HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-09-16, Page 9ti
OPP vehicle chase ends with arrest
A high-speed pursuit winding
through county roads north of God-
erich on Thursday has landed one
Kitchener resident in the hot seat.
A 26 -year-old man was apprehend-
ed shortly before 1 p.m. on Sept. 10
when the stolen vehicle he was oper-
ated was brought to a halt thanks to
an OPP spike belt.
Just after noon on Thursday, an of-
ficer spotted a 2009 GMC pick-up
that matched the description of a sto-
len vehicle report issued on Sept. 8.
Additional cruisers soon joined the
chase after the man operating the ve-
hicle showed no signs of stopping.
"We're two for two this week,"
Const. Joanna Van Mierlo said just
after the man was taken into custody.
The vehicle came to a rest near
Auburn after the vehicle struck a
spike -belt laid out by OPP. Following
a brief foot pursuit involving OPP of-
fers and a K-9 unit, the suspect was
apprehended without incident after
he was located in a tree.
"The Spike -belt is a really good
tool for us because it causes vehicle
tires to deflate slowly," said Van Mi-
erlo. "That slow rate means that the
driver is less likely to lose control."
McCabe re-elected to AMO board
Gerard Graces
signal -star staff
For the past eight years, God-
erich has built a name for itself
among- the province's lower -tier
governments with the Associa-
tion of Municipalities of Ontario,
due in no small part to the work of
clerk-adminstrator Larry McCabe.
McCabe was recently re-elected
to the AMO board of directors, a
position he said helps members
highlight their respective munici-
"It helps to put Goderich on the
map and I think that personally, it's
an excellent experience," he said.
"It certainly presents a networking
situation I think is important."
There are 445 municipalities in
Ontario, most of which are repre-
sented at the AMO table. McCabe
is one of only four administra-
tive staff elected to the board that
contains from 40-50 mayors. That
level of involvement, he said, al-
lows the town greater recognition
at a provincial level.
"I think it certainly keeps the
town on the forefront when it
comes to being prominent in the
association," he said. "And it pro-
vides me with direct input on fed-
eral and provincial matters that af-
fect the municipalities."
An example of that is the new
town hall, which has to be com-
pletely accessible by 2010. The
town was well -ahead of the pro-
vincial mandate when tendering
for the project.
McCabe also serves on the elec-
tricity and economic developent
task forces, and said the latter's
Larry McCabe
role is to co-
ordinate eco-
nomic devel-
opment across
the province
working with
both . Queens
Park and the
on electricity,
McCabe said
Bill 150 - the
Green Energy
Act - will pres-
ent tremendous opportunities to
municipalities, and the commit-
ment to green energy is one of
many common concerns.
"We're all concerned about in-
frastructure, water, sewer, fire (ser-
vices)," he said. "Ther'es a lot of
Right now, the big ticket item on
AMO's plate is infrastructure. Mc-
Cabe said the association identified
the province had billions of dollars
in infrastructure deficit and with
the preparation of `shovel -ready'
projects, member municipalities
have have been able to prepare
for the recent funding announce-
ments, as well as the federal gas
tax - which AMO helped to make a
permanent funding source.
McCabe has also served as sec-
retary -treasurer for the association,
as well as two years as past -secre-
tary treasurer.
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Frank Cameron email: frankcameron@bellnet.ca
Sara Wisking email: swisking@bellnet.ca
Karl McNamara email: kmcnamara@bellnet.ca
Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, September 16, 2009 - Page 9
Photo by Dominique Milucrn
Men at work
Construction crews at the north side of Goderich har-
bour have been bearing the heat all summer as work
continues on the Sifto expansion project.
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