HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-12-07, Page 13'ignal Star • Wednesday, December 7, 2011
ergy Minister against bill that would give municipalities
me control over placement of industrial wind turbines
ado Energy Minister Chris
y will be voting against a private
,r's bill, The Local Municipal
'racy Act, that would give munlc-
es back some control over the
on of industrial wind turbines
sed in their area.
ill not be supporting the private
ers' bill. It would simply put an
the investment and the jobs," he
ming a phone-in press confer -
organized by the Ontario
unity Newspapers Association
tley said the two-year-old feed -in
FIT) program promoting renew-
iergy projects across Ontario has.
ery successful with more than
0 "direct and indirect" jobs
and $26 billion in investment.
aid giving municipalities control
e placement of industrial wind
es would create "a patchwork
&tch" that would not ensure a
lining climate' for investment in.
Canada's prettiest town
"If you have a patchwork approach
that applies differently in different
jurisdictions and may change
frequently between jurisdictions,
you're simply going to stoop interest and
investment because nobody :will know
what the rules are," he said. "Much of
the investment starts from outside the
province and comes in and peoyle are
making long-term commitments and.
they're investing a lot. They want to
make sure the climate will continue to
support that investment."
Asked how the provincial govern-
ment would address the concerns of
rural residents who voted against the
provincial Liberals in the last election,
Bentley acknowledged that "there are
people who believe there should be
some additional input, some input for
example from municipalities in a
different way than it's being received,
some voices that could be heard in a
better way."
He said he was "very open" to
strengthening the province's approach
to public input into the placement of
industrial wind turbines but did not
specify the mechanism that should be
put in place to do so.
I'm very open to hearing
those suggestions, if
there are suggestions
that can maintain the
strong provincial
approachwhichwe need
to bring in the investment
and the jobs to a province
that quite needs them in a
challenged economy.l
don't want to put an end
to the jobs and the
Ontario Energy Minister
Chris Bentley
Sdieduk 'ALocation
Toww d G•iaich
F NOT'IC'E that the Council of the: Town of Goderich passed By -Law 133
11 on November 28, 2011 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990
TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario
cipal Board in: respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of. the Town
xierich, not Tater than December 27, 2011, a notice of appeal setting out
blection to the By -Law and the reasons in support of the objection and
npanied payment of the fee, prescribed under the Ontario Municipal
1 Act ($125.04)).
?CPLANATION of the purpose and cff'oct of the By-L,aw and description of
,ids to which the By -Law applies are contained in the attached By -Law and
Map showing the location of the affected lands is attached. The complete
,,w is available for inspection at the municipal office during regular office.
.d at the Town of Coderich
7th day of December, 2011.
1,arry J. McCabe, Clerk
Town of Goderich, 57 West St.
t:oderich ON N7A 2K5
(519) 5244344
Ron Ar.r.,ar..,t aMl?A►'Mv M WO
SC EOU1t ' A'
TOWN of (Memos
• w N• MP •w
• IS II OS t.
-�...�---- torn
'he proposed zoning amendment would change the zoning on part of Lot
H eggistered Plan 457, known municipally as 64 West Street, in the Town of
rich from Major Community Facility (CF2) to Core Area Commercial (C4).
responding fficial Plan amendment would thane the designation of the
t lands from Community Facility to Core Area Commercial. Thr purpose
:se amendments is to permit the subject lands to be used for commercial
pis by-law will not come into force until the corresponding Official Plan
Rime/it (OPA I) is approved by the County of Huron.
u 3 by-law amends Toning.l3y4aw 38+1985. Key Maps showing. the location
lands affected by this amendment are shown on the attached Schedule A.
At. Afi• AM r+►
Aro A►
Tar (Ecce lits Cit7 Nap «*rsnrsh Prig a, C41f i Asir t`.hri D
"I'm absolutely open to hearing what they would be, how
we would do it. My inclination is to get as much information
and as many viewpoints as possible as quickly as possible
when projects are proposed to make decisions whether no
or yes" he said. "But, we always want to remember projects
are proposed for a certain area because of local involve-
ment. There are people in the very communities in which
these debates are held who are proposing the projects,
people who want them to happen whether they are individ-
uals, groups or organizations."
He added that he is "well aware of the election results and
everyone will analyze them as they wish,"
"I'm very open to hearing those suggestions, if there are
suggestions that can maintain the strong provincial
approach whi