HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-11-18, Page 41hit,�%HOTI7ATIS�
Deadlines: Friday @ 2 p.m.
"I believe family and friends, nurses, doctors
and pastors are quiet angels who lift us to our
feet when our wings have trouble remembering
how to fly." Peacefully at Clinton Public
Hospital on Friday, November 13, 2009, Mr.
Arend "Art" Haverkamp of Goderich and
formerly of Listowel in his 70th year. Beloved
husband of Janet (Duizer) Haverkamp. Loving
father and father-in-law of Hugh and Karen
Haverkamp of Listowel, Pauline Graham of
Bayfield, Annette and John Hamish of Clyde,
Michigan, Robert and Tammy Haverkamp of
Princeton, Francine and Alan Durrer of
Bayfield, Jessy and Jaime Hartung of Listowel
and Cindy and Brent Nauta of Listowel. Sadly
missed by his 18 grandchildren Mathew, Arend
and Eric Haverkamp, Raylene, Justine and
Mark Hamish, Steven, David, Sarah and
Rachel Haverkamp, Brent, Jannelle, Alex and
Cory Durrer, Avery Hartung and Ben, Jenna
and Lucy Nauta. Dear brother of Joyce
Groenenberg of Brampton, Cory Van den
Broek of Pretoria, South Africa; Bert
Haverkamp of Brampton, Jan Haverkamp of
the Netherlands and John Haverkamp of
Clinton. Also survived by many nieces and
nephews. Predeceased by one daughter
Angeleque Haverkamp (November 1964), one
sister Wilma Veenstra and by one brother
Wubbe Haverkamp. Friends were received at
the Falconer Funeral Homes Ltd. - Bluewater
Chapel, 201 Suncoast Drive E., Goderich on
Sunday from 2 - 5 p.m. Funeral service was
held at the Clinton Christian Reformed Church
on Monday, November 16, 2009 at 11 a.m.
with Pastor Stephen Tamming officiating.
Interment Ball's Cemetery, Hullett Township.
Flower Bearers were Jannelle Durrer, Sarah
Haverkamp and Raylene Hamish. Pallbearers
were Brent Durrer, Steven, Mathew, David,
Arend and Eric Haverkamp. Memorial
donations to the Clinton and District Christian
School, Canadian Cancer Society, Clinton
Public Hospital Foundation or the Community
Care Access Centre would be appreciated as
expressions of sympathy. (Falconer Funeral
Homes Ltd., 519-524-1221). —47ar
In Mensorlanss
In memory of Bill, husband, father and friend,
who left us five years ago, November 18,
Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us every day,
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still loved, still missed, still very dear.
Missed by Pat, Steven, Brian and Brad. —47x
"The robbed that mules, steals
something from the thief"
Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, November 18, 2009 - Page 41
Its food fines time at county l
library fines. The project is offered regardless of the fine amounts."
through the Huron County Library in But it's not just canned and dry goods.
partnership with the Huron County In the past, Wark says that branches
Health Unit and local food banks. have received a variety of items, like
Meigan Wark, who handles coordina- diapers and personal hygiene products.
tion of the program between all 12 Hu- Local Food banks have provided
ron County branches, says that in the branch locations with information
past, the Food for Fines program has handouts that outline the most sought -
been met with considerable success. after items aside from canned non -
She said even library users without fines perishables, including baking supplies,
have often come in condiments, baby food and toothpaste.
touting items for Last year, branches recorded 534 pa -
donation. trons contributing more than 800 items.
The system Wark said those are the kind of num-
works on a one- bers recorded consistently through the
to -one ratio, Wark program.
explained. "Our patrons appreciate the oppor-
"It's one item tunity to use this week to balance out
per overdue book," their fines," she said. "
she said. "Say you All donations through this program
have three books are redistributed to food banks within
with overdue Huron County. For more information
fines. That would on this program or other events at your
be three non -per- library visit your local branch or www.
ishable food items huroncounty.callibrary/.
signal -star stag"
Now is the time to face up to those
pesky overdue library fines and help
out the community all at once.
Branches of the Huron County Li-
brary will be participating in the 'Food
for Fines' program from November 23
to 29, when non-perishable food items
can take the place of cash for overdue
Photo by Gerard Creces
Christmas wishes
Judith Brissette, above, is taking a stand against the secu-
lar dilution of Christmas. Brissette will be selling buttons
that say "Yes, you can wish me a Merry Christmas," which
are also available at Coffee Culture and Radiant Life
Christian Bookstore.
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Canada's prettiest Sown
Pursuant to Section 291, Municipal Act, 2001
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of the
Town of Goderich will be considering the 2010 Budget, including
budgets of any Committee or Boards of, or associated with the Town
of Goderich, with intention to adopt and/or amend said budgets at a
public meeting scheduled for the following date and time:
December 8, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. in the Huron County Council Chambers.
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