HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-09-16, Page 11Vehicle related thefts on the rise Aietarti Graces signal -star staff If you don't already, now is a good time to start locking your car. At the September 9 meeting of the Goderich Police Services Board (PSB), Sergeant Arden Farrow in- formed the board thefts from ve- hicles were on the rise in Goderich for the month of August, with 14 this month over eight the same time last year. Many of the thefts were of global positioning systems (GPS), and Far- row said very few of the cars were actually broken into. "Seventy-five per cent of cars were left unlocked," she said. "The cars were left open. It's opportunity. (Thieves) will just walk along trying door handles" Proactive policing has led to three youths being charged in connection to some of the thefts, however, the best defence against vehicular thefts is locking your car door. Meanwhile, mischiefs are double what they were last year, with 16 in the month of August alone. Constable Jamie Stanley said a string of nine incidences along Glouscester Terrace drove the num- bers up. However most of it was what he called "lower -level" van- dalism involving paint balls or dam- aged gardens. Some good news came from the Sergeant's report, as there were no impaired driving charges or 12 -hour suspensions given. This is despite the fact that six RIDE programs were conducted throughout the month. Down considerably are false alarms, noise infractions and 911 calls. The latter, Stanley said is partly due to education about the system. In total, there were 275 calls for police service this August, one less than 276 last year. The OPP will also be hosting a car seat clinic this Saturday, Sept. 19 in the parking lot behind the OPP of- fice downtown. The clinic runs from 9-11 a.m. and provides parents in- formation on proper usage and in- stallation of children's car seats. Theft suspects caught on videotape Two men are facing charges after being caught red- handed. On Sept. 9 at approximately 4:30 p.m., two males en- tered the Canadian Tire store in Exeter and stole six GPS units. The GPS units were removed from a locked cabinet and the value of the stolen property was nearly $2,000. A surveillance video caught the thieves in the act. Huron OPP officers arrived at the store soon after and reviewed the video which included footage of the suspects and their vehicle. Investigation led police to an unrelated event in the county and the owner of the vehicle was located. He matched the footage from the surveillance video and was arrested. A 19 -year-old Tilbury man has been charged with one count of Theft Under $5,000. He will return to Goderich court on October 22, to answer to his charge. The second male, a 17 -year -old Tilbury man has also been identified and will be facing the same charge. Motorcycle racer charged (North Huron, ON) On Sept. 4 at approximately 7:30 p.m., a Huron OPP officer _was doing radar patrols on London Road north of Blyth. A southbound 'motorcycle was observed to be travelling at a high rate of speed and it entered the radar at nearly 80 kilometres above the posted speed limit of 90 kph. The vehicle was stopped and the driver was charged. A 26 -year-old resident of North Huron is now facing charges under the Street Racing Legislation. He has lost his licence for seven days and his vehicle was towed and impounded for seven days. He will be answering to his charges on November 5 at the Goderich Provincial Cot. t. Bad location to stall (Huron East, ON) While Huron OPP RIDE checks were ongoing over the long weekend, one impaired and unlucky motorist experienced vehicle troubles in the wrong place. Officers were set up at Front Road and Huron Road on Sept. 4 at approximately 10 p.m. when a driver stalled just short of the checkpoint. Officers went to investigate his problems and determined that the driver was impaired by alcohol. The man was arrested for impaired driving and was taken to the Huron Detachment where he met with a qualified Intoxilizer Technician to provide two samples of his breath. The results of the tests confirmed that the driver had over two times above the legal limit of 80 mil- ligrams of alcohol in his system at the time of driving. A 39 -year-old Huron East resident is now facing one count of Impaired Driving and one count of Drive With Over 80 Milligrams of Alcohol. He will answer to his charges in Goderich Court on Oct. 19. His licence has been sus- pended for 90 days as per statute. Break, enter and theft at Godfather's in Exeter (South Huron, ON) At 3:11 a.m. on Sept. 5, a lone male entered the Godfather's Pizza in Exeter by breaking the front glass door. Once inside, the suspect located a float of money and then fled the scene. Approximately $300 in cash was removed. The suspect in this crime is described as a white male approximately 5'9"- 5'11" and weighing between 160 -- 175 lbs. He was clean shaven and appeared to be in his 20s. He was wearing a dark gray . or black hoodie with a purple jacket or pullover wom over top. He had on a tan tipped ball cap and dark blue jeans. Suspect also wore what appeared to be white gardeners' gloves. Anyone with information is encouraged `to call the Huron OPP at 1-800-310-1122 or CRIME STOPPERS- 1-800-222-T.I:P.S. (8477). Flight from police leads to numerous charges On Sept. 5, at approximately 8:30 p.m., Huron OPP officers were set up for a RIDE check at the intersection of Telephone Road and Stone School Line in Central Huron when a pickup truck on Telephone Road turned around on the roadway before reaching the checkpoint location. Police caught up to the vehicle and acti- vated the emergency lights signal- ing the driver to stop. The driver failed to stop however and led po- lice across several country roads. At one point, the vehicle was spot- ted in an area where officers were able to intercept. This caused the driver to veer into a farmers' field where it came to rest and the driv- er fled on foot. The OPP canine unit was dispatched to the scene. A check of the truck showed that it had been stolen in May of 2009. A short time latera male party was successfully tracked by the dog and arrested. The male was hiding in long grass in a bush area. A 19 -year-old of London is now facing two counts of Breach Pro- bation, one count of Drive Dis- qualified, one count of Dangerous Driving, one count of Flight from Police, one count of Possession of Property Obtained by Crime and one count of Use Plate Not Autho- rized. He was held in custody ,for a Bail Hearing at Goderich Court on September 8, 2009. Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, September 16, 2009 - Page 11 GODERCH Canada's prettiest town Notice of Public Meeting The Corporation of the Town of Goderich hereby advises that Goderich Town Council at their meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. in the Huron County Council Chambers will consider taxi fee amendments to By-law No. 105 of 2004, being a By -Law to license, regulate and govern taxicabs, limousines and rickshaws, in the Town of Goderich. Larry J. McCabe, Clerk -Administrator Town of Goderich 57 West St. Goderich ON N7A 2K5 (519) 524-8344 iv WEEKENDS IN THE PARK FARMER'S MARKET Fresh Ontario Grown Fruits and Vegetables •Handmade Local Crafts •Honey & Maple Syrup 'Homemade Baking 'Flowers & Plants •Fresh Meats For more info call 524-5356 SATURDAYS 8 am to 1 pm � J South Side Courthouse ,ro04` • - j GODERICH FLEA MARKET ( Previously held at Huron County Gaol ) Unique items including new. & used, books, jewellery, golf clubs, toys, trading cards, collectibles, produce & plants and more! For more info call 524-5356 SUNDAYS '•� 9amto3pm South Side Courthouse Air l Join us... Saturday, Sept. 19th for the Health & Harvest Festival on The Square in Goderich. y Y TENT LE S ONLY Thurs. Sept. 17 to Sun. Sept.2O. Special Tent Sale Pricing on MARQUIS and FREEFLOW ..- HOT TUBS FREE Ozonator, Cover Lift & Spa Step with every hot tub purchase DAILY SPECIALS! Look for a different ''MARQUIS SPAS. deal every day! .mow F IoW �:7.1F;, 99grp t�. .. $p BLUE HORIZON POOJ!S �. Landscape Design & Installation Swimming Pools & Spas RR#2, 35647 Huron Rd. Goderich, ON 519- 4- : ' - . ww.blu=h•r • •1.