HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-09-07, Page 17,Ignal-Star • Wednesday, September 1, 2011
eritage core documented for restoration efforts
ti Creces
Signal -Star
•! flaw. ( iodeich Chan Kevin Morrison
1 there %-(I( more questions than answers
• committee's August 29 meeting. As the
1. hind for heritage conservation picks up
lough decisions %%Al have to be made
with egards t. iodericii's downtown cote.
Paul .Cai toll, ‘v110 has been %vim king On the
iiev‘- heritage tuittl„says.sopport is pouring in
troit) countries and coot inel ItS att-ilV. 1 10WeVer,
he i)OteS, it IN 1191 Lip t() dufundraising group
to decide wht're the money is Spent,
'We're here to help the to‘vn to put the coni
intinityback together," he told the ileritage
oinittittee: 1,Ve stay in the back row and
get you the money to do it."
Already there have been donations for
hiith !milt and natural heritage, and the
group i relying heavily on the municipal
heritage property register to set the course
for restoration efforts.
"kVe want 16 raise you millions of dollars;'
he told the committee Monday.
A sPecial.tOuncil meetingThursday. Sept-,
1 was to provide critical reports on the Ofti-
cial Plan, zoning and heritage roles and
CAC) Lary McCabe expressed the town's
Concern. that fundraising efforts could be
headed in two directinos, since under the
Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance PrograM,
funds cannot he earmarked farspecific
Inc Jokinen of Heritage Canada noted it's
scitry thing that the downtown rests in the
hands ot engineers, however, the focus now
shmild:be on making those same engineers
and insurance .companies.aware of the fact
t hat preservation could not only save the
history of downtown but money as well. 11
there is a will; he said, there is a way.
Thal! comes (h)%% 11 to ability and predis.
position," he told the 1 leritage Committee.
lhere are big things that can happen if it's
done right." • .
containing thc. damaged
buildings. is step one, •
Former- Heritage Gocierich chair Barry .
It all comes
down to ability and
predisposition. There
are big things that
can happen if it's
done right.""
— Frit- Jokinen of Heritage
Page and Bob Davis, along with Donna
Ilyde, have been around to every property
on the municipal heritage registry, docu-
menting the damage incurred and collect -
Mg photos of every property. Because of
restricted areas, they have not been able to
do a thorough exam of the Square or West
"Fhere are 10 designated buildings and
about 200 significant properties on the reg
istry, and Davis said they have been cate-
gorized in terms of daniage severity.
Their 12 -page summary is "only con-
cerned with heritage buildings: he said.
Page said the.iown's eltort,, could help
set a national precedent dea:ing with
heritage restoration.
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