HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-09-28, Page 1511
erich Signal -Star • Wednesday, Septerrther 28, 201i
bertson runs for the NDP
travels to the corners
iron -Bruce riding.
n 1 didate Grant Robert -
.aring the message that
I tight three-way race
the NDP, liberals and
vtitives to decide the
al MPP on Od. 6.
"There's a lot of growing sup-
port for the NDP in this riding,"
he says. it's OK to be NDP in
lluron-Bruce people are now
looking at the party in a differ-
ent way"
Corning off the best showing
ever for the Huron -Brune NDP
in the May federal election
with 25 per cent of the vote,
Robertson credits federal NDP
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ird installment of the 2011 tax. levy is due on
Ther 30, 2011. Tax payments must be received at
nucipal office by the due date. Tax payments can be
n person at the municipal office, by regular mail,
ie CIBC Goderich branch only. Interac/debft card
are accepted at the office as well as post-dated
Is for your convenience. Telephone/internet banking
able through most major banking institutions.
Ihortzed payment is available by completing a form
ie office and providing a VOID cheque. After hour
its may be left in the letter slot located at the front door.
tot paid by the due date are subject to interest of
per month. Failure to receive a tax notice does not
the taxpayer from responsibility for payment nor
Wily of penalty charges for late payment.
leader jack Layton, whose a big issue in this election, with
recent death Robertson is hon- 60 per cent of()ntario residents
ouring by using his federal living from pay cheque to pay
election signs.bearing Layton's cheque.
name, with the widespread "People are hurting and
understanding of the values worried about the future. They
espoused by the NDF. like our plan of taking the HST
"I don't 'know if that will off of hydro, home heating and
determine any vote in the pm- gasoline bills .it all boils down
vincial election but people to affordability. I've been talk-
know we're a party of practical ing to seniors on fixed incomes.
solutions that will accomplish who worry that they won't be
something for everyone," he able to pay their bills," he says.
says, adding that a phone call . That's why job creation and
he received from Layton after "growing and maintaining
the federal election asking quality jobs locally" is one of
Robertson to "keep up the Robertson's priorities and a
t" is one of the big reasons plank of the NDP platform
he decided to run in the pro- with the promise of a $5,000
vinclal election. tax credit for each job created
"I want to fight for his values In Ontario and a $3,500 tax
that love, hope and optimism credit for job training.
has a places in politics," he says. "This applies across the
Robertson says he's hearing board, whether you're a larger
that voters are fed up with the company like Wescast or Bruce
political mud -slinging that is Power or a local convenience
occurring at the local level dur- store - any new hips apply," he
ing the current election cam- . says.
paign, with some party sup- Robertson says the NDP also
porters interrupting wants to get energy prices
all -candidates meetings and under control, pointing to a
attacks and smears on local local plant that is paying
candidates, $40,000 a week in energy
"It's sad to see that these costs.
political games have devolved "If we continue with the cur-
to the local level. I'm really rent energy system,, there won't
proud to be on Andrea Hor- be any jobs left in the area," he
wath's team because she's says.
stuck to the issues with a mod- While Robertson says he
est, practical platform," he supports green energy, he says
says. the Green Energy Act has pit -
Robertson says he's hearing ted community against corn -
from voters that affordability is triunity and neighbour against
Canada's prettiest town
DUE September 30, 2011
Please present your bill when making payment. Interest of
1.25' (15% per annum) will be added to unpaid installments on
(ktobet.1, 2011. 1 f you have recently purchased property or have
not received a tax notice please contact the Town Hall, 57 West
Street, Goderich, S24-8344 ext 213. Tax payments may be made
in the following ways: at financial institutions in the Town of
Goderich, municipal office (interact now available), telephone/
net banking, pre -authorized payments and post dated cheques.
After hour payments can be dropped into the mailbox at the
front of Town Hall.
Lori Rounds
Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector
Huron -Bruce NOP candidate Grant Robertson
neighbour and adds the NDP
wants to sit down and talk with
municipalities about how to
create some community input
into the positioning of indus-
trial wind turbines in their
"I like to say it takes an
incredible amount of incom-
petence and arrogance to mess
up something as positive as
green energy," he says, adding
that the NDP supports a more
diverse, smaller scale green
energy system that would pro-
vide funding for home retrofits
for the installation of rooftop
solar panels or smaller wind
turbines on locally -owned
He says it's important that
local munldpalities have some
say in how green energy oper-
ates in their communities.
"We want to talk to commu-
nities rather than impose
something from Toronto. In
rural Ontario, we've had more
than enoughthings imposed
by the provincial government.
It's incumbent on government
to start listening to local com-
munities," he says.
Robertson adds that the pro-
vincial government needs to
start protecting the people who
are susceptible to harm from
the noise from :nearby_indus-
trial wind turbines.
"Not everyone is affected
but there is lots of worldwide,
high quality research to sug-
gest there are problems. And,
it's incumbent on government
to say that if anyone is being
harmed in any way, it's up to
us to do something," he says.
Robertson adds that the cur-
rent funding being offered to
green energy providers is
"I worry about the people
who have invested into micro-
FITs because we're probably
going to start seeing dramatic
decreases in the prices paid for
energy because the current
prices are not sustainable. You
can't buy energy at 50 cents a
Idlowatt hour and sell it at 10
cents forever - eventually
something's got to give," says
"I take offence to the notion
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