HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-05-11, Page 8Page 8 • THE WINGHAN TIMES May I I th, 1916 ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. them, of Cromwell's dictum, "Trust in Notices Under 'rh14 Read ten cents a line God and keep your powder dry," and f.. n �e ;, ..•r+ an; floe cents for subse• said he felt snrw that thou would uphold quentiu`Ptt•rCIO u�. To RENT - Electric and hand vacuum .cleaners. H. H. is .Rn & Co, WANTED -Two sales ladies at the WIngharn ,Bazaar. 1'RUNIKS AND VALISES:-B1g stock of er.eot frum at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. TO RENT -Rooms to rent i Ritchie ac- c- domild block. Apply Co::ens. POR SALE -Baby carriage, in good cold' ion. Mrs. 0. Thompson, Diagonal Road. WANTED -Apprentice and Improver, on Ladies' and Gents' Tailoring. ,Apply at E. C. White's. GIRLS WANTED -To work,id'furniture factnry, at upholstering turd finishing. Apply to Walker and Clegg. GIRL WANTED -General servant girl wanted. No washing. Apply to J. Walton McKibben, Centre street. FOR SALE -Two good driving horses, or would do as third horse for farmer. J. Hartnell, at Dore's carriage works. WANTED -A house maidfrfor the Y. W. C. A., Berlin, Ont.' ''GGood wages. Apply to '•Secretarf'" Y. W. C. A. 2 HELP WANTED -A number of good steady men wanted immediately. The Roht. Bell, Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd., Seaforth, Ont, GARDEN FERTILIZER-1''or sale in small quantities, suitable for lawn, flowers and vegetables. A. H. Wil- ford, produce dealer. NOTICE -A two-storey eight roomed brick house for sale or to rent; a six horse -power gasoline engine for sale. a boat house to rent. Geo. McKenzie; LosT -Fox hound, white, with tan spots, medium sized ears,,' long tail, centre of lower lip projects a little, strap. around neck. Anyone illegally holding dog will be prosecuted. Reward. Dr. WHITLEY, 6-1 Gorrie, Ont NOTICE -Our dental afternoon il be closed every Wednesday m May 1st to October lst. A. J. Irwin, D. D.S. G. H. Ross, D. D. S. the best traditions of the British army.' The band played "Scots. Wha Hee" and "God Save the King," and t•• the sound of cheers and the strains of the National Anthem, while hats and handkerchiefs were waving, tn.- train departed. BRUSSELS The following statistics are gleaned from the Township of Grey assessor's roll: Number of acres assessed, 64,854; number of acres cleared, 51,514; value of real property, $1,924,350; value of buildings, $867,700; total taxable assess- ment, $2,799,850; total population, 2,642, births, 35; deaths,27. Brussels Council has raised the poll tax fee from $1 to s3. Lieuts. D. S. Scott, Rev. R. E. Page and R. M. Sinclair have completed their courses at London Military School and are back to town. W. P. and Mrs. Bray left this week on a pleasure trip to Colorado and California. John Mason, a pioneer resident of the 3rd line of Morris Township, died sud- denly on Wednesday night, May 3rd, in the 85th year of age. The new officers of the W. M. S. of the Methodist Church are: Honorary president, Mrs. R. Paul; president," Miss Gordon; first vice, Mrs. (Rev.) Wren; second vice, Mrs. Manners; recording secretary, Mrs. Skelton; corresponding secretary, Mrs. H. L. Jackson; treas- urer, Mrs. R. Leatherdale; Christian stewardship, Mrs. A. J. Lowry; organ- ist, Mies Martha Smith and Mrs. Row- land. Reports showed $108 raised during the year and bales valued at $175 shipped. Don't attempt to use any me .hod to warm up a carburetor in cold weather that might ignite the gasoline. Cloths that have been wrung out of hot water are the safest means of heating the carburetor if necessary, BORN JARVIS-.(n Culross, on April 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jarvis; a d . ughter. MARRIED MCLAUGHLIN-HOLT - In Montreal, on April 24th, by the Rev. J. E Ireland, rector of Grace church, Charles W. McLaughlin, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin, of Wingham, to Miss Margaret A. C. Holt, both of Montreal. DIED. WALKER -In Wroxeter', on April 29th, Mrs. Jane Walker, aged 84 years. RUDDY -In Wingham, on May 5th, Margaret Brydges, wife of Mr. Joseph Ruddy. aged 52 -years. THURLow-In Wingham, on May 7th, David Thurlow, aged 51 years, 9 months and 12 days. TERNRERRY Minutes of Council meeting held in Bluevale on Monday, May 1st, 1916. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Wheeler and Adair. The Engineer's report of the Burke drain was laid before Council and filed. Pathmasters will see that noxious weeds are cut and it was suggested by the Council that each person be request- ed to cut in front of his own place, and to be allowed a reasonable amount of time off his Statute Labor for doing so. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued: -Advance, balance of contract, 1915, $24.25; C. A. Jones, bal. of account, $16.50; J. Rutherford, insp. Scheistell drain, $10.00; Thos. Baird, rep. to road, $1.50; Ed. Baird, rep. to road, $5.00; Wm. Bolt, charity, Mrs. H. Calvert, $20.00. Moved by Mr. Wheeler, sec'd•by Mr. Moffatt, that this Council adjourn to meet in Bluevale on Monday, May 29th, at 10 a. m. and as a Court of Revision of the assessment roll at 2 p. m. P. POWELL, Clerk. "HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS" VIA "GREAT LAKES ROUTE," EACH WEDNESDAY. Homeseekers' Excursions via Canadian Pacific may, if they so desire, take advantage of the "Great Lakes Trip." The Steamship "Manitoba" on which Homeseekers' tickets will be honored, on payment of $9.00 additional to cover meals and berth; sails from Owen Sound each Wednesday during season navigation, calling at Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur, and Fort William, con- necting at the latter point for Winnipeg and Western Canada. The "All Rail" Homeseekers' Ex- cursions are in effect each Tuesday until October 31st, inclusive. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or W. 13. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. TENDERS FOR DRAIN The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Morris are asking for tenders for the construction„ of the Dockett Drain. Pians and specifications can be seen at the Clerk's residence. � Tenders will be opened on May 29th at the Council Hall, Morris, A. MACEWEN. Clerk. JOHN SHORTREED, Reeve •TEESWATEtI5. The town of • Teeswater was astir early Thursday last as the detachment of recruits left for mobilization in Walkerton by the 6 a. m, train. The tows, bell rang at 5 o'clock and soon the front street was filled with citizens. At half -past 5 o'clock the procession set out for the station, headed by the brass band. Three rousing cheers were given for the Teeswater detachment and farewell words addressed to the soldiers by Rev. W. A. Bradley and Rev. 3. C. Mantell. The former said that the presence of so great a crowd at this early hour in the morning was an indication of the interest the people tock in them and the cause they represented, but that this was nothing to the reception they would receive. when they returned home, He reminded, LET US SERVE YOU just one glass of our soda and we know you will be a fre- quent visitor to our fountain. • For there's no other soda like 0 ours. It's simply nectar and nothing less. Stop in to -day for your first glass of it. Why put off the exquisite pleasure isuch soda affords? W. A. MILLER • Gonfectioner Vacuum Cleaner We have a Universal Electric Vacuum Cleaner which wilt be rented at lOc PER HOUR with minimum charge of 50c. Cleaner will be delivered and called for. Take comfort in doing your house-cleaning with the aid of a vacuum cleaner. Stove Truck The handy article for moving stoves, 10c MR HOUR Charge of 25c if delivered and called for. W. J. BOYCE Steven and 'Tinware 'Phone 58 DRIGHT[NUP YOUR HOM[I I House Furnishings Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Carpets, Curtains, Curtain Materials, Window Shades and Brass Curtain Rods Printed and Inlaid Linoleums In newest designs, in bright, clear colored block and floral partern suitable for dining rooms, pantrys, kitchens, bed rooms and halls, all widths, 2, 3 and 4 yard pieces, 50c to $1.25 per sq yard. Brass and Wood Curtain Rods Suitable for all windows in adjustable widths, made in latest curved styles. Prices 13c each to 35c per foot. Wonderful Values in Curtain Mater- ials, in Plain Scrim's and Floral Voiles etc. Fine mercerized voiles made from extra good wearing qualities with pretty borders in floral and conventional designs in delicate shades of pink, blue, maize, and native, prices 25c, 35c, 50c, and 75c per yard. Beautiful Draperies If you have a drapery or upholstery problem let us show how inexpensively and attractively it may be solved. Our stock comprises all that is artistic and in good taste and we offer a selection of designs to suit all styles of decoration, simple or elab- orate. Chief amongst our lines are Dalmor Fabrics and Novelty Curtains which we show in many attractive patterns at moderate prices. (4) Window Shades in'Stock Sizes, Special Sizes Made /oQrder Shades ir}best quality sun proofed cloths in green and fawn with or without lace and in- sertions. Prices 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 each Attractive Carpet Squares in Tapes. try, Wilton and Axminster Squares with beautiful patterns and color- ings in sizes and patterns suitable for parlors, livingrooms, bed rooms etc, sizes 2Xx3, 2/x31/, 3x3, 3x3, .3;:13x4, prices $15 to $75. Stair Carpets, Wool Carpets, Japanese Matting, and Surrounds In all the newest patterns. Prices 15c to $2.00 per )ard. PRODUCE WANTED KING BROS. 'PHONE 71 1 Electric Control Buttons at Your Finger Tips Naturally, you want a car that can be operated easily —you realize that the extent of pleasure and safety in driving depends upon the ease of control. In most cars the details of control seem to be planned with an eye for convenience in assembling the various parts. But the Overland control was arranged just as you would arrange it if you were designing a car for your own convenience. You control the electric magneto, the] electric lights, the electric horn, with your finger tips,[without bend- ing forward. To start the motor you merely touch a foot button in the floor. A woman or girl can drive the Overland in safety. Its control is easy and instinctive, Let us tell you about the other Overland advantages. Model 75 Touring Car $850; Roadster $825 Model 83 B Touring Car $965; Roadster $935 Model 86 Six --Touring Car........ .. $1600 Prices f. o. b. Toronto, Ont, AU models are completely equipped in every particular. There are no extras to buy. Wingham Overland Sales Co. L. KENNEDY, Proprietor, WINGHAM, ONTARIO The garage and workshop are complete and we invite a share of your patronage for Work, Accessories, Gasoline, Tires, etc. O 1 it JUST WRIGHT AND DERBY; SHOES FOR MEN This cut is a very good illustration of one of the newest styles. It is made of fine smooth gun metal calfskin with either cloth or with calf tops, very best oak tan soles. Prices $5.00 $5.50 $6.00 and $6.50 The above are the equal of the usual $7.00 lines A few samples of above makes are being shown in our south window, Ibut come on in and see what we have. You are under no obligation to buy. W. H. WILLIS Sole Agents �utsliiifJ00 for Ladies and Derby Shoes for Men EGGS 1 WANTED In Large or Small Quantities W. J. AR.NIOUR Centre' Street, Wingham �' �+/11V�'.M�+4MrY+�/'�t'�rf�."My�W.M41ti✓�4�WrRrM�� TRY the "Times" with your next order, of Job Printing. We do good work always and ' an ways. Lowest prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. J •":".•• •..•r.•••••, . •••.., +.r••r•r•r•r.r•ow, •Alta %! 1\ '.i Creamers- - it fA /.0 New patrons are starting daily. This proves that %!>4 �,• 1! your neighbors are working for us. We supply /f\ <-- '.0 shipping cans: Bring your cream to us at any time. 1.” 11 Telephone us if you are corning after 6 p• m• I '1' 1.0 e Fertilizer- j Always kept on hand. We loan drills for sowing f.0 it. If you need one, make arrangements at once. fk A car load of Gunns' 282 is being unloaded this /11 week. Special prices to those taking it from the 1.0 car. ffi IA 1.0 1�t. iii fA if int lei. 1.0 1 ft fA IA 1!� RD !0t ; A. H. WILFO Mt 11 Produce Dealer Wingham Ontario At It Produce - is our main business. We are always glad to see you bring your produce to us. We can take care of you better than anyone else.