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HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-09-21, Page 33►Signal Stat • Wednesday, Septeiliberti
derich Township Families, 2010 book proofreading event October 6
l hursday October ti
copy of the Goderich
1 -hip Families 2010
will be available for
and proof reading at
olrnesville Community
4'1 reported editor Ali-
in 10 a.m. to 8 p.m:,
have a draft on view in
uncll Chamber room.
on Day was chosen
rately "as 1 was expect -
at many of you would
thing to the Hall to vote
Ai vhow "
t :urrently there are 120
family stories, most with
family photos, and people
are asked to review the mate-
rial carefully. Each submit-
ter has already had an email
opportunity to review their.
submission, and this is a
final kick at the cat. "I've
tried to be thorough but any
writer will admit that It's dif-
ficult to find your own mis-
takes" Alison admitted. Con-
tributors will be able to see
how the scanned photos
have turned out, and to make
sure their corrections have
been understood and
Those who did not submit
a story are also encouraged
to take time to view the infor-
mation. Someone in your
family may have provided a
story that includes you. The
following surnames are
included: Abbott, Barnim,
Betties, Biglow, Bowman,
Brand, Bundy, Burbine, Butt,
Chowen, Clark, Coklough,
Colquhoun, Cornish, Cox,
Craig, I)echert, IJirvin,
Dykstra, Elliott, Falconer,
Feddes, Feltz, Fleming,
Forbes, Ginn, Iiansen, Har-
ris, Hay, Henderson, Hesk,
Hill, Hoggarth, Jantzi,
Jenkins, Johnson, Jones,
Kisch, Kloepfer, Koetsier,
Kroes, Kuntz, Laurie, Lavis,
Lobb, Mabon, Martin, May-
hew, McCarthy,. McClin chey,
McCullough, Merrill,
Metzger, Middleton, Miller,
'Drees available at
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Needles, Neilson, Oakes,
Oke, O'Neill, Ostrum, Pitt-
blado, Potter, Pounder, Pow-
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clair, Sparling, Stirling,
Sturdy, Switzer, Taylor, Teb-
butt, Telfer, "Thompson, Tyn-
dall, Van Driel, Van Ninhuys,
Walter, Welsh, Westbrook,
Whitely, Wilson, Wise,
Worsell, Wright, Yeo, Young.
If your name is not included,
there's still a little time (very
little) to be included.
Following that viewing day,
Alison will be working on the
final layout and .changes or
additions will not be wel-
comed. Right now, she would
still like to have five more
families submit, to reach her
personal target of 125.
1 he book also includes a
section of photos on the
1985 1-5-0 and another on
the 175th celebrations in
2010, As well, there is a "Do
you remember?" section --
memories of days gone by.
The book iscurrently at
150 pages, with full colour
photos, and theprice will be
determinedby the cost of
publication - likely $50.
Only a limited number of
books will be printed and
copies can bereserved on
October 6th at the Holmes
ville Community Centre, If
you are unable to review the
material on that day and/or
order yourcopy, email Ali-
son at alison.lobb@tcc.
Find out what it takes
to tackle the sky at
flight class meeting
Blight instructor Chris Watson is inviting anyone with
a love of flight to learn what's involved in becoming a
licensed pilot during an information meeting later this
Aspiring phots will hear about the cost and time
investments and the challenges and benefits from
Watson, who takes to the local yes at every opportunity
he gets.
The first information session will be held Tuesday,
Sept. 27, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Richard W. LeVan
Airport, WTngham.
The second information session will be held Wednes-
day, Sept. 28 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m, at the Goderich
Municipal Airport.
'It's a lot of work to become a pilot, but the benefits
are well worth it, said Watson, who Joined Royal Cana-
dian Air Cadets at age 17 with asplradons of become a
pilot for the Royal Canadian Air Force. Although he ulti-
mately chose a different career path, he continues to
pursue his interest in flying. In fact, his credentials read
like a shopping list: Glider Pilot, Power Pilot, Glider
Instructor, Canadian Forces Reserve Pilot, and Flight
Instructor; with about 400 hours total time in the skies.
1 can fly to a nearby town for breakfast or head to
Toronto to see the skyline and circle the CN Tower I go
on my own schedule and don't have to worry about traf-
fic," Watson said.
Pre -registration for the information sessions is encour-
aged by emailing or calling 519-440-
9328. Drop -Ins welcome.
are a Newcomer,
or know someone who is, call Kim Burgsma 524-0163
for Gift Certificates and local information! or email