HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2011-08-17, Page 19tarsof. the Canadian Bible
are covering a lot of ground
n members, aged 16 to 74,
ng from Cambridge through
, Owen Sound, Port Elgin,
h, Stratford and back to
dge, raising money to buy
es for Prisoners.
Hier of the society, said the
out 900 kilometers, and 100
of all funds raised will go to
purchasing Key to Freedotn bibles.
While. most of the trip was good
weather, Miller said things were a
bit dicey coming out of Owen Sound
Wednesday. However, as they rolled
into Goderich Thursday, skies were
sunny and the temperatures perfect
for cycling.
The group Is staying at churches
along the. way, Including First Bap-
tist Church In Goderich Thursday
NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield-
e- Wawanosh will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, September 6 , 2011
pm in the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Council Chambers
orner of Blyth Road and Council Line; 2 km west of Carlow) to consider a
Daning by-law amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O.
A group of cyclists gather outside First Baptist Church, Goderich on Friday morning in preparation for their
day's ride to Stratford and then Cambridge, Saturday. The 15 cyclists and 10 volunteers are participating
in Key to Freedom bible project through whlh the Canadian bible softy purchased 10,000 bibles for
distribution to Canadian prisoners. The cyclists are on a journey that began in Cambridge and took them on
a 975 km. trip to Alliston, Owen Sound, Port Elgin and Goderich. They left Goderich Friday for Stratford and
Cambridge. The cyclists hope to raise $60,000 to finance the bible in prisons project
ERN may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal
talion either in support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning by-law
individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a by-law to the
Municipal Boaard. A notices of apPeal may not be filed by an unincorporated
on or group. However,. a nock of appeal may be filed in the name of an
1 who is a member of the association or group on its behalf.
rah to be notified of the adoption of the proposed zoning by-law amendment,
Ewell of a'request to amend the zoning by -haw you must make a written request
crk of the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh.
son or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or
itten submissions to the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield -Colborne -
)44h before the zoni by-law amendment is approved, theor public
not entitled to the decision to the Ontario Municipal Boa d.
RSON or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of an apPeal
before the zoning by-law amendment is passed the person or public body
al submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the Council or,
pinion of the Ontario Municipal Board, there arc reasonable grounds to add
)n or public body as a party.
ZONAL. INFORMATION relating to the proposed amendment is available
cation during regular office hours at the Township of Ashfield -
Colborne -) h Municipal Office (R2133 Council Line) (519) 524-4669.
Linda Andrew
Deputy -Clerk
Township of Ashfield-Colbo rnc-
RR5 Goderich ON N7A 3Y2
(519) 524-4669
Up close and persona/...FRINGE style theatre!
e and Effect: The amendment applies to the Colborne Ward in the Township
eld-Colborne-Wawanosh. The purpose of the Zoning By -Law amendment is
orate a provision for undersized lots in the Colborne Wand. In 1994 Section
R 1 zone) of the Township of' Colborne Zoning By -Law was amended to
• c a minimum lot size of 1395 square metres for lots created before 1994.
e new comprehensive zoning by-law for Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh was
in 2008 this provision was omitted. d. The result of this omission was that
vacant iota in the VR1 zone, which were created between 1982 and 1994
ineligible for a building perrnit because they did not meet the minimum lot
irements of the zoning by law.
mended zoning byddaw amendment would add the following phrase,
in bold font, to Section 19.4 of the Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Zoning
r ca (minimum) 1,830 *pore metres, ezcept,lots w Colborne Ward
ed before By -Law 134944 may have a tidaimam lot area of 1395
re metres.
by Kith (.nyleY
Box 01E1tE 1.877.862.5984 blythfestival.cotn