HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-07-06, Page 2TI --IE WINGHAM TIMES timid Tciunti Railway System' 1, t 1kkiam� We tee) s -ere thrown tickets via l;ltitriv:r 1 •,ltT ' •t ilny ',Olt t in .Ar.,,•"i''::1 1:7/4bi, lir o1 ared% Northwest, Masi- toree, feta., ,,::,,t. etc. lana• , € through to destina- t en , • ..titatiof l7ivon whorl:": eit•._ •.1- :,,' make i,isetrant end 1.. tale. t'anee. Tourist and re" (r` n •' 'breve pointA also ell. i .;ares, and with all .. ag 's. - • ,.ea tielie•t' tr, any pOir:t :eaei!2ess vrli, be all' - Ago •l my :', teal, It, Vanstone was in I'aln)erston on Thursday. Air. i'. 'Fa.tt is heving an addition put to his residence. :.Ii !lel' () Turnberry, his g.)!,a, to Glasgow, Scotland. M. IMcindoo and R. Vanstone wheeled e. tel., a sort or• a ' to (Iuderieh ori Dominion tiaY •• '.'en through to rosy : .. 'anal,; et:stens:ter i. ,• • nest ::I'o issued. i ...eve:, we have the give it to yon l i.•;.;�:-lt G.T.R. Wingham, (int. insteiED 11Th .+U••uz.:-. : i ;y 2n arn Tikes if 1,1141811 ANDt''ita,i'tiiTOa eDV EI?T}SERS •-• -s ranust les :eft at this • .:ter than saturday noon. :•,r changes must be left than Monday evening. C .)- . :'tisements accepted up t • • . : :eh -testier of oath week .. Tei. . �)AY, JUNE 2:1. 1916 C.::`Iet'• INDU3TRY, COM AND FINANCE. ('a.(1':::• ' •1;Ines, men, and those in other e.ez s doing business or pre - 1 .•' cl ::, •, ••tsinel)s in Canada. have telt ! '•f a cn n. ' and acearate „).see •' a• +rmation ceneerning Canad- a:11 !•'.'I'.:• source and finance. Such a volt,, jn.;t been prepared, and neeiist:.i '•; the industrial and Educa- tional 1're.“. Limited, 45 St. Alexander tre.•', ....!Teal. Tiler,' • ••• chapter of the book are l'',•a•a : iscussion of modern bust - eyes I':'•':;' Is as applied to Car..ad:,, in whit!) t-:. ethos, deals with three di - ti -i u,s. .•.: retry, commerce and finance -hi ,e , authoritive manner. The aim i-: tt. :'resent the information in mei:i (..• : as to make it easily com- 1`"'ilene e, . The volume is of parti- e.,ira: ,;.,est r to the young business. men an : ce foreigners doing business with ::',1c-:dian merchants. The in - format': :..:: especially useful to Canad- ian 'Lee- •.:,.:ts at the present time' when so In tat: tl •na are beginning to do an exp: . ee • _ 1;,, to whi.:h the censiderable ,hebeak is (devoted.'lee '-it • eimeter on industry deals with e 1 •-:..i the variousi',.ancllt's of Ca:^ , industrial d.'v•Aopmert, in polo”. ,.: .•,tent, production and pos- si:.`:i'i •. In his treatise on commerce' - , tit sass. treats the su;zj;.'et in all its ,a -reign commerce, domestic Ci'::: r.,'f.•.•. (wean tr:ansportatioe. rdii- r •'i^ ' • . ;ire token Up in turn end ti. ' le i:ie1 tt•r1:as explained. '!'h • The t'a : tr••cats of the world are des- :'_. •.ti 1_ 3';''ti'JO is devoted to 3 , iu'le3 in use Cie world t-. • , : ei.apt:r on finance dams se. , •le auras of subjects. The see .• - ..•ri )d 5 the 1 el0pment 1':' Io tereente oY _retina ,.... .. �.. _.). with ail methods in ., a .(. .r r'adll 'id"`(It?:fy l I Mr. A. I):tss;ln is able to be•out again aft,•t• a t,eii:iul throat trouble, Mrs. ri)r.) Kennedy and children are visiting friends in Strathroy and Sarnia. E butt 11,( os. ase building; abrick re donee on the tot opposite the Catho ehuren. Mr. Sandy Ross has been on the sick flat for the past fe x days but is able to be around again. 1). Mcltay, who has been in the Western States, returned home on Saturday evening. We are pleasted to learn that Mrs. W. ,Lobb has so far recovered so as to be able to b's out again. F. Patterson is putting a brick foundation under his residence and otherwise improving it. Mr. Wallace met with an accident to ills bicycle on Monday, having several spokes taken out of his front wheel. Mr Sam. Fieuty, of the Palmerston Reporter spent a few days with relatives a::d friends in town during the week. Charlie Coultes, of Bluevale, fell off his brother's bicycle on Monday night and broke one of the bones of his arm. Rev. Wm. Lowe, Messrs. T. 13e11, A. llnu;; and Mrs, Jno. Swar'ts left on Monday fur the old country. They will spend some munths in each country. Mr. Clow's barn, in East Wawanosh, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground on Thursday night of last weer:, while a severe electric storm passed over this section of the country. The building was insured but would not cover the loss. At the regular meeting of Court Maitland, No. 26, C. O. F., the following officers were elected for the ensuing terra: P. C. R., T. T. McLean; C. R., W. G. Gray; V. C. R., M. Bethwith; R. S., Ii. B. Elliott; F. S., D. M. Gordon; Teas., S. Graeey: Chap., John Cooper; 3. W. John Heim; J. W., J. H. Elliott; S. B., Isaac Hughes; J. 13., F. Roderus. :MARRIED Bolt -Plant- In Listowel, on Wed- nesday, June 17th, by the Rev. N. R. fViloughby, M. A D. D., Mr. Francis Bolt, of Turnberry, to Miss Ellen Anne, daughter of Mr Wm. Plant. of Howick. sf. lie DIED Hanna - In Morris, on Thursday, June 24th. John Hanna, aged 59 years. Brandon - In Belgrave, on June 28th, John P. Brandon, aged 96 years and 8 months Eer."1na nu the Benet. t1 Mr. Peterson, South Bay, Ont., tl write?: "Furyears I suffered a sort of •.czrnia on the head. I tried four ee different doctors, giving each a fair trial, nut the disease grew worse and spread to rlty arm. I got Dr. Chase's cal Ointment, and it has entirely cured me. (0 I give you my name because I want (•t other sufferers to know about this a penteu Ointment." t,; STORY of A REAM�EATs T'S RYE' Curious Slumber Vision anti Its Sequence In ileal Life, A VliAF NTNG OR A COINCIDENCE Whichever of the Theories May Se Se- lected as the Answer to the Problem, It Was a Singular and Puzzling Psychological Experience. 'Tile following real life experience, WI11011 is interesting both as a story and for the psyeholagical problems it Involves, is related to tite Pathfinder by one of its woolen readers: "In a dream nue night it seemed that I awoke and found myself lying on a mattress placed on the floor of a room entirely devoid of furniture. In my dream I felt considerable surprise at nutting myself in such a situation, and I looked about in dismay and alarm. Upon trying to Move 1 found to my horror that I was weak and sick, and i tell back: on tile pillow exhausted and mach depressed. "Just then the door of the room opened and a man entered. Ile was extraordinarily tall and was very dark and titin. Instinctively I felt that he was toy doctor. 1 asked him where 1 :l as Mi;.l wlhlt was wrong. Slowly and Kole:wily he answered: "'You have smallpox: • "At tills juuc'ture I awoke, groatly ltorrlt]ed and agitated. Ali day my (h'earn stood out with frightful vivid. (less in illy mind. At length in the hope of relieving myself' of some of its unpleasantness 1 related it to several of my friends. Without exception they earnestly advised rue to be waccivated et one,. a11e1 I (]id so, ".1 few days 10ter I was in Now York city. .As 1 walked along 1 noted many fruit venders with quantities of tine looking white grapes piled up on their carts. The fruit was so tempting that 1 81(21(1:ed before one of the earts and racket] the young felicity in charge of it to weigh o%,t two pounds for me. As ]Talc W(18 uniting on the 1 Sttiw 11 ill) east a furtive glance behind 111111, then (respite Illy request that he give me my grapes nt mice, he seize(] the handle of his cart mid with most of his fellow merchants trundled rapidly :twat' "I looked in the opposite (]!rection and saw a lean, evidently r1 city tliflelnl, n -hu was ordering the few remaining fruit vender's to 'Move on,' Ile was canning lo in' direction, and :Is I was somewhat incensed at the summary de- p:lrtere of the Venter before be could sell me the grapes 1 wanted, 1 decided to wait and gave the cause of the trou. Ide'12 piece of my mind.' '(in looking up to address him 1 was startle:1 to tin1I myself face to face with the living coon of the sh:na who In my dream had informed toe that 1 had the smallpox. Recover. iilg Ct:y s( if posse(sion Its best I could, 1 said, 'Will ,you k`ndly telt me why these fruit leen nye so persecuted? In- s:cattty of t(Inn; their time away 113 sa• Icons or on park heti*hes they try to Ira au honest living by selling fruit. I [Link this Is entirely commendable. Why ere they not allowed to conduct their business )11 pence?' -"All this 8:)1111(, Very well: reptied :e man, 'hut there is another side to lis gneStiten. ''hent 1)001:1e Are pour :(i as a platter of eeouomy live eery .. 1• es•',(; , several latizil. 8 sometimes 00. ,•. -• 0 singleroom. Not lone ag;o in t(' (11' their Habitations i saw on a bed Je of their w'.e,et( s':f;ertug with a t , tions (]isease ruder the lied was 'noel: of t'r,:lt n iti,•h tme of the men e1: r•0t uh (1;!' s'*Y•et tate fellotwiO4 to veil At (•^'e?1'!1t R'e flit' obliged '.nr••h (Les, 1: .11•:e .cry •nref1'ly in e ••t 2,l i,t•['i•en' a :u:let•:I spread of is (, :3'i i'ke 111'-1':, tee, t1211. ---aril he :e, sett squarely at 110- -'31' yen do out i it • 1111 '.: 1 see no reason 81. 1.( 1.1' i,(-evelr,eel front pat- .- lee, file irl):t w(tladl'.s 011 Cull %1' s:,•wr•ral tli7.arl1•:$ we slum] ihefe. 1L alu- "f I; :aat I :1 Wt111 1110*!) 1t. r:..''....:1, �! •.11 111 'He' 't, (,1:t1 1 01 t•:.' <... 't•. `.'het! 1 had :.t' :1 n':('-:'; e . _ :tte,' 0.' eel bine. 'x:,1,11.4 t.,. to 1. •:)'u(lnd. 1 '1111 :1) 1'. a:('1 ' ,e. e the Inas of ti t ..-11.1.1ilii'• at t::e I)1 t :. ti •• ver r:e, ;fe ha h:,1 ..a e;r 12 0,11 acesietaees tee ae 1 elm.' f Lieber ,•t' tet 'act was he ens e never le::r':•el. lett I do know :lee 1 hate t 1f (i1:i;p0:. t:ll. 1.1 „ t .,., al:., 1 1t.,ou( t•. or W:O* .. :l• (i h:'- dl, Snag 1: 'n t' ,iia •'t '•l:::i-. 11:.r'k. 21.111 (1:all a"goat,;; en. , 001 it (,ill . a. :• We' (': FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS (Md i)tlo, Berry was long tit.sage 1:1 terga:•*]] of the (aUaint old Indian .:_4 , •. r:1.a , 01,2.1 a 1 tb.l. e. of (1 e:een _'t. et .. in this tl sass_ •.tie, 11 Til;;., :1912 . , y • • P of I,1ee:'viii,', near Cincinnati. no Id' his r .o.t constant patients was :r tt •, 1iu,(er, who was always corn - but who had really not much •l:azt.-1• With '.,inn. ()ne (lay the old s!•iur )'.st h1ll +Otien ,,, and declined to vo S a :u: i any mi divine. • don't .('d 12," said he. "il,,t c,:,1 Iloii 1 get well, then':” ` C ou 5 that thicken nut there 'r •r ',p, 10, ;;round t(' get gravel ' i3_ • Sale ]:el, lo..edng out of .,.•, tee,. . ` Wel: t:*.i :iter, ,t] II`.a (:1) , , . ;-1 y e u- ll .,o')tl 1 ,• enect," 1'1'ut((• V e ate ) ned. •2 ,l ... ii.. ., .t 1 .• l'lyot :)rein 1120 1 a.» to eat. 1 we' ;n. ? 1 r''ate tt a • .s in ie --1 • >kw eIg 1; v. ee 1 tl no Pte-alci:,n. T:I(':''• :c. 1,'S. 1.1t27.s w:l1o•:e t.- , la:ut. (8 the I.(02'0:21.1118. Three 1 Ties' , s 1 I 21:t year ar i; : t 1:11:1-,;;1. of cin! ('5, It ,..t' . •F;(2C (te 0o.tt:: 00' s;lyitl:°. tat :0 :0 ,11,11 tvr1124r. At the be:,liming 02 .\ iveniber it puts on 21:0 last costume • of the 802100n. Its spring brown and summer gray ,eVVe Well to hide it among the scanty herr=aye of its haunts from Um keen eye of the soaring fal- con, �' L 11 ,lair : r' i 1.1:2 ,i .n'>.( r"••:• , r•t telt 1- 1.1110(1(29 ) t. r i ", , •' 1,• (2r' tl : ".2 1.. , 1.12. -• r • '1.1 ')1 rt,04. `.':.1 Time to Houseclean, "A11 vee yo" is ItouSeeleanint," said Mrs Snow White. „ , 5 > i1lartl A >s. Marsh Green. •,', :1•41,111' 1,k Lewin' thiete; round 121 ,...11x, !:1(r. I deo come e1`- •:.i,"•t 2:4 t11 -ler de bed t. 1 ., t :.• at 1,.11 live a'ealls." 1.2 nn),r 18, in F:tyle, iri I :eeleno e!ir c:In.:nee is I..:efe:,ow. July 6th, 1916 (0)21 804(4 GOLMi,ip -VW. ou+Lar1(211Ni1G18. V/1' . WALKING V$. RUNNING The 13oston Nutrition Labratory of the Carnegie Institution has lately completed an elaborate study of the bhysiological aspects of walking, which the Journal of the American :Medical Association summarizes. According to the authors of the report, very few per- sons get through the day without walk- ing one or two miles, and the average office worker usually walks about seven miles. In walking, a person expends energy not only in external muscular exercise, hut also in produc- ing the heat necessary to maintain such bodily activities as circulation, breathing, and balancing the body in an upright position, Walking even at a moderate pace sets up certain muscu- lar movements that are not' directly connected with the .business of going ahead, such as swinging the arms and raising the weight of the body with every step. The experiments of the Boston la- boratory show that when the arms are swung vigorously, as they are in a brisk walk, the digestion and assimila- tion of food may be increased more than one hundred and twenty-five per cent. Furthermore, it was found that ae much as one-fifth of the energy that an average -sized man spends in walk- ing he spends msrely in raising his body at every step. Running calls for a greater outlay of energy, and gets a smaller proportionate return for it; for running lifts the body nearly twice as high as walking does, and the most economical kind of locomotion is that which wastes the least energy in lift- ing the body, C ASTORM For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of ,(�. �ts�say.�•am �w•eL•�a���t�•�•e��•p JOxh1{ F. GROVES ES L:... CI1sIL R O P'��iRI�I;AGL LICENSES Town Hall, Wingham P A (2 P PHONES: -Office 114 Residence 268 a a rcv(arma are's•c.0t V141Nrea >;eLia , E S'3 @ a1 (t ©r - r tx . )b Ertl tin G 11 i L3 €igen fiO'C1;,'"..,R'S Ina Y Y. t'.:2-1.1.7atra Ti1f:::tt_na one Of elle most coat -Lan `r nmirt(•r cormmplai(rts of infants, die 301.) (Muhl 18.' .avec] if looked reicc:r on tire thee bigii of a•oulet. 1 ' aroattee dies•11:••' Vt. ,t,,,i by tt °ri'.in:;, _\222't .j' 1 ,roll L110 1: tamaeh "i -Ot' ikI 1'(- - lc ,1' ,. , l...,'CUF,FC" (7,' . 1111(1 i,):.1 of droll]) .:1llttttt i (• • 1 ti (a :d tine" ,, ,'?:1 :c•:.(a.'t"lo.market • t. • ti you. u arc _ , eleav and 1 1 .. t2 1 2 (.t, 1. (. at but be i 1 "`v 4 ;:. [ , , _ . (....1.., ,, ,.11en you til:. 10114.,Rua"' " I . .31 7 1. Fowler's f % A,: , ,..r.1 1 at highly i ,•f •ill:'•' , 0 !.:tilt' daughter 111 ti 11i s' : 1, :;1171, and r„ ' e•to :].tors,. The little • -+ tat core 2n and see 11,111:2! I had a bottle of , ,l t -:•r if she .. , . i':1,21 was hal: tl 111 .. a .1. itni owe Swa'-. . • : ( , flit' I t':..1„let the cilli•' w. t t, • iIreen r' t araet te 1,-4 , 1_e:)n11e t.:r( -1 only 1., Tee T. :Millyeati Co., Limited, T. -con' 0, Ont. ' l) 'Phone; IR I 1•ri0e, i J acute. 1 44fj��ro+Y Zpe as�er� I:. t. ( FL DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARI Agent for Allan Lime Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. T, R. BE 1NETl J. P. AUCTIONEER Sale dates call be arranged at TIMES office. Pure Bred Stock Sales a Specialty Sales conducted anywhere in Onterio Write or Rime 81, Wingham CH-AMWANTED Having an unto -date Creamery :u s full operation, we solicit your cream .1. patronage, We are prepared to pay the highe:,t market price, for good credal and wire Sou on honest business, weiglnrg, sampling and testing each can or cream received carefully and returning It full statement of same to ••aell patron. We fu'lislt two calls to each patron pay all express chargee: and pay every two weeks Write for furth(r particulars or send for cans and hive ns a trial. SEATO fH CREAMERY CO SEAFORT11, ONT. `•Itf.., T,• YN`1442. '.•AIS,rti'Ve • EXCHANGE YOUR WESTERN . TOWN LOTS 'A'e will allow- full value for a limited 01012011 up to One Thous- and Dollars worth of Western Canada Town Lots, in exchange with a slight c1IIT'1'enee cash or terms for fully improved inside properties in the cities of Lon- don or Guelph includ n.,' selwer, water, electric lights, ;;Its, c'ern- ent walks, street Cars past prop- erties and in well built up factory districts or select residential. These propel ties turn quick and are right at house. For particulars ,ictus to GEO. M, FAIRFIEI,D 447 Woolwich St. Guelph Apt. a 'Odes, 9 Std aes nte. We can save you money on all the best makes of Bicycles. Cycle Supplies and Repairs. A good stock always on hand. NOTE-- We do not stock seconds in an', grade of tires, hut can get thetn for you at a very low price. Store in the old Tamlyn Block, Machina and repair shop at rear of store. Lawn Mowers sharpened. Baby Carriages and Go -Cart tires of the ditierent makes and "e size.; replaced in the original way. Our prices are always right. Articles called for and deliver- ed if deeired. UP-TO-DATE RHYMES Mary had a little wheel A Massey don't you know And everywhere that Mary went The wheel waS sure to go. She always aide it to the soh :111 Tier shilling ac'r'd of :steel The chIlhren paid 5 cents a turn To rldt on Mary's wheel. What male 'o it ri'1;' so ea811y.” ITil, e Cyt r flog t t'n crie,l Why. It's :: M' 11c';; don't you see ]Trot toner, r kind rtpietl. Thera was ua old woman who lived ill a shoe, S0-' had :1) Many children slh' didn't know 1vh:lt to (10 She 1• lught a now llrantford ;11,• each ()f the pati; So r0:;y they rode that they ,teb•'_' r L'antt 1 ,ll1 ., There was a w.,.10 1.1 our talo rl an:I he 1.1(1; t` ,1, ' (d:: wise Ile went ;att(1 (211.40121 n '.. 12(710' ww11e<el and jailed nut both hi:: y41d when 0 'a: w e,i r112t vwitlt Oil his ri(i'-1i'' -:.1 21 0 11 Zy I10 run :loci bought 1:1 112,:1.1111 1011 t hi;s eyei.4 ,..it!he b tell ;11:1. E. NE,,iiCLEY Et SIM TOWN DIRECTORY. BAPTIST CRURCgi-Silbbath services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting and B. Y. P. U. every Wednesday at h p. m. A, C. Riley, 13. A., Pastor. Geo. Pocock, S. S. Superintendent, METHODIST CHURCH --Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. m, and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p, m. Epworth League every Mondayevening, General prayer meeting on ednesday evenings, Rev. J. W. IIibhert, pastor. F. Buchanan, S.. Superintendent, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p, m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. in. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Petrie, pastor. Frank Lewis, S. S. Superintendent. ST, PAUL'S CIiURCH, EP'iscor bath services at I1 a. m, and ; p, m, Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rev. E. G. Dymond Rector, Alex. Al- deron, S. S. Superintendent, SALVATION ARMY CITADEL. --Service at 11 a•m., 3 .m, and 7 p.m. on Sunday. At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. There will be special music provided in the Sunday evening service from 7 to 7,15 POST OFFICE -office hours from 8a.m. to 6:30 p. m. Open to box holders from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. C. N Griffin, post- master, PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library • and free reading room in the Town Hal], will be open every afternoon f-'im 2 to 5:30 o clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Della Reid, lib- rarian. Hioll ScitooL • TEACHERS -Mr. G. R. Smith, B. A., Principal and Specialist in Mathematics; Mr. J. A. Anderson, B. A„ Science; Mr, W. J. South- combe, 13. A. Specialist in Claselcs; Miss M. 1 Whyte, 13. A., Special- ist in Moderns; Miss B. E, Anderson, Commercial Specialist; Miss E. C. Garrett, Art. HIGH SCHOOL BOARD --R, Vanstone, W. F. Vanstone, F. Buchanan. 0, P. Smith, Dr, Redmond, W. J. Howson, J. A. McLean. Chairman, R. Vanstone; Secretary. D. Holmes; Treasurer, A. Cosens. Regular meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month. TOWN COUNCIL -J. W, McKibbon, Mayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. F. Binkley, W. 1i Gurney, W. Tsbister, A. Tinling. Geo. Spotton, W. G. Patter- son, Councillors; John F Gloves, Clerk; and J. G. Stewart, Treasurer. Board meet • first Monday evening in each month at 3 o'clock. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD -H. E. Isard, War. Field, T. R. Bennett, Dudley Iiolmes, W. 13, RRinto01, A, E Lloyd, Robt. Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in Council Chamber on the second Tues- day of each month, PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. --A. L. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OF HiOALTH.--Dr. A. J. Irwi12, (chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter John 5'. Groves,Secretary; Dr, R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. rev iagliam General Hospital (Under Government Inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur- nished. Open to all 'regularly licensed physicians. RATES POR PATIENTS --Which include board and nursing), $4,90 to $15. per week according to location of room. For further information, ad- dress alias L. Matthews, Superintendent Box 223, Wingham Ont. Railway Time Table GRAND TRUNK RA:LWAY SYSTEM TRAINS LEAt'1•) FOR London 6.35 tam. 3.22 p.m. Toronto and East 6.45 tent. 3.15 pan, Kincatdirre 11.59 pato, 9.15 p.I,1. tRR1Vt: FROM Kincardine (i.30 a.m. 3.15 11.ni, Loticlon 11.54 (1,111, 7.40 p,111. TOI'onto (111(1 East 11.45 a.m. 9.15 p,t11, W,I , BLTRC#SIAN, (nation Agent, winghan) H 11 ELLIOTT, Town Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TRAINS LMAVE FOIt • Toronto 011 11 last 6.25 11.m. 11.05 p,2n, Teeswatl'i• 12 59 pair, 10,32 11.112. .\Riii I'ROJM Teeswater, 6,20a,n1. 3.01 p.m. Toronto and East; 12.47p.m. 1(2,20 p.1(1. J. 11.13EE51E12, Agent, Winghae:n A Representative Wafted AT ONCE for WINGIIAiii and DIS- TRICT for the Old Reliable ' ,olnthill Nurs? .O I':u•tners! Why by rellrtin i(lI(' all 'Winter .Viten you call 1 eke up a paying agency? ('he*' li oi' varieties for wlu•iu•.: ITouting. Liberal 'rel•rn' 112420lsu 1'C:•e Outfit. Erelusive 'I'.•t,'it*11 ', t:. Write now los' Ilartit:,lats. Stn e d,'` T,12' . _°l toll. ( )NT. r ee,.,,�., .� t JHt' \,it ) 1.1)'1�,3t •`' _1 t' a , VAS i, Eti s,_; tv,31tra3 d � U'WI'� c.� n °1�, Air, nrr 1t'1r,?tlp ."n,R dVR1,t,C�Str 14 41 oral:.: It e 1 €1 t v 1 r 1, i (1Fl , , 1. rr r. ,ue. a el,w, )1114,.' 10',rn2 0 11 1 il� i1�^a 117 -'et" . '\ l 2r . (,t ,v 21231421112.1e F,.1') L I 'o(4 cr- ,11 • .. _ tr( n 1 'fly Fait! *] 1 , ' 3 e1 t Ii a, assn 1-y 27 1 2.e�1" l ilteranycar,l u.,o ,;,;;;;411,. Pe:d i;y' b�(U a ekocagmacaw,00TViIkl pt:a ,: o1a, e, 1. 1 13:,,'r. ; yb+o,rtail. It, C. The Winghaw Times IS P1JHLISIIWD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING v -••tr'- The Times OMBee Stone $loci,;, WINGITARE, ONTI111tT0, Taints or StrnsentrrioN-1150 per annula in advance, :ti: 001f not paid. No paper (Bacon. - tinned till all arrears are paid, exoeat at the option of the publisher. ADVERTISING• HATES DISMAY envettetanrl2NTa Oue Year $4. RI (So each inserioll) 81x Months 1..110 (lOa " •' Three Months 1,69 (18o " One Month, ,64 (1Qo " One Week .20 Legal mut other ginner advertisements, 1Qo per lino for first insertion and 4o per line for ea0h subsequent insertion. :$ensured by a nonpariel setae, twelve lines to an inch. Business cards of six lines and under, $5.00 per year. Advertisements of situations Vacant, Situs tions Wanted. Houses for Salo or to 1'8. 11 Articles for Sale, oto , not exceeding est fit lines, 25o each insertion; S1 for first month, 50o for each subsequent month, Larger ad. vertisemeuts in proportion. Business notices (news type) So por counted line; es local or news matter. 100 per line each. Insertion. Medical CRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OrsloSs-Corner Patrick and Centro Sts. PIIONH5: Offices Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dia eases of the' Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR, ROBT. D. REDMOND, ALP. C. S.(Eng) 1 / L. R C. P. London PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office; on Patrick Street. r. 1i• Eambly, B.Sc., M.D., 0.M. Winghaln, Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children, having taken post graduate work in Surgery, Bartoriology and Solentffia Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, between the, Queen's hotel and the Baptist Ohnrah. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118. DR. R. L. STEWART ofGMedicineof Lio University of he Ontario 0' itege of Physicians and Surgeons. Moe entrance second door aooth Lar- brigg'e P *oto Studio, Josephine swat. Phone 29. OSTi OP? Trllc PHY2S GIAN DR. F. A. PARKER, Osteopathy builds vitality and strength. Adjustments cf the spine and other tissues is gently secured, thereby removing predisposing causes of disease. Blood pressure and other examina- tions made. Trusses scientifically fit- ted. OFFICE OVER CHRISTIE'S STORE. Hours -Tuesdays and Fridays, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Wednesdays, 9 to 11 a. m. Other days by appointment. Chiropractic J. A. FOX, D. C. GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR (Chiropractic removes the eltnse of practically all diseases. It matters not what plat of the body is affected, it can be reached tlrru the centres in the spinal (.011111111 by adjustment of sublox- atecl vertebra. Consultation free. Member of Drugless Physiei0ns' Association of Canada. Wingham, Ont. Dental A RTHL'R r. IRWIir, I). D S„ r.$),13, la.:et or of 1).+1.1011 surgery of the Pennsylvania Ilontai (1„11l'(4' and Licoutiate of the Royal • `ollege of Dental:.targeons of Ontario. O1Rce in :Weed/mold Block, Wingham. Odle, e1..eil every We afternoon from May 14 to O:tu11e1' 1st. H.R 0:35 ). a .I L.'i /tenor graduate of the Renal (`allege of mutat surgeons of Ontario and Honor gradu- ate of than University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry. OlIIce over H. U. Isard & Co's., store, Wing - ham, Ont. ()filet, e,lesc•d every We:i•1••aday afternoon from itlay 1st to Oct. 1st. Legal r zi... marc..,.•------- _v.�_,. c.r:.r_..:�,�„=xtrMali* .Pr "3 VA 7. Si'O:yis', 21.111,i:1STt211, ,-t11:'.•'I'i,il» E•rt . i( 2a 1:-,1 1,2311 at in Ven Vat, 1 a ( rf+t ?('1( .t., , t ram a'1:1 farm. 1•ey 11 itt;11K and 0:ace, 1st live(' 2-1k,. 11 ill;,;h(ni, �L O A. -7,0147t, ), .�___...._ ..._ - y ,a+(:;'1`1. 26:11 DUD LEN' i oLrres Sbl!'itnr) Etc. .ro i '3:2,y*' -r Is1t,1'.;i,V/)ngharn, TFi ^Jt1- �. 't Txr Orders for the 3ns(rt', : i fiver tiseralrnta ft.i10L as tt a 1.t191141 .t_ I 100 Alarie9s, nte:citalu'1e:,1 , to ?, al ' a r (r. in fact (0110 1(. eI of an advt is ,:i' tl o 'i oronto or other city papers. may F, 1,,,,'t ale e Taiga office. Tliin v -)rk wJlll a t 21,,4f, elicit and will t nvt r, ;11.(-; tI O z2Ytr xi' remitting for and forsvat(1i•1' r(-l4:2t9, LOWtaI eat13 win be oat(.v “oplitetion, Leave Or e(00 your t o of 1,21:11: of „lila bind to tho yids ii. •, C'ATCnP11,1113, vaWitaCI:l851 . L.