HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-06-01, Page 8Page 8 THE WINGHAM TIMES (-i June Ist, 1916 MEN ANTE.D Steady Employment G uaranted. Apply to Western Foundry Co LIMITED WINGHAM, ONTARIO PERSONALS Mrs.. Cgarles Barber visited for a few days in Torontoo last week. Mr. W, R. D. Towle was home from Stratford for over the holiday. Mr, James. Bowman, M. P. for East Huron was in town on Monday. Mr. L. le, Hinkley visited for over Sunday with his mother in Dundas. Mrs. David Grigg, of Provost, Alta., is visiting with old friends in Wingham, Quarter Master Sergeant Van Wyck of Bruce Battalion spent the week end in town. Miss. Elsie Cadiouw. of Celt was visiting for a few days with Mrs. H. Hit,sciiffa. Mr. C. C. Brock, of Dundas, was ••••MIN=.0..,_...10. visiting for a few days at his parental home in town. ,ANNOUNCEMENT , &c. Notices Under This Head t- .:. en - a line for first insertion; five c f.. ' eubse- quont insertions. " HOUSE TO RENT -t, p Q . E. rd. To RENT—House„ ' rent. , «ply to Wm. Gannett. FOR SALE—A good .piano for sale. Apply Mr. Cowell. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big stock of select from at lowest prices.W. GREER, FOR SALE—COOK Stove, with hot water front, burns wood or coal. 9 3 MRS. R. T. COWELL. TO RENT—Three rooms« over the Advance printing office. Apply to C. N. Griffin. COOKS WANTED for the 161st Huron Battalion. Apply to Major N. T. Sinclair, WANTED—Apprentice to learn auto repairing. Apply by mail only. Box 137, Wingham. 8-2 FOR SALE—Six pigs, seven weeks old. Apply to Henry Ross, Bluevale road. Telephone 34-609 FOR SALE—Two good driving horses, t,r would do as third horse for farmer. J. Hartnell, at Dore's carriage works. To RENT—Comfortable house to rent with garden, corner of Alfred and and Centre streets. Apply tf. Clegg. MINOR LOCALS. —Regulus meeting of the Town Council will be held next Monday evening. Miss Elizabeth Barber returned last week from Ottawa where she spent the past four months. Miss Lina Barber returned to London on Monday after visiting for a few days at heir home in town. Mrs. Robt.-Johnston, of Toronto was visiting far a few days with relatives and old friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plenty, of Oak- ville were visiting for a few days at Mr. Plenty's parental home. Pte. Wilson Geddes, of Toronto, is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. J. L. Geddes, prior to going overseas. Rev. J. F. Dingman, Mrs. Dingman, Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs. C. M. L. Hanna are in Clinton this week attending the sessions of the Baptist Association. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Brock Brandon, of Hanover, visited for over the Victoria Day holi- day with Mr. and Mrs, Thos Brandon. Miss P. Powell is in St. Thomas attending the annual meeting of the London branch of the Women's Mission- ary Scciety of the Methodist Church. Mr. Thos. Bell, of Southampton is visiting for a few days 8t the home of Mr. R. Vanstone. Many old friends were pleased to see that our former highly esteemed townsman was nicely recovering after his serious illness. —Mr. Morris Ross, a former Wing - ham boy has enlisted with a Battalion in Vancouver, B. C. —Ritchie & Cosens reportthe sale of one of Mr,. 5, Bennett's brick dwellings on Leopold street to Mr. R, J, Cantelon. —We are sorry to report the serious illness of Mr Eli Elliott, who was stricken with paralysis on Victoria Day. —Mr. Harry Dore, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dore, has enlisted with the 201st Battalion which is now being formed in Toronto. —Mr. and Mrs. W. Gannett have received word that their son, Will, has enlisted with the 208th Battalion, now mobolizing in Toronto. —A meeting of the North Huron County L. 0. L. will be held in the Orange Hall, Wingham, on the after- noon of Tuesday, June 20th. —Regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingham General Hospital will be held next Monday after000n, in the Council Chamber, at 4.15 o'clock. CEMENT—St. Mary's cement. Guar- anteed to be the whitest and strongest cement on the market. Get our prices. Wingham Salt Works. tLEx YouNc CEMENT—St. Mary's cement. Guar- anteed to be the whitest and strongest cement on the market. Get our prices. Wingham Salt Works. ALEX YOUNG WANTED—Position as housekeeper or help. Young married woman with little girl three years old. Mrs. Sage, incardine, Ont, GARDEN FERTILIZER—b'Or sale in small quantities, suitable for lawn, flowers and vegetables. A. H. Wil- ford, produce dealer. NOTICE—A two-storey eight roomed brick house for sale or to rent; a six horse -power gasoline engine for sale. a boat house to rent. Gen. McKenzie; FREE—We examine your eyes free regardless of whether you buy glasses or not, Newest methods of testing used by the Graduate Opticians at Mc- Kibbon's Drug Store. 7-2 To RENT — Dinsley House to rent on or before June 10th, 1910. Fine location for a hoarding house. All con- veniences. For further particulars apply to Mrs Dinsley. CORN THAT WILL GROW—We have an extra good sample of seed corn this year. Purchased from J. 0. Duke, one of Canada's pioneer seed corn growers. Call and see this before placing your order. Varieties are Learning, White Cap, Wisconsin No. 7, Bailey, Golden Glow, Longfellow, Crompton's Early, North Dakotas. We also have some splendid seed potatoes. HOWSON & BR0cKLEBANK. ROLL OF HONOR. CHURCH NOTES. • Rev. Father Blair, of Walkerville, and formerly of Wingham, well-known and highly esteemed by many of our readers, has been promoted to Winnipeg in a position of great responsibility one of the largest parishes in the West. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. F. Dingman, who has been pastor of the Mount Forest Baptist Church for the past six years, has accepted a call as pastor of Wingham Baptist Church and will take up his work here on Sunday next, The TIMES is pleased to welcome Mr. and, Mrs. Dingman to Wingham. I 0 —In our report last week ofthe re- cruiting meeting held on Sunday evening, 21st May, we omitted to say that Miss Ethel Tipling rendered an excellent violin solo and Mrs. S. F. Dingman a vocal solo. —Mrs, E. Aitchison has received word from her son, Lance Corporal L. Aitchison, who has been at London for some time, that he was successful in his recent examination, having received 388 marks out of a total of 400. —The ladies of Wingham and vic- inity are cordially invited to attend a sock shower at the home of Mrs. J. P. Kennedy on Saturday, June seven- teenth, afternoon and evening. The socks are to be sent to the boys of the Wingham Detachment in London. Will the ladies kindly enclose their cards. —Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Biette, of Tillsontaurg, announce the engagement of their daughter, Irene Evelyn, to Captain Kenneth G. McKenzie, R. A. M. C., son of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Mc- Kenzie, Monkton, Ont., the marriage to take place quietly early in June. Captain McKenzie is a grandson of Mr. Geo. McKenzie, of this town. —Mr. J. C. .Hutton, who recently was successful in passing the 1st class exams. and has enlisted with the 161st Hurons for overseas service, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Linklater, Maple Grove Farm, where he was made the recipient of a very useful present in the shape of a CFillete safety razor. This article will come in handy at the front, where the prices of everything is soaring just not, except the value of human life. METHODIST CHURCH. The London Conference of the Meth- odist Church in Canada will open • its thirty-third session in the Epworth Methodist Church, Kingsville, Ont., on Thursday morning, June 1st. Regular services will be held in the Methodist Church next Lord's Day at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev. Elmer Harding, of Bethel Circuit, will preach at both services. Good music. A hearty welcome to all. The following is a list of the young men who have enlisted in the 161st Battalion from Wingham and district:— H. istrict:H. Guest T. T. McDonald W. E. Thompson T. S McDonald V. L. Sanderson G. W. Schaefer W. A. Windsor G-. L. Stillwell H. W. Powell A. C. Williams M. C. Cameron R. F. Forsyth W. Aitcheson Jas. H. Currie G. R. Taylor J. C. Penrose Chas. Gander J. H. Barker E. M. Forbes R. Huffman Wm. Holt L Kirkham R. C. Mann M. Mercer J. F. Galbraith L. C. Cantelon J. Holmes N. R. Bloomfield C. Orchard W. Hinscliffe F. Johnston J. T. N. Taylor J. C. McTavish J. J. Kerr J. F. Carruth L. B. Drummond T. Fixter W. M. G. Fetterley H. T. Drummond H. J. Bond G. R. A. Ireland Allan Knechtel Fred O.T. Manuel W. G. Adair Walter J. Percy Geo. G. Rintoul Richard Fay Wm Scott Jas. McCallum Thos. Price Richard Jones Harry Dye Isaac Kewenzie Frank Sturdy W. E. Tonkin A. T. Horne W. E. Helps E. J. Haines R. C. Salter R. Fay J, H. Coultes F. Ferguson C. Backus J. S. Thompson 3. Harold Currie Geo. Day J. A. Allan J. R. Chisholm Wesley White C. A. Campbell Fred Guest R. Maguire Herbert Isard R. A. Tasker R. J. Fallis W. Penrose 3. R. Jefferson O. Crawford Thos. Litton David Johnston G. H. Anger Benj: Holland L. A. Grisdale W. C. Rush T. Mandy Darold V. Kearney Thos. L. McKinney D. E. Hastings W. L. Jones A. L. Posliff John M. Ravie John C. Hutton • Leslie Winch Walter E. Haines C. R. Wilkinson Norman Butcher Geo. Jacques R. T. Cowell CheCurrie Joseph th Chester LoyHewe Howard Haney W. E. Barr Harold Deem Geo. Barche, an inmate of the Brant- ford House of Refuge, was struck by a train. and died in five minutes. His wife and son had been killed in the same way at different times. CHURCH OF ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE. Owing to nerve strain Chaplain (Capt.) C. E. Jeakins, of the Ninth Brigade, has been obliged to relinquish his position. He will take up the work of an English hospital chaplain for the time being. Capt. Jeakins is the rector of St. Jude's Anglican Church, Brantford, and form- erly rector of St. Paul's Church, Wing - ham. He left Brantford on August 24th, 1915, to join the 58th Battalion, which had left for Niagara Camp in June. To -morrow (Thursday) being Ascen- sion Day, there will be a celebration of Holy Communion at 10.30 and Evensong with short address, 7.30• Holy Communion next Sunday at 11 a. m. .v - W. A. Hamilton, postmaster at Collingwood for thirty years, is being retired, and succeeded by D. L. Darrock. Lightning destroyed a large part of the stock in Lemon Bros,' produce warehouse at Owen Sound; and did considerable damage in the Kincardine district and elsewhere. BURN HARRIS—In Howick, on May 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Harris; a son. . MARRIED FAIRSERVICE— SCOTT —At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on May 30th, by. Rev. D. Perrie, Mr. John Fairservice, of Hutlett, to Miss Ella Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Scott, of Wingham. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sacramental service will be held in St. Andrews' Presbyterian Church at the regular service next Sunday morn- ing. Proparatory service will be held on Friday evening commencing at 8 o'clock. Happy Gleaners Mission Band will meet on Saturday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society will be held on Wednesday afternoon June 7th, commencing at three o'clock. STRAY COLT • Style, Quality and Value in Spring and S Hosiery, Glories and Underwear ummei Silk and Lisle Hose Holeproof-Guaran- teed Quality. In all the newest shades and textures with elastic ribbed tops. Cotton 6 Pair guaranteed for six months for $2.25 Lisle 6 Pair guaranteed for 6 months for $3.25 Silk 3 pair guaranteed for 3 months for $3.50 Double Tipped Silk Gloves Guaranteed Quality Kayser Silk Gloves with double tipped fingers and neat and dressy points, black with white Paris points and white with black points, in short or long style. Prices 50c, 75e, $1..00 and $1.50 a pair. Fine Fitting Vests, Drawers, and Combination Suits. Poris Knit Vests and Drawers Made from extra fine soft ribbed cotton with short or no sleeves with beading and tape draw string. Special value 25c, 35c and 50c per garment. Combination Suits Women's Lisle, Cotton and Silk, fine ribbed com-' binations, trimmed with fine lace or beading, short sleeves and open or closed drawers. Special values, 50c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 a suit. Nemo Self -Reducing Corsets, $2.50 to $6.00 per pair PRODUCE WANTED KING BROS. 'Phone 71 saussusinuss 1 DIED. VANSTONE—In Wingham, on May 30th, Minnie G. Montgomery. wife . of Mr. W. F. VanStone, in her 54th year. CORNETT—The death occured in Calgary, Alta.. on Friday, May 12th, of Kenneth Milton, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cornett, of 1908 Second avenue, Westmount. Mrs. Cornett Was formerly Miss Bone of Wingham. SWITZER.—At Kelfield, Sask., on May 18th, 1916, Chas Switzer, formerly of Grey township, aged 67 years. TYREMAN—In East Wawanosh, on May 28th, Agnes Dawson, wife of Mr. J. B. Tyreman. Ross—In Kinloss, on May 23rd, Margaret MacDonald. relict of the late James Ross, in her 94th year. Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, at Jamestown, on or about May 7th, a bay roadster. filly. Has star on face, little white on one hind leg and spavin on off leg. Liberal reward will be given for information that will lead to the animal's recovery. ANDREW SIMPSON, Phone 4416. Jamestown Bell connection at Brussels. tf P MEETING OF HURON GOUN fY GOUNCIL The ccouncil of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the Town of Godericb, on Tuesday, the 6th day of June next, ata o'clock p.m, W. LANE, - Dated May 22nd, 1916. Clerk. z i WINOHAM,MOEN13tY,JIJNE 12 'Word Ti The Wise Is Sullicieat. ' Wait ror A Real Show, It Cosls No Mare. LATENA'S Tiri TRAINED al! U WILD ANIMAL' 2 Trains Double Length Cars•2x .3 Rig Rings avid Sleel Aveda•$ 7:17k.Ai Mid ruwtnt won tate ono or ma w Wit PAM Witt ' toss THE MOST ASTOUNDINO ACTS EVER EXPLOITED. ,tail rliStIJ PIttUIM TILGTtt1, TLSIIOtllt ISM RUM' i' �' � •els "r/3,4,,F I , REMEMBER this is the only show coming this season. By far the best Animal Show. ever organi C n'tlfail to see !The .Flying Joe SHOW THAT'S DIFFERENT Presents More Wild Animal Acts Tth e highest than all other shows combined. , NONB BETTER, NOM AS 14EWr um in Horse NONE WITH AS MANY NOVELTIBS,wa p g Special Cheap and Convenient Excursions the World. He ill On all Railroads. THE BIGGEST SHOW THAT WILL leaps 1-2 feet in VISIT YOU THIS MASON. i wo Performances Daily, Rain or Shine the air. DON'T MISS THE GRANA STREET PARADE AT Mali A. M. And the DIG TREE Er(HIBITI0ING Oa. ala.:* lroueede h odlately attar WANTED—Grooms, Drivers, Tent Men, Pony Boys. Apply at Show Grounds day of show 32.S'cr.] chi.]: ` .]'TiJ! `(.3M.;'• om, NEW 'ARTISTIC PUMPS? FOR WOMEN We are showing the very latest in Women's Pumps and our prices are much below city prices. This is one of the nicest and newest..' All patent Pump with no seams. Pumps just like these are being sold in the cities gen- erally for $6.00 per pair, Our price $4.50 Several of the newest lines are being shown in our north window. W. H. WILLIS Sole Agents for Ladies and Derby .Shoes for Men 111 EGGS 1 ..fte.,006,......0„,4 0.4. 2) WANTED 1n Large or Small Quantities W. J. AIRNIOUR. Centre Street, Wingham r— c TRY the "Times" with your next order of Job Printing. We do good work always and a22 ways. • Lowest prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. %� ,\ . t ,,.ii1\. f�'fe THE ROOSTER ;SWAT,,,. re lil 1 j1i 0.e 1.0 %C` FERTILE eggs do not keep as well as if they weren't fel /.0 1 fertile. If you will shut up or sell your roosters, we Iffi f l will pay you from 1 to 3c per dozen more for nori- 10 fertile eggs. When you deliver your eggs to your i • fe merchant, ask him if he has an arrangement with us n• f'f for handling eggs of this kind. If he has not, get in 1.0 1.0 touch with us at once, and we will take care of you.. 1.0 ryl, If you will eo-Operate with us in this movement, you %�i f� will be doing a great deal to save Canada from this /.0great loss which she sustained every year up the 1.0 present. 0.0 h� rhe fe 1$ IP MARKET YOUR ROOSTERS THIS WEEK IA fn ., fh fe f.0 a A. H. WILFORD ; Phones:—Office 174, Residence 108 to, fn Produce Dealer Wingham Ontario At • dP