HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-10-05, Page 9erich Si ' :1 -Star • Wednesday, October 5, 2011
rs to the editor
decimation of
it -town Ontario
't II to r:
Ii schools are closing all
it,trio with egregious
on students, families and
-oInInufities. it's time to
gutting of small town
T .i1 groups of concerned
s students, parents and
'1411 leaders have formed
• to draw attention to
s in the Accoininoda-
tee process and in the
\ of education in
this network men-
en-t low is one of those
k. school board in Ontario
t r ight to close any school
cs" of the wishes of the
ccnty, even if it is the only
in the community. Not
e Minister of 1 ducation
eviller of Ontario can
rmand these decisions.
v hoards are closing
. under the guise of
g to de=clining enrol -
hut many of their actions
'thing to do with enrol -
0 t example, building
The Liberal governrnent
imposed a Pupil Accommoda-
tion Review process, guidelines
for boards to follow including
full consultation with the com-
munity. That sounds great! But
it fails to work when the board
and the community donot: see
eye to eye.
The board's decision trumps
the community's wishes --
always! No one enforces these
guidelines. Many boards ignore
the guidelines entirely or in
There is no appeal. No one
holds the board to account for
their decision. Even an admin-
istrative review has no effect on
the decision: And this is appar-
ently fine with the Minister,
Leona i)ombrowsky, and Pre-
mier Dalton McGuinty, the
"education premier':
When a community loses its
only school, it can no longer
attract or retain young families.
its property values begin :to
decline inunediately by as
much as 20 per cent. Its busi-
ness conununity is decimated
and identity begins to erode. Its.
Children can no longer walk to
school.. It is the beginning of a
downward spiral which no
community should ever be
exposed to by their own elected
school board.
The.education act must be
changed so that school boards
are held accountable to their
community and prevented from
making arbitrary decisions
which affect the wellbeing of
the community.
In the wake of the 2011 pro-
vincial election, we are asking
all candidates to consider the.
implications of Accommoda-
tion Reviews and if elected, take
the necessary action to stop the
decimation of small town
Ontario and place a morato-
rium on Accommodation
Review processes. Schools
unfairly closed should be re-
opened under new legislation.
H. Brock Vodden,
Liberals must listen.
to Ontario voters
I )alton Mc( iuinty, to me will
always be the than that
destroyed they scenic beauty of
rural Ontario.
So bent on privatizing our
electricity system using wind
and solar and Gas , that .he
turned our system away from
democracy and took the plan-
ning say away from the people
that live in their own
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x A A4A •,• * E .
So bent on this direc-
tion that he even ignored
the health issues of peo-
ple that are affected by
close proximity to them.
Spent 10 of Millionsof
our dollars providing
environmental lobby
groups money using
them as public relations
toolsto sell us on this
Whilewe are to have
these developments
shoved down our throats
and calling us NIMBY-
ers , McGuinty has
backed off 2 Gas Power
Plants that are required.
to partner with wind and
solar , one in Oakville
and one in Mississauga a
week before the election.
Claiming we now
don't need the power.
But not the one in Hol-
land Marsh
The offshore Industrial
Wind Projects were put
on hold in Scarborough
which happens to be
Brad Duguid's riding.
The privatization •
direction was a flip for
McGuinty , after election
bac. k in 2003.
But'you can hardly
compare it to a fair open.
market business
We are forced to'pay 3
x. more for wind and 15 x
more for solar , locked in
long term contracts for
20 years:
Not bad when you
consider it is a monop-
oly, with captured mar-
ket with no price corn-
petion: At least for the
wind and solar
And then there is Cap
and 'I'rade..to be ' imple-
mented in January 2012.
It stands to take
approx.. $3000 a year out
of our wallets:
So environmental
groups will have jobs glo-
bally finding nice little
areas to plants trees in
Africa with the hope of
lowering emissions
This party has lost
touch with reality. No
political party should
have a place in Ontario
politics that would legis-
late the right away for
people to have a say in
their own communities.
'the Liberals have done
On Oct.6 election day
which is the only day.
your voice matters. The
only day the Liberals
must listen to you.
Let them know this is
not a dictatorship.'
Ernst Horvath
PCs have not
provided clarity
in funding
1 have great respect for
individuals who put
themselves under per-
sonal scrutiny by putting
their name forward as a
candidate in elections.
I have, however, some
serious concerns regard-
ing the PC's promises
and the costing of those
promises. The amount of
promised PC cuts is 6 bil-
lion dollars. To date we
have only heard where
one billion of these cuts
will come from. I am
sorry, but trusting any
political party with 5 bil
lion dollars of surprise
cuts is more than Gntari-
an's should put up with.
The Conservatives need
to outline, exactly, where
they plan to make these
five billion dollars in
cuts. My mother is 80
years old and needs and
receives care both at
home and as well as
through medical estab-
stab-lishments.I am -afraid
how these surprise cuts
may affect her health
and welfare_
Finally, major Cana-
dian newspapers and
economists have out-
lined significant short-
falls in the PC's numbers
as found in their plat-
form. They have gone as
far as pointing out bil-
lions of dollars in defi-
ciency in their calcula-
tions and calling the
plan, "voodoo econom-
ics': The PC numbers
have never been vali
dated by a chief econo-
mist of a major Canadian
bank. The PC's mut tell
the Ontario public
exactly how this deficit in
their platform will be
addressed.1 challenge
the Progressive Conserv-
atives to have all the
numbers in their plat-
form reviewed by a chief
economist of a major
Canadian bank and
release the full report to
the Ontario public,
The election is not far
away and the Progressive
Conservatives have not
given the Ontario public
the clarity, transparency,
and straight forward
information that we the
electorate need and
Angelo Ippolito
Belg rave, Ontario
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