HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-09-07, Page 37Trucks & Pick-ups Produce/Food 2001 GMC ton truckt!uC 1vs-1 always under coatect. very well maintain4.-K1, many new parts 1 '100 kms $5500 4..- T91 n tomach e';‘ s 0u, -i.•152 Garage Sales Rea Markets YARD salt- L;ar • to 1)ft t-iwy 1 5olit71 tit rut Uric! 7860C3 Auction Sales RED HAVEN PEACHES „oi• eady at Jim Bell Fruit Farm Appli-iL• 4-- 4..AU( • • e, 78802 Orchard • +1_ tio,x1e,4.41, 1 )-524-94t0 Cats FREE !0 good Nm- • mother plus 3 xitierv: Call 519-929-1028 Auction Sales Auto for Sale 2001 Honda Civic Si tft, r ; r ; • , i") • - .4f ; 4, • +:1 tr.t, t ;i1sprs-00 c0,•1 0:-• r;c) $4,500 Brontl Boats/Motors Marinas 8 Supplies 27". 1986 S. SO twin 4 3 L.)( (7. t:yce Mere cruiser. !,. rirs camper top .S13,000 519-948-1113. • Wind: • Sot.. • Ontario or e-mail stoysruS57 aol Auction Sales Auction Sales onal Star • Wednesday, September 7, 2011 ral Help ed General Help Wanted General Help Wanted ODER1CH & AREA )isaster Relief ( Iommittee 1 reasurer kI, ; • , • • i• 4.* • !,0,1c r ik • 111 ,,itiliittc; 1, 141.1 »4 t1 IR( t ; • IA 4':\ ,ti I tit1 4. 4.t1lt4. 4 1 -41;1. ! 11.1i• !!** Lt ihk RTINI iti4 kit •)! t•h. 4. LOW; tiNi•-#. ;••,-‘ ,111•11 MAI 'ill €4 clhatiic ihAttkilii 1,1 Mild( Oft 111141 A ;;I -I IX',‘•ett', VIti '.11411!' C, h-.1‘ 114,111.iy4.lq LEL. ItioncN, ticating tlik• A IcakT1 _111(1 1ttt4.4.' lIki thilltlist'lltritt'k 141 3 WIINAti‘e 111.11114:i it A Col 1111,46C tC'gti)A1 IUt I4.d MCC At the meeting\ 0! the 1.k :irk! ‘t.cckl,itatmixtingt, • t(,- Iv onitiizti.iNii clifo‘ fkuble:. \Ott,. it‘holi„t: .‘ 101 t1M-t.' 11 '14.4.". iitir 114! rie3k time ix-i;od\ atititir Ai 1! IN':ilti4t f',i minimum of 6 mouth% 11,1,1; 10; • #, I . :1!1,' 'MA 4110141 12 2.1111 t f4)41ei h Anti • if. (ton tiH ‘‘t„1 ut General Help Wanted General Heip Wanted General Help Wanted GCDERICH & AREA stes ( unt ?fl 1.1 e e Administrative Assistant It• i;i, ,4!`1 Alf)A seeikiria •• • t4.y Atttilit-tt;;;Itvt.' A•.:ostalt te.% ,joellitttoe -.1•T , , •i• • iiteparatiori atiefitis and. tittlf=s •Ari.44 as the Committee s secretary • Boma rsontiM)ie for the 3dministration Ot Committee ! • ‘, inquiries from the public using 3 ititas,int Opt -one manner .•oie4snQ yeneial,Questtons 43n0 taking messages • • croviding dem-al-support, including word ptncessInQai spreadsheet prepAraloti support -Ile( program staff • SuperVisitig all pri• t • iilirtg and cleitcat activities iatto the Cornmitte,- WOOS • •• Atteisdaiti ad MePtillq-. VIMIllee • ither (tulle.; r 1-,si1fler •. nu' Ideal Carib 1)ef'SOrl -with denionstraten strong general °flit administration. ax, r lint word processing and spreadsheet skills. who has been involved with workiiig with the public both ort the telephone and iri person handling sometimes personal information in a professional and sensitive manner The position will twelve regular attendance a,t Me meetings of the -Committee intlurling rinsSit'' evening and weekend meetings successful applcint Will be expected to work a minimum of 20 hours per week tog a minimum of 6 months• SahryRaw St(t GO.- $20 O{) per hour tiy September 12,2011 Godench and Area Disaster Relief Committee . Goderich Town Hall • 57 West Street, Godench, ON N7A 2K5 munity Living Wingham & District is seeking applications for the following position: • 1 MANAGER POSITION to start immediately regularly to the Executive Director any concerns related to delivery pt service, le supported and team leads • les expertise and guidance on client related and familyissues staff pool. hiring and orientation for new staff, matching individuals to staff support .out training events that would benefit staff, people supported and families/caregivers les compliance with and effectively interprets and communicates theAgency's policies protedures, health and safety and vanous other -related issues ilate and establish connections -with other resources t in developing community opportunities to promote inclusion s the first point of contact for volunteers.within the agency a liaison between educational facilities and the agency for student placements with community organizations (e.g. schoolS, Chamber of Commerce, Media, Ches, the township, etc.) to promote the value and vision of the organization •)ther additional duties deemed appropnate - 10110E ted Community College Diploma. minimum 3-•5 years' supervisory experience and ..rship skills• rtise in liaising with diverse community partners (e.g. professionals, families. losses, medical field, etc.) experience in staff supervision Please submit written request by September 12, 2011 to: Lois Darling Fax 519-3574283 or email lois@wdcia.org Manager of Finances and Office Administration, CLWD Only those applicants with appropriate qualifications will be interviewed. ITTENT ON 4 f 4 4 f 4 Boats/Motors Marinas & Supplies FOI =.•„1:if• rt1 I A ; 11v:1.J-tett .1"..111114.! t -a." . • ' Campers, Trailers & RV's 2008 •PALOMINO Stampede S17 Hybrid trailer, excellent shape: Used only 6 weelo-- •Asking $12,900 Don at 514-524-9647 RICHARD LOBB ANNUAL AUCTION SALE CLINTON 519-482-7898 Snowplow Trucks; Ambulances: Pick Up Trucks, Gar and related Equipment to be held •at Huron County Highways Garage one mile north of Auburn. SATURDAY, SEPT. 17TH AT 10:30 A.M. SNOWPLOW TRUCKS: IHC 2000 Tri Axle; 2001 Volvo Tandem; 2001 IHC *Tandem; 1993 IHC single Axle; 1975 single Axle. FIRETRUCK: 1995 IHC 4900 dieseLAM- BULANCES: 2 2006 Ford Diesel 350w/ dual Wheels; 2002 Ford 350 diesel w/ dual Wheels. PICK UP TRUCKS: 2008 Chev Club Cab; 2006 Dodge 4 door: 2001 Ford.CARGO VAN: 2001 Chev. CAR: 2003 Chev Malibu 4 door. EQUIPMENT: Si- card 9 ft. Snow blower w/Ford 6 cylinder diesel engine (fits front end Loader) ; Air Compressor:Stitil Chain saw. Etectric/hyd. Post Hoist; Mechanics Service Cap for 8 ft. box w/lockable Compartments; 2- Epps Hot Water Pressure Washers; Broad Cast Seeder Stihl Weed Eater, .1988 Trailer mounted Sewer Flusher w/ 6 cylinder gas Engine. ••• "Ste" wwwhuronhighways blogspOLCOM for Pictures and Details or call Sale Man- ager Walter Johnston at 519-526-7231' AUCTIONEER: Richard Lobb 519-482-7898 or Cell 519-955-0163 www.lobbauction.on.ca -.411111.• -res.- -.ISO. -rib. .4110. 4 8 44 44 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -yr Appliances FOUR white kitchen upp ,A; 4.ISPuot micr• k1icin- wa0 't : $80 :At; !, • # troot-,.t 4 1, thislioarisikquir islacuclabki Auction Sales Sale of Land by Public Auction • HURAl% '•2fONV11.II-I( (iti COUNT1.1-IE CORPORATION OF Y THE COUNTY OF HURON lake Notice that -the land(s) described below ill be offered tot- sale by puhliC auction at 1() o'clock in the morrime on the 3R1 thi% t& October. 2011 at the Royal ( ).s- Kirk I 'ot.. ('linton, ( )ntario, '40\1 11 (i I)( scription of 1.andisi and Viininitini 81(1 .1)1NL-: I ioNi•00 - • 1 1 " •\'‘ I : tit \ ( Ron .4070 ()! V1itairtititti `S11.14)4..Ah • ;41-00:', lJt 1 ot 1)-1 Lot t; • \101 I H. \ItIbk...WA1111% 11ort1-jurri1),Jui, 1-»i)11 ",i t ?t() 11-4S(10 Minirnuni tlid $11,86(i.02 1 • • 11%-: 12_ " 1 k)t in R ;1111 1 Anil \\ 1, if an%. \luntcir.tilt \ion ,It-ntttert-‘, ',\tti 44;(() 540 Wit 4tHi (H)tio Niillift1U111 Rid S6736.97 PINp.;134.4-0352. Plan:192 Lot 225 and t't Lot 22-4 (13r-usels \-Vard) as in 1(2.7-';. NiuniCipality ot Huron Last • R(4.II No. 4040 440 001 01902 0000 . minimum Bid $20,620.45 il amounts payable by the successful purchaser shall he pay'able in .full at the tune of the sale- by mono. order or by a hank draft or cheque eertitled-b a hank or trtNt ,‘orporation or b:!•: cash. • Except aS. follows, thc. municipality makes no representatiofl. regarding the title to or any other mutters relating to -the land to.he.sold, ResponsiNlity for .iscertaining those nlatters . • restswith the potential pin -chasers.. • This sale is governed hy the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal 'fax Sales Rule The successful pUrchoer will. •be required to pay the amount bid plus accumulated taxes and the reit:\ ant land transfer tax and HST where applieahle. The municipality has no obligation to pro.% ide vacant possession to the 'successful. purchaser. For further information regarding this site, contact: Name of Municipality or Board • • TK, CORPORATION Ol- Isl COUNTYOF HURON Address of Municipality or Board 1 COURT 'HOUSE SQUARE, GODERICILONTARIO N7A I M2 www.hurioncouilty.ca or call 519-524-8 194 'I itle TREASURER