HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-09-07, Page 41ee Local Players in Action at our orne Opener! at, September 10 vs Mt. Forest 8:30pm (MRC) '2 Of EVERY PAID ADMISSION will be donated to the ornado Relief Fund 1 0 gat Hockey for a Great Cause! NEW KIDS & ADULTS !MOOT TO WIN More chances to win Great prizes for all ages visit us at www.sallorshockey.ca • me opener enerously onsored by mai -Star • Wednesday. September 7, 2011 TYNDALL'S ►ARAy1� OOOt SPECIAL" Starts: Wednesday September 14, 2011 "lasses: Every Monday & Wednesday Nights Location: Holrrleaville Community Centre (Please register before September 12, 2011) To register phone S i 9482-3634 Established school for over 30 years instructor: Ron Tyndall 5'" Degree Black Beit .dinners Class: \. iults + Children (6 & up) 6:O0prn r -00pf itte. ` eptornber 14, 2011 To register call before All classes held at Sept 12, 2011 he Holrnesvllle Sensei Ron Tyndall at munity Centre 482-3634 1 Maitland Golf and Country Club news Betty Helesic ! ,idies' Morning League, August .1, First flight, first low gloss, Mai ion Mariam, Sec- ond flight, low gross, Elsie Nates, 'I bird flight iow gross, Irene Okahashi, low net, Jean Bell, Fourth Flight, low gross, Carol Rt'an. The wti gather wass good for the Men's Championship on Auggust 13-14.1he players were setting (.11) great scores which made for an exciting slit\ \s al‘N i(‘ s the champion- ship was well urgalll/('d and the ('Otlt se was in (excellent shape. (:lull Champion, Tyler #illic�ra 14:-'. A flight xvintwr site' \Villla.rt_, twiner up Tont Smith: h: R flight ‘vinnt r 1.iint e (;rc'c•t, runnier up I)1ive Cor- nish., t. alight ,winner, Mike `lasor), runner up Ron Baines, 1) flight ivinnt'r, left Soi;verb , turiner up lint M1c(•:aftttrv. \Ionctay., Aug. 15, Men's Night, First lots net, "Pony Vol - lick with a :score of 29, first 1-oyw, gross inti (.,otild with a lou' as also closest to the Dill on # 1.Secotld low gross went .to Rat. Bedard and'l'om Smith with ii score of 36. ()Hier tivinners were Jit)) \ lc( .affery, Mike Mason, Jack kellough, Cy Harvey, Brian Allyn atl(1 Rob Graham. (:)n: Tuesday Mlorning Aug. 16, Men's Senior League, 60 players took to the course. Low -net winners were: Flight A - Barry Mitchell, Chris Con- nor and Jim Gilchrist, B Dennis McMeekin and Ross Wright, (: - Doug Hare, D - Dave Bender and�F ric Gosse,' N l:arry.wtlson, F - Jim tVagner, G-- Ken Tomlinson, .and closest to.th.e pin on 1 I:)ale Vickie. ()n 'Thursday Night .Aug. 16, Ladies'. League, the annual COM roast scramble (vas held. The ‘A, inners were Karen) Mc\ ittie, (. c't tie''V l titan, Irene ()kiihi,4hi and 1 lcttue ti1'urst.'ll \'lost hottest team, Rea CO Ill trhOtit� :Donna l•itinigatl, .�i geld F'c�l ,ick and Jean !v1ikitish. solos est to the pin on ft 1 Michelle Smith, closest t() the line on tt9 )Mary Ellen Jasper. Many thanks to Joan MCDougail and 'Audrey Smith for hosting the corn t-cJast. On Wednesday :dug. ;17 the.ltrniors_ held their last scramble before' their playoffs. Hirst, plate, Lauren Ritchie, Betty: Helesic, sorry they were short of players, 3 Great Offers! FOR MEMBERS & NEW MEMBERS Pay your 2012 golf membership by November 17, 2011 (at 2011 rates) and you could WIN THE COST OF YOUR 2012 GOLF MEMBERSHIP BACK (at your single rate) Draw to be made Nov. 18/11 Also NEW MEMBERS Pay your 2012 membership now and you can play the rest of this year at NO CHARGE NEW THIS YEAR renew your golf membership for 2012 and bring a new member you will both receive a S% discount on your 2012 golf membership FALL RATES NOW IN EFFECT 9 Holes ...$17 -- 18 Holes $23 ALL WEEK TUESDAYS All Day - 9 Holes $ 15 Maitland Golf ti(j :Ountry Club North Harbour Rd., Goderich • 524-9641 and layloi 1 Ielesic shot .17, Second place, Matthew Ma‘, Jordan May and Colton Smith, 39, 'third, Ben Rochan, Braden Secord and Jordan Evans 40 and fourth place, Nathan 1 Ielesic, Kodv Ritchie and Rylee Smith with a 41 Good luck to all on your 'play- off day. Thursday, Aug. 18, Ladies' Morning League, Wendy I larvey came in with fewest putts. First fligh Palm Marshall, second flight, Elsie Yates, third flight, Jean '4likit- ish, fourth flight, Angela Pol- ack and Martha Archbold. ( )n Tuesdav�, Aug 2_3, INIen's_ Senior Niorning League sax,. 14 lalai fir take to the count'. The low i et cs ner' were: Flight ,-1 Barr Mitchell and Chris Connor, 1 - Percy (Garrick and Gari Suchard, C - Bob Colquhoun, 1) - Don Yates, F. tarry Wil- son and Paul t.lgie, 1' 'led Johnston and Jim Wagner, G -. (;oro Jamieson. Closest to the pin on #1 Gerd Jamieson. ! llesclav l evening Ladies' League, Martha .\tchboizl came in with fewest putt,,_ First flight f)enest' McCabe, second flight, Sandy Fielder, third flight, Sally i 1c'Fwan, fourth flight, Thora McPher- son, and Jean Full. Thursday Morning Ladies' League, Wendy 11�ii ve.v had fewest putts. Fir,:( flight Pant Marshall, second flight, Nancy Suchard, third flight low gross Irene ()kd haslli, low net, Joyce Shack, fourth flight. \larthi Archbold. Pirates training camp begins Sept. 9 The Goderich Pirates kick off training camp Friday, September 9 from 8-9:30 p. -m. and are hack on the ice the next night Saturday, Sept. 10 from 6-7:30 p.m. and again Sat. Sept. 17 from 6-7:30 p.rn. General Manager Trevor Bazinet said he is hopeful the Pirates will have lots of players to these skates. "As an organization we have worked very hard at. recruiting players to play in Goderich," he `aid. "Phis is an open tryout for players that are serious and can commit to play Senior hockey in (,oderich.". Anyone that needs information about training camp can contact Bazinet at 519-525-7570. The team is currently seeking a equipment manager and trainer for the upcoming season. Anyone. interested can call the same, The "'rates are happy to announce that Graham Hamilton will he returning behind the bench as the team's Assistant Coach: Ilamilton was head coach of the Pirates from 2006- 2009. mEmORi RENOVATIONI iki RESTORATIONI Specializing in Residential Roof Replacement and Repair • Siding, Soffit, and Facia installation and repair • Aluminum Work CALL FOR A FREE OUOTE Hippgrn Construction Derek Hippern 519452-1768 d hippern@yal oo.ca Serving Huron County since 1990 .