HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-11-02, Page 12Wednesday, November 2, 2011 • Signal -Star 11 •
stonsite in it for the long haul
nsite Restoration District General Man -
arc Lalonde in their Cambridge Street
eek after the August 21 tornado, Firston-
toration set up its command centre .on
ge Street, and they plan to be in Goderich
work is done.
ct General Manager for Firstonsite, Marc
, said this is his fourth tornado restoration
is 30 years of experience. What makes
's situation different than others, he said,
11 aspects of the community have been
- residential, commercial and industrial.
Id, the restoration company is overseeing
• 0 job sites in Goderich.
otnrnand centre itself served as a hub for
ce adjusters, engineers and services pro-
ccess to buildings, as well as storage for
is being restored. Additional storage in
and Kitchener was also secured.
e height of their workload, in the week
following the tornado,: Lalonde said there
5 people on the ground doing mitigation
tarping roofs, boarding windows and
g and testing for asbestos.
ajorlty of those workers were at the Sifto
tor plant on Maitland road.
loss units handle the industrial site clean-
restorations. At the Goderich Elevators,
es compete with regular truck and train.
grain continues to be shipped even as the
s are cleared and repaired.
of the large loss units are from the United
States, Lalonde notes, where hurricane damage Is
far more common. Large loss units are currently
working at the South Pier Terminals (Goderich
Elevators) and the Sifto Salt Mine.
With Sifto, as with many properties in Goderich,
environmental cleanup and asbestos removal
needs to be completed before construction can
begin. Add to that the wet weather and the delays
add up.
"The majority of our work is outside work,"
Lalonde said. "the heavy rains and colder weather
create a challenge for us."
However, Firstonsite has bolstered its workforce
with local trades people, and gets as much mate-
rial as possible from local suppliers. However,
because there are so many older homes in
Goderich, the list for specialty orders has created
something of a backlog. For example, Lalonde said,
in the case of custom windows, manufacturers may
take weeks to get the job done and product shipped
back to Goderich. Another difficulty with older
buildings, Lalonde noted, is they were often built
piecemeal, and as the layers come off, there are
building code issues that also need to be
Ultimately, realistic goals need to be set and
adhered to. Lalonde said they are careful not to
over -promise or under -deliver, especially since
they are here for the long haul.
"We're here for the duration, until all of our jobs
are done, he said. "I'd guess we'll be here into the
New Year."
Firstonsite employs 1,100 people at 40 branches
across Canada, in addition to sub -contracting to
local labour and material suppliers.
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Oman/ Cowls OMI Agency
nsite Restoration District General Manager Marc Lalonde in their Cambridge Street headquarters.