HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-11-02, Page 8Wednesday, November 2, 2411 • Si ! nal -Star
o the editor
tion and people back to the town centre
architects believe all down -
are salvageable"(GSS Sept
approves demolitions for
eritage properties" (GSS
t who pays? Who decides?
? Conditions? Owners, tax
iding codes, municipal
nnsuranc a issues etc.?
ther hand, seems to me
e Square to full brilliance"
Bethany Davidson, (GSS
has the vision we need.
an opportunity to change
ittle. After all, we all know
what some of us would like
•derich, or some of what
as etc.
(around the square),
o his article, is a pastime
joy. So do tourists. Quot-
cle, "we've got a gem of a
n sided diamond, ---, Let's
o full brilliance" That in a
hat distinguishes Goderich
er towns. As 1 have said
is paper, the three main
attractions for Goderich are the lake-
front, the harbor - (but now only for
industrial use) and the Square - "...the
Because so many buildings have
been virtually destroyed, he mentions
many aspects we should consider for a
new image rebuild, many great ideas -
outdoor theatre, cafes, food vendors
etc. "Destination Square" the motto.
Perhaps it's time to mix modern, "glass
and style/design" with the "old". After
all, most of the towns in Ontario have
the same or similar, period of architec-
ture - Clinton, Seaforth, Mitchell, Strat-
ford, Lucknow, Dungannon -- every
where 1850 +/-. Upscale "glass and
style", along with contrast to the Victo-
rian era, would need the many present
restrictions lifted. It would certainly
bring a little "brilliance" and difference
to the town.
Bring the action and people back to
town centre, perhaps a change of image
from the past. Add some brilliance ---or
lose 'em.
Richard P Robarts
More youth becoming 4-H members
Dear Editor:
Huron County 4 -i i has been very busy in 2011.
There were three sheep, two beef, two dairy, two
judging, one swine, one goat, one plowing and five
life skill clubs. Currently there are 36 active leaders
and approximately 200 members.
Ontario joined the rest of Canada by dropping the
age limit from 10 to 9 years of age. As of January 1st,
2011, the qualifying age is now 9 - 21 years of age.
This allowed many more youth to become 4-H
Go For The Gold and Judging Competitions con-
tinue to be great successes for the 4-11 members. Pop
cans and battery collection continue to be a staple to
the survival of the
4-H program in f luron County. Our annual awards
program is coming up on November 20th at the Sea -
forth Agriplex.
Get Your Green On! National 441 Month is
November! 4-11 Canada along with Bayer Crop -
Science, the Show Your 4-H Colors sponsor, is sup-
porting all provinces with their celebration by provid-
ing posters stating 'Get Your Green On"! Green is the
colour of 4-11 and November 2nd is the day to wear
your green. So deck yourself out in your green socks,
pants, shirts and hats!
Also, TSC stores across Ontario and Manitoba will
have clovers, to be sold at their cash registers for a $1
donation. This will run from November 1 - 15. All
proceeds go directly to provincial 4-H initiatives.
Thank you to all those past and present 4-H mem-
bers, leaders and parents who continue to support
the 4-H program in Huron County!
Remember to 'GET YOUR GREEN ON"!
Sad to see trailers in Courthouse Park
To the editor,
It was very sad to lose so many Courthouse Park
trees with the tornado, but how disappointing to
see that now. we have a large ugly trailer complex
set up by the Ministry of the Attorney General.
Surely they could have found some other vacant
lot within Huron County or rented a building
somewhere, or even continued wi.t.h what they
re reading this, I'm walking and walking and ..6
and walking. One foot in
)t her! Walking and trudg-
g and slipping and "What!
riles!?! The marker said
ut now I will be walking
idth of England from the
the west coast to the North
ast coast. Right about now
I be light, my back aching,
rning and my right knee
ut I will still be walking and
walking without talking
doing this alone.
ut now my digital aging
flipping from 64 to 65 and
cially Old" And I will fight
le process of aging every
d a man walk across Eng-
. 5th birthday? Well I'd like
s adventure as a milestone
ysical maturation, a rite of
man to middle age, a les-
• oth contemplative and
ourney in which ... oh who
1 kidding? No, the fact is
proach the end of our lives,
y screwy things. Some do
things like Jump out of alr-
e fast cars, get married
• birthdays are common
o ronadon Street Just cele -
s th anniversary on British
staging a train crash in the
od, killing off half the cast.
ident George W. H. Bush
celebrated his 85th birthday with a tandem
parachute jump near his home near Ken-
nebunkport, Maine, attached to US Army
Sergeant Mike Elliott. (Wouldn't it have
been great if George Bush Senior had
jumped out of that plane attached to
his son George "Dubya" Bush ...
instead of a parachute.)
Remember jack LaLanne, TV's orig-
inal fitness guru, the man who has
muscles in his spit? lack LaLanne cel-
ebrated his 65th birthday by swimming from
the island of Alcatraz to Fisherman's Wharf in
San Francisco ... while handcuffed. At age 70,
Mr. Muscle did it again, this time pulling 70
boats with 70 people behind him while he was
shackled and handcuffed. Amazing.!
Jack LaLanne was so fit that at his own
funeral he was still able to greet guests at the
door and crawl into the casket ... unassisted.
So yes, as you're reading this column I am
fulfilling a wacky dream of wailing across Eng-
land from St Bees on the Irish Sea, through Brit-
ain's supremely scenic Lake District, across the
bleak and barren moors of the Yorkshire Dales
and over the streams and through the woods of
the North York Moors, all the way to Robin
Hood's Bay on the North Sea. From sea to sea,
coast to coast, "C2C" as the markers boast -192
miles of rural and rugged England in fourteen
consecutive days.
The Coast To Coast Walk was designed by
Lord Ann Moors, Set retary/Resource Corr
tact/Membership & &yards Coordina-
tor, Hume County 441 Leader's Association
have been doing for the last two months..
Not only am 1 disappointed with the Ministry
but also with Goderich Council for allowing them
to go ahead with this scheme.
Alfred Wainwright a hill-
liant and gruff curmudg-
eon who became a TV per-
sonality after writing a
series of guide books for
English hikers. He
designed this partic-
ular route across
England to steer his
followers away from
roads and traffic and
into the finest, most desolate countryside Great
Britain has to offer.
Appropriately Wainwright was 65 years of
age when 'he created this national trail that
leads a rambler across undisturbed English wil-
derness where the reward at the end of each
challenging day is civilization and a pint in a
In two weeks I will, Wainwright willing, com-
plete this remote strip of wild countryside that
juts up and down on the map like the teeth of a
saw, peaking at 2560 -feet at Kidsty Pike, Eng-
land's highest mountain. I have wanted to make
this trek for a very long time ... and by the mid-
dle of October I'll know if I left it too late.
I've told a few friends that I'm walling across
England and the reaction is always the same:
"Why?" I don't know exactly. I used to be a
runner until I had to have both knees 'scoped:
I used to be a tennis player but my back
wouldn't take the twisting and turning and i
e World's a Circus
William Thomas
Patrick Capper
was never one to play nice! But 1 can walk. I
love to walk - from the daily one-hour loop
along the lake to all -day hikes in foreign lands.
So I suppose I'm tramping across England on
my 65th birthday to see if I still can. Put off the
things you really want to do for too long and
they're gone, but you're still here to regret it.
So it's one foot in front of the other, stiff upper
lip, loose joints, stretched calves and a pocket
full of pounds because some of these pubs and
B&B's are so remote they do not take credit
cars. And my backpack is my only friend.
I have the spirit and the fight within me, not
to mention a compass, $200 worth of water-
proof clothing and .a set of walking poles with
titanic, make that titanium tips. I shall emulate
those milestoners who have gone before me. I
shall stroke on like the great Jack LaLanne but
not shackled by my limitations, indeed buoyed
by a relentless belief in strength at all ages, a
journey of unlikely success to remember -
yeah, I'm thinking what you're thinking - this
plan is more like the Coronation script, a train
crash in the works.
Honestly, I'd sober up and drop the whole
idea right now except I've already paid for my
airfare and I passed on cancellation insurance.
Wish me luck Stay tuned and stay out of my
way. I'm on a mission here.
www.goderichsignalstarcom News
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