HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-11-04, Page 24Page 24 - Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, November 4, 2009 10& 97( From Goderich to the skies above Europe On the second floor of tr Huron Coun- ty Museum is the Military Gallery, home to artifacts from both world wars and as far back as the Boer War. We don't often think about the personal stories attached to such artifacts in a museum, but I'd like to share one of those stories. In 1940, an Air Navigation School for the Royal Air Force, No. 31 ANS, was built near Port Albert. It was part of the British Com- monwealth Air Training Program, where schools across the country trained thousands of airmen far from the dangers of wartime Britain. No. 31 ANS was like a small town, with hospital, church, movie theatre and more; local girls flocked to dances there, im- pressed by dashing Brits in uniform. The airmen spent several months in train- ing before being posted to active duty over- seas, and their presence helped turn Goder- ich into a bustling war-hoom town. The same year the school was built, I ar- rived in Canada as a child and war evacuee from Glasgow, Scotland. I came to know some of' the airmen, and one ,.stands out in my mind. Like many in Goderich, my guardian rented space to the RAF officers and their families, since accommodations were scarce (instructors were allowed to bring wives, and a few British babies were born in Goderich during the war). She converted the second floor of her house on Caledonia Terrace into an apart- ment and in 1943, Flight Lieutenant Norman Brown of England, his wife Madge and their Combine coverage and conquer costs Having all your policies with one company saves a lot of headaches. And when that company is State farm!' it can also save you money on auto and home insurance Like a good neighbour, State faun is there' CALL MY OFFICE FOR A OUOTE Brian Hesse, Agent 75 Hamilton Street Goderich, ON N7A 1R1 Bus 519-524.7551 Brian hesse jm7sestatefarm.com .un rur 411110 IN VIbMc% tiesiOsthotensnesCsigesv Thew • Own i1J"a • Photo used with appreciation Flight Lieutenant Norman Brown lived on Caledonia Terrace in Goderich with his wife, Madge, and newborn son, John. After Madge and John returned to Britian, Brown's plane went down in 1944. baby son John, moved in. My guardian was unmarried and, with my family thousands 34 Newgate St. Goderich, Ontario 519-612-1144 email: shoebarnehurontel . on . ca Tel: (519) 524-1024 36 North St., Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T4 of miles away, Norman became like a father to me. He was a whiz in math — he taught navigation after all — and he helped me with my homework. We regularly played Chinese Checkers and did crossword puzzles togeth- er. He loved the operetta HMS Pinafore and listened to his record of it so often that I had every song memorized. In the spring of 1944 Norman was called to active duty. We were sad to see him go and worried for his safety. Madge and baby John returned to England that summer, and months later we received the tragic news: returning from his final bombing mission over Cologne in Decem- ber, Norman's plane went down and he was killed. It was hard to believe he was gone forever. Over the past few years Norman's son John, now in his sixties and living in Eng- land, has visited Goderich twice. With his wife Jean, he saw the local hospital where he was born, my guardian's house and the site of No. 31 ANS, taken down immediately after war ended in 1945. John was eager to see the places where he spent time with his parents, and learn more about a father of whom he has no memory. Those of us who do remember can nev- er forget those British airmen — how they touched our lives, and the impact they had on Huron County during the war. Saluting our Veterans Vanden Heuvel Structures Ltd. COMMERCIAL AND AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS 40 WELLINGTON STREET, CLINTON OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY -FRIDAY 8AM-5PM 519-482-9666 FAX 519-482-8966 4STEE MAY �__o MANI !TOO HOFFMEYER PLUMBING AND HEATING LTD. YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR: •PLUMBING .SHEET METAL •HEATING •GAS FIREPLACES •AIR CONDITIONING 55 KINGSTON ST. 524.7861 GODERICH -by Christine Bolus Phil Paquette, CFP®, EPC Certified Financial Planner 79 Hamilton Street Goderich 524-6030 DEEWEALTH LODE Maple Leaf Chapter of Goderich gratefully thank the families of our servicemen who have been deployed to Afghanistan and other International locales. We acknowledge the supreme commitment you and your sons and daughters make to support world peace. Our thoughts and prayers are constantly with you. 11