• • Times, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.75 • • Times •and Toronto Saturday Night 3.85 • • Times and McLean's Magazine 3.25 • • Times and Home Journal, Toronto 2.25 e • •Times and Youth's Companion 3,40 • • Times •and Northern ,Messenger. 1.90 • a Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly). 3,40 4. • Times and Canadian Pictorial 2 8J • • Times •and Lippincott's Magazine 3.65 • • Times and Woman's Home Companion 3.2G • • • Times and Delineator 3.10 • •Times and Cosmopolitan .. 3.15 • • • Times and Strand 2.95 a • Times and Success �.,. 2.95 4 • Times and McClure's Magazine 2,60 0 • Times and blunsey's Magazine 3.'35 • • Times and Designer >C ,� • Times and Everybody's .. 2.70 a •• These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great Britain.• • • The above publications may be obtained by Times: subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica-: :tion being the figure given above less $l.00 representing. :the price of The Times. For instance : • • • The Times and Saturday Globe L.'2.40• +The Farmer's Advocate ($2,85 less 81.50)-..... 135 i wmaking the price of the three papers $3•75. 8 3 75 • The Times and the Weekly Sun...... , .. - $2,25 • The Toronto Daily Star (83.30 less PI 50)18,0 • The Saturday Globe (w 2.40 less 81.50) y0 •• !the four papers for $4,95. If the publication you want is not in above lit lei :us know. We can supply almost any well-i,nown :diem of American publication. These prices are strict' • ;cash in advance, y • oI•i•a•irifti•ii•.•0S4••#+►b0'Y`vt} t rw •r v. r>w•w v'*44±c •?'tY• a r • • • •