HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-08-24, Page 10aches remain off
his already ahead of
iicipalities when it.
e amenities.
e word from Animal
cer Bob Trick, who
town: council Mon-
st 15 talking about
o handle dogs at the
ue of whether dogs
e allowed on the
and beach areas has
g some discussion
-ell, however, Trick
wn is already doing
more than most municipalities
when It comes to accommo-
dating man's best friend.
"My feeling is you should
leave things the way they are,"
Trick said. "Goderich should
pat themselves on the back.
They do more for dog owners
than 95.. per cent of
The dog park and poop
and scoop bags - of which
30,000 were used last year --
were prim examples, he
However, when it comes to
dogs on the regular beach or
boardwalk, Trick said it
becomes an issue of safety. The
boardwalk is only three feet
wide and drops off nearly one
foot in some places. If a big dog
is sharing the space too, it could
mean injury in getting out of
the way. .
"There is a drop of anywhere
between 6-10 inches," Trick
said. "It presents a liability of
He also noted the heat of the
sand could burn a dog's paws
on particularly hot days.
Dog droppingsand sand
present a health hazard for
swimmers and kids due to
increased e -coli.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 • Signal -Star 9
limits to dogs
"It's really just not good for
water quality, said Iennette
Walker, Environmental Serv-
ices Technologist. "There is a
reason most public beaches
don't allow dogs"
Trick called for keeping the
current bylaw in place, allow-
ing dogs in the pet -friendly area
between St. Christopher's and
Rotary Cove and the dog run
area south of the Cove.
The bylaws are being
enforced; Trick said. Between
Animal Control, the OPP and
the town's bylaw officer, the
beach is being covered. He
noted he makes two trips per
se on beaches only going to get worse
hunting season
Control Officer Bob Trick is
blanks at least, that's what
could prefer.
as received permission from
try of Natural Resources to
e 'a firearm at the beach to
✓ geese, and was asking Town
r their permission.
re only two types of firearms
or the process - a scare gun
tgnn - and Trick noted blanks
gun may be difficult to obtain.
already relocated 137 geese to
t Wildlife Conservation Area,
. gathering eggs. While there
• measures such as plastic
woke* NOM
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ssperoarbowesnewiedge the financial support of the
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coyotes that are temporarily effective,
Trick noted, "the geese outsmart us in
thelong run"
September, he seta, will be even
worse for geese, as hunting season
forces them away from danger and into.
protected areas, like Goderich's
The periodic use of a shotgun could
help in getting the geese to disburse, he
said, seeking council's permission "as a
In a recorded vote, only Coun. Jim
Donelly was against the motion to allow
the firearm.
"I'm opposed to any use of any
weapon inany way," Donnelly said
before asking for a recorded vote.
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visit to town, and while he
has given out a number of
warnings this year, people are
quick to move on when con-
fronted and many know they
are already in contravention
of the bylaws.
The maximum fine is $2,000
for dogs outside the permitted
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