HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-12-09, Page 13Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, December 9, 2009 - Page 13
Drive Test employees disheartened at bargaining table
Cheryl Heath
sun media
They want to head back to the bargaining
Indeed, after more than 15 weeks in a lock-
out/strike situation, the province's 600 Drive
Test employees are eager to find a resolution
to issues that have been plaguing them since
the province downloaded the service to a
private United Kingdom -based contractor,
Serco DES Inc., in 2003.
It was then, say union officials, that the pri-
vate company began systematically down-
sizing staff and changing full-time positions
into part-time ones while arguing, in some
quarters, that the work is seasonal.
Part of the sad reality for the strikers is
there has been little media attention and a lot
of misunderstanding about why Drive Test
workers are not on the job.
"It's not about money at all," says Kathy
Doupe, a part-time Drive Test employee in
Clinton. "It's about job security. .'Priority."
Indeed, she says, the new normal at Drive
Test offices is to do away with full-time po-
sitions in favour of part-time ones with the
resulting effect that a Day One employee is
viewed with the same seniority as a long-
term employee.
Further, notes Doupe, the private contrac-
tor is offering up only 10 hours of guaran-
teed work each week, down from the current
standard of 22 hours.
More evidence of the private contractor's
long-range plans for long-term employees,
she says, can be seen in the fact that 800
people were employed in Drive Test offices
when the Ministry of Transportation Ontario
operated it, while today there are only 600
people left and about half of those positions
are part-time.
To add to the frustration, says Doupe, is
Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs)
seem to have washed their hands of the
strike/lockout since the service was handed
over to a private contractor. And yet, she
notes, there must be some understanding
that it is a vital service given that MTO held
onto one Drive Test office, which is located
at Queen's Park.
Betty Maddox, a 22 -year full-time Drive
Test employee, notes the strike is having a
far-reaching impact on Ontarians ranging
from truckers who are unable to acquire
accreditation to seniors who have been in-
structed to retest for varying reasons. The
strike is also killing driving schools since
students don't see the value in learning how
to drive when a licence cannot be issued due
to the strike/lockout.
Drive Test workers note the private con-
tractor's unfolding process of opening a
select few offices, manned by managers,
is unfair because the offices don't offer the
full range of services needed by Ontarians.
Union members also point out the company
is inviting employees to cross the picket line,
but they are not budging when it comes time
Mansbridge tickets still available
Award-winning broadcaster and CBC na- personal interviews with leaders from Cana-
tional news anchor, Peter Mansbridge, will da and around the world.
make a special appearance at a Goderich Ro- Tickets for the event are $20 and can be
tary Club charity breakfast Monday Dec. 14 purchased at Finchers, Scotia Bank, TD
and tickets for the event are still available. Canada Trust, McGee Motors, Bluewater
The local service club is expecting up to Cleaners or from any Goderich Rotary Club
500 patrons for the breakfast featuring Mans- member. Some tickets may be available at
bridge at the Knights of Columbus Hall on the door for $30.
Parsons Court beginning at 7 a.m. The breakfast begins at 7 a.m. and Mans -
As well as being the morning's keynote bridge will speak at 8 a.m.
speaker, the CBC news anchor will also be A book signing session will follow the
signing his latest book, Peter Mansbridge, event and Mansbridge's latest book will be
One on One, a collection of revealing and available for sale.
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to negotiate with Drive Test workers' pres-
ent-day union, the United Steel Workers,
Local 9511.
"They're hurting
our members when
they're really vulner-
able," notes Maddox.
"We want to go back
to work."
Unfortunately, says
Maddox, the work-
ers' pleas are falling
on unlistening ears
at Queen's Park since
even Transportation
Minister Jim Bradley
seems reluctant to get
For now, Drive
Test workers are hop-
ing the general public
will step up and join
them in their lobby-
ing campaign to get
Serco back to the bar-
gaining table.
Drive Test staff ask
those wishing to help
to contact their local
MPP and Serco DES
Inc. at 1888 570-6110
or via e-mail, Cus-
tomerComments @
Paul Dalglish, managing director for Drive
Test/Serco DES Inc., could not be reached
for comment as of press time.
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