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Food banks looking for holiday
help for Huron county families
Cheryl Heath session, rent and energy assistance programs, and
sun media even donations of health-care aids like wheelchairs
Thanks to a combination of an ailing economy and eye glasses.
and higher than usual unemployment rates in the The Society is also the last local group to host an
region, three food banks are hoping those who can annual free Christmas dinner, for up to 250 people,
will be willing to lend a hand with the aid of the Knights of Columbus.
to those who are struggling to The emphasis, notes Barry, is on meeting the
make ends meet this Christ- community's needs year round and as it stands,
mas. "We've never been busier."
Capt. Krista Andrews, of Barry says that while in past years the Society
The Salvation Army, reports has seen two or three new families a month, they
while the Christmas Kettle are seeing two or three new families a week these
Campaign is under way, the days.
fundraising goal is notably And, says Barry, the Society is seeing an increase
higher at $42,000 for the in the number of area residents whose employment
Goderich and Clinton region, insurance has run out and left them to rely on On -
up five times over the $9,000 tario Works, which only allots for a maximum pay -
goal in 2004. ment of about $520 a month for a single person.
The reason? Soaring unem- "Those are the really heartbreaking stories," says
ployment rates and the strug- Barry, noting there is still a level of denial in some
gles being faced by those able people that don't see they can't continue to live on
to seek new jobs at rates of their own after years of successfully managing to
pay considerably lower than do so.
what they once enjoyed. Barry notes the most people the Society has ever
As it stands, says Andrews, seen in a month took place this year with 211 in -
the $42,000 will be needed dividuals but she says it is looking like November
to cover costs for emergency will exceed the record.
situations and to purchase "People just can't make it any more," she says.
items for the food bank that And while the Society will continue with its
are not available as needed practice of anonymously donating hampers to
through 2010. families and individuals whose names are submit -
And though the final num- ted by donors, it will focus its efforts on ensuring
bers are not in for how many .a merry Christmas to those often overlooked by
area families will be receiving other groups including seniors, singe people and
a Salvation Army Christmas Community Living clients.
Hamper this year, Andrews "We pitch in everywhere we can," says Barry,
says preliminary indications noting the Society's operating budget hails from
are the figure will be high. the sale of good, at its all -volunteer operated store
"We're certainly see an in- in Goderich, which has been serving the region
crease in our numbers from since 1983.
last year," she says, noting "A faith system is what is getting us through,"
calls started coming in last she says.
week and are expected to Shelley Kaastra, spokeswoman for the Clinton -
continue through the Dec. 16 based Friends of the Community Food Bank, says
deadline. while volunteers are not too worried about their
While the St. Vincent de stock for Christmas, they are casting a weary eye
Paul does things in a different to the New Year.
way, it is nonetheless report- "It's January we're worried about," she says, not-
ing the same sorts of stories ing if preliminary statistics are any indication, the
being heard by the Salvation food bank will see an increase in the number of
Army's legion of volunteers. people seeking support after Christmastime.
Family Services Coordina- Kaastra notes one of the grim stats is the num-
tor Mary Barry says the so- ber of people the food bank saw come through the
ciety's motto is simple: "We doors in September since people are usually in
don't turn anybody away no most need of aid in the winter months due to the
matter who they are." demands of meeting high utility and home -heating
And, instead of focusing in costs.
Christmas fundraising cam- She reports the Friends' group, like the others,
paigns, the Society's volun- is also seeing a rising need for assistance from the
teer corps works at helping working class that are no longer able to meet ex -
individuals in need of some- penses and cover food costs.
thing a little different. "Everything is going up and the wages aren't go -
Indeed, notes Barry, the ing up to meet the costs," says Kaastra.
Society delivers a range of She adds that while the Friends' group doesn't
services that include a daily give away hampers at Christmas, since the Sal -
,soup kitchen in Goderich that
serves up to 120 people at a Continued on page 35
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