HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-11-02, Page 13• _, Novernbor 2, 201 1
R To be held by
NextEra Energy Canada
regarding a
Proposal to Engage in a Renewable Energy Project
VIAr) 4110
Nasties: Goshen Wind Energy Centre
Location: Bluewater and South Huron, Huron County, Ontario
at the Municipality of Bluewater this the 2 of November, 2011
rd Energy Canada, together with Canadian Green Power, is :planning to engage in a
ata energy project in respect of which the issuance of a renewable energy approval is
{ The proposal to engage in the project and the project itself is subject to the provisions of
vironmental Protection Act (Act) Part V0,1 and Ontario Regulation 359/09 (Regulation). This
must be distributed in accordance with section 15 of the Regulation prior to an application
submitted and assessed for completeness by the Ministry of the Environment_
g Dation:
December 8, 2011
4 00 p.m. to 7700 p.m
Stanley Complex, 38594A Mill Road, Vama,.QN NOM 2R0
note that the meting will be in an Open House format allowing attendees to visit any time
the event.
Description: Pursuant to the Act and Regulation, the facility, to respect of which this project
engaged in, ts. a Class 4 Wind Facility. 1f approved, this,facility would have a total maximum
/_date capacity of 102 MW. The project location is described in the map. (Figure 1),
ents for Public Inspection: The Draft Project Description Report titled "Project Description
Goshen Wind Energy Centre describes the projeCt as consisting of up to 63 CE 1:6
. rbines, step-up transformers, transformer substations; electrical collector and transmission
turbine access roads, operations building, Meteorological towers bed construction staging
en copy of the Draft Project DescriptionReport is available.for public inspection at
extkraE ray c nod and at the Bluewater,
uewater, South Huron and Huron County Municipal
'pality of glu wat r
11 Avenues, Box 250
. Ontario, NOM 2T0
Huron County
1 Courthouse Square
Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M2
Municipality of South Huron
322 Main Street South, Box 759
Exeter, Ontario, NOM 150
copies will also be available at .the public meeting.
Contact and Information: To team more about the project proposal, public meetings, or to
nicate concerns please contact
nity .Relations Consultant
a Energy Canada, ULC
orth Service Road, Suite 205, Burlington,. ON, E7L 66
aEnergy c ors
Figure 1 - Goshen Wind Energy (_Nntre Study Area
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Public input wanted for
walkability workshop
Gerard Graces
QMI Agency
People looking to have a say in their
rebuilt community have a couple impor-
tant dates to keep in mind.
On Friday, November 4, Green Commu-
nities Canada is holding a walkability
workshop in conjunction with the County
of Huron and the Huron County Health
Unit. Planner Denise VanAmersfoort is
hoping to get a good cross-section of resi-
dents involved.
The workshops are aimed at making the
community more pedestrian friendly,.
focusing on foot traffic and how to make it
safer and more accessible for residents.
Many different groups are being invited
to the table, including the YMCA, -MacKay
Centre, GDCI and local trail associations.
Safe, age -friendly, non -vehicular traffic
does exist in many parts of town, however
there are shortfalls, such as the lack of a
sidewalk to -the Maitland Recreation Cen-
tre or the Wal-Mart/Zehrs plaza that caters
solely to vehicles, not pedestrians.
There are also areas for improvement in
the downtown core.
Though it is largely private property,
VanAmersfoort also points to the down-
town alleyways as an opportunity to make
a more walkable community.
"Some are private property but they are
used," she said. "Can we work with private
landowners make a more hospitable area
to go walking in?"
The day long session runs 9. a.m. 3:30
p.m. at Town Hall and includes a walka-
bout to get a street -level feel for the
present .walkability:
The day's findings will be made into a
walkability plan, put together at no cost by
volunteers from Green Communities
Canada. Anyone looking to attend should
RSVP as soon as possible, in order to get a
handle on numbers. Posters are up at the
YMCA, MacKay Centre and Legion, though
anyone interested can reply to dvanamers-
On Satuday, November 12, Goderich
can get a sneak peak at the intial plantings
coming to Harbour park. VanAmersfoort
said they are currently looking for volun-
teers to mark the places where the new
plantings are going to be, allowing people
to see how and where the new trees are
going to look.
Between 35-40 large trees are going to
be planted this fall, and Saturday's walk
through the park will show the potential
new locations.
'The idea is people will be playing the
role of trees to indicate the location and
types to be planted this felt," she said. "It
would be great to see youth but we don't
want to restrict it."
Staff will be on -hand for comments and
suggestions, particularly with the smaller
species going into the ground next spring.
The Harbour Park walk runs 9 a.m. to
noon on Saturday, November 12. For more
information contact town hall -at 519-524-
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Serving Goderich and surrounding area
Three charged in Fordwich
home invasion
On October 28th, 2011 at 10:52 am, the
Huron OPP received a report of a break
and enter at a home along Edward Street
in the village of Fordwich.
Two males forced their way into the
horse and assaulted the homeowner.
During the assault, a firearm was bran-
dished before the suspects fled the
As a result of the investigation, on
October 29, 2011 Waterloo Regional
Police Services located three sum in
the Waterloo Regional area.
They have been arrested and charged
in connection with the daytime break
and enter in Pordwich on October 28,
2011. .1
A 28 year-old male and a 24 year old
female, both front Aurora, Ontario and a
19 year-old male with an unknown
address have bei charged. Ail three sus-
pects appeared in court on October 29,
2811 via video court.
The rove da is continuing with the
assistance of the Huron OPP Crime unit.