The Wingham Times, 1916-04-06, Page 3April 6th, 1916, THE WINGHAM TIME°:S AP ■w •.. VI • a; Neel ataa, err' qa <i8 . flWiimo Horne seekers Excursions verb Tuesdaa►, March to October "All Rail" Every Wednesday During Season Navigation "Great Lakes Route" Somewhere out on the prairies where last year Canada's Greatest Wheat Crop was produced there is a home waiting for you. The CANADIAN PACIFIC I - -- CANADIAN PACIFIC will take you there, give you all the information about the best places, and help you to success. .. .. .. .. Particulars from arty Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent, or write W. B. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Get"More Money" for your Skunk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes,White Weasel, Fisher and other Fur bearers collected in your section SIIIP YOUR FURS DIRECT to "SHUBERT" the largest house in the world dealing exclusively in NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS a reliable -responsible -safe Fur House with an unblemished rep- utation existing for "more than a third of a century," a long suc- cessful record of sending Fur Shippers prompt, SATXS FACTORY AND PROFITABLE returns, Write for "Vie Sltfjubert �,tpprr," the only reliable, accurate market report and price list published. Write for it-NOW-tt•s FREE A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. DepGC 4CHICAGOI UAS A. TRY the "Times" with your next order of Job Printing. We do good work always and all ways. Lowest prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRI NTIN(i AND STATIONERY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock inthe respective lines and sell at reasonable prices! JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEAD BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS • CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office =NE' BLOCK Wingham, Ont. CHOPPED STUFF ! EspEculity Put some wheat bran it the ewe's FOR grain ration. Don't neglect to treat the oat seed for smut this year. Looks as if spring wet coming w a rush, Are you ready? Constant attention should be gi the ewes at lambing time. Gathering the egg twice a day helps to insure the cleanliness of the product. At Eilmarnock Ayrshire sale Donald & Sons sold cattle of this breed up to £50. If a sow is constipated at farrowing time a lot of trouble may be caused by it. The Baldwin apple originated in Massachusetts about the middle of last century.. A good sow will secrete as much milk as a cow, and should be handled as carefully, Next to good seed thorough cultiva- tion is the chief essential in producing a good corn crop. The little pigs should begin to grow from the first breath. Care will da the trick every time, '1'oo much feed at farrowing time will cause the sow to be feverish, and her udder may become caked. Cut out the male birds as soon as the breeding season is over. Infertile eggs are better than fertile ones. The English Shire is, says the Farm- er and Stock Breeder, reverting to the dark limbs characteristic of former times, As soon as a sow begins to grow heavy, even if she isn't to farrow for six weeks or more, she should have a pen by herself. Belle Model Johanna 2nd, a Holstein cow in the mature class, gave 567.9 lbs of milk and 59,87 lbs of fat in a seven day test in March. If a lamb is chilled take it to the house at once and dip into water as hot as you can bear your hand. Keep the head out, of course. Cultivate the orchard just as soon as the land is fit and keep up cultivation weekly until the cover crop is sown along about the last of June. The use of stale bread for laying hens is coming into extensive use in Wiscon- sin. The bread is made into a mash mixed with skimmed milk or butter- milk. At a sale of Aberdeen -Angus cattle at Elgin the average for 117 bulls was £27 15s 2d., as compared with .227 12s 10d. at the fixture of the previous year. ith van "Fruit -a -fives" Now Known as Woman's Best Medicine WOMEN The Snow apple is believed to have originated on the banks of the St. Law- rence and was probably the product of seed brought from France between 1600 and 1050. The Sacramento Bee claims that in the production of rice the Sacramento valley of California leads the world, not in quantity, but in quality and pro- duction per acre. The Blenheim apple first appeared in in Oxfordshire about the beginning of Iast century. It is one of the freest of apples from fungus trouble and makes excellent apple sauce. Approximately 170 tractors, from thirty-five to seventy-five horse -power will, says The Sacramento Bee, be re- quired in the preparation of the rice acreage of California this year. The sow should be guarded from con- stipation by feeding her roots and oil- meal. She should also have all the clear water she will drink. In very cold weather the chill should be taken off the water. Recent discovery of a Chinese var- iety of oats which is said to Brow with practically no., hull to the grain is arousing interest in flour milling circles about Stockton, Cal., Prof. Zavitz should get on the trail of the oat. Land plowed in the fall should bo harrowed or cultivated as soon as dry enough in the spring. In spring plow- ing keep the harrow in the field and harrow .each day's turn over before quitting for the night. This helps to conserve moisture. Bow's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that cahoot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi, menials sent free, Price 75 Cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take HalI's Family Pills for con, stipation. A cubic foot of well dressed sand- stone masonry weighs 144 pounds. Mrs, Jane MeLeod Chapman, declared to be one hundred and sixteen years old, tiled at Smith's Falls, "FR;UIT-A-TI'VES," the famous fruit medicine is particularly well suited for The use of women, because of its mild and gentle action end its pleasant taste. In severe cases of Cansiiftalion, Indi- gestion, Bloating, Sick Hcadcclves, Pain In The Back, Neuralgia, or a General Run-Dpwn Constitution,"Fruit-a,-tives" is the only medicine needed to correct such troubles and restore the sufferer to complete health. As a tonic, "Fruit-a-tives" is inva- luable to purify and mulch the blood and build up strength and vigor. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. TERSEE, TRUTHS If you get into a rut, drop out or climb out, hut get out somehow. The difference between men and women is that men always celebrate their birthdays. Some fellows think that they're not men of the world unless they know the bartenders by their first names, A woman can always win an argu- ment with her husband by producing a bundle of his love letters. Remorse is something that we know other folks should feel when they do wrong DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. I3cals the ulcers, clears the air p'sssages, stops drop. pings in the throat andpermanent. l�yy cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. 25e. a box; blower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers or eemaneon, antes & Oo.. Limited, Toronto. MY CREED I hold that Christian grace abounds Where charity is seen; that when We climb to heaven, 'tis on the rounds Of love to men. I hold all else, named piety A selfish scheme, a vain pretense; Where centre is not, can there be Circumference? This I moreover hold, and dare Affirm where'er my rhyme may go - Whatever things be sweet and fair, Love makes them so. Whether it be the lullabies That charm to rest the nestling bird Or the sweet confidence of sighs And blushes, made without a word. Whether the dazzling and the flush° Of softly sumptuous garden bowers, Or by some cabin door, a bush Of ragged flowers. 'Tis not the wide phylactery Nor stubborn fast, nor stated prayers That makes us saints; we judge the tree By what it bears. r And when a man can live apart From works, on theologic trust, I know the blond about his heart Is dry as dust. -Alice Carey. James Cumming, an elderly miller of Lyn, was instantly killed by a train on a crossing near Brockville. Ohio has 666,171 employees insured under the new workmen's compensation law. China imports great quantities of old horseshoes and converts the metal into knife blades. James Wickett, a prominent mer- chant in Port Hope, died suddenly in his store Saturday night. A mountain in the Cascade Range has been named "Sir Robert" and a glacier at its foot "Borden." A workman, named Humphries, was killed in an explosion at Nobel in the works of Canadian Explosives. John Flook of Chatham, a Well-known marine contractor in western Ontario, died suddenly at tha dinner table, George Finn, fifteen years of age, living near Oriole, York county, was accidently shot by his elder brother, and the result was in doubt. Albert West a Hamilton Swede, was terribly gashed in an altercation over the war, and Gus Carleton, another Swede, is under arrest, charged with attetnptetr murder. As the men of the Fire Department of Limbach, Germany, are all at the front, the Burgomaster has replaced them with boys, who aredrilled daily to make them as efficient as possible BUYING A HAT iN HAWAII. coo More to Find the Article Thaw It Did to Purchase It. In his eagerness to see a whale dur. tug the voyage between Honolulu and the island of 'Jewell, Homer Croy, who tells about has adventure in Tran. bio .l. Icanetl too far over the rail Hud lost hat. "lrter arriving at the island he climb. ed into u taxicab and told the driver to take him to a hat store, "Do you on. derstand?" be asked. "A hat store." "Yes, for sure, all right" the .Topa- nese chauffeur answered. They went bumping up the street, swung wildly round a corner and final. ly, at the fur side of the town, drew up to the curbing. In the window of the store was a bedstead, on which bung the sten, "This Week Cheap." "What do you mean by taking me to a furniture store?" Mr. Croy demanded. "Dis Elate store," replied the Japa- nese driver, and he pointed to the name of the proprietor, "K. Hata." "I want a hat, not a bed," lir, Croy said, with reeling. "I want it for this," pointing to his bare head, "Yes, for sure. all right." With that the cab whirled down the street and away to the other side of the town, while the taxi bill was mer- rily running up. This time it stopped before a barber shop. "No; 1 don't want anything taken oil' my head. 1 want something put on it." declared Mr. Croy, who was now quite irritated. "Yes, for sure. I understand all right." replied the chauffeur, with a grin. They went clattering just as far to the other side of the town as they could and drew up before a store that as an afterthought apparently carried a line of hats. Mr. Croy had to pay twice the price of a hat on the way to buy it, but this did not seem to worry the driver, who. after the manner e2 automobile drivers, stood up under it bravely. A "Fast" Train. "Speaking or railroads." said the truthful man, "the ultimate word. in my experience. was a certain 'limited' ort wbieh I traveled last summer, Atr, point where we were making our great- est speed a man stood at the side of the track with a moving picture ma- chine. I leaned out of the window and called to him, "How are you get- ting on?" "Ile stopped turning. the crank and spoke with an expression of deep dis- gust: "'It don't scum to be no use,' he said. 'Hold your head still, please. 1 want to get a time exposure.' "-Ev- erybody's. Appius Claudius. Apptus Claudius, surnamed Caecus (the blind). was n Roman statesman who lived during the third century be- fore the Christian era. He was a Bo- man censor, 312 to 308, and consul, 307 to 206. He commenced • the Appian way and completed the Appian aque- duct From his Iloman jurisprudence, oratory, grammar and Latin prose date their beginning. Ile abolished the lim- itation of the full right of citizenship to landed proprietors. In his old age he is said to have become bltud, whence his cognomen "Caecus." Ile was the autbor of works in both prose and verse, or which almost nothing is known. Anthony Trollope's First Earnings. A literary man recalls Anthony Trot, lope's little gloat over the first fruits of his peu. "1 send you a copy of 'The Warden,' " he wrote to Lord Moughton in 1860, "which Mr, Longman assures me is the last or the first edition. There were, I think, only 750 printed, and they have been over ten years is hand. But I regard the book with af- fection, as I made LO 2s. Gd. by the first year's sales, having previously writted and published for years without any such golden result. Since then I have improved even upon that" Trollope, of course, "improved upon that" in noi uncertain fashion. -Westminster Ga- zette. A False Note. "I hear you calling me.'' warbled the daughter from the parlor. "Yes," sang mother from the kitchen:. "1 want you to come here and help me with the dis-s-sties." And then a profound silence reigned. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Sudden fright or emotion may cause a momentary arrest of the heart's action, or some excitement or apprehension may set up a rapid action of the heart thereby causing palpitation. Palpitation, again, is often the result of digestive disorders arising from the stomach, or may be the result of ober iridulgencc of tobacco or alcoholic drinks. The only way to regulate this serious heart trouble is to use Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Mrs. 3. S. Nicholls, t,istowell, Ont., writes: "I was weak and run down, my heart would palpitate and I would take weak and dizzy spells. A friend ad- vised me to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, so I started at once to use them, and found that I felt much stronger. 7 cannot praise your medicine too highly, for it Itas done me a world of good." Milbutn'S Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c per box, 3 boxes for $1.25; at sit dealcts, or 'mailed direct by The "1'.. I sIbutli Co.,• )united, '1*ciraat4 Oaf,. #14, 1 Graphophone Company Canadian Factory $ Headquarters Toronto, Ont, Kath!..! Parlory 'age 3 Vo1i and 'Cello Music All the whimsical witch- ery haunting restless, ness-dreamful exaltation of the world's finest violin and 'cello music caught for you with an exquisite sense of reality in COLUMBIA Dqublc-Disc RECORDS Have your dealer play these for you: Kathleen Parlow-A5412-$1,50 Humoreske (Dvorak) orchestra aecompani. ment, Melodie (Tschaikowsky) orchestra accom+ mnt, Pablo P an iCasale-Ae5649-$1.50 Largo (Handel), with orchestra. Melody in P (Rubinstein), with orchestra. Jules Palk -A1110 -85e. Ave Maria (Schubert) with Traumerei (Schumann). Charles D'Almaiae-A1712--.850. White Coekade; Jigs and Reels Medley with Harrigau's Reel (.prince's Orchestra), Eugene Yeaye--36525-$1,50 Caprice Viennois, Op. 2 (Kreisler). Eugene Yeaye-36524-$1,50 Hungarian Dance in G (No. 5) (Brahms), C lumbia thousaands of Columbirs a records with without thought these thof obligations. Complete Record List from dealers or mailed by as. IJUMBIA, 14 H. B. ELLIOTT Sole Agent Wingham, Ontario ase•••♦♦0000♦e•0000♦♦004♦00i000000♦000♦♦♦♦♦♦♦40♦•00404 • The Times ♦ 0 ♦ ♦ Clubbing*• • Listi• ♦ • o ♦ o Times and Saturday Globe190 s • a . Times and Dally Globe 3.75 ♦ • Times and Daily World 3.10 • • Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star1.85 a • Times and Toronto Weekly Sun ., 1 85 • Times and Toronto Daily Star 2.80 ♦ a oTimes and Toronto Daily News. 2.80 a ♦ Times and Daily Mail and Empire, 3.73 oo • Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.60 43, to Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 .sr • Times and Canadian Countryman • • • Times and Farm and Dairy• 1,50.80 e • Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press. 1.60 ♦ 0 : Times and -Daily A dvertiser (morning) 2.85 se • Times and Daily Advertiser (et ening) 2.85 4) °w Times and London Daily Free Press •Morning o o Edition3,50 o o Evening Edition 2.90 a s Times and Montreal Weekly Witness 1.215 •a os 25 Times and World Wide 2 e' a Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg.°,.. 1.60 0 • Times and Presbyterian 2.25 a o Times and Westminster 2.25 m s Times, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 • Times and Toronto Saturday Night . 3.35 • © Times and McLean's Magazine 2.50 ♦ s Tithes and Home Journal, Toronto,..... 1.?5 e °o Times and Youth's Companion 2.90 c • Times •and Northern Messenger... 1.40 w a. 2.90 Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly)♦ s Times and Canadian Pictorial 1,85 * °p Times and Lippincott's Magazine 3.15 • 4+ Times and Woman's Home Companion 2.70 e s Times and Delineator •2,60 • o Times and Cosmopolitan . . 2.65 0 s. Times and Strand 2.45 • • • Times and Success 2.45 • Times and McClure's Magazine 2.10 a° Times and Munsey's Magazine 2 85 • o a Times and Designer .... 1.85 Times and Everybody's 2.20 These Prices are for addresses in Canada or Great+ f Britain. A The above publications may be obtained by Times ♦s ;subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica-s .tion being the figure given above less $I.00 representing* the price of The Times. For instance : ♦ w The Times and Saturday Globe $1.90 w ' ' The Farmer's Advocate ($2.35 less $1.00)1,35 + 0 + making the price of the three papers $ 3.25. $3.25• • i The Times and the Weekly Sufi . , • 41.70 s i The Toronto Daily Star ($2,30less $1.00). 1,30 • The Saturday Globe ($1.90 less $1.00) ..... 90 ♦ !the four pa,, .i; for$3,9o. $.90 o If the p tion you Want is not ' in above list let `o tis know. si' supply almost any well-known Cana. m dian or American publication. These prices are strictly • a cash in advance.• • a