HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-08-24, Page 18Wednesday, August 24, 2011 • Signal -Star 11 otos needed for Last Light show and Sale th show recognizes photo talent of rah Mann tfth year, Conunu- -Central Huron will the Last Light Photo Sale in memory of ative Sarah Mann. anise involved with itv Living -Central tially through her s a journalist and her at the Goderich and then as avol- rior to that, she summer student at ham and District ty Living Associa- she gained mer of 2004 was and the experience e her question her ce. Sarah went back year of Journalism College and made a at those she met ommunity Living part of her life again become involved with the Board of Community Living Central Huron, Sarah decided to be a part of what made her so happy in the summer of 2004. Unfortunately, she was never able to fulfill that prom- ise as her life came to an end in a tragic car crash. Family and friends wanted to honour Sarah's zest for life, her love for photography and her compas- sion. The Last Light Photo Show & Sale was born. The Huron Camera Club approached Community Liv- ing -Central Huron about a partnership, as Sarah's passion for photography was evident from her being a founding member of the Club. The Last Light Photo Show showcases Sarah's passion for photogra- phy and raises awareness of a group of very special individu- als in our community. sked in 2005 to Sarah's family says her love of photography started in early high school. She found an old 35 mm camera that belonged to her Dad, added a funky blue, furry neck strap and set about taking pictures of anything and everything. She enrolled in a yearlong year- book class in grade 12 and was one of the main photogra- phers. This coupled with an insane love of reading daily. newspapers made her realize that her future career would be journalism. Always a writer at. heart she did well at Humber, gaining honour role status because she was doing some- thing that she lovedto do. It was a profession that included both writing and photography. Subsequently, her job at the Signal -Star gave her a chance to bring her Journalistic talents to a small town paper with a big heart. This group of won- derful people became her "peeps" and she absolutely loved everything about it. She went to schools, community events, council meetings and parades to name a few. If it happened in Goderich and the surrounding area she helped to cover it fc)r the Goderich Sig- nal -Star, and all the while she was TAKING PICTURES!! She was quickly becoming a pan of the community and it made her happy. Sarah's family says "a digital camera was the best Christmas gift we ever gave her in Dec 2005 - it went with her wher- ever she went. Sunsets and cloudy skies were two of her favourites. She became profi- cient at self portraits and for that we will be forever grateful. It provided our family with wonderful shots of her at her happiest and in special moments - pictures we have come to cherish." In 2007, the Last Light Photo Show and Sale was initiated, it pays tribute to Sarah's contri- butions to her community and her enthusiasm for photogra- phy. The categories for the Show highlight Sarah's work and interests. Categories for thy Hearts goes digital with new web site M lburn nal -Star ounty's Healthy Hearts pro- aken a step into the digital ting its first-ever web site filled and heart related news. Director Eleanor Brewster said rand spankin' nevi' web page to navigate information about , as well as upcoming events, educational events. some exciting stuff coming up in terms of our educational wster said, noting a pocket of t has helped the program part- unty Emergency Services and representatives. tion series is expected to take HEALTHY�HA RTS teSISMINIMINOMMItli • a._ A • .. ....1.4/0.4 ANS —,....-... -., .� yrs w,.... ,. -v ..:......., Aft a. aft 011s 11111111111110 _...l*W ..* place in Clinton, with two classes focusing on cardiovascular health and CPR awareness. "Those types of things will be high- lighted on our web site, along wi t h in fo r - oration on how to join,Brewster added. The Healthy Hearts Cardiac Rehabilita- tion Program offers a regional cardiovas- cular service to physician -referred partici- pants from the lluron County area. Participants are involved in both educa- tion and twice -weekly exercise sessions that include a variety of physical activities. The program is supervised by a physician, and home-based exercise programs are prescribed to supplement the supervised classes and in cases where travel to the Healthy Hearts Clinic is not feasible. Par- ticipants and their spouses attend evening group education seminars to discuss a wide range of health related topics. The web page, www.healthy- heartshuron.com, was made possible through volunteer efforts. 2011 are: Our Community, Weather and Cutest Pet. Pho- tos will be accepted at the Goderich Public Library until September 5th, 2011. Entries must bey"x7uor8"x 10" and accompanied by an entry form, available at www.cich.ca Submitted photos will be available for sale with pro ceeds going towards Com- munity Living -Central Huron. The Agency uses the funds toassist supported Individuals in purchasing items that they may not be able to afford including spe- cialized footwear, items for their home, mobility aids, fees to attend community events, etc. On Saturday, September 17th, between 2 - 4 p.m., Com- munity Living -Central Huron will host an open reception at the Goderich Public Library, where the winners will be announced and prizes awarded. Submissions for the Show and Sale will remain on display until Monday, October 3rd, at the Goderich Public Library and will be available for bidding via silent auction. Details of the Last Light Photo Show & Sale are available on Community Living -Central Huron's website www.tich.ca CentreFa Employme Learning NOTICE Please note that our Goderich office will be closed until further notice. In the meantime, should you need assistance, we will continue offering our services in our Centre in Clinton. 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