HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-06-08, Page 8Page 8 M[N WANTED Steady Employment Guaraoted, Apply to Western Foundry Co. LIMITED W INGHAM, ONTARIO ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for subse• quent insertions. HOUSE TO Rr•;NT-Apply H, E. Isard. To SCENT -House to rent. Apply to Wm, Gannett. Foix SALE -Cabbage and cauliflower plants at Isaac Cole's, WANTED -Live Poultry. Highest prices paid. tf W. J. AR1toUR. TRUNKS .AND VALISES; -Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. TO RENT -Three rooms over the Advance printing office. .Apply to C. N. Griffin. FOR SALE -TWO good driving horses, trr would do as third horse for farmer. J. Hartnell, at Dore's carriage works. To RENT -Comfortable house to rent with garden, corner of Alfred and Centre streets. Apply to Walker and Clegg. tf. CEMENT -St, Mary's cement. Guar- anteed to be the whitest and strongest cement on the market. Get our prices. Wingham Salt Works. 4LEx You= WANTED -Position as housekeeper or help. Young married woman with little girl three years old, Mrs, Sage, Kincardine, Ont. 10-8 GARDEN FERTILIZER -For sale in small quantities, suitable for lawn, flowers and vegetables. A. H. Wil- ford, produce dealer. NOTICE -A two-storey eight roomed brick house for sale or to rent; a six horse -power gasoline engine for sale. a boat house to rent. Geo. McKenzie; CEMENT -St. Mary's cement. Guar- anteed to be the whitest and strongest cement on the market.' Get our prices. Wingham Salt Works. ALEX DUNG To RENT - Dinsley House,:, o rent on or before June 10th, 19`. Fine location for a hoarding house All con- veniences. For further (particulars apply to Mrs Dinsley. HousE FOR SALE -A good seven roomed house and either, _ e or tw*lots; good locality, plenty of f Tuit. Biro on premises. Ali in good.' repair.;Apply at TIMES OFFICE or P. 0. box, 1.4. 0-2 COAL! COAL! COAL! -We e now pre - tiered to furnish any qua ty,, of the very best D. L. & W. Scr ton Coal in all sizes. Coal waisted June prices should be ordered by them 20th inst. J. A. McLean. 0-2 Cow THAT WILL GROW -We have an extra good sample of seed corn this year. Purchased from J. 0. Duke, one of Canada's pioneer seed corn growers, Call and see this before placing your order. Varieties are Learning, White Cap, Wisconsin No. 7, Bailey, Golden Glow, Longfellow, Crompton's Early, North Dakotas. We also have some splendid seed potatoes. HOWSON & BRCCKLEBANK, ROLL OF HONOR, The following is a list of the young men who have enlisted in the 161st Battalion from Wingham and district: -- H. Guest T. T. McDonald W. E. Thompson T. S McDonald V. L. Sanderson G. W. Schaefer W. A. Windsor G. L. Stillwell H. W. Powell A. C. Williams M. C. Cameron R. F. Forsyth W. Aitcheson Jas. H. Currie J. C. Penrose 3, H. Barker R. Huffman L Kirkham M. Mercer L. C. Cantelon N. R. Bloomfield W. Hinscliffe G. R. Taylor Chas. Gander E. M. Forbes Wm. Holt R. C. Mann J. F. Galbraith J. Holmes C. Orchard F. Johnston J, T. N. Taylor J. C. McTavish J. J. Kerr J. F. Carruth L, B. Drummond T. Fixter W. M. G. Fetterley H. T. Drummond H. J. Bond G. R. A. Ireland Allan Knechtel Fred 0.T. Manuel W. G. Adair Walter J. Percy Geo. G. Rintoul Richard Fay Wm Stott Jas. McCallum Thos. Price Richard Jones Harry Dye Isaac Kewenzie W. E. Tonkin A. T. Herne W. E. Helps E. J. Haines 1Z. C. Salter It ray 3, H. Coutes F. Ferguson C. Backus J. S. Thompson J. Harold Currie Geo. Day J. A. Allan J. R. Chisholm L. A. Grisdale W. C. Rush T. Mundy Harold V. I£earney Tho. L. McEinney D. E. Hastings W. L. ,Tones A. L. Poslift John M. Ravi John C. 'iuttOn Leslie Winch Walter E. Haines C. R. Wilkinson Norman Butcher Geo. Jacques R. T. Cowell David Currie Joseph Carruth Chester Copeland Lloyd hewer Howard Haney W. E. Barr :Ilarold Dealt Frank Sturdy- Wesley turdyWesley White C. A. Campbell Fred Guest R. Maguire Herbert Isard R. A. Tasker R, J. Fallis T. W. Penrose J. R. 3ef-ferson C. Crawford Thos. Litton. David Johnston G. H. Anger Benj, Holland M NQR LOCALS. --A. serious outbreak of typhoid fever is reported at Teeswater, --Batter paper, wholesale, is just three times the price it was when the war broke out. -Regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board will be held next Tuesday evening. -The bakers of Wingham, have in- creased the price of bread to :;even cents per loaf. -A number of the Wingham boys of the 161st Battalion were lime from London for over Sunday -The firemen had a run at noon on Friday last. A small blaze at the marble works was the cause of the alarm. -We are pleased to report that Mr. Wm. Findlater, of the 2nd line of Morris, is recovering after a serious illness, -Mr. F. McConnell, auctioneer and real estate agent, reports the sale of Mr. John Rogers' house and lots on Victoria street to Mr, David Finlay. --The Citizens' Band gage their first concert of the season at the park on Friday evening. The concerts will be held every Friday evening throughout the season. -Mr. J. B. Tyreman, of East Wawa - nosh wishes to thank his friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses and assistance tendend him during bis time of bereavement, -Mr. Roland Hough, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hough, of this town, has enlisted with the 213th Battalion at Toronto and has been given the position of Quarter Master Sergeant. -Master Toby Merrington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Merrington, of London, Ontario, we are pleased to state, is progressing favourably, having been discharged from the Victoria Hospital where he has been for sometime, under- going a serious operation with his throat. - C. P. R. Train No. 714, leaving Wingham at 3.05 p. m,, will on and after June 4th have its destination. North Toronto Station instead of Union Station. No change in time in this train. For particulars apply to C. P. R. Town Agent, J. Walton Mc- Kibbon. -Keep in mind the summer meeting of the Women's Institute to be held in the Council Chamber this (Thursday) afternoon. Miss IL T. Job, one of, the lecturers sent out by the Department of Agriculture, will be the speaker. There will also be a good program and refreshments will be served. -Mr. W. J. Roberts has taken over' the Fordwich Record and the paper in future will be under his management. Mr. Roberts for the past four years has been foreman in the Record office. He is a capable young man, and the TIMES wishes the Record every success under its new management. The change in management was made necessary owing to the enlisting of Robt. C. Watters, son of Mrs. C. E. Watters. CHURCH NOTES. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH In St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning, Mr. R. D. Cam- eron of Lucknow will speak in the interests of the budget and his subject will be "The World's Need and the World's Call". The evening service will be in charge of Rev, Crawford Tate, of Bluevale. Arrangements are being completed for the 50th jubileeservices of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church which will be held on Sunday and Monday, June 25th and 26th. 'Rev. Robt. Law, M. A., D. D., of Toronto, will preach on the Sunday, both morning and evening. A children's rally will be held on Sunday afternoon when addresses will be delivered by Rev. Jas, Hastie, the first pastor of the church, and Mr. R. D. Cameron. On the Monday after- noon and evening social gatherings will be held and programs will be rendered, The choir is preparing special music for all services. .A sotviner booklet is being issued and these will •be on sale in the near future. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. P. Dingman began his work in the Baptist Church last Sunday. As soon as a suitable house can be secured he will take up his residence in Wing - ham. In the meantime he will conduct the services every Sunday. Miss Diadetn Bell, /Or many years a Missionary to West Central Africa, will give an address in the Baptist Churvih on Monday, 12th inst, at 8 p. m. The Mission under which Miss $ell works is supported by the Congregational Union of Canada. Both young and old who are interested in Foreign Missions should not fait to hear Miss Belt. An offering will be taken in aid of the Mission. CHURCH or ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE, Next Sunday is Whit Sunday, one of the three greet festivals of the Church, on which all the members of the church are requited to receive the Holy Conlnuinien. There will be celebration of the Holy Communion at 11 o'clock. The Sunday School will assemble in the Mills' Memorial Hall at 5,30 o'e1bck. DISTRICT ITEMS Mr. Andrew Torter, a former Clintonian, who now resides in Goderich, has been appointed Customs Officer of Goderich, owing to ill health of Mr. Asa Farrow, Constable Joe Armstrong, the famous Einloss sleuth, was seen Omit Lucknow a number of times during the past week wearing the King's military uniform. He has enlisted with the 176th, a St, Catharines battalion, and hag the office of Regimental Police. Word was received in Lucknow last week of the death at Mimtreal of George Brennan, whose early home was in Lucknow, He was in his 35th year, and will be remembered by many in Lucknow, as the family moved from Lucknow about 16 years ago. The re- mains were taken to Lucknow for interment. The greatest crowd ever assembled in Chesley witnessed the presentation of colors to the 160th Bruee Battalion by Premier W. H. Hearst on Saturday. The fact that the premier is a Bruce boy, being a:native of Tara, added to the personal interest of the great demonstration and function. Herbert Holmes, a highly esteemed young farmer of Goderich township, lost his life in an accident at Goderich last week. He was driving a team of horses, one of them a colt, and left them standing near an auto when he was about to enter Paitridge's harness shop. The colt became nervous, and when Holmes ran out to quiet the team the colt kicked him in the abdomen, rendering him unconscious. He was removed to the hospital, where he died an hour later. He was about thirty- five years of age and was unmarried. NEW TRAIN SERVICE Toronto -London- Windsor -Detroit - Chicago. Canadian Pacific Railway. Effective Sunday, June 4th, the Cana- dian Pacific Railway will inaugurate three new trains, namely "The Michigan Special" between Toronto -Detroit - Chicago, "The Queen City" between London and Toronto, and the "London Passenger" between Detroit and Lon- don. "The Michigan Special" will leave Toronto 11.50 p. m, daily, Galt 2.16 a. m. Woodstock 3.30 a. m. London 4.43 a, m. Chatham, 7.00 a. m. arriving Windsor (M. C. R. station) 8.30 a, m. Detroit (M. C. R. station) 7,50 a. m. Central Time and Chicago (M. C. R. station) 3.30 p. m. Central Time. Note the con- venient hour of departure enabling passenger to spend the entire evening in Toronto, reaching Detroit at a most desirable hour in the morning. Equip- ment will be modern in every detail, including electric -lighted standard sleep- ing cars, Toronto -Detroit, and Tor- onto -Chicago. "The Queen City', will leave London 9.00 a. m. daily Woodstock 9.39 a. m. Galt 10.29 a. m. arriving Toronto 12,15 p. m. "The London Passenger" will leave Detroit (Forest Street Station) at 7.00 p. m. daily, Windsor (C. P. R. station) 7.40 p. m. Chatham 9.08 p. m. arriving London 10.50 p. m. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket agents, or W. B. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, The heaviest traffic for one month yet reportedpassed through the canals at Sault Ste. Marie during May. Capt. John Simpson, a veteran Cana- dian navigator and shipbuilder, died at his home in Owen Sound in his 91st year. WINGHAM BARBERS' PRICE 'LIST Shave 10c Neck Shave , • 5c Hair Cut (Men) . • 25c Hair Cut (Boy;) . • 20c Hair Cut (Girl :) , 25c Singeing Hair • 15e Massage 25c Shampoo 25c Beard Trim 10c Hair Cut and Beard Trim 30a Honing Razor 25c J. W. Hewer, T. T. McDonald C. Swanson, D. Somers Wingham MARBLE :WORKS ROBERT JOHNSTON, formerly of Cochrane and Johnston, is now in charge of the Wing - ham Marble Works, where there will be kept on hand a large and well assorted stock of Scotch and Canadian Gran- ite Monutttents. Call and see us before giving art order. JMNMSrON MARBLE WORKS Successor tai $. H. Cochrah e THE WIN+GHI,M TIM} IIIIIIIMPIPIIIIISIIIMISOMPIMIlmininiMmimmilM011111111.11111111010NOM June 8th, I916 WOOL WANTED We want large quantities IOf Wool and can pay the high- est prices either Cash or Trade. Special Values in Exchange for Wool in Men's Wear Men's and Boys' Clothing, Raincoats, Odd Pants, Vests, Overalls, Shirts, Underwear, Socks, etc. Ladies' Wear Dress Goods, Silks, Skirts, Waists, Spring Coats, Raincoats, Hosiery, Gloves and Un- derwear. House Furnishings Wool, Tapestry and Wilton Rugs, all sizes. Printed and Inlaid Linoleums, Oilcloths, Window Shades, Curtain Rods, etc. Staples Eactory Yarns, Fingering Yarns, Wool Blankets and Sheetings, Flannelette Blankets and Sheets, Military Flannels and Blanket Cloths. Put in your supply for Fall and Winter at the Old Prices. a IMIIIIIMMOIMIMMIMMallUmeriensennasenememinmmummi KING BROS. 'Phone 71 A cC EMENZ LESSZ 1E WINCHAM, MONDAY, JUNE 12 Word Tone WiseIs Sufficient. Wait For A Real Stow, ft Costs No flare LATENA S A i IGwiiii7iiITAL Sif isles Double Length Cars•2 ' . 3 Big Rings awl Steel Arefa-S w 7111114 ' ,ra • kr.,,,,...of e. ,_./i -R t IllUIE711E ar IEC ui IR Till to NI s1 TUI MEET MAIM llat1 THE MOST ASTOUNDING ACTS EVER EXPLOITED, !MI /IIlir I1*nest MTULKIWIS UInut nii*Wt-4s fa,1 f 1, '_ f 1 .I t 1111 % ' 1 X {I at . til J 7• .0161• 1• he SHOW THAT'S DIFFERENT Presents More Wild Animal Act* than all other shows combined. INON1 8BTT1SIi, NOM AS NEW. NONU WITtI AS MANY NOYIdLTI S. Special Cheap and Convenient Excursi*ng on all Railroads. THE BIGGEST SHOW THAT WILL VISIT YOU THIS MASON, tiwa perfotmances Daily, gala or Shine, BONI MISS THE GRINO STREET PARADE AT IQ:3lt AW IN/ And the BIG FREE FAIIIBI"i'ION. At the Bbyw Grounds Imr esdlittsIy utak tho Patida. REMEMBER Ir •...., 000X011 Si t - this is the only. 30:1,1 0R00010 SI show cominglthis season. By far the best Animal Show ever organized. Don't fail to see Flying Joe T h e highest Jumping Horse in the world. He leaps 71-2 feet in the air, WANTED—Grooms, Drivers, Tent Men, Pony Boys. Apply at Show Grounds day of show i`r$f t L ul VI c NEW ARTISTIC PUMPS FOR WOMEN We are showing the very latest in Women's Pumps and our prices are much below city prices. This is one of the nicest and newest, All patent Pump with no seams. Pumps just like these are being sold in the cities gen- erally for $6.00 per pair, Our price $4.50 Several of the newest lines are being'shown in our north window, W. H. WILLIS Sole Agents for Ladies and Derby Shoes for Men 11 1 LIVE POULTRY WANTED 1 1 1? l+eno HIGHEST PRICES PAID EGGS WANTED In Large or Small Quantities W. . J. A R I V U]l i Wingham Centre Street, TRY the "Times" with your next order of Job Printing. We do good work always and ali ways. Lowest prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. w. .•r,•,.,• 411W 010,411.0 eek SWAT THE ROOSTER FERTILE eggs do not keep as well as if they weren't fertile. If you will shut up or sell your roosters, we wilt pay you from 1 to 3c per dozen more for non- fertile eggs, When you deliver your eggs to your merchant, ask him if he has an arrangement With us for handling eggs of this kind. If he has not, get in touch with us at once, and we will take care of you. If you will co-operate with us in this movement, you will be doing a great deal to save Canada from this great loss which she sustained every year up the present. 4, 1 • '1' rt 1.0 % Y yy , ,.A4• !'f It 1• MARKET YOUR ROOSTERS. THIS WEEK fft Produce Dealer Ontario, m• osimovaisommeesaseseitasessmai A. H. WILFC3RD Pboneit:--Officb 174, Residence 108 Winghatn ogitl,YF• awd -r.., a