HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-08-03, Page 8Page 8` THE WINGHAM.. TIMES August 3rd, 1916 MSN WANTED Steady Employment Guaranted, Apply to Western foundry Co. LIMITED WINGHAM, ONTARIO NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten cents aline for first, insertion; five cents for subse- quent inserti.,ns• WANTED -Live Poultry. Hi,hest prices paid. tf W. J. ARMo"R. Fort SALElA goodo1ssideboard de card for sale at $5. Apply Edward street. member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Blyth, and seldom failed in , attendance at the cervices. Besides his bereaved wife, he leaves a family of two sons and three daughters to mourn his loss. namely: - Messrs, James E. and Frank, the Misses Maggie and Della, of East Wawanosh, and Mrs. Hicks, of Cen- tralia. One brother, Mr, James Mar- shall, 0. L. S., who has made his home with his late brother, still survives. WANTED -A dining room girl, also a kitchen girl. Apply to Mrs. J. E. Swarts, at Queen's Hotel. TRUNKS AND VALISES; -Big stock Of select from at lowest prices.W. 3. GREEK, LosT-On Saturday evening, July 29th, somewhere on Josephire street. a parcel containing a bath tcv el. Will finder please leave at TIMES otiice. NOTICE is hereby given, purseent to Section 36, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of iiIary Jane Stubbs, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about Abe Eighteenth day of May, A. D., 1916, at the City of London. in the Province of Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Van - stone, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the Twelfth day of August, A. D.. 1916, their names and addresses, with full particulars of their claims in writing, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a .Statutory Declaration. AND further take notice that after the said Twelfth day of August, 1916, the assets of the said estate will be dis- tributed by the Executors among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the estate will not be liable for any claims not filed at the time of said distribution. DATED at Wingham, this Eighteenth -day of July, •A. D. 1916, R. VANSTONE, Wingham, P. 0. 6-4 Solicitor for Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Elizabeth Hardie, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the Twenty-first day of June, A. 11, 1916, at the said Town of Wingham, in the Province of Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, on or be- fore the Fifteenth day of August, A. D., 1916, their names and addresses, with full particulars of their claims in writ- ing, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a Statutory Declaration. AND further take notice that after the said Fifteenth day of August, 1916, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the Executors among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the estate will not be liable for any claims not filed at the time of said distribution. DATED at Wingham, this Eighteenth day of July A. D., R 1VANSTONE, Wingham, P. 0. Solicitor for Executors. TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC (Lucknow Sentinel) At the local branch of the Toronto College of Music, under the direction of Mrs. G. H. Smith, Mus. Bac., F, T. C. M., the following pupils were'success- ful at the recent annual examinations: Graduation Recital given in the Col- lege Music Hall at Toronto -Frances Siddall. Final Piano Examination-lst Class Honors -Clara McQuillin, Irene Sherriff, Bessie Barnby. Senior 2nd Piano -1st -Freda Aitcheson. Junior 2nd Piano -1st -Lillian Mitchell. Senior lst Piano-lst Class Honors - Lorna Campbell, Winnifred Elliott, Ruth Mitchell. Honors -Mildred Tre- leaven, Maggie Malcolm. History of Music -1st Class -Irene Sherriff. Piano Harmony-lst Class Honors - Irene Sheriff. Honors -Bessie Barnby. Senior Rudiments-lst Class Honors -Freda Aitcheson, Nellie Malcolm, Phemie Irving, Maggie Malcolm. Hon- ors-Donalda Maclntash. Pass -Mil- dred Treleaven. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT Junior 1st Piano -1st Class Honors - Ethel McPherson. Honors -Bessie Murdie. Pass -Helen MacKenzie. Primary Piano-]st Class Honors - Cecilia Crowston, Ada McKay. Pass- A]ma McKay. BURN ECKMIER-In Morris Township, on July 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eck Mier; a daughter. PAGE -At the Rectory, Brussels, on July 24th, to the Reverend and Mrs. Richard E. Page; a son. SMITH -In Morris Township,^ on July 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith; a son. ARBUCKLE-In East Wawanosh, on July 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Arbuckle; a daughter. WALKER -On July 20, at Shelburne, N. S., to the wife of E, B. Walker, Manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce; a son. Class Honors o Class Honors 6-4 Honors NOTICE TO CREDITORS CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Mr. Lockhart, of Hillsdale, will conduct the services in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church next Sunday. METHODIST CHURCH. Remember the quarterly Love Feast and Fellowship services at the Meth- odist Church on Wednesday, August 2nd, at 8 p. m. All members of the church are urgently requested to attend. On Sunday morning regular service will be held in the Methodist Church at 11 a. m., when an infant baptismal service will be held, and reception service for new members, also Sacre- ment of the Lord's Supper will be administered. Parents desiring to have their child- ren baptised, kindly notify the pastor beforehand if possible. Evening ser- vice at 7 p. m., when the pastor, Roil J. W. Hibbert, will preach. Subject, "The Mountain Vision". Good music. All will be made welcome. Come. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56. Chap. 121. of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of George A. Page, late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron Farmer, deceased, whn died on or about the Twenty-seventh day of June, A. D. 1916, at the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron and Province of Ont- ario. are required to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, on or befcre the Fifteenth day of August A. D. 1016, their names and addresses, with full particulars of their claims in writing, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a Statutory Declaration. AND further take notice that after the said Fifteenth day of August, 1916, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the Executors among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the estate will not bs liable for any claims not filed at the time of the said distribution. DATED at Wingham this Eighteenth day of July A. D. 1916. R. VANSTONE, Wingham, P. 0. Solicitor for the Executors. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTCR IA MARRIED HAINSTOCK — SPINKS — In Trinity lhurch, Fordwich, on July 25th, by :ev. W. H. Robarts, Miss A. L. Muriel pinks, daughter of Mrs. E. Spinks, of 'ordwich. to Mr. D, Percy Hanistock, f Patriot, Sask. WATTERs - SPENCE --• In Trinity Church, Fordwich, on July 25th, by the tev. Fulton Wallace, of Toronto. nephew of the bride, Miss Matilda E., Tillie) Spence, fourth con., Howick, to Mr. Richard B. Watters, of the 10th i con., Howick. WILLIAMS-WATSON-At the home If the bride, on July 2Pnd, by Rev. W. 3. Hawkins, Blyth, Mr. Melville Villiams, Wingham, to Miss Florence tIthel, daughter of Mr , and Mrs. Jno. Matson, Morris township. DIED. FRAZER--In Indian Head, Sask., on Wednesday, July 5th, 1916, Daniel M. Frazer, formerly of Teeswater, aged 69 years, 1 month, 3 days. HooPER-In Turnberry, on July 29th, Rebecca Hooper, wife of Mr. James Elooper, aged 86 years. STRAY SOW There strayed onto my premises, Lot 28, concession 8, West Wawanosh, I on or about July 29th, a white sow. Owner can have same by proving pro- 4 ty and paying expenses. perty WALTER TISDALE TEACHER WANTED Normal trained teacher wanted for school section No. 8. East Wawanosh. ApJ. W. Bone,nR.sRa1, Belgrary and ve, ience to Ont BOOTH PRIVILEGES Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up till 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, Aug 10th, for the sole right of conducting refreshment booths at the Wingham Fall Fair on Sept. 28th and 29th. This privilege not to conflict with the right of the Woman's In- stitute to serve meals. Sec'y A. G. SMITH. 7-3 Agricultural Society, LOW SUMMER TOURIST FARES TO COLORADO, CALIFORNIA, YELLOWSTONE AND NORTH PACIFIC COAST VIA CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. First Class Farm in Morris For Sale Cheap Low fare round trip tickets on sale from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Van- couver, Victoria, Edmonton, Calgary, Banff, Yellowstone Park, etc., during July, August and September. Excellent train service. Ask for free booklet "Forty Ways and More to California and the North Coast." It will give you just the information you need to plan an attractive summer trip. Address B. H. Bennett, Gen'l Agent, 46 Young St, Toronto, Ont. 7 2. The undersigned is prepared to sell the north half of lot number 13, in the first concession of the Township of Morris, cheap and on easy terms. 87 acres cleared and 13 acres in bush. House, good frame on stone foundation, 1% storey, 20x30; kitchen 15E20. Barn stone stabling 60x40 and 55x35, concrete floors in stable. Soil, good and clesn with two acres of orchard. Farm falls away front buildings and has consider- able tile drainage. Fences, wire and cedar rails in good condition. Water, has three wells and spring creek near rear of farm. Roads, good, one mile from Bluevale G. T. R. station. Pos- session at end of year. For further particulars apply to the unSdersign d. 17-10 Brussels, Ont Oltildron Ory 'F.OR FLETCHER'S OAS. TO R IA 1 SELL Farm and Town Properties Call and see my list and get my prices. I have some excellent values. Office in Town Hall. 'Phone 184 J. G. STEWART Real Estate AgentONTARIO WINGHAM • - Special Sale of Men's Suits I On Sale Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Only 50 Men's Suits at Half Price and Less. Values $15 to $25 Reduced to $10.75. This Sale is for three days only and consists of broken lines of Men's Stock Suits in all -wool tweeds and worsteds in neat patterns and latest styles, all sizes in the lot from 34 to 44. Dor-NOTE—We will not send any of these suits on approval and Iare sold for CASH ONLY. Produce Wanted Agents for Standard Patterns Nal KING EROS. Phone 71 1 twkifrswiwkimil COAL • —0 -- Best D. L. & W Scran- ton Coal. Every advantage is with the consumer in buy- ing his, coal early, better service, less cost, none of the disagreeable features of winter delivery, and the added satisfaction of hav- ing your coal in your owns bins. Place your order by the 20th inst. for delivery at June prices Dressed and undressed lum- ber,' lath, shingles and wood. EAST WAWANOSH. Startling because so unexpected said inexpressibly sad was the news which permeated Blyth and vicinity Thurs- day evening, July 20th, of the death of Mr. Robert Marshall, of East Wawa - nosh, who, with his wife, had a few weeks previous gone to Lanark County to visit relatives and amid the scenes of early days recuperate the health of Mrs. Marshall which had not been good for some months. Mr. Marshall was stricken with acute indigestion and succumbed after one day's illness, the remains being brought to the home in East Wawanosh. The late Mr. Mar• shall was a man of sterling qualities, honored by all who knew him, particularly in the neighborhood where he has resided for the past quarter century. He was born in Ramsay Township, Lanark County, in the year 1848; hero was spent his early days and young manhood, principally on the old homestead in that township. Ile was married in 1879 to Miss Eliza Bell of the same county abd in the year 1$91 came to East Wawanosh where Mr. Marshall had purchased Lot 41 on the 3rd Concession. Ile was an ardent —0— J. A. McLEAN DEALER IN LUMBER, COAL, WOOD AND SHINGLES. PHONES Residence 55, Office 64a, Mill 64b 11 LINDSAY'S ?\.AUGLJSTSALE'i II' The values we will give you during this sale will I� oI) 0 0 please you. Some lines are very limited • so come early. Ladies' Wear Children's Vests, small size..5c Ladies large Vests, regular 20c for 121c Ladies' best quality 35c Vests A for ..• 25c $1 Children's White Dresses 59c $1.50 to $2 Lades' Dresses 98c 50c Corset Covers. 29c $1.25 Princess Slips....... 59c $6 All wool 50 Skirts iTop he lot, .$2.98 8 very one pure wool .in blacks, greens, browns, blues, and grey. Not a skirt worth less than $5, some $6, right up to the minute in style, while they last $2.98 Ginghams, Prints &c 15c Ginghams for. 1Oc 25c White Muslins 12iic Good Prints only . • • 1Oc Crum's best blue Prints, 12ic 20c heavy Shirting only 150 Grocery Specials Good Green Tea, per Ib....29c Comfort Soap only .... 4c Comfort Amonia .. 40 Good quality Salmon 2 for 25c Good quality Baking Powder 2 for 25c 3 cans Corn or Peas, best...28c 2large boxes Matches, best 25c Great Bargains Embroideries 50c wide Flouncing Embroid- ery ery for 60c wide very fine Flouncing Embroidery. .. 39c Special Embroideries, yd .....5c l0c to 20c Fine Lace, yd 5c Ends Ends You can save money on a big lot of Mills Ends, Ginghams, Muslins, Vestings, Prints etc Men's and Boy's Wear Men's Suits, most all sizes at about Half Price Boys' Suits Greatly Reduced Men's 50c Braces for... 25c Men's 15c Cotton Sox, pair...5c Men's 20c Cotton Sox for....12}c '75c Work Shirts for.. 59c $1 00 Fine Shirts for . 69c Men's Ties, pure silk .... ....15c Boots and Shoes We have Shoes for everybody at the old prices. It will pay you to buy them now. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH HIGHEST PRICES PAID n R. M. LINDSAY Brokerage Stand e a `Just Wrightand `Derby' Shoes /or Men The above are This cut is a very good illustration of one of the newest styles. It is made of fine smooth gun metal calfskin with either cloth or with calf tops, and the very best oak tan soles. Prices $5, $5.50, $6.00 and $6.50 the equal of the usual $7.oO lines A few samples of above makes are being shown in our south window, but come on in and see what we have. You are under no obligation to buy. W. H. WILLIS Sole Agents for Ladies and Derby Shoes for Men 1 LIVE POULTRY { WANTED 1 1 HIGHEST PRICES P.A.ID EGGS WANTED In Large or Small Quantities IA/. J. AR/♦ OL R Centre Street, Wingham i TRY the "Times" with your next order of Job Printing. We do good work always and 02 ways. Lowest prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. �WateringNorse Troughsf. e0 have been set up this week at the side of our ware- house for the convenience of every farmer who trades / in Wingham. We gladly offer the use of these troughs I0 f1 to all whether loading fertilizer, unloading cream, /0 poultry, butter and eggs or not. We are very anxious ./fj to make our Produce House the most pleasant market - /f1 ing place in Western Ontario. %f\ We expect to. open our poultry feeding station here 10 NEXT WEEK. /f1 It will pay you to get our prices before selling elsewhere. /fl We find that this is the only way to handle poultry, $ that is, to feed it well, then do the killing and dressing / 1 at our plant here. In this way we hope to be in a /i position to compete against any possible opposition that we will have this season. iti 1Our two brands of 100 FERTILIZER FOR FALL WHEAT 10 have met the requirments of the market. We will be ,' glad to have you call and get full information regarding this department of our work before you buy elsewhere. If' A. H MILFORD APhones:-Office 174, Produce Dealer n.r Residence 108 /. Wingham Ontario47