HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-11-30, Page 26assified extra.ca ce it on classifiedextra.ca s renovat- tor rent. • . room th in - new washer. water • - one $600/ all new heating. For mation 19-357- 19-531- visit 9-357.19-531- .COrn Apartments NEW Ludcnow 2 BR adult upscale apart- ment, quiet, secure, close to downtown. in- cludes patio, six appliances, mail deliv- ery, in -floor heating, hydro, a/c, mainte- nanc a free, $11OWmo. Gall 519-528-3722. LARGE one and two bedroom apt. for rent, available immediately. Controlled entry and elevator. Call 519-524-2339. Modern rent. NEWLY remodelled 2 or one bedroom apartment in den. quiet non-smoking space. 'seniors' building. includes Walking distance . to b), wall the Square, secure locker, entrance with a private concept balcony facing west pantry. with seasonal lake appx. views. All inclusive rent Laundry per month includes /month heat, hydro, basic or cable, parking, stove and dishwasher. The apartment is on the top floor and is available immediately. For viewing, please call 519-524-7985. References required and no pets please. INED, den, all town non - pets. apartment for rent. Available 5/month includes heat & hydro. Lynn Clayton at lynn a lyrxx ay - 519 -396-5966. ne bedroom apartment, fully fur - renovated. Two blocks from one block from the beach. Includes TV, Internet, all utilities & snow 19-527-1258 or cell 519-955-3650. Brownstone incks Street, Ooderich rooms starting at $619+ Entry Quiet appointment to view call 519-524-8736 wwrn►.ndevAca • ,Ewen Rd., Goderich A1LABLE MEDIATELY view 519-432-1115 Apartments 1250 SQ. FT. 2 bed- room apartment in Goderich, private en- trance, 200 sq. ft. balcony, dishwasher, fridge, stove. washer & dryer and air condition - included. $785/month plus hydro. Available Janu- ary 1 Please call 519-955-2930. PARK CIRCLE SUITES seniorB/adult building. Large two and one bedroom, main ftoor,fridge,stove, dishwasher, wash- er/dryer included. Gas heat/fireplace. Available immediately. Phone 519-526-7238. THREE BEDROOM penthouse, newly renovated, laminate floors, skylight, $675/month + utilities. Also spacious one bedroom in Dashwood. high ceilings, secured building. Available im- mediately. $500/month plus utilities. Phone 226-218-4444 ONE bedroom upper apartment, recently renovated, includes appliances. laundry on site. Deck, storage unit in basement. Available immedtatety. $625/mth plus utilities. Phone 519-955-4525. LONDESBORO - 2 bedroom tment, available Oecamber 1st. $700, includes heat and hydro. Call Tom or Gloria 519-296-4630. LUCKNOW 2 BR adult newly renovated apart- ments, ground level, ttsosecure, close to , with patio. fridge, stove, laundry, mail delivery, mainte- nance free. $775/mo. in l 5-528-3722.19 hea. Houses for Rent Wednesday, November 30, 2011 • Signal -Star 25 Canada's largest and most trusted print and online classifieds network Phone: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 Online: yoderichsignalstar.classifiedextra.ca Email: placeit.sun(classifiedextra.ca Apartments LARGE, fully fur- nished, third floor, one bedroom apartment, suitable for one person. No smoking, no pets, no elevator. $625/month includes utilities. Car essential, located across the river from Goderich. Phone 519-524-8236, call 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. CUNTON, Seniors Building 161 James St. 2bdrrn, 4 appli- .ances, laundry facilities available. $525 + utilities. Call 519-685-2264 GROUND floor 2 bed- room with garage in Goderich. Recently renovated with washer, dryer and all appli- ances. $900 heat included. Available December 1 519-396- 7288. LARGE self-contained 2 bedroom plus den, all appliances, deck, private parking, down- town core, above office. Suitable tor pro- fessionals or retirees. No pets. non-smokers. Phone 519-525-8138. Houses for Rent 4 BEDROOM 1-1/2 storey home in subdivi- sion north of Goderich. Appliances included. �550W/moplus utilities No pets. Available immediately. Contact Bill Jongeian, Sales Representative, Royal Lepage Heartland Realty Brokerage Office: (519)524-6789.. Cell: (519)525-9287. Houses for Rent BEAUTIFUL home to share in Goderich, a quiet neighbourhood, 3 blocks off the lake. Walking distance to most stores and shop- ping. Private bedroom and bathroom, shared kitchen and laundry. V discreet and af- . All inclusive except land phone. If interested please. phone. Available im- m e d i a t e l y 519-440.8695 GODERICH - Modern, spacious 3 • bedroom $1475 includes utilities/snow removal, no pets, references re- quired. Other units available. Call 519-524-1291 or billdeb20 gmati.corn : GODERICH west side 3 bedroom family home on .tree -lined residential street. Close to beach and schools, large fenced easy keeper $899 plus utilities. Call 519-701-1994. KINCARDINE • 3 bed- room bungalow, available Dec. 1st. Fur- nished, central vac, wireless internet, satel- lite tv, 4 appliances and snow removal in- clude.d.Includes utilities. Call 519-527-1258. BELGRAVE - Small 3 bedroom house for rent, recently renovat- ed, huge fenced in yard, $875 plus utilities. Phone 519-531-0691. Kincardine - in town, attractive 2 bdrm. fully fur- nished home available tall to spring. $950/month plus utilities. Cable/internet W sided. Non smok- ers please. Call 519-881-1724. Houses for Rent Houses for Rent NEWLY RENOVATED 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOMES ST. CHARLES PLACE, VANASTRA $620.00 + UTILITIES CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT 619-955-6769 "A GREAT PLACE FOR FAMILIES" Cottages/Chalets Seasonal Rentals Cottages/Chalets Seasonal Rentals MUST SEE 2 Bedroom fully renovated cottage in Port Elgin 617 Shantz Street 519-832- 6667 Office/Commercia /Industrial for Ren 1 RETAIL SPACE with attached garage/stor- age unit, available immediately. Located off the Square. Call 519-396-7288 for in- quiries. Storage Space for Rent STORAGE TRAILER RENTAL 400 square feet of stackable storage per 48' trailer. Short and long term rates, pickup and delivery. Cal TTK Transport Inc. Goderich, Ontario. 519-524-4331 Land for Sale 'BUILD your hours,. hat( acre plus lots. Low price, small out a pocket Real Estate contract. Just north of Hwy 83 on lakeside of Hwy 21. Access to beach. Phone 1-301-330-3679. Caregiver Help /Home Care CAREGIVER / PSW, part-time/ full-time, for gentleman living at home. One on ons transfers required. Must be family orient- ed individual. Apply to: Box' 4 Ad- vance, P.O. Box 1195, Grand Bend, ON, NOM 1TO I.T. Technical Positions Has Computers ngtoraper- sonable and all around experienced compubr repair technician. please contact 519-996-7933 kx further information. Rooms for Rent General Help Wanted REUABLE babysitter needed various hours in/out of home. Own vehicle preferred. Ma- ture young adult preferred. Some vari- ous evening activities. Call 519-524-1877 VOLUNTEER with The Salvation Army this Christmas Season!. If you are interested in. standing a Kettle shit or helping with our Hamper program please call 519-524- 2050 19- 4-2950 FULL TIME POSITION available for Snowmo- bile Repair Technician for winter months and pool technician for Slimmer months. Du- ties to include snowmobile repairs, opening & closing pools, service, install- ing inground and aboveground pools and concrete work. Require valid driver's license. Construction experience an asset and mechanically in- clined, self motivated,. feaponsible, Mat - worthy professional, willing to learn various facets of business. Please sub- mit resume to: Middegaal Pools & Sports Ltd., 234 Main St. N., Box 137, Sea - forth, On. NOK Ph: 519-527-0104, fax - 519 -527-2282. Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Room, for Rent ...s_a•.■■■■t.■■ a Quality ROOMS at Affordable Rates ■ EXCHANGE • a 84.: • WEEKLY ANO MONTHLY RATES AVAILABLE. r CONTRACTORS. FISHERMEN, EVERYONE WELCOME For bookings and info please call 519.5246868 34003 Blyth Rd. Goderich a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ t■rr..■..■..ail ■ General Help Wanted BETAMARSH Incor- porated is looting for a CYW graduate (with at least three years . experience). We are looking to fill 63 to 73 hours a pay period which would include working afternoons, every other weekend and occasional night awake shifts. If inter- ested please contact Connie Pond, Human Resource Manager, at Betamarsh incorp- , orated by email cpond ®betamarsh. com or by fax 519-524- 6537 by December 15th, 2011 General Help Wanted AZ TRUCK DRIVER, TTK Transport is taking applications for a full time truck driver. Based out of Goderich, mustbe able to cross boaktr. Clean abstracts FAST card eligible aid Passport mufti. Excellent wage package with driver and family benefits. PINK f mate and drivers absbset to Tut Wa apo t In Fax 519 or drop tt off at eW office 551 Mooney Street Goderich FAMILY STYLE RESTAURANT HAS OPENINGS FOR: IIULIPIED L11111 COOK ABLE "f0 COOK LUNCHEONS OR DINNERS BSC PSON Must have Bar Experience SERVER All positions must be available to work Weekends & E'venings. Apply in person after 1 lain. with resume to Gus Balkouras RESTAURANT & "FAVFRN 350 8ayf eld Road, Goderich 524-7711