HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-05-11, Page 4Page 4 EASTER EXCURSIONS Single Fare Good going, Apt )l. 21st and returning (lame day. Fare and One-third Good going April 20, 21, 22, 23 Return limit April 25th Return tick eta will be issued be- tween all sat lens in Canada, east of Port Arthur atad to Detroit and fort Huron, Mich , Buffalo, $lack Rock, Niagara b'uaI$ .tali Suspension Bridge, N, Y. • 8, ir-,I,i.IOTT Town Passenger and Ticket A gent, I'hor.r 4. W, k, BURGkL..N. Station A gent. F•hoe a €,a. IlegaranniZSZZOISIMMINIONE A1)CTIONEER a iMI C tae1 1 & Vandrick Auctiorwe, .r for the Counties of 11 ti con nue Bruce, are prepared to take all hinds ,r +, es, We are eertaia we Vitt, ptru•t' You can base either one or hot h.4 1 rboat extra charge. Orders can be left with 1'. McConnell, or with e . P. tiara rick at the Merchants' Brolt«rag, t e Store, Wingbam, charges m.,derate, Alma Flarity Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserve tory Examinations. Studio - McDonald Block , Wingham J. W. DODD Successor to J. 0, Stewart Fire, Life, Accident and Health INSURANCE P. 0. Box 366 'Phone 198 WINGHAM ONTARIO faster Excursion fares Between all stations in Canada, Fort William and East, and to Sault Ste. Marie, Detroit, Michigan, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N.Y. SINGLE FARE Good Going—April list, 1916 Return Limit—April 21st, 1916 Minimum Charge 25c Fare and One -Third Good Going—April 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, 1316 Return Limit—April 25th, 1916 Minimum Charge 25e particulars from J. W. McKibbon, town agent, 'phone 53; J. H. Beemer, station agent, 'phone 47, or from W. B. Howard, D.P.A„ Toronto. Our clothes are the produc- tions of the best makers. They were designed, cut and tailored by the most skilful and best paid workmen in the Tailoring Business. The fabrics are exclusive and different. We'll be pleased to show you the newest spring styles in SUITS, HATS, SHIRTS, AND FURNISHINGS Frank McLean Suecbairiot to W. A. Campbell TOWN OF WINGH COURT OP REVISI The first sitting of the nrt of Re. vision for the revision of the Assess- ment Roll of the- Town of Winghani for the seat .916, will he held in the Coun- cil Chamber, on Friday, the 26th day of May at 8 o'clock p. tn. All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. orderJOIN F. GROVES, Clerk. Win"hates, May 10ih,1916, 6-2t IIIST4B14,181itlIrt t81a THE WINOILAM TINES. ELL RI,I IOTT, VI)gr,Isir)r$ AND kaoriETon• : To ADVa nisg.Rs Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesdav of each week THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1916 ENFORCING Tull: LIQUOR ACT, Report of prosecutions in North Huron by Inspector Mitchell, of Wing. haw, from Mey 1st, 1915, to April 25th, 1916. Forty cases of drunks - fines collected, $905-38 first offences, 1 second offence and 1 third. Thirty violations of C. T. A.—fines collected, $1,650--27 first offences, 3 second offences. 11 cases dismissed, 8 dropped, and in one ease defendant died before case was concluded, Four cases are pending in three of which the defendants are supposed to have left the county, There will be no expense to the County in connection with the enforce- ment of the C. T. A. in North Huron. the surplus of receipts over expenditures being more than $500. Report of prosecutions in South Huron by Inspector Torrance, of Clinton, from July 2nd, 1915, to April 25th, 1916: Twenty-two eases of drunks—fines collected, $440. Thirty-one eases of violations of C. T. A.—fines collected, 61,650. 26 first offences, 4 second of- fences, and one third, (defendant abs- conded,) Eight cases were dismissed, five under the C. T. A., and three under Ontario License Act. Six cases are pending. Three under the C. T. A. and as many under the Ontario Act. Of 31 violations of the C. T. A., twenty were by former license holders. A total of 67 cases were entered and the fines collected amounted to $2090. The county thus pays nothing for liquor law enforcement in the South Riding, but on the contrary will have a surplus of over $500. WOMEN ANI) THRIFT. Upon the women of the land will rest the greatest burden of success in the campaign for thrift that has been in- augurated. As needs of the house- hold they are the chancellors of domestic exchequers. It is for them to bear in mind that expenditure upon articles that are not actually needed is not alone lessening their own resources but also depriving the country of some- thing that might be more profitably applied., The majority of men will agree that so far as the household is concerned their women are pretty thrifty. But stinginess, parsimonious- ness, or miserliness is not thrift, The thrifty woman combines with a natural aptitude for economy the wisdom of selection and utilization. She knows when to save and when to spend. She knows what is necessary and what can be done without and she makes the hest use of everything. What help is at hand she utilizes it with discretion. The great aid to thrift is thoughtful- ness. In fact without that element thrift is utterly out of the question. The thrifty woman, too, not only exer- cises wisdom herself, but sees that her hildren do the same thing not by in- ulging them but by delegating to them undry offices of which they are capable, by making them self-reliant. But the oman cannot do all these things by erself. She must enjoy the support, ountenance and influence of her men- ind. Thegreatest enemy to thrift is he promiscuous doling out of the oney. It is not to boys and girls a gn of good nature; it is death to the cipient. It poisons their disposition rid sows seeds of weeds that can never eradicated. For that sort of thing omen are but little responsible, but S where their efforts shine is in allowing thing to go to waste, in making use everything, and in exercising in- nuity in food, dress, household labour - d the bringing up of children. A a entive to the accornplishihent of se things is a refieetion upon the es, upon the needs and experience their male relatives at the front, and n the fact that every ounce saved is ontribution to the welfare of the ntry andperhaps to winning the r. d s w h e k t m si re a be w no of ge an inc the tim of tipo ac don wa RHEUMATISM lahusy *t se a #rthe tortures of lame muaclesand stiffened3 bebea>rseOtim- pnrit es in the Wood, Mad tach ryocceeditrt MI6* se**. aboreadttettzttilrbeunuitieat has invac%d the whole Systern. To arrest rhestraotlasa * is 'quite ss i t to improve y ur genetal bealtt sus tis purify yOut blood, godttvi liver itt tt' .*Alaska n.tre's omit 'blood-toaker, while its medkinid nourish - Meat strengthens the organs toe l the impel -hits and upbiiiltl your strength. Scott's B amIsiou ala helping thbbaande every day who could not find other relit. Refuse the alcoholic substitutes. THE WINGHAM TIME IlARO WORKING WOMEN Will Find New Strength Through the Use ofPinkPAX.ilin Williams' It is useless to tell a hard working woman to take life easily and not to worry.. Every woman at the head of a hone; every girl in offices, shops and factories is subjected to more or less worry. These cannot be avoided. But it is the duty of every woman and every girl to save her strength as much as possible, and to build up her system to meet unusual demands. Her future health depends upon it, To herd dat at break-down health blood must bekpih, an pure. To keep the blood in this condi- tion nothing can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They strengthen the nerves, restore the appetite, bring the glow of health to pallid cheeks, an renewed energy to listless pee • Women cannot always rest whe• hey shou)d, but they can keep , their strength and keep away dise • - e by the occasional use of Dr. Wi ams' Pink Pills, Mrs. A. Rh des, Milton, Ont„ says: "A few yea = a • on coming to Canada, working on ours, and close confinement beg. , tell upon me, I was completely ,. down, and finally could do no work. I was pale, suffered from headaches, did not rest well, and felt altogether very miserable. The doctor said the trouble was anaemia, and after doctoring for some weeks without getting any relief, I decided to drop the doctor and take Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Very soon I began to notice a change for the better, and by the time I had used a half dozen boxes of the Pills I was again enjoying the best of health. I have never had any re- turn of the sickness and never felt better in my life than I do now. I give my experience, therefore, that it may be used for the benefit of others." from anou y mediet cine dealerr. Williams'o Pink mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Woodham lost one of its oldest residents by the death on Friday of Samuel Ford, Ile had lived in Woodham for a great number of years and in the early days had a large blacksmith shop and followed his trade until old age compelled him to retire. He was a : member of the Methodist Church at I{ Woodham and for a great many years Ii was superintendent of the Sunday di school. w GRAND OPENING Wm bar B zaaz' SATURDAY, MAY lath E will open aur new store in Win, am on the 13th of May and desire have the residents of Wingham and this cinity to visit us on this occassion, We snake a specialty of 5c, 1 R 15c and 25c goods. Never before in th - istory of Wing - ham has there been such ,.}"display of season- able and useful Hous- old Goods displayed under any one roof. See our windows.r some of the specials be- ing offered on Saturday next. You are wel- come at our store whether you purchase or not. Our range represents thousands of numbers. for household requirements enough to fill pages Of this paper. DON'T FORGET SATURDAY NEXT, MAY 13th W I NGHAM BAZAAR Opposite Queen's Hotel .nv ry 411.1V4 11111.1111101//411111•10" � ECCS AND BUTTER s ----WANTED—.__ Treat Your Seed for Smut THE Government estimates that Ontario farmers lost $5,000,000 through Smut in grain crop in 1915. This is suicieut to urge the use of Formaldehyde on seed grain this year. OUR STOCK IS PRESR A. J. ROSS Hardware 'Phone 8 Bicycles, Supplies Etc. We can save you money on all the best makes of Bicycles, Cycle Supplies and Repairs. A good stock always on hand. NOTE— We do not stock seconds in any grade of tires, but can get the for you at a very low price. Store in the old Tamlyn ck. Machine and repair p at rear of store. Lawn Mowers sitar tied. Baby Carriages 'nnd Go -Cart tires of the differs makes and sizes replaced in e original way. Our prices always right. Articles eat ed for and deliver- ed if desired. UP-TO-DATE RHYMES Mary had a little wheel A And everywhere tdon'th t Mary went The wheel was sure to go. She always rode it to the school Iter shining steed of steel The chilhren paid 5 cents a turn To ride on Mary's wheel. What makes it ride so easily? Why? eagertchildren you see The teacher kind replied. There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, She had so many children she didn't know what to do She bought a new Brantford for epackeach y they hat they neVer came back. There was a Man iii our town and he was wondrous wise tie went And bought a Yankee wheel and jarred out both his eyes. And when he saw hid eyes were out with all his might and main lie ran and bought a Hyslop and his eyes carne back again. E. MERKLEY & SON 'Phone 134 We are in the market for any quantity of Eggs and Butter for which highest prices will be paid. .....■..,N,w.L The Wm. Davies Co. Ltd. PHONE 156 BARGAI-NS? EVERY DRAY WE bought all our goods before the greatest • advance, and are giving thein out to you at U the sante rate. All other lines reduced. j� GROCERIES V Comfort Soap only Comfort Ammonia 4c 2 lbs Seeded Raisins 25c Best Canadian Cheese 220 Special Green Tea only 29C 3 cabs Peas or Corn 25c Best Tomatoes IOC 3 cans Plums or Beans 25c 4 bottles Extracts 25c 4 pks Jelly Powder 250 40 MEN'S WEAR SPECIALS Men's $22 Suits $12,48 Men's 20 Spits 9.95 Boys' 6,00 Suits- 3.98 DRESS GOODS Boys' . 5.00 Suits 2.98 Hats and Caps at Cost. BOOTS AND SHOES Ladies' $5 Shoes $ 3.19 Ladies' Medium Quality Shoes 2.50 Light and Heavy Shoes for 1.98 MILLEtYD$ t Children's Shoes MILL. ENDS! 98e, r,25 and '.50 These ends are a great Boys' loo Shoes 1.9$ saving to you. SPECIAL CURTAIN bill Ends prints, g r.sc MIISLINS ?Mill Ends Table Linens Mill Ends Gingharns 200 Cream Muslin 15c Mill Ends White Muslin Highest Prices for Produce 40c Cream or White Madras 5oc Extra H - : vy Madras All other line,- reduced () WH , . WEAR 25C U 35c () $x La $ esPrincess t ips for Ladies' Night Robes tor Ladies' fine quality Vs' 1 2 I Ladies' Middys 98c, 1,19 Children's Middys Girls Dresses about price. 59c j 28c 1) -2C half $t Most all shades in fine quality Dress Goods 590 a yard. $r,5o to $2 Dress Goods most ail shades for only 980 a yd. R. M. LINDSAY Formerly Rrokerl ge Stand Thursday, May 4, th, zgr6 •/r ' �' '^'',./'.vr/ ',w, . �,.y�irr�,` � . �.�,.,.+�w•'�r,':�':"�"� .�! �!• Vit•; rlt sash j Watches, ft!, l!t /.0 � (rl ft /. Diamonds, 11 l+rt %N (.0 01" Clocks,Etc.Jj if! rO, 4' 1.61lf\ 1i Phone G5 Itlir►gham •• ` �.....r,r...ti.'%.l \• ,, 44+ •i.�,,+.,•a.'\.�..o.•�.. 'r•r.r •,n,.,�„',r,r:+�'S.►. j.'~ * A rr PC KNOX EXCHANGE YOUR WESTERN TOWN LOTS We will allow full value for a limited amount up to One Thous- and Dollars worth of Western Canada Town Lots, in .exchange with a slight difference cash or terms foe fully improved inside properties in the cities of Lon- don or Guelph including sewer, water, electric lights, gas, cem- ent walks, street cars past prop- erties and in well built up factory districts or select residential. These properties turn quick and are right at home. For particulars write to GEO. M, FAIRFIELD 447 Woolwich- St. Guelph Apl. 6 JOHN F. GROVES j ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES Town Hall, Wingham PtIONES:-.Office 24 Residence 168 .. _ 1"`- Men's Spring WE have just passed into stock this last week a full range of Men's Suits in all the latest shades and cuts. These are very littlehigh- er than a year ago, and we would ask you to look over our stock before purchasing your Spring Suit. Prices range from $6.00 to $24.00 We are also showing a large range of samples in made -to -measure Suits. Deleware, Lackawana and Western Coal Company's Scranton Coal We can supply the very best Coal for any purpose IHighest cash prices paid for all kinds of logs. Get full information at office. — J.A. McLEAN DEALER IN' LUMBER, COAL, WOOD AND SHINGLES. Pxoxxs Residence 55, Office 64a, Mill 64h Special Men's Raincoats sizes 34 to 44 at $3.98 for one week only. Men's Neckwear We have just what the fashion dictates in this ' line at 25c and 5Oc. Men's Spring Hats and Caps We are showing a large range of these in all the newest styles and colors. New Wash Goods Newness is everywhere evident throughout the store and particularly so in the Wash Goods where you will find the very latest weaves and choicest patterns brought out this season, Gullites, Prints, Gingharns, Crepes, Pique, buck and Voiles, all at remarkably low prices and extra quality. Dainty Mouses for Dress Goods Here are ever so many pretty designs in smart dainty Blouses especially suitable to wear with your best suits, you'll find they are just what' you want to freshen up your wardrobe. $1.00 to $3.00. Middies in a variety of new designs at 75e and $1.25 Vr 17 AA, MILL tI O D9 Successor to T. A. Mint 'C 'XNGHAM, ONP