HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-12-09, Page 21PLACE IT! SELL IT! (519) 524-2614 classifiedextra.ca Goderich Si nal -Star, Wednesday, December 9, 2009 - Pa•e 21 Canada's largest classifieds network ca r Sympatice) (� Il ?rn mlr • Clas Classified Rates & Data Deadline Friday at 200 pm (Note Earlier Deadlines on Holiday Weekends) $2200 $900 Births In Memoriams + 35e for each line of verse Cards of Thanks $ (20 words) + I0( for each culdilio al word Coming Event & Word Classified Rates... • 1 INSERTION... *based on 20 words per ad. '2 INSERTIONS... $700 ' haled on 20 word& per ad, per insenh,n • 3 INSERTIONS... •h' ,yd on 20 words per ad. per insertion $625 • 25( for each additional word after 20 words. Bold Headings... • test in addition to regular eta .sifted ratc. Drawer No. Replies... $2U° $500fr,'a�r�... $2.0X) for each additional week. Special Rates... • 3 + 1 Free... • If your ad runs for 3 weeks & doesn't sell. we'll run ii for 1 more week absolutely FRE F.!* *Some reslriclions apply •Fifty Dollar Finds... • Advertise any $50 or under item for sale for only...'3.00 per insertion. Same reurictlnn.r apply. • All adversisinf priers subject to GST - Ws Easy to Place Your M... Just contact our office Monday to Thursday from $ am to 5 pm, or Fridays 11am•4pmat519.524.2614orfax nsat519.524.9175. Email: starxaleslrDhowcsnet.com I)o not include credit card information in your email. (ell to arrange payment. All ads must he prepaid. Visa. Mastercard & Intcrac accepted. Address all correspondences to: CLASSIFIF,D INET. c/o The (;odcrich Signal -Star. P.O. Box 220, Goderich. Ontario N7A 4130, Boost Your Coverage... For Only... $450 per paper' You can raver the area of your flume' Choate from our family r1 community paper... The GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR... Cir. 5,469 The CLINTON NEWS -RECORD... Cir. 2,957 The KINCARDINE NEWS Cir. 3,816 The LAKESHORE ADVANCE... Cir. 1,940 The LUCKNOW SENTINEL... Cir. 1,978 The MITCHELL ADVOCATE... Cir. 2,799 The SEAFORTH H11RON EXPOSITOR...Cir. 2,350 The SHORELINE NEWS... Cir. 4,579 The WIARTON ECHO... Cir. 2,973 1. Articles for Sale CORNER GAS fire- place with oak mantel, sides and a two door oak upper cabinet. Cost $5000. used two months, sacrifice for $1500. 519-955-1218.- 50-52x, 1 nx CHRISTMAS IN CARLOW can't be bet- ter on December 10-13. AH existing Christmas stock 1/2 price. Open till 9 p.m. seven days a week. Come and see what you're missing. 519-524-7299.-50ar CHRISTMAS SPECIAL at Suncoast Car Wash - Buy 10 car wash tokens for $10. •Get 1 FREE. GST included. Use at wash bays & vacuums. Purchase at Art's Landscaping.-50- 52ar NO TAX on the purchase of all furniture, housewares, and in stock new mattress sets. SALE ON Dec 3-12, 2009. New mattress sets $285 & up. C&E Furniture 1 mile south of Goderich on Hwy 21 524-7231 WOOD PELLETS Premium quality, all hardwood raw materi- als. Delivery available. 40 Ib. bags for sale. 519-524-4772.- 50eowar FOUR YOKOHAMA Ice Guard snow tires. 205/70R15 950 on black steel rims. Almost new under 2000 km., $550. Phone 519-525- 5309.-50, 51x 1997 MAZDA B4000 V6, auto for parts $400. Ariens 8 H.P. snow- blower 28" cut, electric start. Asking $300. 519-395-4548.-50, 51x 14' TANDEM KAYAK with accessories $600 obo. Phone 519-440- 8349.-50-52x, 1 nx FOUR P205/75 R14 snow tires. Best offer. Phone 519-524-8107.- 50x IDEAL FOR Christmas (1) Weslo electric treadmill excellent con- dition $195. (2) As seen on TV ultra steam mop and hand held unit still In box. TV price over $150 + tax selling for $100. (3) Four door wooden desk great for student $45 (4) HP Photo Smart printer takes memory cards like new $50 (5) Full HP computer system great condition includes Dell Monitor, HP printer and desk $195. Bayfield 519-565-2119.-50c L. House lois onlyput Exterior or Interior 24JR Fuly insured Now taking bookings for 2010 519.524-9008 fiirevti coiwrAucflON ............ INVENTORY CLEARANCE - Sale prices throughout the store. Metropolitan loose leaf teas 25% off. R & R Asian Foods 813A Queen Kincardine 519-396-7222.-50k MOUNTED ON RIMS and balanced P215/65R15. 2 BF Goodrich Precept all season. 2 Goodyear Eagle Aqua tread. $200. Four snow tires Firestone winter Firer $400. All tires $500. 519-524-5235.-50- 52x, 1 nx ENVIROTECH CORN stoves; sales, parts, service. Grain stove fuel: cleaned corn, no cobs, no fines, no Red Dawg. Get a better, cleaner, more efficient burn. Also available - cleaned wheat. Donkar Farms. Don & Karen Ritchie. Home 519- 395-2806, cell 519- 440-9082.-49tf1 GUITARSI DRUMS! Pianos) Keyboards, musical gifts and more. Check us out in Goderich Suncoast Mall! Your friendly music store) Planovations Music Centre. Find us also at 402 Queen Street Blyth. Wed. - Sat. 10 - 6. Become a fan of us on FACEBOOK and save 5%I 519-523- 4535.-49, 50x CHRISTMAS TREES - Fraser Fir, Scotch Pine, White Pine, Balsam, garland and wreaths. Christmas trek stands and tree bags. The best sold. Trees are stored inside. Delivery available. Niel and Cathy Edgar 519-357- 2122, 39085 Amberley Rd., Hwy 86. Open everyday, Sunday noon - 5 p.m. -49-51 ar SANTA LOVES to shop here for games, toys, books and clothing for children. Great quality, terrific prices at our second hand shop. LODE Op Shop, 202 Anglesea St. Goderich, Open Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. -49, 50ar POOL TABLES, three used 4 1/2 x 9, two 4x8. Also new, including shuffleboards. 519- 291-3617.-49-51x BROYHILL PINE desk and hutch $75. Excellent condition. Kenmore humidifier $40. 519-524-4658.-- 49-51x, 52nx CHRISTMAS TREES - Fraser Fir, Scotch Pine and Spruce. 1 1/4 mile south of Wingham, 1 1/4 mile east on Jamestown Rd. (40662). Open seven days a week 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Glen Casemore 519-357-1498.-49-51x AEROBIC RIDER fit- ness machine, cost $350, sell $75 obo. 519-524-5616.-48- 50x, 51 nx CUT YOUR OWN Christmas tree. Beautiful blue spruce. 5 - 7 ft. 519-529-7783 or 519-524-3759, 36007 Belgrave Road, Ashfield Township or email:ritgen@hotmail. com-48-50ar 27" 9 1/2 HP Snowblower $600 obo. Pressure washer with gas engine $75. 24' aluminum construction ladder $175. Phone 519-529-7783 or 519- 524-3759 email: rit- gent@hotmail.com 48-50ar, 51 nx MATHERS CHRISTMAS TREES - Cut your own tree $25. Fri. - Sat. - Sun. - 10-4, Dec. 4 - Dec. 20. Stone School Rd., 4 kms south of Wingham, 519.357-1891 .-48- 51 ar RECLINING SOFA and Matching Rocker/ Reclining CHAIR. In good condition - $200. 519-524-7417.-•48- 50ar, 51 nx ROBERT F. BLACKWELL Fine Woodworking, 79953 Orchard Line, 519-524- 4497. Decorative and functional item -jewel- lery boxes, custom fur- niture and accessories, repairs and refinishing. Showroom and shop open by chance or appointment. --48-52x LOVESEAT in immacu- late condition, oatmeal background with muted floral pattern, $275. 519-524-2597 --48-50x,51 nx REINDEER FOR SALE Eight full size 1/2 inch plywood Reindeer and Sleigh. Asking $100.00 call 519-524-7018. -48-50x,51 nx GE PORTABLE dish- washer. Only used twice. Hockey cards. OPG full sets from 1969 to 1994. Plus many single cards. 519-440-0838.-47- 49x, 50nx FIREPLACE insert - Osburn 2200 Baywood with blower and brass trim, 75,000 btu/hour, $700. Phone 519-565- 2615.-47-49x, 50nx O'BRIENS SAUSAGE, dressed roast pork, Metzgers bacon avail- able at Cravings, 166 Court House Square. Hours 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Mon. to Sat., 12 - 4 p.m. Sun. -45-1x RBK GOALIE skates, size 9. 5K pumps, brand new stainless steel blades, excellent condition, worn only one season. $200. Phone 519-524-4144.- 45-51 nxe ANTIQUE early 1900's Dominion Organ and Piano Company. Piano needs work, $20 obo. 519-524-1919.-410 FIREWOOD GET ready for winter and order your firewood now $75/cord delivered to Goderich. Ian Caldwell 519-523- 4994,-39tfar NEW DEADLINES PLEASE NOTE all deadlines for The Goderich Signal -Star are Friday at 2 p.m. If you wish to place an ad please call, email, fax or visit our office. Phone 519-524-2614, email starsales@ bowesnet.com fax 519- 524-9175 120 'Huckins St. Goderich Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. • 4 p.m.--41-52ss_ WINDOWS & DOORS Call for a tree estimate. Sales, Service and Installation. Bluewater Windows & Doors, 145 Huron Rd., Goderich, 519-524-1520 e-mail sales@bluewatc-' rwin- dows.ca or 48 Ontario St. N., Grand Bend, 519 -238 -DOOR (3667), e-mail bluewater- sales@hay.net. www. bluewaterwindows. ca.-26tfar SALE METAL BUILDINGS 25% OFF - Steel and Metal Buildings - Agricultural, Industrial, Commercial, Residential, DIY or Contract Built. Local Dealer/Contractor, SCL Schmidty's Contracting Ltd. 519-393-5224.-47- 50m GOOD NEWS.... For your convenience The Goderich Signal - Star Classified pages are now available on our website goderich- signalstar.com. The ads will also continue to be available on Canada's largest net- work classilledextra. ca-22tfss HOT TUB/POOL TABLE - 2009 Model, fully loaded, 40+ Jets. Cost $7895. Sacrifice: $3950. POOL TABLE - Every upgrade, 1" slate, with accessories. Worth $4295, sell $1200. 519-722-4077.- 49-51 x FAXING SERVICE Do you need to send or receive a fax? The Goderich Signal -Star can do it for youl Confidential service, low rates, proof of delivery. Call us at 519- 524-2614 or visit our office at 120 Huckins St. Goderich Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Fridays 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.-42tfss USED PHOTO- COPIERS available. Refurbished with war- ranty and service plans available. Various mod- els to choose from. Contact MicroAge Basics 519-524-9863. --31 tfar