HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-05-18, Page 8Page 2 N Steady Employment Guaranted. Apply to Western Foundry Co. LIMITED WINGHAM, ONTARIO ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c, Notices Under %his Head ten cents El line for RRst insertion; five cents for subse. quent insertions. To RENT—House to rent/Apply to Wm. Gannett. Foil SALE—A good pi•ro for sale. .Apply Mr. Cowell, c% 7-2 To RENT—Electric and band vacuum cleaners. H. E. Issuo & Co. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Bri Stock of select from at lowest price: W.eJ. GREER. To RENT—Three roods over the Advance printing office. Apply to C. N. Griffin. To RENT—Rooms to ren ��, in the Mac- donald block. Apply r6 Ritchie & Cosens, COOKS WANTED for Battalion. .Apply to 'Major N. T. Sinclair. e 161st Huron Fon SALE—Baby carriage, in good condition. Mrs. 0. Thompson, Diagonal Road. GIRLS WANTED—To work in furniture factory, at upholstering and finishing. Apply to Walker and Clegg. FOR SALE—Two good driving horses, or would do as third horse for farmer. J. Hartnell, at Dore's carriage works. WANTED—A house maid for the Y. W. 0. A., Berlin, Ont. Good wages. Apply to "Secretary" Y. W,C. A. —6.2 CEMENT—St. Mary's cement. Guar- anteed to be the whitest, /Ind strongest cement on the market. -''Get our prices. Wingham Salt Works. ALEX YouNc HELP WANTED—A number of good steady men wanted immediately/ The Robt. Bell, Engine & Three `r Co., Ltd., Seaforth, Ont. 5.3 CEMENT—St. Mary's c ent. Guar- anteed to be the whi es nd strongest cement on the mark Get our prices. Wingham Salt Works. ALEX YOUNG GARDEN FERTILIZER—Nor sale in small quantities, suitable for lawn, flowers and vegetables. A. H. Wil- ford, produce dealer. NOTICE—A two-storey eight roomed brick house for sale or to rent; a six .horse -power gasoline engine fo ''sale. a boat house to rent. Geo. M enzie; FREE—We examine yon 'eyes free regardless of whether you ".uy glasses or not. Newest meth •s of testing used by the Graduate pticians at Mc- Kibbon's Drug Store. 7-2 Fort SALE—The undersigned will offer by,private sale at his home on corner of Victoria and Edward street up till Saturday, May 20th, all house- hold effects, including piano, almost new. JOHN AGNEW CORN THAT WILL GROW—We have an extra good sample of seed corn this year. Purchased from J. 0. Duke, one of Canada's pioneerseed.corn growers. Call and see this before placing your order. Varieties `are, I,eaming, White Cap, Wisconsin 7?1 �7, Bailey, Golden Glow, Longfellow; Crompton's Early, North Dakotas. We also have some splendid seed potatoes. HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK. BLIMVALE. Since the Women's Institute began the work of improving the cemetery, the 24th of May has come to be known as Cemetery Day. This year the custom will be continued and the Women's Institute invite all those in- terested in the cemetery to come and help next Wednesday afternoon in the work of improving and beautifying a spot which has sacred associations for nearly every family. At the meeting of the Westminster Guild of Knox Church last Sunday evening, Pte. T. Leslie McKinney, of the 161st Battalion, was presented with a signet ring as a mark of appreciation by his fellow members in the Guild. The address was read by Miss Annie Diamond and Mr. Charles Black made the presentation. Mr. Robt. Black and Rev. C. Tate spoke briefly, voicing the good wishes and commendation of those present and Miss Carrie Diamond aang a splendid patriotic solo, "The Motherland is Calling," The following is a copy of the address:— Bluevale, Ontario, May 14, 1916. Private T. Leslie McKinney, 161st Battalion, C E. F. Ewer Leslie: - Tour fellow -members in the West- minster Guild of Knox Church have viewed with appreciation your action in joining the 161st Battalion which is to hear the name of our own County of Enron in the great conflict for right in which the Empire and her allies are now engaged. Our pride and interest in the Huron Battalion are increased by the fact that our society is to be .represented in its ranks and before your departure for the training camp at • Loudon, we want to wish you "God 1 Speedy" and ask you totake with you this signet ring as en evidence of our interest in your welfare. Amid the strange and distant scenes to toilet) you are going we hope this little momenta may sometimes help you to recall the friends and memories of hour Canadian home. On our part, it will be a pleasure to keep your name upon our membership roll in order to remind us month by month of the honor aue to one who has gone forth from our ranks to take his place in that great and brave army to whose charge is eons. allotted the future of our country. Signed on behalf of the Westminster Gelid: M. OLIVE SCOTT, President M. DUFF, Secretary CHURCH NOTES B.IPTIST CHURCH Rev. J, F. Dingman, of Mt. Forest, will preach in the Baptist Church next Sunday. METHODIST CHURCH. Sunday School anniversary services will he held in the Methodist Church next Lord's day at 11 a. m., 2.30 and 7 p. m. H. C. Hocken, ex -Mayor of Toronto, will give the address at each service. Do not fail to hear him. The Sunday School will give choruses in addition to the music of the choir. You have a hearty welcome. Come. ITEMS OF INTEREST One of the oldest residents of Sea - forth has passed away in the person of Mr. Samuel Trott, who died at his home on Church street, on Tuesday evening, May 9th, at the age of 84 years. 'The late Mr. Trott was a native of Somer. setshire, England, and came out to Canada when but a boy. He had been a resident of Seaforth for nearly 50 years, being a cooper by trade, but for the past 15 years living retired. At the Presbytery of Huron meeting in Clinton on Tuesday of last week a call from one of the principal churches in Montreal to Rev. George E. Ross, B. D., of Goderich, was heard. There were present from Montreal, Rev. James McKay, R. W. Glass, and Alex. Nickle, who represented the Montreal Presbytery and St. Matthew's Chur^h, and after the deputation was heard the call was unanimously received and accepted, the induction to take place Sunday, May 21st. St. Matthew's Church is in the Point St. Charles dis- trict, and presents a great opportunity for work among the young people, for which the Rev. Mr. Ross is specially fitted. The Walkerton Council has committed itself to submitting a by-law to the people for a new permanent roadway from station to station. The council has talten action on this matter, which has been put off from year to year, at the urgent solicitation of a deputation of business men of the town, A quiet wedding was solemnized by the Rev. Mr. Duncan, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell, Gough St, Lucknow on May 3rd, when their youngest daughter, Isabell was united in marriage to Charles Andrew Dennis, of Toronto. The bride who was given away by her father, was dressed in white silk crepe de chine and veil trim- med with orange blossoms, and carried a baguet of bridal roser. After the ceremony a luncheon was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Dennis left an the 3 o'clock train for their home in To- ronto. The sound of the heavy guns in the battle of Verdun was undoubtedly the loudest man made noise that the world has ever known. It was heard at Ziegenhain, 188 miles away, even in- doors with the windows shut. STRAY COL' Strayed from the preu3rses of the undersigned, at Jamestown, on or about May 7th, a bay roadster filly. Has star on face, little white on one hind leg and spavin on off leg, Liberal reward will be given for information that will lead to the animal's recovery. ANDREW SIMPSON, 'Phone 4416. Jamestown Bell connection at Brussels, tf DEBENTURES FOR, SALE The County of Hurons ers $60,000 of debentures for sale.,'.`. the Debentures are first class seci'ty and will be offered to the j,•esidents of the county first. For partietylars apply to Robt. W. Livingston, Warden. W. J. R. Holmes, Treasurer, or to the under- signed. W. LANE, Dated May 10th, 1916. C Clerk` 7-2 DISSOLUTIONs -- .PA NERSHIP The partner10, i existing between Charles and Samuel Elliott, trading as Elliott Bros, brick and tile manufactnr- era has been disolved. All accounts due the late firm nre payable to the under. Signed and all clarnies against the firm, should be presented to rne. 37--2 CMS, ELLIOTT 1 1 THE WINGHAM TIMES spoilimpupompoopiamontimmommosippompitoompopposompagmooxsoprim BRiGHT[UP YOUR HOME House Furnisbings Linoleuxns, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Carpets, Curtains, Curtain Materials, Window Shades and Brass Curtain Rods Printed and Inlaid Linoleur ns In newest designs, in bright, clear eolored block and floral partern suitable for dining rooms, pantrys, kitchens, bed rooms and halls, all widths, 2, 3 and 4 yard pieces, 50c to $1.25 per sq yard, Brass and Wood Curtain Rods Suitable for all windows in adjustable widths, made in latest curved styles. Prices 15c each to 35c per foot. Wonderful Values in Curtain Mater- ials, in Plain Scrim's and Floral Voiles etc. Fine mercerized .voiles made from extra good wearing qualities with pretty borders in floral and conventional designs in delicate shades of pink, blue, maize, and mauve, prices 23c, 35c, 50c, and 75c per yard. Beautiful Draperies If you have a drapery or upholstery problem let us show how inexpensively and attractively it may be solved. Our stock comprises all that is artistic and in good taste and we offer a selection of designs to suit all styles of decoration, simple or elab- orate. Chief amongst our lines are Dalmor Fabrics and Novelty Curtains which we show in many attractive patterns at moderate prices. (4) Window:Shades in Stock Sizes, Special Sizes Made to Order Shades in best quality sun proofed cloth in green and fawn with or without lace and in sertions. Prices 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 each Attractive:Carpet Squares in Napes. try, Wilton and Axminster l Squares with beautiful patterns and color- ings in sizes and patterns suitable for parlors, living rooms, bed rooms etc, sizes 25x3, 2,34x3; , 3x3, 3/x3, 3/x4, prices $15 to $75. Stair Carpets, Wool Carpets, Japanese Matting, and Surrounds In all the newest patterns. Prices 15c to $2.00 per yard. • s PRODUCE WANTED KING CROS. 'PHONE 71 imemammonsumemmastam.......i 1 '---so now there's sacrifice Now for the first time your sense of pride and strictest economy are fully satisfied in one arid the same car. Never before has a stylish, com- fortable, completely eguipped car been offered at anywhere near so low a price. This Overland costs only $850. But it is every inch an Overland -- a perfect beauty. Though a small, light, economical car, it is roomy, strong and pow- erful, ' And it is absolutely complete to the last detail. Of course it is electrically lighted and started: and the electrical con- trol buttons are located on the no need to pride to economy, steering) column—right: at your finger tips. , Ai As for easy riding, this ;newest Overland is not to be compared with any other car of its size. The g buoyant cantilever g rear spring, the deep, soft upholstery, and large tires provide real riding comfort. You should have a car this spring-. —and if you want top class at bottom price, it must be this Ov- erland, for no other car meets both these requirements. The demand for this car is in excess of the factory's capacity.. Order yours now, to avoid delay. See us right away. Wingham Overland Sales Co. L KENNEDY, Proprietor, WINGH RANI, ONTARIO The garage and workshop are Complete and we invite a share of your patronage for Work, Accessories, Gasoline, Tires, etc. WaifilirorwiriwnwoWemeirwisiermieleAloWilatiowsieriettati May t8th, 1916 NEW ARTISTIC PUMPS AOR WOMEN We are showing the very latest in Women's Pumps and our prices are much below' city prices. This is one of the nicest and newest. All patent Pump with no seams, Pumps just like these are being sold in the cities generally for $6.00 per pair. Our price $4.50.- Several 4.50.- Several of the newest lines are being shown in our north window, W. 11. WILLIS Sole Agents for Ladies and Derby Shoes for Men EGGS WANTED W. J. ARL ♦ IOIJ Centre,tStreet, Wingham r' TRY the "Times” Job Printing. and all ways. • Lowest prices. with your next order of We do good work always Satisfaction guaranteed. 1.0 1' ft! 1.0 1. jl 1$l 'Ill 1. hi 0 rill rtl A., H. WILFORD D fo. Produce Dealer Creamery - New patrons are starting daily. This proves that your neighbors are working for us. We supply shipping cans. Bring your cream to us at any time. Telephone us if you are coming after 6 p. m, Fertilize,' AW Always kept on hand. We loan drills for sowing it, If you need one, make arrangements at once. A car load of Gunns' 282 is being unloaded this week. Special prices to those taking it from the car. Produce - is our main business. We are always glad to see you bring your produce to us. We can take care of you better than anyone else. liwiasiWeesmaimaseriaWalawailiwe 1.0 1.0 te 01. (P. /e1 10 - * >ft! 1!� 1k Mit Wingharn Ontario fl[,,