HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-03-30, Page 4'Pape n
Thu. rsd.}y, March 30th, 19 LO
We Are Here
With The goods
Piirlpun and Amsltiin(1 l; I3eriltnee of
>F '
• tl. einhlexs,", ?est/mime atie tnieriltrott Hiram Maiden
Ravin„ oceaaigu to use enure Itietnt
mereury in h{a. London .lallorater,
TQ..Pr>i#1!ER'li#SEM She Sirapi Maxim sent Ws omen, Silver
t u changes a be this 1 Mani. out to pufchtlee "one pound ire
ne 'settee f alis g s n1g tleft.it i metallic uierxnre' In a strong .muss but.
office net Eater than. Saturday noun, . tie with a cork,st /Per.' In "113,
not later than It enday evening• i fife'" he tells toe store. or whui hap
Tile egpy for chanes mast be lest qI
Ask for Prices of
en Casual. advertisements accepted 11111 Pened,
IP to no,a"i Wechmsdav of each week ${IVernau aoorm t`etureed uud. raid
--•--'4ate .»�-t .`* „"^- ^ + "`T^", ,^' ; that he could net dud., any metallic
VikrmM1Lthliery, ("asoneE 1- ~Eif1�$QAY, 4AgrEl Q. l�seFc�9. Lasked him whether had.
.. gincs ,and Grinders, Windmills,
Water Snstemus, UydrieulicRoane
Pinup~, Pe. and Pipe i"'ittiUgs, i
Litter Carriers', ithlls ann Sterile ,tC
0 l+it:tiuen ilay Carriers, .Forks.
Slings and, hope, Cream Seim' i
, inure, Ladders of all heeds,ds,
i>ull snick ofr'e'pairs for an
, work Inc tie
',hove 1•e• t 1
l : It �
the r Al.
0 prompltl; atteteletI to,
1 51
• taken bythe Govern-
n o
rnent should be a e
E. Waste'' zll B. Sennett men`.
' Holt. T. W. McGarry, Provincial
G!-�Vt.eba��•s �a•��� a � +''6t�'�'1�O Treasurer, on Friday introduced the.
amusement tax bill in the Legislature
providing tor a minimum tax of one
cent on admissions toplaces of amuse-
ment, with the right of the Lieutenant-
Governor in Council to increase the
sum to 25 cents, The onecent levy, it
is expected, w311be a general ratea at
first, but afterwards there will be an
advance. with more on the bigger
houses. When the tax israised as high
as 10 cents it is calculated that the
revenue brought in will be $600,000
Provision is made for giving to the
tried at a shoe shop or a beer ahel,
44$0," he, Fended, "at ;t wholesale
1 told him he must .dove: made a
tress of it aomehgw, peal I sat down
Prohibition of the sale, importationand wrote out carefully, aWanted—
and manufacture of !Neer is. not ^cn- , one poend of Metallic ,mercury 14 a
sistent with the olio of the Govern- Wenn glass bottle- with tory stop -
eat. This was deelared on friday ry per.,"
Premier Borden. The position of the Before n he came back and sai
Government was revealed when Frem- that there was no such stuff as "metal
lie mercury"' known in the chemist's
ier Borden proposed that until the end shop and that he had been to a whole-
of the session all the time of Perini- pale place. As the shop was not more
than 200 yards away, I wept around.
with him and said to the wan be illd
the counter; .
"I have sett this young man here
twice for some metallic mercury, and
he tells me tbat you have nothing of
the kind,"
"No, we never have any call for it,"
be replied.
"But is not this a chemist's shop?"
"Yes; one of the largest in London."
Of chemicals?
1 kids o
0 you sell al
D1 n
"Tben how does it happen that you
have no metallic mercury?"
"We have never had any call for It
before. We do not know what it is."
"'Have you any bicarbonate of soda?'"
"Yes; tone of in"
"Have you any bicarbonate of pot•
"Certainly; any amount of it."
"What is bicarbonate of potash a
bicarbonate of?"
"Why, naturally of potash."
"Could you let me have some potash
before it is made up into a blear -
"Have you any bichloride of mer-
"Yes; lots of it."
"What is bichloride of mercury a
bichloride of?"
Here I had him. 1 asked him it it
were his first day on duty..
"No; I have been here twenty years."
The head man, who had overheard.
our conversation, then came tip and
said. "Why. of course the gentleman
wants quicksilver."
' Curiously enough. It had never oc-
curred to me to call it by that name.
although I ought to have thought of
it However, it Is never called quick-
silver by scientific men.'
enenonaell ez Vandrict
A%W4ieVletV. rum• Gt 0'
NLr"lru 11-4a .14.4- LuInue'it,r„4a
N �.. Il We
WO ' 1 t•el 1
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MVO, f e
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'u43 4 c
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van, L
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IIA. e�� hq•t q.i ..rK t t,UN..
c 4 l 1
aagbrl 1 La'L( I' +•e 'gnu+ll. fi4• with
Brok t t..• 4:i4.' 4 k4t 4 44, Ins h**n* ul3'
e,44ee g.+14 Ili 4tiori4G44.
Alma Rarity
en -
Teacher of Pitenn and Theory.
Pupils preonred F.tr Toronto Conserve.
tory Examinations.
Studio - i 'icl)Ona ld I3t0ck
Successor to J. G. Stewart
Fire, I..iie, Accident
a i , d Health
P. O. Box 3::1 'Phone 198
houses which collect the tax 10 per
cent. of the proceeds gathered in. for
Government purposes.
Compensation to those who will, um
der the Government's temperance act.
be dispossessed of the right to sell
liquor tis hitherto, was advanced in
1r Mark
eMonday byh 1 t
the Legislator on n y
Irish, member for Northeast Toronto,
but promptly received its quietus from
Premier Hearst, who did not admit the
principle and added that even if it were
admitted, there seemed insurmountable
difficulties which would make it imprac-
ticable Mr. N. W. Rowell supported
the arguments, of the premier, and be-
lieved that the time would come when
every man engaged in the hotel busi-
ness would bless the day when the bar
was taken away. On the suggestion of
the premier, Mr Irish withdrew his
motion, which was seconded by Dr
Musgrove. Niagara Falls.
On Tuesday morning, after three
hours of debate, the Government force:-
orce:in the Commons turned down by a vote
of 60 to 413 the Stevens-Marcil resolutioi'
for strall:,ilt Unc"iniuu-wide• prohibition,
and adopted instead the amendment o
o R. B. Bannettof Cale:•ary. That amend
ment, moved on behalf of the Govern
ment, in effect merely repeated the
underlying principles of the Dohert}
bill, and left the whole liquor question
with the Provincial Legislatures. The
vote, while in the main dividing along
party lines, was marked by a consider
able breaking away from. party line,
Six Conservatives voted against the
Government amendment • and foot
Liberals voted for it.
The New York World, under the.
leader "Germany':, Worthless Word"
says: • Is any statement of policy or
assurance of regard for law 'emanatin
fram Berlin to be accepted as in gond
faith? Is the German Government or
any agent of the German Government
to be believed? The submarine eon,
troversy has reached a point where the
words of Germany, written and spoken.
appear to be worthless. German dis-
avowals mean nothing. German
promises are disregarded. German ex-
cuses are cynicisms. By the recent
!destruction without warring, of toe
,, . ,,, ,m,um,a„�,ln:,�„�,�,,,.,-•,..- 1 Channel packet Sussex and other
F3ME g, - 1 British, French and neutral liners,
�','::-�.�: every pledge made by Germany to the
United States has been broken. There
is no pretence that these vessels were
armed or attempted escape. Not one
of them was stopped and searched and•
passengers and crevtrnoved. Several
of them carried American eitizene,
some of whom lost their lives. Even
admitting that mines may have caused
in a Round Hole
You may be alright, but if
you are in the wrong position
you are like a square peg in a
round hole. You want a po-
sition where you fit.
This paper is read by intel-
ligent business men, and a
Want Ad. in our classified
columns will reach them.
ei rn+,u." mkt At 11 W
.ear'�'F11<C "1`. :��ya zv.,:.•era;
Buy Your Seeds Now
• All the best green. are now in stock
and we would advise early b4 Ling as
prices' are a:dv:tncing. No. 1 Reif Clover.
No. J Mammoth Red ('lover. No. 1
Alsike, No. I Alfalfa. No. I Timothy.
Alt our seeds are the Best obtainable
and are No. I Government standard.
You will find the best aro the cheapest
to sow,
NoTE We do not charge seeds, casb ; a few of these disasters, the presence
or note must accompany every sale. iof submarines in most instances is well
KING BROS. t established, and, in any case, the mines
having been sown by Germany, con.,
trary to law, the guilt is the satne.
Standing Field.
Crop Competition
Daniel O'Connor, a veteran of Indian
campaigns, and his wife were sentence
The Turnberry Agricultural Society 1 ed to the penitentiary for two and a
offers $75.110 divided as follows: $20, $15,
$12, $10. w8, $6,
. and $4 for the beat Field half Years each, for brutally beating
of White Oats: their ten -year-old daughter at Windsor
The Ontario Department of Agricul-
ture will furmsb the judges.
Nature of conmpetitiort--Field entered
for competition `hurt consist of not less
than five acres andnot note than twenty.
Competitors-t;ornnetitioe will be lim-
ited to members of the Turnberry
Agricultural Society, Competitors can
only enter in one Society and but one
entry can be made by e, eh competitors.
Any individual can make entry for this
coinp4atition by becoming a methber of• is so essential, nothing has ever equaled
the society and paying an entrance fee ! or compared with Scott's Bmulsionr bee
cause ltsteem` stamniti flourish
lie withitr 15 s �' g
All competitors must
All a � ment invigorates the blood to ciistributt4
miles of Wingham. pplieations etitrgythroughout the body while its tattle
Must be 1rt by the 1st day of May. l value sharpens the appetite and restores,
Entry forms and further particu-; health in a natural. pertna1ient Way..
lays may be had by ltppltintt to 1 I1 you are tundown, tired, nervous,
G. SMITIL i overworked or lack strength, get Scott's
See; Wingharn. Etttulsioii to -day. At any drug store,
iia +:e Su iivati-. R,i .:e, , Scott noeltil,'l"oront6, Ont.
Then yoti realize the utter weeklies§
that robs ambition, destroys appetite,
and makes work a burden,
To restore that strength awlstantinat'hat
The ,ltedt Crosti as issued the fol-.
lowing instructions with regard to
s' n lie
d 'n
'm h i $
h- a i u 1
to gkl n P
Cross sgplIces, work
1s. through.
ogt the cgunthese
will otsarve hes ,
rules, the work of the headquarter "s
voluntary stag will be censiderabty
lessened, and; delay in ,ecknowledg-
ment:of recent will be prevented.
Ali cotton Bions, unless the mate,k!ii,1
has been shrtnk b efote' making
should • be washed before shipment,
Socks and bedssgcks should not be
pinned, but should be lightly sewn
together in pairs, All articles should
be tied up in dozens or half dozens.
accgrding to size and material. J3an-
doges. should 4
be fastened by safety
h thenme'ta
A list of .contents, with
and address of the sender, should
be placed on the inside • and outside
of every parcel. A copy of this, con-
taining also a statement of the an -
proximate value of the contents,.
should be forwarded by mail to the
destination of the parcel.
Parcels should be sent "C. Q. D
addressed to. the Red Cross Society,
Toronto, and should be marked, "Red
Cross $applies," not ' `boxes" or "dry
As Almost all, railways express
ys .
companies carry Red Cross goods free
of charge,_it is better not to prepay
packages. Refunds' can be secured
more expeditiously if shipments are
sent to the Red Cross head office, mark-
ed "Collect.
A "Jag" Without Whisky artd a Weird
Nervous Disorder.
Alruhol is greatit" feared by the pow-
der people, and rightly so. But they
cannot eliminate a strange 'malady that
appears among their workmen in the
powder mills. As subterranean labor
in compressed air produces -the bends,"
work in the powder mills creates the
"powder house finer.':
A powder house is to place for an
unsteady hand or an unseeing eye. But
the "powder house jag." a freak prod-
uct tit the plants themselves, is some-
thing which no amount of diligence can
torefend. Large quantities of alcohol
are used in the making or smokeless
powder. and the air in the shops fre-
quently gets heavy . with its fumes.
Men have been known to • leave the
plants reeling and stupefied. while one
serious accident was caused because a
fume fuddled workman threw on both
the high pressure and low pressure
brakes at the same time.
A weird nervous disorder that steals
upon powder makers has been called.
"powderitis." Treading all day with
rubber sole shoes in- a shop which a
vagrant spark will change into a cra-
ter, they get keyed up to a nervous
tension that never runs down, with the
result that even when off duty they
nearly jump through their collars at
an unexpected flash of light. Although
powder, unless it is confined, does not
explode at a spark under normal con
ditions, a powder shop may be changed
into an inferno of wildfire in a few sec-
Window Masa.
It is certain that there 'were gigs,
windows In Pompeii, as the proof i -
found in its ruins. In more modern
times it Is known that windows of
some kind were ;lazed- so early as the
third century, if net before, though the
fashion was not fairly introduced untl1
it was done by Benedict Bisoop about
074. Windows of glass were used in
private houses in Italy as early as 1177.
Making It Pleasant.
Bobble (to young man who has come
—D o
to see his sister) id you want the
gerewdr-Iver, 'tl&r. Binks? Mr. Birks--
Screwdriver! What should I want with
that, Bobbie? Bobblee-Oh, I heard ma
Say yesterday she thought you had a
setew 'loose somewhere. -.London Mali
Just now you. are feelinga
`,`out ut of
sorts" --not nu rSW. quite
ex -
boosted, at tittles and eannet devote
real ''ne gy" to your work. Sleepdoea
not rest you and ygg wake •up feeling
"all- tired out," l,'orllaps rbeumatrsm
is flying through your muscles and
points, or may be your skin is disfigur-
ed' by rashes, boils' or punpi,•s. Head,
Or 1
L' r � e l+a' 14 114.6. 1 r
N9 3
t, a Vit tt iu
t !
ho-, i ,
a f,, a
vousness,, irritability ut temper and a
disordered stomach often increase
your discomfort in the spring.
The cause—winter has lett ita mark
on you, These troubles are sig fhwt
yogi blood is poor and wate, that,
your nerves aL'e exhausted, ou must
renew andenrich your hi d at once
and restore tone to your, aced nerves,
or there may be a eghiplete break -
Own, The most pow,gi'ful remedy for
these spring ailment ' in men, women
and children is . Williams' Pink
Pills f
r Pale tP Pl.
e, because e th
Pills cleanse bad/blood and strengthen..
weak nerves,
New, rich, red blood -your greatest
need in spring—is plentifully created.
by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and with
this new, pure blood in your veins you
quickly "regain health and increase
your strength, Then yoor skin; be-
comes clear, your eyes bright, your
nerves strongtand you feel better, eat
better, sleep better, and are able to
do your work. -
Begin your spring tonic' treatment
to -day for the blood and nerves with
— Pills
the 1.
Pills— h •P 1_
ms Pink l
Dr. 'Williams' P
D. !
that strengthen.
These Pills are sold by most
but do not be persuaded to take 'some
thing just the same ,' If you can't
get the genuine Pills from your deal-
ersthey will be sent you by mail, post
paid. at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams'
' Medicine Co , Brockville, Ont.
CHEERING UP three dollars for each survey.
These who have had their farms sur-
veyed and have installed part or all of
their drains may have a new plan pre-
pared free of charge if they will return
the old plan after marking in all changes
made in the original system.
On the same terms as these for sur-
veys the College will send a man to give
you a start on the installation of your
4rains if you have had no previous ex-
perience. He will show you how to set
grade stakes, grade the ditch bottom,
make the junctions of main and lateral,
lay the tile and assist you in any way
If you contemplate draining during
1916 or are planning for 1917 and need
assistance, write to the Department of
Physics, 0. A. College, Guelph, or your
District Agricultural Office, state your
difficulties and request assistance.
The best of us sometimes feel lonely
and sad,
And feel we're deserted and left to
But there's always attention sincere to
be had.
Though it may not be quite with your
wishes in line.
Companionship oft relieves ' misery's
We sneeze or we groan, and in• sor-
row agree;
So I puha,. and reflect with a sense of
That somewhere a microbe is whiting
Taough fortune be fickle and cast me
There is one who will seek me with
interest, great;
With a cordial persistence which can't
be denied,
He will teach me to share in human-
ity's state.
So there's little excuse when my spir-
its get low.
As I think of a future of sociable
I'm never fominrn'ot• neglected. I know •
That somewhere a microbe is waiting
for me.
- Washington Star.
How shall we obtain elle most satis-
factory soil moisture condition through-
out the year? The great factor in
moisture control is drainage, natural
or artificial, all require some artificial
The .problem is, "where shall we
place our drains?'.' "How deep shall we
put them?" "What size of tile shall
we use? The position of the drains de-
pends largely on the slope of the field;
the depth on the kind of soil•the size
of tile on the extent of the area drained
and the fall or grade given the tile.
If you are ,;uncertain about these
points or anticipate any difficulties the
Oatario Agricultural College will send
you a drainage surveyor who will. if
necessary, prepare a map of your farm
showing the location of your drains,
of tile totie, and the grades and depths
of the drains.
The cost to you for these services
will be travelling expenses of the sir-
veyer, and as several surveys are made
on the trip the charge is seldom over
Change of Direction.
"What became of that man who said
he was going to ben candidate?"
"lis opponent§ made him change his"
route," replied Senator sorghum. "1TA'
started by running for oaideand ended
by running foil cover°
if Want
Animas.you to "know just *bat volt
Are—jut how mean and loW item` a
innate being con get---nitt make year
neighbor angry' Ind let him tali You'
i >rlt+rllit iM th1nklfr.e# VOW
WE'VE baited ou
with the mos
ive and t
1 • es, Hats,
d Toggery
that money can buy.
We've priced everything
as reasonable as quality
Would allow.
Clothes that are exclusive,
stylish and tailored by ex-
perts. Hats from Hatters
with a national reputation
for making the best. Shirts,
Neckwear. Hosiery that is
right and the best.
We invite your inspection.
Frank McLean
Successor to W. A. Campbell
tAOti4+i►9A1r0' �N o1N1ti N� 1r
tines to the Ladies of Wing-
,: ham and vicinity that the Spring
Stock of MillineryJ is now complete
the staff at Work, • and everything
in readiness to give the most care-
ful attention and service to the
requirements uirements of her patrons.
r�re1••�r .,
No Formal.
A. M. KNOX j
2 in ham !f,
1 1,,.,.1.1�•�'
rtt � .
�� 9hone 6S
SVe will allow,full value for a
limited amount up to One'I'hous-
And Dollars worth of Western,
Canada Town Lots, in exchange
with a slight difference cash or
terms for fully improves{ inside
properties in the cities of Lon-
don or Guelph including sewer,
water, electric lights, gas, cem-
ent winks, street cars past prop-
erties and in well built up factory
districts or select residential.
These properties turn quick and
are right tit borne.
For t particulars write to
447 Woolwich St. Guelph
Town Hall, Wingham
PHONES: -Office 24 Residence 168
Deleware, Lackawairta
d e to a
an r
_ W s
Scranton Coal
We can supply the very
best Coal for any purpose
Highest cash p
for all kinds of logs. Get
full information at office.
Residence 55, Office 64a, Mill 64b
Some Specials to
Clean up in t e
Next Two eeks
e figliTEIMMISarknintEllie===1011
One Mah's Coon Coat, regular 875 for -
1111 One Man's 1rrailan Lamb Coat, regular 830 for $15- $50
One Man's Calf Skin Coat, regular $30 for 815 -
One Man's Black Dog Coat, regular $25 for $17
One Man's Alaska Beaver Coat, reg 830 for 815
One Man's Vol- Collared Coat, reg 817 for 812
These are snaps worthy of your best consideration and
inspection. Come early if interested. They will be
picked up quickly.
Just received our spring stock of Clothing in alt the newest
styles and coloring. Before buying your Spring Suit give us a call.
Prices from $10 to $22.
Specials in Men's Blue Suits
Having' bought heavy in Men's Blue Snits before the pi ices ad-
vancede and are in a position to give you a snap in a blue suit.
Prices from $0 to $20.
Men's Hats and Caps
Now is your chance to get the very latest in ,a Soft Felt,
Christie, or Caps at a very reasonable price.
Men's Ties
The ve't,y latest in Cravats at 50c,
Spring Dress Goods
We can show you a large assortment of Spring Goods in
Crepes, Voiles, Piques, Mice Cloths,'Etc,
Wash Silks
We have a very pretty range -hi these in the very latest l>at-
terns, and at prices to suit everybody's pocket.
The best' of qualities in Prints. Price 7c to Do yard..
Successor to T. A. Mills
PfO,iriE 89.