The Wingham Times, 1916-04-13, Page 3April 13th, 1916 THE WINGFIAM TIMES CULROSS COUNCIL Town Hall, Teeswuter, April 8, 1916, Council met to -day as per ajournment of last meeting. Members all present. The mirutes of last meeting were read and adopted, The engineer's report with regard to a Drainage Scheme known as the Pennell Drain affecting lands both in the Township of Culross and Kinloss had been received by the Clerk and laid on the table. The parties interested in the drain being present, the report was read. When some objections were made with regard to the report by the parties interested. Moved by Wm. Case, secencled by Thos. McPherson, that the report of the engineer re the Pennell drain be re- ferred back to him for reconsideration with regard to bridges, maintainance of drains and completion of same. - Carried. Plans and specifications were received from the engineer re bridge on the sixth concession known as the McKague bridge, which was laid on the table and duty considered by the Council. When it was moved by Armstrong, seconded by Donaldson, that we drop the plans and specifications made by the engineer on the McKague bridge as we consider it would be tco costly and that we have four cement abutments built and have two wooden structures built, placed over the two streams now, in course, filling between the two structures with earth. Moved by Wm. Case, seconded by Thos. Met herson, in amendment to motion for changing plans made by engineer re McKague bridge, that if we do not adopt the plan made by the engineer that we arrange to repair the old bridge for the present, until such times as our expenses are reduced. For the amendent, Case, McPherson, Kuntz; for the motion, Armstrong, Donaldson. Amendment carried, motion lost. Case -Donaldson -Whereas the Aud- itors in their statement to this council in February, 1916, stated that the treasurer did not enter the Legislative grant in cash book for the year 1915, as received Dec. 31st, 1915, whereas it now appears that said grant was mailed to County Treasurer on December 31st and could only have been received on Jan. 1st, I916, therefore at the request of the Auditors, this council wishes to correct this slight oversight. -Carried. McPherson - Donaldson - That, we appoint Wm Case to have washout re - Hommeseekers Excursions Every Tuesday, March to October "All Rail!' Every Wednesday During Season Navigation "Great Lakes Route" somewhere out on the prairies where last year Canada's Greatest Wheat Crop was produced there is a home waiting for you. The CANADIAN - PACIFIC will take you there, give you all the information about the best places, and help you to success. :: :• :: :: Particulars from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent, or write W. B. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. CAtiAAIAH PACIFIC RL,LWA. ER DREAMS CAME TRUE Life Unbearable from Indigestion Health Restored by "Fruit -a -fives' SEND THE NEWS One of the most difficult tasks in a newspaper office is in getting the facts relative to births, marriages, deaths, accidents and other happenings in the community. Many people take it for granted that when a person dies the editor is familiar with every detail, the life of the deceased and his ac- tivities, when as a fact he sometimes knows absolutely nothing about him, but he has to get his information from 'other sources, same as other persons would have to do. It is the same with marriages or other more or less im- portant happenings in the community In almost every case the editor has to dig up the particulars or satisfy him. self and his readers with a meagre and inaccurate account. The patrons can hardly overestimate how much he ap- preciates any efforts they make in furnishing the facts for news items. Send your items of news to The Times. FARE 3®®' DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO. & 1;f TTP CLEVELAND 6p. -i.i.IJ,U,ILJ • LWILI . .wtiZ-n °--' `i The Great Ship "SEEANDBEE" • '""' Tho largest and most costly steamer on any inland water of the world. Sleeping accommoda.,IV VI Bons for l&00 passengers.td k1 'CITY OF EIDE" --3 Magnificent Steamers - "C1TY OF BUFFALO", .! i� BETWEEN NI BUFFALO -Daily, May l st to Nov. 15th - CLEVELAND 9:00 P.M.Leave Cleveland 9:00 P.M. IN .Arrw Buffalo Arrive Buffalo - • - 7:30 A.M.WI ►i], ArrivoCleveland- - - 7:3((EasternStandardTirne) Southwest. aRailrCleveland d tickets readingbetweenBuffalo and Cleveland aro good foIr'otranaportation est and y on our steamers. Ask your ticket agent for tickets via C. Sr B. Line. IBcautifuR colored sectional puzzle chart showing both exterior and interior of The Great Ship "SE1kANDBEE" sent on receipt of live cents to coverpostage and mailing. Also ask for our 24-pago pictorial and descriptive booklet free. THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO.. Cly eland. OM* `AQ,,I PSI NTINCi AND STATION ERY We have put in our office Stationery and can WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETEItIES, a complete stock of Staple supply your wants in WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc 4/IJJIYJ••- MELLE C. GAUDREAU Rodman P,Q., Jan.14th, 1915. "1 suffered for many years with terrible Indigestion and Constipation. I became thin and miserable. I had frequent dizzy spells and became so run down that I never thought I would get well again. A neighbor advised me to try'Fruit- a-Lives'. I did so and to the surprise of my doctor, I began to improve and he advised nue Logo on wi th'Frni t -a -ti vee'. I continued this medicine and all my Indigestion and Constipation was relieved. I consider that I owe my life to `Fruit-a-tives' and I want to say to those who suffer from Indigestion, Constipation or headaches, try 'F ruit- a-tines'. Give this lovely fruit medicine a fair chance and you will get well the same as I did"COR7NE GAUDIREAU. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or 'sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. We will keep�a se 1 at reasonable pricebest stock in the s! lines JOB PRINTING are a in a better position than ever before to paired on gravel road opposite Robt. Ireland's, and also sideroad 20, con. 2. - Carried. Armstrong -McPherson -That Jas. Donaldson be appointed to have hill at lots 4 and 5, con. 10, repaired as soon as possible and a tile culvert put in at lots 15 and 16, con. 10, on gravel road, Armstrong- Donaldson - That we change the road beat No. 49 and put it into No. 50 as a petition was present- ed to this board demanding the same. Case - McPherson - In amendment, that we do not consider any injustice has been done to the parties interested in road beat No. 40, and that we serve the beat as arranged by Council. For the amendment, Case, Kuntz, McPherson. For the motion. Arm- strong, Donaldson. Amendment carried, motion lost. Finance -Phillip Keller, winter work on gravel road, $6.75; John Clark, salary as treasurer, $85.00; John Clark, postage and war stamps, $2.85; Robt. Ireland, winter work on gravel road, $1.25; E. J. Jackson, winter work on gravel road, $1.25; N. Melvin, winter work on gravel road, $7.00; L. Howe, sheep killed and injured by dogs, $26; Anld. McDonald, salary as assessor, $60; J. Cruder, error in tax bill, $1.00; M. Geotz, meat for indigent, $1.00; Wm. Bannerman, cutting ice and repairing road, $3.50. Donaldson- McPherson - That the finance report as now read be adopted and orders issued for payment of ac- counts, and that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on May 29th as a Court of Revision and appeal. In the meantime the Reeve to call a special meeting if necesary. CHARLES BUTTON, Clerk. attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS Or anything you may NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES require in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingham, Ont CANADA'S RAILWAYS GROW Interesting data respecting the oper- ating of Canadian railways are em- bodied in the annual report of John LambertPayne, comptrollor of railway statistics, tabled in Parliament last week. Operating mileage for the year ended June 30 increased by 4,787 miles. The total now is 35,583 miles. There has been an increase of 15,000 miles in the last ten years Ontario leada with 10,. 703 miles and the year's increase was 1,448. Saskatchewan is second with 5.328 miles, Manitoba tjtird with 4,S98 and Quebec fourth with 4,677. Capitalization increased in the year by $1,875,810,888. Cash subsidies up to date total $238,831,924. Gross earnings declined to $199,743,072, or by 17 per cent. Net earnings were $52,111,973, a decrease of $12,000,000.. A total of 46,- 322,035 passengers and 87,204,848 tons of freight were catried in 1915, represen'- ing a decrease of 380,245 in passengers and 14,189,151 in tons of freight. Railway operations resulted in 884 persons being killed and 3,161 injured. One passenger out of every two and three-quarter millions was killed, and one out of 140,369 injured. At high- way crossings 66 were killed and 112 injured. The record is regarded as exceptionally good. Union of South Africa has near y 2,000,000 dairy cows. There are nearly 40 thoroughfares in London with German names. We can all learn a lesson from the busy bee; that is, not to get stung. Great Britain has denied there wes any diplomatic crisis of The Hague. British life insurance companies thus far have paid $20,000,000 in losses on war victims. Customs returns at several ports show large gains for the month of March and the fiscal year. Page 3 Fun dings 'We defy anyone to look on the sad side of life when. the delicious, negro drollery of Bert Williams is at hand or when the inexhaustible humor of , Joe Hayman, "Calamity Cohen," is ready to divert in COLUMBIA Double -Disc RECORDS Step into any Columbia de'ol•.rr's and i sten to Bert Williams--A1289-^85c. My Landlady (Williams) Nobody (Williams) Joe Hayman -R2958= -85c. Cohen Arrested for Speeding Cohen at the Call Office. Raymond Hitchcock -A5231-$1.25 Ain't it Funny What a I)iffereuc:. Just a Few Hours Make And the World Goes On. Weber & Fields-A1855-8Se. Restaurant Scene with Trust Scene Billy Williams-R1564-8ees Here We are Again (Williams &. Godfrey) When Father Papered the Parlor (Williams & Weston) Remember Columbia dealers Qladly ploy these or any of the thousands of Columbia Records you won d like to hoer, entirely free. Complete Record list at any Columbia denier's. or write for it to: Graphophone Company Canadian Factory & Headquarters Nearly 100 of Iowa's 900 dangerous railroad grade crossings, will be made safer for travel this year. The Government has decided to ex- tend the industrial disputes investiga- tion act to apply to munition factories. i Toronto, Ont. Overfeeding of brood mares just be- fore and after foaling is the cause of much of the digestive disorders and mortality in foals. sau another day with Itching,Bleed- ing, or Irotrud• ing Piles. No surgical oper- ation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and as certainly cure you. 60c. a cox: all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. and enclose 2cc, stamp to pay pu ostage h� In °read of ureue Every mother dreads croup unless she knows about Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. Given in fre- quent smd., "es. at the first indication of trouble, thts treatment loosens the cough and affords relief and comfort. Its use should be kept up until the child is entirely recovered. How's This? We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, The singing teacher demonstrates how many people are having their imaginations cultivated instead of their voices. Michael Christ, a Macedonian, was sentenced to a year at Berlin for per- jury. He said his bride-to-be was 19 years of age, when she was under 18. INTELLIGENT SELECTION Because of his refusal to salute the flag, Ilubert Eaves, of Des Moines, Ia., colored, 11 years old, was sentenced to nine years in the State reformatory. The order in Council has been promul- gated appointing Chief Justice Sir Wm. R. Meredith and Mr. Justice L. P. Duff a Royal Commission to investigate the Kyte charges. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for coh- stipation. 15 H. E. ELL1O 1 T Sole Agent Wingham, Ontario A disastrous fire has destroyed the prison camp, Quartier Montplaisis, Lyons, France. There were, however, no casualties among the 1,000 German prisoners Not only interest but real value at- taches to the question of chrefully not- ing the individual performance of each cow in the herd. It is only after keep- ing a complete record that one finds such a strange contrast as this: of two five year old cows in doff the fresh the same day, both dried same week, one gave 5,454. pounds of milk and 213 pounds of fat, the other gave only 3,570 pounds of milk and 153 pounds of fat. Most probably the own- er would not have taken on a bet at the beginning of the season that one cow could bring in over twenty-two dollars more than the other, but she did. In another section, of two cows the same age, one gave 8,430 pounds of milk and 362 pounds of fat, but the other gave only 1,G90 pounds of milk and 67 pounds of fat, Is there adiff- erence of eighty-eight dollars in the earning power of any two cows in your herd? Building up a profitable dairy herd in- cludes the selection of good individual cows. The rational method is to weigh the milk and test samples regularly for fat, Write to the Dairy Division, Ottawa, for information on cow testing, so that your selection may be intelligent, 1 T mailed direct oreceipt , Toronto,fpriceyOn e so that your profits may be larger. :%0440,04440000004000446000440040004404.00•00000.400040 •04005®04000''0m0400.O'QAC'X40440040004404.00.00000.40004© • The Duke of Devonshire owns what is claimed to be the rarest book in Europe. It is Claude Lorrain's "Book of Truth." The father of the present Dukerefused $100,000 for it. 9 4 • 4 m 0 • N 0 0 • 4 • e • 4, d • • 0 s • 0 • • • a • • • • • 0 4, 0 9 0 0 9 • 4 0 Q 0 • e • 0 0 • 0 • • • 0 • 0 4 • 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 • In the Public Accounts Committee at Ottawa a dredging contract at Victoria was taken up, in which it is charged, graft to the extent of some $140,000 took place as a result of padding ac- counts, with connivance of Public Works Department officials. More than twelve thousand letters, containing thirty thousand suggestions, have been received by the City Clerk of Berli , in the competition to obtain a new naine for that city. Giovanni Correll, apparently out of curiosity, put his head under a 1,300 pound steam hammer at the Billings - Spencer plant in Welland and tripped it with his foot at the same time. His head was smashed flat. Up to March 15 Ontario had en. rolled 117,570 men for overseas ser- vice. and Quebec but 29,093 men, or neairly four to one. 'i'his province can do still better than she has yet done, but it would be some satisfaction to her to know that her team-mates were carrying a fair share of the load. Suffered Awfully FROM BILIOUS HEADACHESa1 When the liver becomes sluggish and inactive the bowels become constipated, the tongue becomes coated, the stomach foul and bilious headaches arc the upshot. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills will stimu- late the sluggish liver, clean the foul - coated tongue, do away with the stomach gases and banish the disagreeable bilious headaches. Mrs. J. C. '.Kidd, Sperling, D.C., writes: "I have used Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills for bilious headaches. I suthem. Theyiwerettil I the onlyted to take thing that ever did me any good. I never have any bilious headache any more" Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c per vial, 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, he Times Clubb 1 • • • • • a • List • ng��,• V •• • 0 Times and Saturday Globe 1.90 • Times and Dally Globe 3.75 • Times and Daily World • • . 3.10 • Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star.... 1.85 a Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,85 e• Times and Toronto Daily Star.. ......... , 2.80 • Times and Toronto Daily News.. 2.80 •• Times and Daily Mail and Empire. 3.75 • 1.60 • Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 2.35 • • Times and Farmers' Advocate• Times and Canadian Countryman 1,50 Times and Farm and Dairy 1.80 0 Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press. 1.60o Times and Daily Advertiser (morning) 2.85 •• Times and Daily Advertiser (el. ening) 2.85 e Times and Londnn Daily Free Press Morning • 3.50 • Edition 2.90 0 Evening Edition Times and Montreal Weekly Witness i.b5 e Times and World Wide 2.25 • Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg,.... x.20 0 Times and Presbyterian 2.25 • Times and Westminster 3.25 a Times, Presbyterian and Westminster 3 25 • Times and Toronto Saturday Night 3.8550 • • Times and MeLean's Magazine. .... 1.75 Times and Home Journal, Toronto 2 70 e Times and Youth's Companion 2.90 e Times and Northern Messenger 2.901 v Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly). 1.65 • Times and Canadian Pictorial.......... .... • Times and Lippincott's Magazine 3.15 Times and Woman's Hom3 Companion . 2.70 • 2.60 a Times and Delineator . . 2.65 0 Times and Cosmopolitan 2.45 0 Times and Strand 2.45 ,s Times and Success o Times and McClure's Magazine2.10 • Times and Munsey's Magazine 2,85 e • Times and Designer 1.85 : 2.20 e : Times and Everybody's e These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great: s Brita•in. • • • The above publications may be obtained by Times. • :subscribers in any combination, the price far any pub Ica-: :tion being the figure given above less $I.00 representing: :the price of The Times. For instance : •• • • w The Times and Saturday Globe $1.90 The Farmer's Advocate ($2.35 less $1.00). 1.35 + • • 2 i :making the price of the three papers $3.25. $3.25 + •• The Times and the Weekly Sun.... $1.70 • I. • The Toronto Daily Star R2.30 less $1.00)....... 1,30 • °e The Saturday Globe ($1.90 less $1.00) 90 o :the four papers for $3.90• $3.90 • '� us know. If the publication ou want is not in above list let. • W e s. t n supply almost any well-known Cana- I : dian or American publication. These prices are strictly i :cash in advance. • • • $. ♦sosoeosoo�oo�fao�o�`������o�►000dsose0000++oeesosoo�s