HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-04-13, Page 2Page 2 ' [Uilk Haftit i S Sf�� is almost as much as is paid Sir Robert t Haftay Prl« 0iiitr Minister, whose allow- A CITY 4 ince is tl0(1, and is considerablvbigh- Town er than the amount paid Dominion j Tiptket Office,C44fnet Ministers, which is $7,000 !i lye c= issuo through tickets via Xr. %utas aleu Gets more than. Sir Popular routos, to tiny point in ,mnerica Henry Drayton, chief Of the: Dominion East, Wosr, Smith, Northwest, Man!, Railwray Commission, Svhose salary i soba PaCif c Coast t*t i oFMrsT�ar Ancient Petra.. In Arabia, Now i Ruins and Deserted. c. $10,0110 a y e4r. Baggage chi "dt • I through to destiny i The Premier of Ontario, Ron. W. H. tion, and full ant»ranationgivenwhereb.v C travelling will b- make pleasant and kleaast. draws $6,000 a year, While the 1 LIVED illi EARLY` Si6LE TIME freer imam annoyance. Tourist and Cabinet Ministers receive $6010 per - --^ return titAwt-s to aciave points also on annum sale at 1•�„'ir :, ores, and . with all The Lieutenant -Governor, Hon. J, S. prevailing lgle e ti t.t=a:teges, rant? r..:riirn tickets to anypoitit Hendrie, manages to worry along on Sin in Ontario. i . ar ousiness will be ap- $10,000 it, year, although he is provided preei:ated, b. .,sir trip a short or a with a palace to live in, built at the long One. eve f th 1? Then It Was Famous and aivoaith and R Plotoo Where. History 1Wa Madan-lta curious `T'omplos. Tomb ant! Pwellings Carved Put of Soli Rock, . We can ti -oat throu h to an • pens . a e rovtnee. g y We” the chief justice Of the Supreme pOint in k ur„it -,,,n all leading steamship Court of Canada, Sir Charles Fitz Hues, Prri.,%W ,,'..iers also issued. If it's ah an• travel, we have the; Patrick, derives less than liar. Lucas iuform;ti4'uat='.l; w11I give it to you# thesalarybeing$10,000. OtherSuprem cheerfully. _ Vourt judges are paid $S,aKlo a year. H. B, ” ELLIOTT I� it because lion, Sir, Lucas has such exceptional ability that he i favored with s total of $11.4110? Town A ent C.T.R. Is there no one else to act as 'gimes Ofla:,>. Wingham, Out. member of the Hydro Commission? Has Mr. Lucas so much spare time -tw7AnLISSXD 184> on his hands as Att G s1 th G IOU rt . H B. ; L1.Ier'r r- '>i' BUISHha AHA VnoPIETott TO ADVERTISERS Notice of chs^i m must be left at this office r.^t l: terthan Saturday noon, The copy for changes must be left not layer than Monday evening: Casu,:6 alitt•rtisements acceptad lip to as i 1,n I'-3nesdav of each week THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1916^ R`.'rAL LOYALTY. Orney ever , a another job must be provided to kee hint busy.? .Isn't this a time for bionomy instead of extravagance in the matter o salaries? Rez uta on the Ileal. Mr. Peterson, South Bay, Ont.. 'writes; "For years I suffered a sort of eczema on the head. I tried four differ- ent doctors, giving each a fair trial, blit the disense grew worse and spread Ito my arm. I .got lir. Chase's oink- rnent, and it has entirely cured me. I give you my name because I want other sufferers to know about this splendid Ointment;" tt=a°e:ph :tlercury.) BILLY SUNDAY Newspal t» ; are called upon to deal To the Editor; with msny ki.As and varieties of people. When Mr. Sunday spoke in Tomato Th. phth "+ r .Sts by a fairly good mar- he said in part: - Newspapers have gin an the," who always. have thJ t turned the search light on the dark `•\,�w a41 ,r ..141 yon put that in for. dirty, dungeons and cleaned them out to eapressiont and second place goes to the make the cities pure. Liquors is the man tvd:at a >as that he could run a crime of crimes, the sin of sins. It is paper b. t"e,• than any editor who ever existeJ. 'e i, -n there are those, and the source of three-fourths of as tof heaven '.,',"" 'ens, who occasionally crime and it takes three-fourths of have a g,>.T,3 word. and who now and your taxation have to care himfor. the lobster azain carry one of your best efforts after you have I e biled him. �1 bo ,oats the bill for this, 'The aroun 3 in "'Ar ve,t pocket. landlord who loses the rent, the baiter, Fiat t o is is us be=aten in di velapilag the botcher, the groper. the coat mer- aan i k�ri+� _+..a, to perfection the news-; chant, the dry goods merchants, and paper fan. They hive a sort of loyalty. the charitable men who pity the child - there that can only be likened to what ren of the poor drunkard, who keeps the brant is rF afitee boy lies for his them from starving, who go deep down paper av'le n he engages in a free-for-all into their pockets to support theta. and in the 'a',ey because some youngster the tax players who maintain the jail,, callod the rditor a sap -head. penitentiaries and poor houses. For The c ., it of France is a ferocious every eight hundred dollars spent in Tuan. iii, Nue pencil and scissor,. evade producing useful and necessary conn deep into u4ing that he does not want odities the working man receives printed. $I4.33 in wages. But far every eight ILe t.:de a frontal attack on a recent i hundred dollars spent in the manu_ edition of :vie Toulouse Ecole Laigue, a 1 facture of baoze the working elan gets feurpag., weekly. When the smokeionly $9.54. had eieaaar, .1 away, and the printer's -The saloon comes as near heipg the devil hat v iped his hands off on his rat -hole into which the working elan Nut- ov a .s, it was discovered that all can dump his wages as any. thing this that re t imed of the paper was a side of Bell. To tied what the devil quarter ,:a ;e of advertising. The rest is doing, find what the saloon is doing• vas bliank. "The man voting for the saloon is And here's where the real newspaper voting for the devil to drag his bay to loyally' Inside its appearance t?n the scene. 1 halt and in my opinion the man who The stands and champions the saloon de- T se alar the paper appeared the i serves to have his boy die a drunkard. e Ilton rert'ived at wire from "'Old Sub- $ If you don't want him to die a drunkard scriber. "' He sayeth '"Continue your achy do tion force the saloon on him? magr,;1*.1 lit campa;gn. You have my ,•The naan who does not believe in elatbusi astic support." hell has never seen a drunkard's home. Afterreading that awe through aaThe dsvil and the saloon keeper are al- bundred -mes. the editor decided not to p sui ide, taut went out sand bought a per_ ways putting on the same rove. featlytarai hve-cent cigar sed t"om- "Lincoln said that if slavery was not naEztlY A dig sant site weedy t�sYaCk- a crime he did not know what was. If ads. flan sloe following issue, the death, if the pauperism, if the !rime, if the insanity, if the Immortal. L; Vuhv to a newspaper is really a ity, in all its hideous farms. which re- sublime t Ing. suits from the license system. does not matte it a crime, I don't know what A QUESTION OF SALARY. will, shouted Sunday" "The whiskey, joint has no use for the light of public - Windsor Record. l ity. It is leaged with a gambling hell There is o dispnsiti%Nn to attaack the and the house of prostitution. Shut SW of Flan. L B. Lucas. His re- the saloon and these other evils beast it munPm*ian as Atterne i, -General, as for their patronage is taken away. =ent:_rof the, Iiydro-e.ectric Com- missi.n anal as member of the Legis- "The liquor interests ate fat, sleek, lature i, $I1,4W. If there is 'to be smug and powerfully entrenched in the ally attack it slicasld not be upon -what land. You must gout up your signs Mr. Lie" receives, but upon the r against the rotten impurity it bteeti,. ggtariy salaries which this rich,$ e(i provin a is willing to _ppay to other E humanity will never get the I'covay tial Ministers.---TOrontes dews, batter of it until it is hung on the $ib - The weary 11on. M.; Lm.`as receives het of public shame Now is the tittle + for people to put up their hands for V action independent of Governmen'U Duey �%Tq eed°d l lie is drextlfnlly in earnest as eve sets'b` The strangest city in the world. i Petra, cut out of solid rock In a lone some mountain galley In the Arabia: e desert, :Once a rich city, It is note ai abandoned rule, It Is so old that it. s origin is lost to history, but it wa s well known in earls Bible times whet the Edomites Inhabited it, unci abou a a Centur," after the beginning of th( Christian era. it was conquered by th( Romans. But * feir centuries later i' t was abandoned by civilization, and fol P 1,500 Sears it lay forgotten by th( world until the traveler Burckbardt to discovered it in 1512. f So inaccessible is its situation, aI though it once lag on a trade route that not More than fifty travelers arf hllaavu to have visited It since Burck, bardt's time. No romancer ever conceived such 7 Place. J.11 around are barren moue. tains, rocky wild and trackless. Be. Deal the mountains stretches the des. prt. :L savage glen deepens into along, narrow gorse with perpendicular walls one or two hundred feet in neigh:. Fol. lowing this ravine for two miles, the adventurous traveier suddenly finds himself lit A kind of gateway in the rocks, like the entrauce to a Raman amphitheater. Here he is confronted by a temple out In the rock, with the most exquisite Corinthian columns. and, entering the doorway, he finds himself in the heart of the hill, surrounded by subterranean architecture of the most elaborate beauty of form and workmanship. This Is the so called khasueb" or treasury, supposed to have been built by the Ro- man emperor Hadrian. who visited Petra in the year 1$1 3 D. Although called a IIVAsury, It was a temple de• voted to Isis. No description of this strange building has ever excelled that; given by Stephens, the first American ti greler to see it: ."The whole temple. its columns, or- naments" porticoes and porches are cut out from :tnd forma part of the solid rock, and this rock, at the foot of Which the temple stands like a mere print, towers several hundred feet Above, Its face cut smooth to the very summit and the top remaining mild and misshapen, as nature made it, Nei- ther the Coliseum at Rome. grand and iuteesting as It is. nor tate rnius of the Acropolis at Athens nor the pyraml& nor the mighty temples of the Nile are so often present to my memory"„ But this is only an Introduction to the marvels behind. The gorge opens out Into a narrow valley some three miles in circumference, everywhere sunk deep beneath the inclosing moun- tains, ouetains, and the walls Of this valley are filled with the remains or other rock cut temples, tombs :and dwelling places. In one place are the remains Of an open stir theater. $Ome of the structures cut in the face of the rock: are several stories in height, while their "rebitectaMl. details excite the wondering admiration of the beholder: Of course they aaila Immensely in the eyes of the surprised visitor by their situation and by,tbe air of total abaar donment which surrounds them. They are at various heights above the floor or tate valley. and the uplifting of the eves turned to studs them adds to the impression or lonely mayesty which they make upon them. It is rare to meet'Lav human being in the place. Sometimes a few Arabs are seen. but at night the voices of wolves, hSenas, Owl, and Jae'k-ais may Lie heard. ;and occasionally one ofthese animals may be surprised iurkins in the, dark interior of as open tomb. Large venomous serpents are also sometimes Inet with. It is not surprising that some visitors have applied. to Petra, which .has bt>esi suppasc6d to be the Selab of the Bible= the curses tittered by tate Hebrew Prophets Against the lased of idutnee. such As ese: "Aird thorns sbail e-,%,,,. tip in her palamk,. nettles sand ramble iu the fottress5es thereof, and it sbai be 9 habitatioA for dragons and a coan for olds," or. '"Oh, thou that dweiltat; in the Clefts of the pact s, that hoideA the height of the DUL though thotti sltottldst snake the zest as lid as the, eag3es I w111 firing ttee down from saith the Lord.*'-- Gtrretx 2.. THE WINGRAM TIMES QvI A, L TT'S LYE Ves spur the Souls of teen who've c -aided into their holes, content tar I .et tX t -*hole world slide, the tail osalttected with the bide. DIS WINGHAK ONTARI Agent for Allan Line Cunard Like Donaldson Lines. Canadian. Northern Lines Ocean Stealaaships. TOWN MUCTOM, BAPTIST CHURCl;I-Sabbath service At 11 a. in. and 7 V. in, :Sunday Seboo At 2:50 V. m. General prayer meeting and 13. Y, F. XJ, every Wednesday h $ P. in. A C. Riley, H. A., Pastor Geo. Pocock, S. S. Superintendent, METHODIST Ci1=H-^Sabbath ser .vices at 11 a, in. and 7 V. in. Sunda; School at 2;30 p. in. Epworth Lergu( every Moedevening. General prayer I meeting on duesday evenings, Rev J,. IV. Ribbert, pastor, F. Buchanan S. S, Superintendent, PRESBYTERIAN CAURCii—Sabbath sex vices at 11 a, m. and 7 p. in. Sunda; School at 2:50 p, in. General prayc meeting onWedoesda evenings. Rev D Ferries pastor. Frank Lewis, S S. Superintendent. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, ErISCOF .L--Sab bath services at 11 a. in. and 1. p. in Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rev 2.0. Dymond Rector, Alex. Al deron, S. S. Superintendent. SALVATION Aamy (CITADEL.--Servici at 11 am., 3 .m, and 7 p.m. on Sunday At S o'clock on Thursday evening There will be special music provided it the Sunday evening service from 7 t( 7.15 POST OFFICE—O#Ficehoursfrom Sa.m to 6:30 P. m, Open to box holders fron 7 a, in. to 9 P. m. C. N Griffin, post master. P,ulll.tc I,1nRARx-Libxary and fra( reading room in the Town all, will b( oen every afternoon f>- im 2 to 50 o clock, and every evening from 7 tc 9:30 o'clock, Miss Delia Reid, lib, rarian, HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS —Air, G. R. Smith, B, A., Principal and Specialist in Mathematics; Mr. J. A. Anderson, B. A., Science; Mr. W. J. South. Combe. B. A. Specialist in Classics; - Hiss L. Matthews, A Message -to His Love. Superintendent Fiitit Ba -ter Thnr wua as lied tut Box=18. Wingbam Ont. - FOU ;rare that Bald man while ;;having him, 'Second Sarher-oli, ttaerP a ren- Railway Time Table son for that. I'm vourtmg his maid, and the cut will let her know that 1qI meet her this erening. One way. -What iG the [lest arae t„ preserve pEaches3” inquired Mrs. Wombar. "Beep 'ern on a high shrift' advised Mr- Flubdtlb, alio has enterprising kids. The path of duty Is the tray of cafe• ty and the read to honor. -Old ,Sall In-.^,. 119 HONESTLY BELIEVED RE WAS GOING INTO CONSUMPTION, DR. s>! OODYS Norway Pine syrup CURED Hift --- Mr. Frank E. Anthony, 69 Z1ltn1 Street, U12111ip . Man., Writes: "11,1'Viat Rev. Tbos.a:atti*ss, fotmerly s Pres- taken several bottles of Dr. Food's byter%w ttbinistert s+clra rtsignetl sc:ne y i'itre Syrargb, sharing the pest fi:asP years ago to enter commercial life, has v to relieve a chronic rough and '3`I,r r let Alas rieatr an ftsv. e" Miss M. 1 Whyte, B. A., Special• ist in Moderns: Miss B. F.. Anderson, r Oft Enow iqCommercial Specialist; bliss E. C. r_ay.s�_tzt €tctai%o they lit ib Thor House of oftyr. WANUPW. ,Garrett, Art. IGH SCHOOL BOARD—R. VanstoneCREAM '. F. ianstone, r F. Buchanan. C. P Smith, Dr. Redmond, W. J. Howson, orJ. A. McLean. Chairman, R. Vanstone; Having an up to•date Creamery is full oper.ttiou, vre solicit Sour create Secretary, D. Holmes; Treasurer, A. Cosen9. Regular meetings are held on patronage We are prepared to pay the highest the 2nd Monday of each month market prices for good cream an a ''tve you an honest bnsinr-, welgbir• , Towx COUNCIL -J. W, McKibbon, . Mayor, S. Mitchell, RL. P. eeve sampling and testing each can of ereata received carefully and re.urait g a . r Binkley, W. H Gurney, W. isbister. full statement of same ro each patron We fn bili two ean4to each patron A. Tipling, Geo. Spottoo, W. G, Patter. goes Councillors;John F G.oves Clerk; DAY all espresscharges and pay evert tiro we ekv , and J. G. Stewart, Treasurer. Board Wrrte for furth,r particulars or ss(eenndfor meet first Monday, evening in each at o'clock.- f�cans t�f,and(�giiveeluss1a[trriiaal. CO.month SEAFUAjl1 CREAlltil7J O FlUBLICSCHOOL $CARD—H. E. Isard, SE;FORTH, ONT. b, Wm. Field, T. R. Bennett, Dudley Holmes, W. H. Rintoul, il6 bead on acltlifi is instcrital `" # A. E Lloyd, za.r► :tto *:"s, l,PE ntr$."pS�:;tit'. 'al,"C�'}' Robt. Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves t1�M1 titlti d +is lit ttte f Li^tiy, Secretary Treasurer, Board meets in Council Chamber on the second Tues. a.a,ai�1$i aavi tli�+i #w: 9r_r.,h ty.4d. �C. t+ q+� G h U d r e n O T y day of each month. FOR FLETCHER'$ Fui3mc SCHOOL TEACEMRS.--A. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, .Hiss A ate- t T 01FZ I A Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- nrom .st n E ttsit pion is to ��, �t � : 'ITraod's Zsrararsy ;€'ms 4 «t total with licbtl�tty�ere ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley. I1y11 patkUttii4} tlt#1d i` th .lar r3ls1 I 4 t�ATft W - �pliilll'; BOARD OF HEALTH. --Dr. A. J. Irwin, Working Out a Garden's Salvation. (chairman), Wm'Fessant, Atex Porter, John F. Groves, Secretary; Dr. R. C. Looking backward. t titne the trans!- Redmond, Medical Health officer, tion from reading- [aaok. shout gardens -..,�..�..._. to doing w(.:k in oue of them and how it graduaill, ealne tat Ants, that I read Wingham f±ra�O��lif� t7 Hospital t less and Only of standard slibstantiali- ([Inder Government Inspection) ties that misfit tte termed principles. -+— because I found ttat I mu -t work out Pleasanfly situated. Beautifully fur. lily own ,„arde�. ­11ration and word: it nislied. ripen to all regularly licensed out, if not with dear and trembling, physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS—which include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15, cer'alutc with a daumla:e mind ands humble dk-Fo,;Won. l-rom ••sir Grow- per according to location of iug Garden.- by .I. novice 31rI*arland. idress . For room.Por further information, ad- - Hiss L. Matthews, A Message -to His Love. Superintendent Fiitit Ba -ter Thnr wua as lied tut Box=18. Wingbam Ont. - FOU ;rare that Bald man while ;;having him, 'Second Sarher-oli, ttaerP a ren- Railway Time Table son for that. I'm vourtmg his maid, and the cut will let her know that 1qI meet her this erening. One way. -What iG the [lest arae t„ preserve pEaches3” inquired Mrs. Wombar. "Beep 'ern on a high shrift' advised Mr- Flubdtlb, alio has enterprising kids. The path of duty Is the tray of cafe• ty and the read to honor. -Old ,Sall In-.^,. 119 HONESTLY BELIEVED RE WAS GOING INTO CONSUMPTION, DR. s>! OODYS Norway Pine syrup CURED Hift --- Mr. Frank E. Anthony, 69 Z1ltn1 Street, U12111ip . Man., Writes: "11,1'Viat Rev. Tbos.a:atti*ss, fotmerly s Pres- taken several bottles of Dr. Food's byter%w ttbinistert s+clra rtsignetl sc:ne y i'itre Syrargb, sharing the pest fi:asP years ago to enter commercial life, has v to relieve a chronic rough and '3`I,r r let Alas rieatr an ftsv. e" i ,e blain ought ttr lye. .H. Arnott, MA. ;i:i. C .S. decided to zettirtt to thetainistry, lzavits � t>♦roat uwcbte„ aucivr fee to t r• 1? my tatihcixndc"d sstisfatUan rill r_ay.s�_tzt €tctai%o they lit ib Thor House of oftyr. a=epted a kali to a ftietbadist church, ,Ia1;s as to its sterling udities, gL_ s 1 n ty ;$rte-a*h weer 3:tud tmr itt 3 a 7 b ca`,It fatirh r g tl"td szMP-ag. �-=------:.-- Ltt P'i�kttt'b tliC siottle tmiiX' OR Croy Sts raf dam( eat 1a sfiireet lie y shalt ti=e f01 bec=e sud enol ��`Ltb - xieltnt cc5at ittsi fits at niglit, gtA t ,o b:oa. TL(s hc:sx td rias " t w`•gatn'lrezcn: =; 4T .0 11+r"T�tRfQTS b 1iRY li'itC11?ttG tr ail .Adsalns third stm. Se h, 'T bey Histerittally otitario'13 liquor t'itamc directly after using bat the =Orman, for r<p satteaticrt, the foilasi"zag s*attar Aboutntihottr,andfoundI asE gradually t4'fi"..".i.wtir .L.04*ft.to i:lt`" 13 - -s. a p 1 �•r.+-•:w. ' liet`t are 7 a actbtirs in at at the time at the dtquge :�tl,ak *Oak tbedr fork lly title- &-eds into tb6 S9t1t$ 7t*Bt,. All any' ifften CiCCt'firf� -A- tAkeb f#teat. the last report of the, _toomed me tliat 11s.01:e dk as thou h t tai a� w t�k t St=ab tS dsy his hrs�r3 �—. al tezrl ontsrin, art .Iii their rliattslra lair bo sten * Intxtia Liceege 0otntnissioni. In tha'F I �s� 90109 is tc s"u=--ptaoli, ate I � �Y t e 1.t:n YSa the2 t"�ra.A' F 81'0 LJ oou av �' �$ d e eaaaaar tr dsr . sRd a hating last ses s -on ;y„r^r,tlW tft giouatis � off tI1St l�r�ht, lCl i1 t/nE ' sloe tir0irtnfng imesi +alt+rts lit scroll rllxtya I rttd ISI i9I4., the total 13=ber of dtiestly wieved rSC •.i the vase. tavetta licensrs in site Pro�itics' � las rhrt�tr. after ha,img takl;n at vt:tstl ; E:<tared uu bodtiatousht:urrn Of nlillL were rlcblvstt+cl at tlst ,asci+ il6 bead on acltlifi is instcrital `" # atilof'Dst Fwtao 's° I aisz gle#tstcd tr, `i; za.r► :tto *:"s, l,PE ntr$."pS�:;tit'. 'al,"C�'}' - livors re �i,te IYtltrtyn_S '�IiCYYC! `�t.rt2 t1�M1 titlti d +is lit ttte f Li^tiy, :ram 1,'`" to 1,. total sttogt lid. ditt that to a leas ezitcirct I diS� cses fzorti 1,2r, to 2I$; tib 1totAl vtiisihl -' ` tom. 2:11 the mletp a.a,ai�1$i aavi tli�+i #w: 9r_r.,h ty.4d. �C. t+ q+� Ib �i4tafistt � c�c�ttimeriea, 7�'1th ra _ .. .. .'"t .yzrtpttt�, have `ee licetySe.t froi11:' 2 td 2.I (lit IM *ft* "s , ve siti m iZ�lT#1Gd 3�aG Ili I Itavt ¢ : n> q aTu�L E }' t E6 lits Le :e tY Lwl3�S`f St ".YY;s gratttilbt, These are III � ftattatift with ,� NO t�i0tiftw^. 3§1ta ice- "Ere giryiilre lis to 1� tit's nrom .st n E ttsit pion is to ��, �t � : 'ITraod's Zsrararsy ;€'ms 4 «t total with licbtl�tty�ere ,!';i' ?k¢ c$, �.`i`alit +2r 3d 1 is o -t," tly11M,td I1y11 patkUttii4} tlt#1d i` th .lar r3ls1 I 4 t�ATft W - �pliilll'; ,y` #ill tt 3;ti Gtut�a )dt liSOtlPt ill dll. #Ydit t1llh i :. ��u, �' bl�' 'tom lYl7;'!"P.'4 r w ft :.=iuE., tl'1 i3t�fa!fJiMfy. LiyC,[O 1PN, �,Sl}' YL L (`orad tl' titi4t 2I {`,tttb li+� it's late ts IN& Next f Af n►li+ t" f't'�tiXf�` :ktl� �„ patotra in wetteft ontmia, �eS+at br •I0 * st'1tiltever. �rt�-I11"st , �Er ll�t>3`L 164od�, i� :[r .�aet'll -"f�1. , 0 n ,tin tci eekitYii use taodee±iiLi+ tiJS1', tznait»Af`:.".ti§sien tt; 1'"'thos* there ift � '7 bo just t s" IT. toi it E r fli4 i +eAk badT"s '-i5sui -tit tots bamber of ]fico, t'igWi-,i tUt YW get *hkt ywa sash for. it it rtsap -rte, 33isye}eLp( to ..s�:�at�i#+I4ai?tsMcsEL�y��2Hosft tt6lw bb f'"•a. `fY:`.ui1' snPl��ly9�i,n,�gytyrii�litttit4 fc iyiip_ ttitlii tilpiiyOt BA+fi tl Ifi l � • trlreft tt'tirko 65 i Is in191'd sp Lstiicy�#yam tht C7*k m 3 U& srntier -0rre("' od t4V . tw ate, `�z: x � xlakib ax d? � l>tttttr at � - -----� ebatnmittinAfrCe fort I t ct 4r,Fy a y 22s etnry 81 Sgwia? 6* Avent:f,, Ila , `Ifto-4 twi -at�i A...a S:, 1ii+t*U U I�Stt y`iitg is tills c'�i"t� iii iri' i iitftr t�114'�l ' left tla� t !f tliri# � `� s� ,dPi' #lifs 1ttE4e a� "iOkk 'rbb tt, 'kith ftwltia.itiout, T. � fritts 'S# ft€1W to 4,M ilii I9%� .. ., � `�'Iikc'sto, Ort. V" ii GR332D TRC2Fg RAILWAY S'VjT9M, TRAINS LEAVE FOR London...... .. 6.35 a.m. 3.22 p.m. Toronto and East 6.45a.m. 3.15 p.in Xhicairdine ..... 11.59 p.ui. 9,15 P:1,1:. AURIFE FROM Kineaardine ..... 6.30 at.m. 3.155 p.m, Landon......... .. 11.54 as ma 7.40 p.na, Toronto and Esmt11.45 aa.m. 9.15 P.M. W.F. BC11GUAN. Station agent. winghsm H B ELLIOTT, To -ma -Agent, Wingham. ICA--FADIAN PACIFIC U&ILWA-r TF__ LV$ LEAVE FOR Toronto and Eaast 6.25 aa.m. 3.05 p.m. " xeeswater....... 12 50p.au. 10.32 Pan. ARRIVE FROM Teeswater... (i 2fia,na. 3.05 p.m. Toronto and Fast 12.4ip.m. 10.20 p.m. S. S,BSESISR, .Agent. wingham A Representative Waeta AT ONCE for LYINGHAM and DIS -1 TRIM for the Old Reliable I+on,thill Nurseries Farntel"s! 'Whr remain idle all Winter when 3'Ottccan take upapaying agency, Choice fast of varieties for Spring Planting. LiberaalTernzs. Handsome Free Outfit- Exclusive Territory, NVrite now for particulars, StOnO & Welltng$tirl TORONTO, ONT. _% it bVklt 65 5t> Afts- is April x3 tb, j90 The W100ham Times I8 RU153"OHBD EVERY TH14WAY MORNING --0— The UZ04 Cif ao Stone 01004. WINORAM,, ONTAB,IO. Trams coo 1st a4Citlt' ION-T$1.p0 per annnta in advanoe, Slap it not pold. wo paper dde0oa- tinued till ail arreare ore paid, egoept of the option of the publisher. , ADVERTISING RATES nasPLAY ADV'r%a218ararms One Fear... $416 ft eaoli lnseriont tiix Months. 260 (100 " 1. Three Months 1.66 1130 „ One Weeke Mouth .. ... , 9 (1601" •• 7aeealand other similar atiperEi8eatieut9, Ipe per line for Arst insertion and 4o per pine for each sniisequent in9ertioa. :104sured by a nonporlel scolo, twolve lines to an inch. Business osrds of six lines and under, $5.00 per year. Advertisomentq Of Sitngtions Vacant. Sithe. tion9 Wanted, Houses for Sale or to rent Articles for Sale, etc, not exfjoedlug eigtit lines, tic each insertion; a1 for Srst month. Wo for each subsequent mouth. Larger ad vertisements In proportion. Busy us local or news�mwatter..j10oo Per llne counted Insertion. Medical DHS. KENNEDY & CALDER QestoBs—Coruer Patrlalt and Centre Sts. 1r hoses: Ufllces Besidence, Ur. Kennedy 14348 Residsnoe„ua, Calder 151 Dr. Rennedy specialises in surgery, Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dia eases Of the lye, Bar Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughl Tested. diasses properdj fitted, DR. ROST, C. REDMOND, At, P, C. 8,(Emg1 L. R. O. P. London PHYSICIAN end SVRGEOD7 OMM. on Patrick Street. W. Ii. Hamlily, B.$o., M.U.. C. 4m`. Wingbam, Ontario. yelp children thavingdt kene 309Eofgrndnata work in Surgery, Bartariology and i3cieatiflo 5ledioino, 011100in the Kerr residence. between the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Churoh. All business given careful attention . Phone 84. P. O. Boa 118. 108TEOPATHIG AtiYSIGIAN DR. F. A. PARKER. Osteopathy builds vitality and strength. Adjustments cf the spine and other tissues is gently secured., thereby removing predisposing causes of disease. Blood pressure and other examine- tiens made. Trusses scientifically fit- ted. OFFICE OVER CHRISTIE'S STORE. Hours -Tuesdays and Fridays. 9 a. in. to 9 P. in.: Wednesdays, 9 to 11 a. in. Other days by appointment. Chiropractic J. A. FOX, D. C. GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR Chiropractic removes the cause Of Practically all diseases, It matters not what part of the body isaffected, it caatl be reached thru the centres in the spinal column by adjustment of sublax- atted vertabra.. Consultation free. Member of Drugless Physicians' Association of Canada. winghaml oat. Dental ARTHUR J. IRWI , D. D. S., L.D.S. Dactorof Dental Sargery of the Penmylvanis Dental College and Licentiate of the Roral tbitege.ofDental Sur �eonsofOntario. U�ce in O�reclose DeverS Wwegdaes3ag afternoon from mar 1st to October Ist, a- ROSS, D. D- S., L. D. S. Elolseentiaai 8tir¢seons of Ontario aRoyal nC'oorUegggttsda ate of thei3niversity of Toronto, nor gra u_ Dentistry.of offles over H.11, Issrd & Oo's., stores Wing - ham, out. Uf$oe closed evory Wedne$asr afternoon from ,1fay Ist to Oct. Ist, Legal R• t'ei14S"1`O:tas ILMSHIST01t, Somer JE, stto. to 4f to andere Coatr W funds to loan atlovms hie Of iatel e9t- orty*p,p town and farsra ir�aterty bought anti a 4 it A. AFORTox. �* �ilrta�r f1nt: DUDLEY t OLMES gardstor, sonaltor, Eta. Guice: Meyer $lOck,ii�Inlgiiatn, 0 U - Ir ID AME11,"118 NO