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HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-11-02, Page 181
Home childcare
provider Julie
Sowerby accepts
her gift from
home childcare
coordinator Danielle
Holland, along with
Leighton Swan,
Nevaeh Kaufman,
Alesha Kinsman and
Autumn MacAdam.
um Agency
of appreciation
October 26 was Early Childhood Appreciation Day,
ss !Mon County, 150 caregivers were recognized for
II done. The 11tfi annual ECE day recognized 140 staff
workers and 10 home childcare providers. At the
!Child Care Centr+e,Alenka Watson, Jodi Menchenton,
iomson, Cindy Austin, Brenda Nivins-McCiinchey,
Get 41" Free
sa.1es clip'
mma P1001611
lam market South Kincardina 519-396.4541
,; i1',
$ it .
Judy Miller and Tanya Thomas receive
gifts of appreciation from Deputy -Mayor
John Grace.
ou lISCOlt At�M
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Wednesday, November z, tot t • signal -star 17
HPCDSB reports $17,490 operating deficit
Rita Marshall
OMI Agency
The Huron -Perth Catholic District
School Board (HPCDSB) had an opera-
tional deficit of $17,490 at the end of its
2010-2011 fiscal year.
Gerry Thuss, superintendent of busi-
ness and treasurer, explained the finan-
cial statements and auditors' report to
trustees at the HPCDSB's Oct, 24 meet-
ing, describing why a $447,930 deficit
was really only $17,490.
The board's consolidated revenue for
2011 was $55,674,161, while consoli-
dated expenditures were $56,122,091.
Thuss said the $447,930. difference
came from externally appropriated
expenditures which the Ministry of
Education and the Public Sector
Accounting Board (PSAB) require to be
included in financial statements.
The added expenditures include the
costs of future benefits and sick leave
for employees as well as interest accrual
and vacation pay accrual.
Thus called the $447,930 figure an
"accounting deficit" and said the oper-
ating deficit was only $17,490.
"We're really quite pleased with that,"
—mu -TOWNSHIP f -
strew- CCX.6 awe . ter,
he said.
The largest expenditures for the
IIPCDSB are salaries and benefits,
which together account for 73% of
board expenditures. Salaries were
$36,116,276, while benefits were
Thuss also pointed out to trustees
that the student population of HPCDSB
schools dropped by 3.2% from 2009-
The HPCDSB had 4,438 students in
2010, and only 4,297 students in 2011.
"We're still feeling the impact of our
loss of students on an annual'basis," he
Trustee chair Ron Marcy noted that
the audited consolidated financial
statements usually come before the
board in December. This year the
HPCDSB audit committee, and the
board itself, received and reviewed the
report about two months after the Aug.
31, 2011 ending of the board's fiscal
Trustees credited Thuss, staff, audi-
tors and having the proper software as
factors in the prompt statements.
BDO Dunwoody LLP audited the
financial statements.
TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh
will hold an open house in accordance with Section 26 of the Planning Act to consult
with the public about potential revisions and updates to the Township of Ashfield-
Colborne-Wawanosh Official Pian.
A PUBUC OPEN HOUSE will be held:
Monday, December 12, 2011 at .Brookside Public School, 36937 Beigrave Road,
opening at 6:30 pm with a presentation at 7:00 pm with discussion to follow.
ANY PERSON may attend the open house and/or make written or verbal
IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does no: make oral submissions at a public meeting
or make written submissions to the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield-Coibome-
Wawanosh before the proposed Official Plan Amendment is adopted, the person or
public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the County of Huron to the Ontario
Municipal Board.
IF A PERSON OR PUBUC BODY does not make an oral submission at a public
meeting or make written submissions to the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield-
Colbome-Wawanosh before the proposed Official Plan Amendment is adopted, the
person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before
the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable
grounds to add the person or public body.
PURPOSE AND EFFECT You are invited to attend an Open House to discuss the
poliiccyy areas to be explored In a review of the Township of Ashfield-Coibome-Wawanosh
Official Plan. The Official Plan will be updated to be consistent with the Provincial Policy
Statement and the Huron County Offlcial Plan.
OFFICIAL PLAN The Corporation of the Township of Ashfield-Colbome-Wawanosh
intends to undertake a review of the Official Plan, a land use planning document that is
a statement of where and how development should take place. The Plan includes the
goals and policy directions for development of the
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed Official Plan amendment is
available at the Township of Ashfield-Colbome-Wawanosh Municipal Office at 82133
Council Line or on the Township website at
We want your comments on this important document!
Dated at the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh this 2"" Day of November 2011.
Linda Andrew
Deputy -Clerk
Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh
RR5 Goderich ON N7A 3Y2, (519) 524-4669