The Wingham Times, 1916-04-06, Page 21444
P g
Otani Trunk lialley sl Ab94 vsom telt the uP1M movement* advaneirgt HE THRUST GRIEF ASIDE,
eigoteen per cent,
Tow(' TI
. Glycerine, greatly in detnana ter ee-
cket Off ice , pion/ye hail eilVanced frOM eighteen
and one-half cente per pound to fifty -
Wo Can iseite through tieleets Via, twe Cents, With ferthee adeaneee en -
popular rontes, to any Peint in Antoine ' pected, I
TobirtioWeigta08:stItt,be31111"t4tt MUnt'' 1 Metol, a elletnieal which le iindiaPente
e. Baggage eh. m
erited thrteloh to destine,tabla tn the art ElePartment at a news'l
uell ilea toll nforatien given wkierelw . PaPert n
traVelling Will be make pleasant and I bell= price of ttbout $4 per pound to '
free from anuoyenee. Tourist and '50. Increases of 1,400 to 3,000 per 1,
rseatenruat titto.kweetssttotetaAervee8ninols t:iltshe itliii cent. are coalmen all through the cheats
preVailing ariVentages.
Single end return tickets to any point
ontaeto, 'yew Wetness will be iv-
preelated, veer trip e short or a
long one,
'Mat section ef the newspaperplena
leunt arable Used la Milking Stereo- °'el°ek aext nu'raing' Mreunatt
. li
Reeettee lie WH a tleernaliet. With '
Outto Perform.
Apropos Of jourrielistie en tteitilasene,
Mr. Atnold Ilennett furnisaes t leinpor•
IlleStratbee, Ele Wee WOW fled
eeperter for a Wall puper, 41t elev.
Hoe had teken place in Whieli Ids pq.
Res emendate had twee teamed mei
U tweeter bed Wens ills editer tlad
glven him loStrectious that if tney lost
be was to inaee fun of the brewer, aud
ny case to deliver els opy 11
IV N 611 A1.111
20 Years Ago
tape Matinee. has increased 100 per ei 'etteddea the declaration et the er OM the TINES of April 3, 1896
Wrapping paper and twine used in speech ee ceeemeee trent or the a husilleaa trips
eiu pa tante 1914 poll, and a$ the elated breWer Made his 14r.' Ge°' 600d aWa''' this week on
We can tieket on through to anye,,,,, the circulation work have aleo doubled town hall 1 observed that his bat was Messrs, Colin Campbell' and GE()
Whit In .4nrc'n" Steeanh.'"'"' in price, due to the increased ditficelte stove ia askew. I fastened OR that Hanna spent Sunday last at St. Helena,
lines. Prepeel timers also 'weaker.
inthrtuetion ond detail. aewent to bed i
will give it to you
. News ink has gradually moved pp ten , upme the fattetious notel which I was
to mite early on the utorroar. le the
- ' i
ill and all belie of his recovery is•des-
aired of.
'd n me 'clitutinn ldr, Sam merryfieid is dangerously
If it's About travel, we have the la shIPPlah-
middle a the night 1 was wakened up, P
My venerable grandfather, who lived Dorsey Tracey left here via i0. P. R
at the other end of the town, had been Friday morning enroute for Brandon,
takeu HI unit was dying As his eldest Manitoba. . e
grandson. my presence at the final
Town Agent
Times Offire, Wingbain, Oat.
lsolArldist. ht.
). • .
1c3.. 141440 vr, Pcindatiett AND VtitYPIIMYtt
Notice of thanes muet be left at this
offio not taxer than saturday noon..
The copy for changee must be left
not leer than eionday evening.'
Casual advertisements accepted up
to teem Wedneedav of each week
to twenty•five per cent. over former
prices, so that a quality which sold for
$80 eighteen rnonthe ago now brings
RaW material has also advanced in
even greatee proportion.
Dry cerbon black, which was. plenti-
fel until a ebort time ago at four and
one-half to five cents per Pound, now is
sold in the open market for twenty-tive
. Linseed oil which has been sold as
low as forty-two cents per gallon, is
now quoted at seventy-eight to eighty
cents. All oils and rosins have exper-
loud similiar advances.
Not to speale of the increased cost
of news service, in the way of cable
despatehee and epeeial reports, the
price of preetieally every item em-
ployed in making newspapers has
(Weekly Sun)
An item of $226,000 in the public ac-
counte for expenditures during last
year on the Government Housenerings
that strange construction again to public
i Th hole eost we under,
attent on. e w ,
stand, now far exceeds a million. and
the charges for interest, maintenance
and flunkeys will, doubtless, make our
Ontario kinglet one of the main burd-
gotta up eines. the European ever ens of the taxpayer, It is not strange
started in August, 1014, the increase that the Opposition made merry over
ranging from one per eent. in some it. One honorable member would sell
cases to S,090 per cent in others. The It and, we suppose, apply the money to
making of war munitions and clothing the realization of the approaching new
for the men in the trenches has taken world.
so muele eaaterial necessary for print- What Sir James Whitney had in
'Mg out of the clumeetic trade that un- mitd when he undertook this enterprise
certain and prohibitive prices are now bas not been diselosed. He was, we
the rule. Here are some examples: fancy, Isirgely guided by his feelings,
One of the feet elements of news- whieh were probably unconseioesly
papet printing to feel the pressure of fluericed by his knighthood and by oh -
seen° was indispensable. 1 went and Miss Bella Clendenning, 'formerly of
talked low tones with ruy elders. Wingham, nowofhBernalethd.on, is reliorted
"Nothing domestic.could liepermitted to be In verY P
to interfere with my duty as a out a Jae. etee e
Business and
Westervelt School
, t A B.A. s
un. gs in es non Sept. 1st to July
Catelogue Free. Enter any time.
1. V.' . oste..elt, P. au 'pal
and j .n 1. N 6 ld familyof Lower
Wingbatn, and Jas. II, Neterfield, and
„ family have removed to N, Dakota,
" .1 must write those facetious corn -
talents while my grendfather'is daingt
This thought filled my brain. It seem. It is reported that Dr. Chisholm has
ed to me to be fine, splendid, I Was purchased. the farm of Wm. Baird on the
intensely proud or being laid under a town line west of Wingham, price $3600.
compelsiou so startlingly dramatic. A. J. Conover, forinerly of Wing -
Could 1 manufacture jokes while my ham, who is said to , he a notorious
grandfather expired? Certainly.
1 bank draft forger and ex•convict,
was a journalist. And never since have .
1 been so ardently a journalist as 7 has been arrested in Peru, Ind.,
was that night stud morning With a eharged with fraud by the American
sense of the theatrical, 1 wrote my Bankers' Association.
notes at dawn. They delicately excore Mr, Wm. Grierson had an accident
ated the brewer. which might have proved serious.
"The curious thing is that my grand. While out driving, the horse, which was
father survived. not only tbat, but sev•
eral other fataleatacks." feeling in geed spiets, kieked over the
shafts, and upset the oecupants. Mrs.
Grierson received a sprained arm.
Teaching a Parrot.
Don't try to teach l'olly to talk un.•
less she is Perfectly tame and quite
confiding. Begin ou a one syllablet1
word without "th" or "eh" in it; then
let her pronounce her -name. Repeat
the word you're trying to teach her
endlessly and always in exactly tbe
same tone of voice. If, as someteites
happens, Polly can't be taught to talk,
repeat over and over again whistle,
a catce.11 or any other unusual sound.
Tins will teach her to imitate, and she
-may from that go t� repeating words
end sentences.
About Fishes.
IF sh are nearly the same weight as
war demands was the metal supply. servation of the use of feudalism in the the water in which they live, so that
Lead is produced ebiefly in the United
States, but the foreign demata has
been fax stronger than the domestic
market, and lead had jumped from
e4.25 per hundredweight before the
war to $7.25 this week.
The Unsed in type metal is to a
great extent under Britim control,
and is exported only with the prrnis-
sion of the Britieh Government. In
1914, block tin was quoted in New
Yorle, at an average price of $40. To-
day, limited quantities of the same
tin brirgs $5O in bemired. pcund lots.
Antimony, the hardenine constita-
eut tepe metal. is also used in
shrapnel in the asephyxiating gases
used by the belligerents. The most
catefally smelted varieties of this metal
came from Europe before the veer, and
were qtoted at $8 to $9 per hendred-
-height. The present supply is being
importeil from the Far East, because
the Eaeopean metal is unobtainable,
and ta priced about ,a44
she a reselt of the edvetwe m wee
following ten questions; 2,820 marines to do duty on deck, be -
metals, Oise -eve twee, which retailed
Why the bullying tone of the Austrian sides being provided with immense
A pleasant and happy event took
place at the residence ef Mr. Edward
Watson, Myth, on Wednesday, when
his eldest. daughter, Lizzie, was
united' in marriage to Geo. Potter, of
Blest Wawanosh. The .ceremony was
performed by the Rev. T. Higley.
They left nn the four train for London
and Toiseno. '
Mr. D. B. McKenzie, of Lueknow,
pump•maker met with a bad acen
deem on Saturday last while working
in a well on the premises of Mrs. Mc-
Dairmid on the 2aule con. of Kinloss.
The bucket that was being used to
haul up the dirt slipped off the wind -
government of the English dernoeracy. they can move in it with great ease. lass and falling into the well, struck
ile may bave thought that a big house The majority of them also have an, ate Mr. McKenzie on the bead, inflieting
Or castle would be a fortress against bladder inside of the body, which en e a deep and painful wound,
Agent fur
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern LEaes
Ocean Steamships.
BAPTIST Clitnian-Sabbath services
at 11 a. in. and 7 p. ro. Sunday School
at 2:30 p. m, general PraOer Meeting
and B. Y. P. Li, every Wetieesdey. at
p. A. C. Riley, 1$. 4., Iheetor•
Gee. PoCesck, S. S. Superintendent.
METHODIST OitUltoa--44hhath ser-
vices at 11 a. m. p. in, Sunday
Sehaal at 2..30 p, M. Epworth Leegite
every Mentlita evening. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev,
J. W. ilibbert, pastor, F, Buehanan,
TEM4N Q119t0II-S1t13131411 ser-
vices at. 11 a, 111. AM 7 p, m, Sunday
School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer
meeting. on Wednesday evenings, Rev.
D. Perrle, Pastor.. Frank Lewis, S.
S. Superintendent.
bath services at 11 a, m, and 4 p, m.
Sunday School at 2:30 p in. Rev,
E. G. Dymond Rector. Alex, AI-
deron, S, S. Superintendent,
at 11 a.rn, 3 tam. and 7 tem. on Sunday.
At o'clock on Thursday evening.
There will be special rnusic provided in
the Sunday evening service from 7 to
PosT OFFICe-Office hours from 8a.m.
to 6.30 p in Open to box holders r
'7 m. to 9 p. m, C. Griffin, post-
the democracy of the United States. ables them to go up or dOWit in tile
water at will. When a lisb desires,. to
go down deep it can press the air out
of this bladder by means of certain
Tired. tat Kidneys.
and thus there:Ise the weight
Kidaey trouble's are so frightfultv . muset"
of its body, and when it wishes to rise
common because the kidneys are so
easily upset by overwork or excesses of again. it takes off the pressure, the
eatioo and drinking. Cure is effected bladder fills with air again. and its
not by whippieg them on to renewed body becomes light enough to rise.
effort, but by awakeniog the action of ,
liver and bowls by the use of Dr.
,A Monster Vessel of Olden Times.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. This rests '
Pe:ilex:linens Philopater, one of the
the kidneys and makes them well
Beekache and urinary disorders then ateient ltings of Egypt, is said to bay&
disappear. • built a vessel 420 feet long, 56 feet
t broad, 72 feet high from the keel to
the top of the prow and SO feet to the eeth, w
illiarn Elliott, aged 85 years.
SOME HARD QUESTIONS. top of the poop. She had four helms Taman -In East Wawanosh, on March
--- - of 00 feet. Her largest oars were 50
20,,th, Anna Mary, daughter of Mr. and
In Switzerland a prefound sensation, feet long. with leaden handles to as to
hes been reused by the publication of a be more easily worked. she hue two eirs. Henry Taman, aged 2 years and
book on the origin of the war, written prows, two sterns and seven rostra or 8 months.
beaks. On both poop and prow she
by a German domiciled at Zuricb,
had figenes of men mei animals that
narned Fermin. He demands from the
wet.e fully 18 feet high. She had 4,000
German Government ansveers to the rowers, 400 cabin boys or eervents,
130EN ,
Burkholder -In Wingham, on March
20th, the wife of Mr A. Burkholder; a
etAit RI ED
Potter -Watson -At the resieence of
the bride's father, Blyth, on alarch 25th,
by Rev. T. E. Higley, Mr. George
Potter, of East Wawanosh, to Miss
Lizzie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Watson.
T. R. 13ENNETT J. P.
Sale dates can be ermined at
Teems office.
Pure Bred Stock Sales a Specialty
Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario
Write or Nine 81, Wingham
Elliott -In East Wawanosh. on March
Having an up-taalate Creamery in
1 full operation, we solicit a our -cream
We are prepared to pay the hiLheat
mereet prices tor good cream iota Ave
you an hottest Wellness. %veleta,. a,
sampling and te.stiag each can c.v ereats1
received carefally aud returnil g a
fall statement of :done to each patron.
Ws fueish two cans to sac h patron
PeY all express charges and pay every
two weeaa
Write for forth.r particulars ar
send for cans and give 113 a trial.
aN 2811811,11111
•Aprit;Otht• two. •
Tile 'Wing 1MM Times •
he TIPlee OfIlee Woe WO,
Inas e
nTasev4o04090,V$ getralsiluKoTTPIta.-44 e°°Per:ert
Untied till all Arrears are peel, enieet st tile.
cl441.11°t4APPV44bIlahlThIeaviNQ' RA.TES
One Year.nre4,r,..411)471:"tr e4alinserioni
six tionthihee,.. 2.80 (10.3
Three Alontns..,..... 1.88 MO
Oct, 0Mwaolounetkall...0,...t,h. 1(1,08ove r s e oos'.
PerierhlInseubf s)erafturedatbiainesrel°tinaait.114 4d0P44.1urrelidnee;91rt
apeQ;;Irnall:es,icisocaorl(044, tole! iv,ce lliinneesa tIstinada under,tnch. $.00
Advertisemente of sitaltione Yaw, et. Sitae
tPrnts'elWesafaotrede tialiZueSetse ,fonretSeaxinwe°drIn5e° errtuett
lines, 2.3c each tasertioe el for first ate 1th,
500 for each subsequeut mouth. Larger
veBrtuiseiettIneeetiiiitisotitici eperionpeTeletyno.c) Se per counted
line; as 'wet or news matter, leo per line each
PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will be
open every afternoon fe 2 to 5:30
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9;30 o'clock. Miss Della Reid, lib-
'MGR Sdnoot. TEACHERS -Mr. G. R.
Shade B. A., Principal and Specialist
in Itlathematics; Mr. J. A. Anderson,
B. A., Science; Mr. W. J. South-
combe, B. A. Specialist in Classics;
Miss M. 1 Whyte, B. A„ Special-
ist in Moderns: Miss B. E. Anderson,
Commereial Speeialist; Miss E. C.
Garrett, Art,
for $7 a hundred pounds before the
war hes jamped ta about al.
tereote pe. metal, eold eighteen the demand for lielay- made by the
ultimatum to Serbia? stores •of arms and provisions. --West.
Why the brutal refusal of Austria to minster Gazette.
Life, of Air Leaks Away. THEY SHOT HIM
Air seems to spoil easily. Air travel -
reottbs eio for about $8, now brings Triple Entente
abellt ;•31.6.
Why was Inc Serbiat reply, whose
Childreg Cry
Monte epe metal, Mg thrmigh shafts end special air
f°rnserIS il61 1°7, humiliation astonished EUrope, never.
about Slat, tow ranges betweei, $.6 511 le rejected?
: chambers -in feet. air going, through
and v.o. why .„,0s sir Edward Grey's anything that cuts it off 'from the
posal tot a eon erencetejec e .
.. . indescribable vitalizing qualities and is
Why did Germany tleelare (vide White
past year arid a. bele eas been constant- liable to eause end e feeling
ly upwarel with oeeasional theetuationt. 83°141 that Austria could 'not he cited of depression to those who habitually
Leather belting haS jumpen between before a &repeat tributtall l breathe -in artificially ventilated houses.
Why did Austria declare that "'she ee.aetentifie examination may show such
thirty and forty per cern. sinee hos- eves obliged to declite the IO ritisb pro- ' air absolutely.pnre, but all the .same 'it
tilitieo started. poetil" (vi e . 1 'is poor sniff th take into the lungs.
Printing rollers. composed chiefly of Why did tot Germuny counsel titeder-d "This also explains the real reek bo.
tine, gleterine and inoluesee, have aleo atiot to her ally? i tom elifterence between town and tom
These prices are by no meets steedy, f t oceantof atmoephere-loses sorne of its
battle trend of the rintrkes for the
"For God's Sake,
Let Me St !
11,5 e,lholed eteli &J ho gees -Atte. Ow •
weateteet body real soul colter 111:04tr.
air,. Mghly artificial food and higl •
Why did Germatiy talk so Muth le. artifiehel Mr. no matter how good
To the Editor: -
i Cora Francis Stoddart, the presiding
genius of the Seientifie Temperance
Federation of Boston had occasion to,
get up some ammunitiori for a local op-
tion fight at HtadsomMass. One ef the
features was a stuffed hawk that bad I
annoyed some farmers by Milling their
bens. The angry farmers' shot the
hewk and stuffed it. Miss Stoddart
put the bawk on exhibition in Mason
with the legend:
"This bawk kilted forty bens. Did
„ the farreere license bim? They shot
Children Ory
The Vampire Cat.
The true vampire tett ie a quite in.
significant -creature, not unlike our
noctule hat in geuera 1 appearance and
size, but With a small -mem tear" and
no web between the hind lege. The
really reminetabte Oleg about a is
its perfeet 11(1811181 1(111 for sveret and
paiuless bloodletting. Most bats bare
teeth very like those of the 'carnivore.
with long 'canines and small incisors.
but in the trite bloodsueking
bat the .inelsom are very large and „dress
broad mat exeeedingly sharp edged.
thus being -able to inflict 0 shaving
ettrface cat which causes no pnintan
is. .great deal- of bleeding. indeed. uot
only does the sleeper very Finney wake
under tbe Triaged bloodlettei•'s atten-
tiOnS, but a bite limy he inffieted un
felton a permit' wbo is awake trt the
ttuC.-L0Lidt1U Oraphic.
W F. Vanstone, F: Buchanan. 0. P.
Smith, Dr. Redmond, W. J. Howson,
J. A. McLean. Chairman, R. Vanstone;
Secretary, D. Holmes; Treasurer, A.
Cosens. Regular meetings areheld on
the 2nd Monday of each month
Town' CouxciL-J. W. Maibbon,
Mayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. F.
Binkley, W. H Gurney, W. Isbister,
A. 'rioting. Geo. Spotton, W. G. Patter-
son, Councillors: John F Gloves, Clerk;
and J. G. Stewart, Treasurer. Board
meet first Monday evening in each
month at 8 o'clock.
Wrn. Field, T. R. Bennett, Dudley
Holmes, W. H. Rintout, A. E Lloyd,
Robt. A llen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves
Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in
Council Chamber on the second Tues-
day ofseach month.
Pdsliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans-
ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley.
BOARD OF HEALTH. -Dr. A. J. Irwin,
(chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter,
John F. Groves,Seeretary; Dr. R. C.
Redmond, Medical Health officer.
orsmatt-Oorner Patrick and Centre Sts,
Officea • 48
Residence, Dr..Kennedy 448
Residence, or, Calder 101
Or, Kennedy spenializes in Surgery.
Dr. Calder deyotes special attention to Dia
eases of the Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses
properly fitted,
DR. ROBI. 11 ofitTpL1001= 111. P (3. SdEnsIl
Office; on Patrick Street.
Winghant General Hospital
(Under Government Inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physieians. RATES FOR PATIENTS -Which
ticlude hoard and nursing), $4.90 10 515.
per week according to location of
room. For further information, ad -
Miss L. Matthews.
. Superintendent
Box223, Wingham Ont.
Ur. R. Hambly, B.Sc, M.D., C.X.
Wingham, Ontario,
Special attention paid to diseases of woraen
aud children, having taken post grader.te
work in Surgery , Bartomology and (scientific
Office in the Kerr residence, between the
Queen's hotel and the Baptist Churoh.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. P. LI. Box 115.
Lookino Dackward. .
tj,ertiaany's si.cret • • died
With -pollee eyeglasaea ivies
tiny tattnsive mirrors on the aide next
.he fitee. weteb may 1 .t. extemital side -
:rays or fienel wee so ae, 1.0
tal :Ave Ow wearer, If it:. butt itsruittl
„1, ••••.seil wusi 18 going on
Itto. ly him
about inealitatioe of the eotillet when, they aeon, are not the real :sten thene ,
tiS her diplomatio documents slum, she selves,
knew Russia was bound to intervene?
• The farmers did notsay, "Ohl whet's
Why was the AnStrian ultimattnn Tale ot Two Rivers. tbettse, let tern go on killing the bets
approved at Berlin when it was theieus ' The divide betweea the 'laudable bay $O We can get .the feathers." '
its despatch meanta European War? I Mid Miselssippi 'titer drainage basing 1 They did not say, "If we kill this
Why bat the Gernien Governinent , shows the poor drainage nf the gift& hhawksomeether hawk will come atidwhY
+,,.delicate balmicti etliscelminate between hawks? If we
115 "hd° ti*...'nalcds 'Tt'''',., ..""t‘°"1 '" 1"..m. suppteseed ill teference to the Czar's I
*Alai:ALL, fia',.44,3twoor. "' a ituvo tr.emlx.1 • ...,,,,,,,„,.,.,...„,,. ,„,,,,, 4,,,,,,, ft ,,,,,,,,i.vhig-f i betWeen drelnage systeths. Thotigh 1 could kill all the bliWks at mice it 'Would
Live 1.a,..ti tortiell.rdit, et tny bow tleig Louse. , intestate m sp e s I be different"
for tw....1 tilaye en the trauts" 1,e ewe 1 kr,....u.A.,..,....rx, ..... ,,,....a.... ....-the 'whole , ,skeyeetie and zathes ihhehed. the the
di in hould be ttibtnittea ; 4.,,,A.,a 1 In of this fatten to.: The fatniers aid not 'says 13That hawk ,
I hat* lt...,,!tu rm nod out of a &eel 11 101 to tbe Court of Atbitration at The ' 'Pl.--v- strea -5 - - :---- '- --- " - *---11e8 *
Own ton a. The Ideal britilital refilSta toe; sloe.
- in nearly. parallel sources rot let/ me
1 ana the heifer or .the hind beteeeeti ilsas got a lot 'nfmoney invested in elinws
Oise, seater. let ree eve, ." i Mid we den't want te destroy all ,liis
40um....v..s. Notmly unnic me. ''I'd's The tatsWett be theee Mieetiene We:Mid them le generally tot tater& than tweie
/wen tonviot aetnituy. she+ therefore, ty reet, /et the Sbeyenne ultimately proper 51r;"
eeni teepee to tey for toe iterate; h, be insteae of tving therm seizee all the disellingee into tradsoti bay and tha ", The rartnere did ant say, 1 Mit
agaiisst in terfexing with a 'hawk's pets-
*: v.1 ih.g,Mr...1.4A,:aCtitapk,Santuslum teriea et the piteribTet the tail end hi Motet Into the gaff of Ilex:leo.
:tee:4d tee disrase '0 len b IAA has Gotha y. The ntrect enswers Ste to
n e' .,;rioted libertes Ham% he a tight to
to men
"4"`14" thjs° he found in the Ihtitish Blue ot White Advice hmakelds living just as he sees .fit?
• el e
`“.rist.,1kitr,,t4itsa.Vittt isti.Xr
41 1 it I +1:4 MIK it. if XI.4 lan. me t "Ctit Out ettravagant aneetb- thlt to what be Shall est and drink."
teerilthy °Me Whe trete 3
1. any tbis sorter rot. They destroy,
Acia3t 0.5 o‘r Beck end iri those of Pratte and Bet. A little Waytide terInOti bY rotheg ' Why SbOtlid. We intedere with -a haWkl
lelee pettle Men, :t14 Obey lasses gioyn end eoeviet Gentatis„ le the Clio trarPerz private business and dictate to hitt el
to. ,17:4 tsIN POtght, (Mt 404 :•41,,Xt tlat'°1 gailtY brintingois this,tettible ther*I
!....0) t.t. ..t4„,, thith Wate hbder011tk" gnt all the ° " The farmers did not tr to work off
. ust tickled tc
tee. t Welder At obeeet vietved through11.4611111;albteelt*Illtterlee Weela 'hate tit lobieltelis, jug en it is Prialzse6 tut -
1451 ef4-, :;',1..AX, ti,1.004R X;er4.01.ixti
e, ed tbe biwk that Watt desttoyieg tbeit
too, tx.1,44, 1.4ziet.f !t, mosphere seems larget than it really troy the institutiOti knelt/ft as the taleon
feee etete. to ties Meek. Ian PO* ilfe, 1$,
Itte Geattaitlis, _
tiee tees 'tee nene. •ChErttein To render Pie ernet flats., try addiri,r thteibeirhodyitiAolf*I-Illakt"1-dreaseattg toOtYalrine56n. esttirat'l -dalatiieghht:reg ogr:gi; billtdeet !O'S ed pee, 1„, iees-s 0. ;: tes gretefelly
- „•
*mitelina• At*011it*. bolt astmodui of 4,hleget, to the tem eeereteelee 1,y stosogriplbsiese,N** motley Out of theft doWntall
Wile when misiut. See. tt, Arnott,
Settled On Her Lungs
Causing Great Pain.
11arway Pine Syrup.
Railway Tii.11 Table
Osteopathy builds vitality and
strength. Adjustments cf the spine
and other tissues is gently secured,
thereby removing predisposing weeks
of disease.
Blood pressure and other examina-
tions made. Trusses scientifically fit-
Hours -Tuesdays and Fridays, 9 a. in.
to 9 p. m.; Wednesdays, 9 toll a. m.
Other days by appointment.
London .... 6.35 a.m. 3.22 p.m.
Toronto and East 6.45 3.15 st.lo.
Kincardine • 11.59 p.m. 9.15 pate
Kincardine .. 630 min. 3,15
London ....... . 11.54 aan. 7.40 p.m.
Toront0 find East. 11,45 a.m. 9.15 p.m.
W.. Belt(431A.N, Watton Agent. wiegham
II Is ELLIOTT, Town Agent, Wingliam.
Toronto a.nd East 6.25 a.m. 3.05 p.m
Teestvater 12 59 pen. 10 32 pale
Teeswater. ., .. 6.20a,m. 305 p.m.
Toronto and East 12.47p.m. 10.20 p.m.
.1. H. BEEMER, Agent, Witch=
D. Pickerittg, St. Catharine, ,
Ont., writes: "Having derived great
benefit from Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup, I thought I would write and tell
you of my eamenenee. When I first came
mit from. England I conttaeted a severe
told, -eating to the &meet or climate.
It settled on my lunge, and caused trie a
octet deal ,s.of pain. I tried every remedy
could think of, but „eot no relief. My
fathe,r, who bad heard a great deal about
the good qualities of Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup, advised inc to try it. X did.
so, end I em esleased to sky, found im-
mediate relief. 1 only took one 'bottle
ind it cured trie completely. . My mother
had a severe told tdso, and Dr. Wood's
Noway Pine Syrup cured lier, so we
never fail to keep a bottle of at tri.the
See that Ilene oE theSe. so-called "pine
syrups" ate liatided.teit to you When you
,go to your druggist or dealer -arid ask for
"Dr. Wood's." It is ptrt up in a yellow
wrappet; three pica trees the trade mark;
price, 25c atasoc.
Stantifaettired only by The tatial,
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.,
A Representative Wanted
TRICT for the
Old Reliable Fonthill
Farmers1 Why temain idleall
Witter when Toucan takenpapaying
Choice list of varieties for Spring
Planting. Liberal Terms. handsome
Free Outfit. EXclusiVe TerritOry.
Write now for partienlars.
Stone &Wellington
atVene s'S YEARS*
Rept Meese
Aimee femme 'Sketch and desertptlen mar
quick!! Itteartleill one -opinion IMO Ivilitithtr an
invention is probittoratemamo_Domtatratea-
uotastrietlyconadenual. thanosoug oueoenta
'ae"Pattliee.etts uttnidelitett 8tbrOUr""Olt°rIttleetall11111 ectOPk.""t60(1417.
epecug nodes, witlitintsteerge. lathe
A-oatmeal:181y illestrated weekly. Largest MN
MUNN, ;New York
J. A. FOX. D. C.
Chiropractic removes the cause
of practically all diseases. tt
matters not what part of the
body is affected, it can be reached
thru the centres in the spinal
column by adjustment of suhlax-
ated vertebra. Consultation free.
Member of Drugless Physiciaes'
Association of Canada.
Wingham, Ont., ,
Dental •
ARTHUR, IRWIN, D..D S.. 113.8.
13,etor of Dental Surgery of the Priapaylvania
Dentai College and Licentiate of the Ravel
allege of Dental Surgeens of Ontario. Office
In Macdonald Block, Wingliam.
Office closed , every Wednesday afternooh
from May 1st to Other1st.
ft II. ROSS, 13. L. D. S.
Honor graduate �f the Royal ollege of
Dental -Mritions of Ontario and Bettor gradu-
ate of the University. of Toronto, Pa. tiny of
Office over H. E.Isard t tio's., store, Wing -
ham. Ont.
Ottlee closed every Wednesday afternoon
from May 1st to Oat. 1st.
Private and Company hinds to loan at leaves
rate of intereat. Mortgages. town "6 larnt
property bought end sold.
Oftlee, Beaver Block Witigham.
tr. As MORTON.
Barrister, *Solicitor, Eto.
Office: Meyer 13locIthWinghtm.
Order/stet the billiettlat of tidetattlattrobete
Saab as teethwe Wititted, teethe!!i ithenitins
fluSiyhilniest.ivantea,ettiebeloreete, or in r88W
• ant kind Of int hey of the Torevitoyar
Other Mt, antrierili, ,11601 be left et tbe
tame, 'Whit/rot/V*111 reasi,. titotitot fitiMitita
Mid twill *Mt *OP% the trot bk. Of tawnier
for aod ferWardittg lideettlitdriente. tertian
rates Will be attoted ink sppl.stlen. Lev.
or itotid you, beat Work Of Welded 10 be
.111111011 '401114161011e